Waukesha County v. J.W.J. , 375 Wis. 2d 542 ( 2017 )

    2017 WI 57
    CASE NO.:              2016AP46-FT
    COMPLETE TITLE:        In the matter of the mental commitment of J.W.J:
    Waukesha County,
    Reported at 
    370 Wis. 2d 262
    881 N.W.2d 359
                                          (2016 – Unpublished)
    OPINION FILED:         June 8, 2017
    ORAL ARGUMENT:         January 17, 2017
    COURT:              Circuit
    COUNTY:             Waukesha
    JUDGE:              William Domina
    SEPARATE WRITING:   ABRAHAMSON, J. writes separately, joined by A.W.
    For the respondent-appellant-petitioner, there were briefs
    filed by and an oral argument by Kaitlin A. Lamb, assistant
    state public defender.
    For the petitioner-respondent, there was a brief filed by
    and oral argument by Robert J. Mueller, corporation counsel.
    2017 WI 57
    This opinion is subject
    to further editing and
    modification.   The final
    version will appear in
    the bound volume of the
    official reports.
    No. 2016AP46-FT
    (L.C.    2009ME1158)
    STATE OF WISCONSIN                       :         IN SUPREME COURT
    In the matter of the mental commitment of
    Waukesha County,                                           FILED
    JUN 8, 2017
    v.                                                   Diane M. Fremgen
    Clerk of Supreme Court
    REVIEW of a decision of the Court of Appeals.        Affirmed.
    ¶1    DANIEL KELLY, J.      The petitioner, J.W.J., is an adult
    suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.        He is currently subject
    to an involuntary commitment order and an order requiring him to
    undergo   treatment    and   take   medication   prescribed      for    his
    condition.   Waukesha County seeks to extend those orders for an
    No.     2016AP46-FT
    additional year; Mr. J. says further involuntary commitment and
    treatment    will    not   rehabilitate     him,   so   he   is    not    a    proper
    subject     for     treatment     within    the    meaning    of        Wis.   Stat.
    § 51.20(1) (2015–16).1          We review the unpublished decision of the
    court of appeals2 affirming the Waukesha County circuit court's
    extension of those orders.3
    ¶2     Mr. J. is a 55-year-old man who has suffered from
    mental health or substance abuse issues for most of his life.
    He has been subject to commitment orders almost continuously
    from 1990 to 2008, at which time he started an 18-month prison
    term.     Upon release in 2009 he was adjudged so psychotic and
    threatening to others that he was immediately subjected to a new
    set of commitment orders that have been in place since then.
    ¶3     On June 16, 2015, Waukesha County filed a petition to
    extend Mr. J.'s involuntary commitment and treatment orders.                       At
    the time of the petition, Mr. J. was attending his appointments,
    receiving medication, and living independently in the community.
    The County's current petition represents the sixth extension of
    Mr. J.'s commitment and treatment orders.
    All subsequent references to the Wisconsin Statutes are to
    the 2015-16 version unless otherwise indicated.
    In re Mental Commitment of J.W.J., No.                             2016AP46,
    unpublished slip op., (Wis. Ct. App. May 4, 2016).
    The Honorable William Domina presiding.
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    ¶4   Mr.    J.'s   medical   records   provide   a   sense      of   his
    longstanding,   continual   struggles   from   his   youth     up   through
    Mr. J[4] has a lengthy history of drug and alcohol
    abuse.   Marijuana, LSD and barbiturates abuse started
    at the age of 15 if not earlier. In 1979, at the age
    of 17, he experienced an LSD overdose which required
    treatment at the . . . Child and Adolescent Center.
    He was diagnosed with Drug Induced Schizophrenia.
    [I]n-patient   treatment   periods  extend   from   1980
    through 2014 . . . ; approximately 12 psychiatric
    admissions    to    the    [Mental   Health     Center].
    Additionally,       psychiatric       treatment       at
    the . . . Resource Center during his incarceration.
    Mr. J. has a history of criminal behaviors over the
    years including car theft, robberies, two DWI, burning
    down a field as well as a 2008 conviction for selling
    marijuana out of a [store] . . . he ran in [a certain
    municipality].   His prison sentence was 18 months.
    During this period of time he became quite upset and
    wrote a threatening letter to his mother as well as
    [a] sexually explicit letter to the female warden.
    Mr. J was committed in 2009 . . . [and] has been under
    commitment almost consistently since 1990.
    Over the course of mental health treatment Mr. J. has
    shown a significant lack of insight into his mental
    illness and a lengthy history of not cooperating with
    taking   psychiatric  medications.     Many   of  his
    hospitalizations occurred after a period of refusing
    medications with the expected results that Mr. J.
    became increasingly more paranoid, rambling/pressured
    speech, sleep problems, often times experiencing
    command-type auditory hallucinations to kill himself
    or others along with depression and/or agitated
    As submitted to the court, the medical records redact all
    but the first letter of Mr. J.'s last name, a convention we
    follow without noting every instance in which we engage in such
    No.   2016AP46-FT
    behaviors.     Significant alcohol usage has    also
    continued over the years. Mr. J. continues to insist
    that it is the psychotropic medications which causes
    all of his mental health symptoms.
    The   last   hospitalization . . . 3/1/14   to   3/27/14
    occurred   after   he  was   taken  by   the   Sheriff's
    Department to get his IM [intramuscular] injection
    which he had previously refused to get.      Mr. J. was
    noted by the attending MD to be rambling and bizarre.
    Patient complained of "the beast" throwing glass
    around his apartment. He wanted the police to get him
    a tank and bombs so that he could kill the beast. He
    was then admitted to the [Mental Health Center].5
    ¶5     The Recommitment Report filed along with the County's
    petition to extend Mr. J.'s commitment described Mr. J.'s status
    in 2015:6
    Mr. J. is making his appointments and is receiving his
    IM medication.    He has been [sic] maintained his
    current housing and remains [in] the community. There
    [have] been no inpatient hospitalizations this past
    year.    Mr. J. is experiencing a number of medical
    problems    which  may   be    due   to  his    current
    medication. . . .      His   diagnoses  are    Axis   I
    Schizophrenia, Alcohol Use Disorder and History of
    Cannabis Use Disorder.    He continues to state he is
    allergic to all psychotropic medication.     He at the
    last shot appointment said the medication makes him
    This material comes from a Report of Examination (dated
    July 1, 2015) prepared by Dr. Richard J. Koch. Doctor Koch is a
    licensed psychologist and has seen Mr. J. on five occasions
    between 1990 and 2004.   He also performed an assessment of Mr.
    J.'s condition in 2014, although he had to rely on medical
    records and other generally available information because Mr. J.
    refused a personal examination. Dr. Koch submitted this Report
    in support of the County's petition to extend Mr. J.'s
    involuntary commitment.
    This report was submitted by Mr. Robert C. Walker, LCSW,
    on behalf of the Waukesha County Community Human Services
    No.      2016AP46-FT
    feel like he is being murdered every night. Given the
    medication changes being made and Mr. J's lack of
    insight into his illness [the advanced practice nurse
    prescriber] is requesting an extension of the current
    ¶6        Doctor Koch tried to personally examine Mr. J. in 2015
    in   connection         with     his    involuntary     commitment        but      could    not
    because Mr. J. would not allow it:                           "Mr. J. contacted this
    examiner by telephone and he quickly stated that he would not
    cooperate        in     a    personal    interview      and    he    would        not   answer
    questions over the telephone.                       Mr. J. disconnected the call
    prior      to    this       examiner    being    able   to    read    him      his    rights."
    Consequently, Dr. Koch based the Report on Mr. J.'s existing
    medical records and other information he was able to assemble
    without a personal examination.
    ¶7        Dr. Koch's evaluation resulted in this assessment:
    This past treatment year Mr. J. has not been
    hospitalized.   He has maintained his current housing
    and remains in the community.       Mr. J. has been
    compliant with psychotropic medications but he has
    stated that he is "allergic" to all psychotropic
    medications.   He continues to show lack of insight
    into his illness.
    Dr. Koch checked the boxes in the Report that indicate it was
    his opinion, to a reasonable degree of professional certainty,
    that       Mr.   J.   is     mentally    ill,7      dangerous,8      is   an      appropriate
    The form defines "mentally ill" as "a substantial disorder
    of thought, mood, perception, orientation or memory which
    grossly impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize
    reality, or the ability to meet the ordinary demands of life."
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    subject       for           outpatient        treatment,              and        that     psychotropic
    medication would be therapeutically valuable to him.                                               Dr. Koch
    also wrote that Mr. J.'s mental illness makes him "substantially
    incapable         of        applying     an        understanding            of     the        advantages,
    disadvantages           and     alternatives             in    order        to    make    an       informed
    choice       as        to     whether     to        accept           or     refuse        psychotropic
    medication."                Dr. Koch concluded that "[t]here is nothing in
    [Mr. J.'s] record to suggest there has been any significant
    change in his status.                   He continues to be a patient who has a
    history of improved behaviors when appropriately medicated and
    deterioration in the ability to function in the community when
    not appropriately medicated."
    ¶8     At the hearing on the County's petition to extend Mr.
    J.'s       commitment,          Dr.    Koch         testified          consistently            with       his
    report.           In    particular,           he    said        Mr.       J.'s    schizophrenia           is
    treatable          "to         the       extent               that        when          treated        with
    medications . . . his behavior is improved and he can survive in
    the community."                He explained that this treatment lessens the
    disordering of Mr. J.'s thought, mood, and perception.
    ¶9     Dr. Koch also explained why he believes Mr. J. is
    dangerous.             He     testified       that       Mr.     J.'s       "history          is    one   of
    inconsistent utilization of psychotropic medications.                                          When he's
    Dr. Koch checked the box on the form that expresses his
    belief that Mr. J. is dangerous because "[t]here is a
    substantial likelihood, based on this individual's treatment
    record, that this individual would be a proper subject for
    commitment if treatment were withdrawn."
    No.     2016AP46-FT
    not    appropriately    medicated,     he     becomes      increasingly       more
    agitated, paranoid, grandiose at times, and he started having
    hallucinations, demand hallucinations to either harm himself or
    others."      However, "[w]hen he's taking medications, while some
    of    those   experiences   and   symptoms     may   still     be    present,   he
    doesn't act on them."
    ¶10    Doctor Koch said he does not believe Mr. J. would take
    his medications absent a court order to do so:                  "[T]he current
    evidence from the extension report as well as my prior history
    with him and his behaviors indicates that when not ordered to
    take    psychotropic   medications     that    he    doesn't    do     it."     And
    without his medications, Dr. Koch said, Mr. J. would require
    confinement for inpatient care.
    ¶11    When the hearing concluded, the circuit court granted
    the County's petition.        It found that Mr. J. continues to suffer
    from a mental illness (in the form of paranoid schizophrenia),
    he is a proper subject for treatment and benefits from it, he
    can function in the community in large part because of this
    treatment, and he satisfies the definition of "dangerousness"
    because if treatment were to cease, he would be a proper subject
    for    commitment.      The    court   extended      Mr.      J.'s    involuntary
    commitment order for 12 months.            It also extended the medication
    and    treatment   order,   which   requires     Mr.    J.,    inter    alia,   to
    attend his appointments, take his medications as prescribed, not
    engage in any acts or attempts or threats to harm himself or
    others, and not take any non-prescription controlled substances
    or alcoholic beverages.
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    ¶12     The court of appeals, in a concise opinion, affirmed
    the circuit court in all respects.                   The court of appeals applied
    the analytical framework we described in Fond du Lac County v.
    Helen E.F., 
    2012 WI 50
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    814 N.W.2d 179
    , and
    found that because Mr. J. has rehabilitative potential, he was a
    "proper subject of treatment."
    ¶13     We granted Mr. J's petition for review and now affirm.
    ¶14     This case requires us to interpret provisions of Wis.
    Stat.    ch.    51.        While      our    review     of     questions          of    law    is
    independent from the circuit court and court of appeals, we
    benefit from their analyses.                 State v. Steffes, 
    2013 WI 53
    , ¶15,
    347 Wis. 2d 683
    832 N.W.2d 101
    ¶15     We must also review whether the County has met its
    burden of proof to support extension of Mr. J.'s commitment.
    This presents a mixed question of law and fact.                               We uphold a
    circuit      court's      findings      of    fact     unless        they     are       clearly
    erroneous.           K.N.K.      v.   Buhler,        
    139 Wis. 2d 190
    ,          198,        
    407 N.W.2d 281
         (Ct.      App.   1987).        Whether       the    facts     satisfy         the
    statutory standard is a question of law that we review de novo.
    ¶16     Mr.   J.    wishes     to     live    his     life    free     of       Waukesha
    County's commitment and medication orders because he believes
    they have brought him as much rehabilitation as they are capable
    of    bringing.        Waukesha       County,       however,       says   that         Mr.    J.'s
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    condition will deteriorate if the orders lapse, making him a
    danger to himself and those around him.
    ¶17     There is, of course, an inherent tension between the
    public's interest in involuntarily treating an individual and
    that individual's liberty interest.9                On the treatment side, the
    people of Wisconsin have recognized the challenges that mental
    illness,     developmental        disabilities,         and     substance        abuse
    present——both to the public and the individuals suffering from
    such disorders.        So "[i]t is the policy of the state to assure
    the provision of a full range of treatment and rehabilitation
    services . . . for        all     mental        disorders     and     developmental
    disabilities and for mental illness, alcoholism and other drug
    abuse."     Wis. Stat. § 51.001(1).
    ¶18     However, not all who could benefit from such services
    will partake of them.           And of those who will not, there will be
    a subset whose condition will make them dangerous——either to
    themselves, or to others.              To ward against the danger their
    condition     presents,     our       statutes      provide     for       involuntary
    commitment     when:        "1.       The       individual    is    mentally      ill
    or . . . drug    dependent       or   developmentally         disabled     and   is   a
    See, e.g., Addington v. Texas, 
    441 U.S. 418
    , 425 (1979) (A
    "civil commitment for any purpose constitutes a significant
    deprivation of liberty that requires due process protection.");
    In re Melanie L., 
    2013 WI 67
    , ¶43, 
    349 Wis. 2d 148
    forcible injection of medication into a nonconsenting person's
    body represents a substantial interference with that person's
    liberty." (Quoting Washington v. Harper, 
    494 U.S. 210
    , 229
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    proper      subject     for       treatment[;         and]        2.   The      individual        is
    dangerous . . . ."           Wis. Stat. § 51.20(1).
    ¶19    Because         of      the     liberty         interests            affected        by
    involuntary        commitment,             public       policy         favors         outpatient
    treatment whenever possible:                 "To protect personal liberties, no
    person who can be treated adequately outside of a hospital,
    institution       or   other      inpatient          facility       may    be    involuntarily
    treated in such a facility."                    Wis. Stat. § 51.001(2).                     Indeed,
    the court must use the least restrictive means of delivering
    effective     treatment:             "There      shall       be    a   unified         system     of
    prevention of such conditions and provision of services which
    will assure all people in need of care access to the least
    restrictive          treatment          alternative           appropriate             to      their
    needs . . . ."           § 51.001(1).                  Further         circumscribing            the
    imposition on an individual's liberty, the initial commitment
    order may not exceed six months.                        Wis. Stat. § 51.20(13)(g)1.
    And   the    order     may     not      issue    at    all        unless     the      county     can
    establish      the     required         elements       with        clear     and       convincing
    evidence.     § 51.20(13)(e).
    ¶20    Upon each petition to extend a term of commitment, a
    county must establish the same elements with the same quantum of
    proof.       Helen     E.F.,      
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    ,         ¶20.         However,         it   may
    satisfy     the   "dangerousness"            prong      by    showing        "a       substantial
    likelihood, based on the subject individual's treatment record,
    that the individual would be a proper subject for commitment if
    treatment were withdrawn."                 Wis. Stat. § 51.20(1)(am).                      An order
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    extending     involuntary        commitment    may        not    exceed     one     year.
    § 51.20(g)1.
    A.      Mr. J.'s challenge
    ¶21    Mr.    J.'s     challenge    is    a    narrow       one——he     does     not
    dispute his mental illness or his dangerousness, only that he is
    a "proper subject of treatment" within the meaning of Wis. Stat.
    § 51.20(1).10         "Treatment,"        in       this     context,        carries    a
    specialized       meaning.          It   comprises        "those      psychological,
    educational,      social,    chemical,     medical        or     somatic    techniques
    designed    to    bring     about    rehabilitation         of    a   mentally      ill,
    alcoholic, drug dependent or developmentally disabled person."
    Wis. Stat. § 51.01(17) (emphasis added).
    ¶22    And so we arrive at the heart of Mr. J.'s argument——he
    does not believe he can be rehabilitated.                         If he cannot be
    rehabilitated, he cannot be a proper subject of treatment or an
    involuntary commitment order.             Our focus, therefore, is on the
    meaning of "rehabilitation."
    ¶23    As Mr. J. acknowledges, this is not the first time we
    have had to address this statutorily-undefined term.                          In Helen
    E.F. we separated treatments into two camps:                       Those that bring
    Mr. J. questions only whether he is a "proper subject for
    treatment." Because he does not argue he is not mentally ill or
    dangerous within the meaning of Wis. Stat. § 51.20(1), we
    understand he has conceded those issues.       See Racine Steel
    Casings, Div. of Evans Products Co. v. Hardy, 
    144 Wis. 2d 553
    557 n.1, 
    426 N.W.2d 33
    (1988) (stating that where an issue "was
    neither briefed nor argued before the court in oral argument, we
    do not address this issue").
    No.   2016AP46-FT
    about rehabilitation, and those that do not.                        We said we could
    recognize the former by their ability to control the disorder in
    If treatment will maximize the individual functioning
    and maintenance of the subject, but not help in
    controlling or improving their disorder, then the
    subject   individual   does  not   have   rehabilitative
    potential, and is not a proper subject for treatment.
    However, if treatment will go beyond controlling
    activity and will go to controlling the disorder and
    its   symptoms,   then   the  subject   individual   has
    rehabilitative potential, and is a proper subject for
    Helen E.F., 
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    ,     ¶36 (citing         C.J. v. State, 
    120 Wis. 2d 355
    ,      362,    
    354 N.W.2d 219
          (Ct.   App.     1984)   (internal
    alterations, quotations, and citations omitted)).
    ¶24     Mr.     J.      asserts       that         this        understanding     of
    "rehabilitation" cannot properly account for some of the unique
    characteristics of paranoid schizophrenia, which deficiency can
    lead to an inaccurate conclusion that the individual is a proper
    subject of treatment. Specifically, he assigns four weaknesses
    to our framework:
    1. When evaluating a patient with paranoid schizophrenia, it
    is difficult to decide whether a treatment is controlling
    "behaviors" as opposed to "symptoms."
    2. Our analysis does not say which, or how many, symptoms
    the treatment must be able to control before we deem the
    patient to have rehabilitative potential.
    3. Picking      up     on   a    concern     discussed     by     the    concurring
    opinion      in     Helen      E.F.,    Mr.    J.    says    our   analysis   is
    No.     2016AP46-FT
    sufficiently imprecise that a physician's word choice (as
    opposed to the patient's actual condition) could be the
    deciding      factor      in    concluding         a   person    is     a    proper
    subject for treatment.
    4. Again referring to a concern raised in the Helen E.F.
    concurring opinion, Mr. J. worries we might determine
    rehabilitative            potential           based      on      the        general
    characteristics of a class of disorder, as opposed to
    focusing on the symptoms and condition of the individual
    patient who is the subject of the involuntary commitment
    ¶25    Based on these perceived deficiencies, Mr. J. asks us
    to   modify       our       Helen        E.F.        framework     for     understanding
    "rehabilitation" as follows:
    If treatment will maximize the individual functioning
    and maintenance of the subject, but not help in
    controlling or improving their disorder, then the
    subject   individual  does   not have  rehabilitative
    potential, and is not a proper subject for treatment.
    However, if treatment will go beyond controlling
    activity and will go to controlling improving the his
    or her disorder and its symptoms, then the subject
    individual has rehabilitative potential, and is a
    proper subject for treatment.11
    ¶26    We revisit Helen E.F. to determine whether its logic
    is   supple      enough      to     accurately          evaluate        whether       someone
    suffering       from    a   condition           like    paranoid    schizophrenia          is
    capable    of    rehabilitation           within       the   meaning      of    Wis.    Stat.
    Strikethroughs represent Mr. J.'s proposed deletions,
    while underlined material represents proposed additions.
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    § 51.20(1).         In doing so, we will consider each of Mr. J.'s
    concerns in turn.
    A.        "Behaviors" versus "Symptoms"
    ¶27    Mr.     J.'s         first        argument      that       Helen       E.F.       cannot
    appropriately          distinguish         between         rehabilitative                and     non-
    rehabilitative            treatments            relies           on      some           rhetorical
    prestidigitation.              In    Helen       E.F.,      we    juxtaposed            treatments
    affecting nothing more than an individual's "activities" with
    those   that    affect       "symptoms."             We    said       only    the       latter   are
    rehabilitative.         Mr. J. responds that "activities" are really no
    different from "behaviors," and so one may just as readily ask
    whether     there    is     any     difference        between         treatments         affecting
    "behaviors" and those affecting "symptoms."                             If there isn't, he
    says, then Helen E.F.'s explanatory power is an illusion.
    ¶28    To turn "activity" (the word we used in Helen E.F.)
    into his preferred term, "behavior," he notes that the American
    Psychiatric Association says "[s]chizophrenia is characterized
    by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior,
    and     other      symptoms         that        cause       social           or     occupational
    dysfunction."           Referring         to    an   online       dictionary,            he    finds
    "behavior" defined as an "observable                         activity         in a human or
    animal."        From      this       he    concludes         that,       if        schizophrenia
    manifests (at least in part) as a behavior, and a behavior is an
    activity,       then      he      may     safely          substitute          "behavior"         for
    "activity"      in     the      Helen      E.F.      framework.               The       transitive
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    principle, however, functions much more neatly in mathematics
    than it does in semantics.
    ¶29    Mr. J. certainly has reason to attempt this dictional
    substitution.         Doctor     Koch     frequently        referred     to   Mr.    J.'s
    behavior when describing the effectiveness of the treatment he
    was    receiving      under    the     involuntary        commitment      order.       By
    melding behaviors and activities, Mr. J. can then challenge us
    to describe how a behavior might differ from a symptom.
    ¶30    Assuming we would be unable to rise to this challenge,
    Mr. J. proposes we eliminate any reference to activities or
    symptoms from the assessment of rehabilitative potential.                              He
    invites us, instead, to inquire only into whether the treatment
    would       improve   his     disorder.         By    the    phrase     "improve      his
    disorder," we take Mr. J. to mean that treatment would need to
    continually improve his condition until he experiences either a
    cure    or    a   plateau     beyond    which        no   further      improvement     is
    possible.12       We decline this invitation.
    ¶31    Furthermore, we decline Mr. J.'s challenge to find a
    distinction       between      "behaviors"      and       "symptoms"     because      its
    premise is invalid.           The proper disjunctive categories in Helen
    E.F.    are    "activities"      and    "symptoms,"         and   we   can    tell   them
    We also understand Mr. J.'s position to be that if he
    reaches a plateau beyond which no further improvement is
    possible, he may no longer be subjected to involuntary
    commitment. This makes sense when withdrawal of treatment would
    not inevitably result in the deterioration of his condition.
    However, as we discuss in part IV.E., this is not Mr. J.'s
    No.     2016AP46-FT
    apart.    When we developed the framework for determining whether
    someone has rehabilitative potential we leaned heavily on C.J.
    The court of appeals in that case juxtaposed "habilitation" and
    "rehabilitation."         The     former       relates     to     the     control     of
    [H]abilitation is more closely related to daily living
    needs and skills than to treatment of a particular
    disorder.    A practical definition of habilitation
    would include eating, dressing, hygiene, minimum
    social skills and such other things that facilitate
    personal maintenance and functioning. Habilitation is
    a concept frequently associated with the long-term
    care of the developmentally disabled.    It is possible
    that controlling a person's activities by restricting
    his or her freedom and putting him or her on a
    carefully   defined   regimen would   be   part  of   a
    habilitation program.
    C.J., 120 Wis. 2d at 359
    ¶32    Rehabilitation,        on    the     other      hand,    addresses        the
    control   of    symptoms.        It    comprises     "treatment         going   beyond
    custodial care to affect the disease and symptoms . . . ."                           
    Id. at 360.
       But rehabilitation is not synonymous with cure.                           
    Id. And it
    "has a broader meaning than returning an individual to a
    previous level of function."             
    Id. Thus, "[a]n
    individual with
    an incurable physical or mental illness or disability may still
    be considered capable of rehabilitation and able to benefit from
    treatment in the sense that symptoms can be controlled and the
    ability to manage the illness ameliorated."                 
    Id. ¶33 To
      the    extent    we    need    to   find    a   lexical      home    for
    "behavior,"     we    conclude    it    most    comfortably        resides      in   the
    No.     2016AP46-FT
    "symptom" side of our analytical dichotomy.13                            The C.J. court
    described "behaviors" as the immediate consequences of C.J.'s
    symptoms.          The psychiatrist said "the primary symptom" of C.J.'s
    paranoid schizophrenia "is recurrent delusions."                               
    Id. at 357.
    He then observed that these delusions "impair his judgment and
    Id. Impaired behavior
    was the direct consequence of
    C.J.'s       primary          symptom.        When    we     addressed        Helen    E.F.'s
    condition,             "behavior"     carried       the     same    significance.          She
    suffered          from       Alzheimer's     Disease,        the     symptoms     of    which
    included "progressive dementia, memory loss, the inability to
    learn new information, and limited verbal communication."                               Helen
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    ,        ¶3.      Her       resulting    behavior       included
    agitation and aggression.                 
    Id., ¶4. ¶34
           By     contrast,       "activities"        (which     the     C.J.     court
    equated to those things addressed by habilitation) relate to
    functional         capabilities          such   as    "eating,        dressing,       hygiene,
    minimum       social         skills   and    such    other    things     that    facilitate
    personal maintenance and functioning."                             
    C.J., 120 Wis. 2d at 360
    .        In Helen E.F. we found that Helen's treatment could not
    A "symptom" is "any morbid phenomenon or departure from
    the normal in structure, function, or sensation, experienced by
    the patient and indicative of disease."      Symptom, Stedman's
    Medical Dictionary (28th ed. 2006).
    No.   2016AP46-FT
    reach her primary symptoms.14               Instead, it could "maximize [only]
    her functioning and maintenance."                 Helen E.F., 
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    ¶37 (internal marks omitted).                 The court of appeals maintained
    the   same    distinction          in    Milwaukee   County    Combined     Community
    Services Board v. Athans, describing habilitation (control of
    activities) as treatment "which assist[s] an impaired person's
    ability      to    live       in   the    community,"   whereas       rehabilitation
    (control          of        symptoms)      "ameliorate[s]          impairments     and
    facilitate[s]          an    individual's     capability      to   function."      
    107 Wis. 2d 331
    , 336, 
    320 N.W.2d 30
    (Ct. App. 1982) (quoting U.S.
    Dep't of Health, Ed. and Welfare, Health Planning Taxonomy 4
    We did observe, however, that medication could ameliorate
    Helen E.F.'s anxiety and aggression. Fond du Lac Cty. v. Helen
    2012 WI 50
    , ¶38, 
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    814 N.W.2d 179
    .      But
    these behaviors were incidental to the analysis because
    controlling them had no effect on her dementia, memory loss, or
    any of her other primary symptoms.      Thus, controlling these
    incidental   behaviors   could  not   establish  a   basis   for
    rehabilitative potential.
    Athans' reference to an individual's "capability to
    function," at first take, appears to blur the distinction
    between rehabilitative and habilitative treatments. In context,
    however, the line holds.   Resorting to a Department of Health,
    Education and Welfare document that has nothing to do with our
    statutory structure was perhaps not the most helpful source of
    authority.    But the Athans court was juxtaposing the same
    concepts we are distinguishing here. So the quote could best be
    understood as recognizing that the amelioration of impairments
    (symptoms) will have the effect of improving the patient's
    capability to function (his activities).    The key is that the
    rehabilitative treatment addresses itself to the symptom, not
    the activities.
    No.     2016AP46-FT
    ¶35    Ultimately,              the      distinction              we     draw        between
    rehabilitation and habilitation depends on whether the focus of
    the    treatment         is      endogenous      to        the    patient       (symptoms)       or
    exogenous     (activities).              A    symptom        is     an    expression        of   the
    disorder at work within the patient.                             It is the symptom itself
    that is harmful, and because it manifests from within, it is
    endogenous.         On the other hand, an inability to engage in a
    specific activity, such as feeding oneself, grooming, dressing,
    etc., focuses on the manipulation of something exogenous to the
    patient——food,           clothes,       washing       implements,         and    so     on.      The
    patient      suffers       harm       because     he       cannot    turn       those    external
    things to his benefit.
    ¶36    Habilitation, therefore, refers to interventions that
    help a patient put exogenous things to his benefit (that is,
    activities).              Rehabilitation,             to    the     contrary,          refers    to
    improving          the        patient's         condition           through       ameliorating
    endogenous factors such as symptoms and behaviors.                                    That is why
    we    said    in    Helen        E.F.    that     "if       treatment         will     go     beyond
    controlling activity and will go to controlling the disorder and
    its   symptoms,          then    the    subject        individual         has   rehabilitative
    potential,         and     is     a    proper     subject         for     treatment."            
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    ,         ¶36        (internal       alterations,         quoted       source,        and
    quotation marks omitted).                    Because we are able to distinguish
    between activities and symptoms, this part of Mr. J.'s argument
    does not disclose a need to modify the Helen E.F. analytical
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    B.      How Many Symptoms Must a Treatment Control?
    ¶37     Mr.       J.    also    says       we       should    modify       the    Helen      E.F.
    framework because we were not especially precise in determining
    which symptoms a treatment must be able to control before we
    conclude a patient has rehabilitative potential.                                    Specifically,
    he notes we provided no qualifier for the term "symptoms" in the
    test we adopted, did not say whether the controlled symptoms had
    to be the most obvious or disabling ones, and did not quantify
    the    number       of    symptoms         a     treatment        must      control.           When   we
    referred       to        Helen      E.F.'s           condition,        we        said    "there       is
    uncontroverted            evidence             that        Helen's     underlying          disorder,
    Alzheimer's         Disease,          as    well       as     the     vast       majority      of     its
    symptoms, do not respond to treatment techniques . . . ."                                           
    Id., ¶38 (emphasis
            added).           Mr.    J.       concludes     from      this     that      our
    framework requires the treatment to leave less than the "vast
    majority of [the disorder's] symptoms" unimproved, but how much
    less is an open question.
    ¶38     This       is    a   fair       observation.            We    provided          no   such
    measure,       however,         because          none       was     necessary.           The    expert
    testimony in Helen E.F. demonstrated that Alzheimer's Disease
    "is incurable and untreatable; the only available medical remedy
    is maintenance——not treatment——of the disease as it progresses."
    Id., ¶37. We
          concluded         that       "medical      techniques         can     only
    maximize       the       functioning           and     maintenance          of    an     individual"
    suffering from this disorder.                              
    Id. (internal alterations
    quotations omitted).                So treatment would reach only habilitative
    matters.          The only symptoms/behaviors we were told could be
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    affected by medical treatment were her anxiety and aggression.
    These,      however,     were    secondary     to     her   primary       symptoms:
    progressive dementia, memory loss, the inability to learn new
    information,       and    limited     verbal        communication.          Medical
    treatment could not reach any of these.                All treatment could do
    was palliate some of the minor aspects of her condition.                         So it
    was apparent she did not have rehabilitative potential.
    ¶39    There may come a day when we need to quantify and
    qualify the symptoms a treatment must reach before concluding a
    patient has rehabilitative potential.               But this is not that day.
    ¶40    The    uncontroverted      facts       show    that    Mr.     J.     has
    rehabilitative potential.            Doctor Koch said Mr. J.'s paranoid
    schizophrenia was a "substantial disorder of his thought, mood,
    and     perception"      that    "grossly    impair[s]      his     judgment       and
    behavior."         Mr.   J.     expresses    these     disorders     by    becoming
    "agitated,      paranoid,        grandiose     at     times,"      with     "demand
    hallucinations to either harm himself or others."                   The treatment
    he receives lessens the disordering of his thought, mood, and
    perception.        And while some of these experiences and symptoms
    may still be present while under treatment, he does not act on
    them.    In fact, his treatment is so effective at controlling his
    symptoms that he can live in society while taking his treatment
    as an outpatient.        Doctor Koch said that, without treatment, Mr.
    J.'s condition would inevitably decline to the point he would
    have to be confined so he could receive inpatient treatment.
    ¶41    The policy of this State is to provide treatment in
    "the least restrictive alternative appropriate to" a patient's
    No.     2016AP46-FT
    needs.         Wis.    Stat.       § 51.001(1).          If     a    treatment        controls
    symptoms to such a degree that withdrawing it would subject the
    patient to a more restrictive treatment alternative, then the
    treatment controls enough symptoms to establish the patient has
    rehabilitative potential.                  The court of appeals said in C.J.
    that rehabilitation "has a broader meaning than returning an
    individual to a previous level of 
    function," 120 Wis. 2d at 360
    so    simple    logic       requires    that       it   means       at    least     that.      If
    treatment is withdrawn, Mr. J.'s symptoms will worsen to the
    point that a more restrictive level of care would be necessary
    (confinement          for        inpatient     treatment);               reintroduction        of
    treatment would return him to the previous level (treatment as
    an outpatient).         It is enough that treatment can accomplish this
    to demonstrate the patient has rehabilitative potential.                                    Thus,
    to resolve this case, there is no need to identify the number or
    significance of the symptoms the treatment controls.
    C.     Dispositive Word Choices
    ¶42     Mr. J. is also concerned that our Helen E.F. framework
    may lead to outcomes that turn not on medical prognosis, but on
    the    words    a     physician      may     choose     to    describe        his    patient's
    condition and prospects.               The concurring opinion in Helen E.F.
    described that very risk:
    The individuals in the two cases [C.J. and Athans]
    suffered from the same condition——chronic paranoid
    schizophrenia——yet the two courts reached opposite
    results on the possibility of "rehabilitation."   The
    results appear driven by the words chosen by expert
    medical   witnesses  describing   the  impact various
    medications would have on the individual.
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    Helen E.F., 
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    , ¶51 (Abrahamson, J., concurring).
    ¶43     This is certainly a legitimate concern.                  But it arises
    not    from        the   need   to     distinguish        between      symptoms      and
    activities, but from the need to make distinctions based on
    expert medical testimony at all.                 If we adopt Mr. J.'s revision
    to our framework, we would not cease making such distinctions.
    We would simply shift to distinguishing between treatments that
    improve a patient's disorder and those that do not.                              Expert
    medical testimony, of course, would guide us in that task.                            So
    if we are currently at risk of deciding wrongly because of the
    vagaries      of    an   expert's     choice     of    words,   Mr.    J.'s    proposed
    change will do nothing to protect us.                    It would just give us an
    opportunity to err in making a different distinction.
    D.     Group versus Individualized Determinations
    ¶44     Finally, Mr. J. believes we need to emphasize that the
    Helen E.F. framework inquires into whether the specific patient
    at issue has rehabilitative potential.                   That is to say, he wants
    to ensure we are not developing a taxonomy of ailments, one
    branch of which comprises conditions that have rehabilitative
    potential, while the other branch contains those that do not.
    He    again    finds     expression    of   his       concern   in    the    Helen   E.F.
    concurring opinion:
    A tension exists in the texts of the statutes
    [Chapters 51 and 55] (and the application of the
    statutes) between on the one hand lumping together all
    people with a certain condition and on the other hand
    considering   the   symptoms  and   conduct   of   the
    individual.    The tension between the more rigid
    categories of people with a certain condition and the
    No.    2016AP46-FT
    more flexible behavioral standards is palpable in the
    majority opinion.     Does this opinion govern all
    Alzheimer's patients or only Helen E.F.?
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    , ¶47 (Abrahamson, J., concurring).
    ¶45    We can see the genesis of Mr. J.'s concern.                       In Helen
    E.F.    we       described      Alzheimer's      Disease        as    "incurable     and
    untreatable; the only available medical remedy is maintenance——
    not treatment——of the disease as it progresses."                              
    Id., ¶37. This
      is    a    categorical     statement      and    strongly       suggests    that,
    because of the nature of Alzheimer's Disease and the state of
    medical      science,      no   one   suffering        from    that    condition     has
    rehabilitative potential.             While that may be true as a medical
    matter (emphasis on "may"), it does not mean that our Helen E.F.
    framework countenances the automatic relegation of such patients
    to the non-rehabilitative category.
    ¶46    Our analysis explicitly requires an inquiry into each
    individual's condition and potential for rehabilitation.                          It is,
    in fact, shot through with references to the individual:
    If treatment will maximize the individual functioning
    and maintenance of the subject, but not help in
    controlling or improving their disorder, then the
    subject   individual   does  not   have   rehabilitative
    potential, and is not a proper subject for treatment.
    However, if treatment will go beyond controlling
    activity and will go to controlling the disorder and
    its   symptoms,   then   the  subject   individual   has
    rehabilitative potential, and is a proper subject for
    Id., ¶36 (emphasis
    added; internal alterations and quotations
    omitted).         There    is    always   hope    that        seemingly      intractable
    conditions        like     Alzheimer's        Disease         may     someday     become
    tractable.           Our     standard     for     determining          rehabilitative
    No.        2016AP46-FT
    potential does not foreclose that possibility.                        We evaluate each
    individual individually.
    E.     Clear and Convincing Evidence
    ¶47   Mr.   J.      says    the       County   did     not    establish         he   is    a
    proper subject of treatment under either the Helen E.F. rubric
    or his proposed revision.                   His objection is largely that his
    disorder is not continuing to improve.                        He acknowledges he is
    not   getting      worse        but     asserts       that     unless       treatment           is
    continually       improving           his     condition,       he     does        not       have
    rehabilitative potential.               He does not say why this should be
    so, and no supporting rationale immediately suggests itself.
    ¶48   As we discussed at 
    length, supra
    , Mr. J.'s treatment
    is achieving laudable results.                     Currently, he can integrate in
    society while receiving his treatment as an outpatient.                                 Without
    treatment, his condition will deteriorate to the point that an
    involuntary commitment order will subject him to confinement so
    he can receive treatment as an inpatient.                           If we adopted Mr.
    J.'s argument, we would condemn him to a never-ending yo-yo of
    uncontrolled      paranoid        schizophrenia,           followed        by    involuntary
    confinement     for       inpatient         treatment      until     his    symptoms         are
    controlled     and        his    inpatient         commitment       order        is     lifted,
    followed by another bout of uncontrolled paranoid schizophrenia,
    and on and on ad mortem.                Nothing in law or logic instructs us
    No.       2016AP46-FT
    to ignore this reality, so we will not.16                      The County provided
    clear and convincing evidence that treatment controls Mr. J.'s
    symptoms to such an extent that he can integrate into society
    without posing a threat to himself or others and that withdrawal
    of   treatment    would   eventually        require    his      confinement       so   he
    could receive inpatient treatment.                 Consequently, the evidence
    is   sufficient    to   demonstrate     Mr.    J.     is   a    proper    subject      of
    treatment within the meaning of Wis. Stat. § 51.20(1).
    ¶49    Mr. J. did not challenge the circuit court's factual
    findings, and both the circuit court and the court of appeals
    properly    applied     Helen   E.F.   to    conclude      Mr.     J.    is   a   proper
    subject of treatment because he has rehabilitative potential.
    Consequently, we affirm the court of appeals.
    By    the   Court.—The    decision      of    the    court    of    appeals      is
    Mr. J. also asserted he should not be subject to an
    involuntary commitment order because Chapter 51 is meant to be
    used for "short term treatment and rehabilitation intended to
    culminate with re-integration of the committed individual into
    society," and he has already been subject to such orders
    continuously since 2009.       Presumably, Mr. J. meant this
    observation to support his bid to be free of Waukesha County's
    orders.    However, this might instead suggest he would be a
    candidate for involuntary, long-term protective placement under
    Wis. Stat. ch. 55. But because he did not develop this argument
    and no one has briefed how chapters 51 and 55 complement (or
    don't complement) each other, we will not consider it here. See
    Clean Wisconsin, Inc. v. Pub. Serv. Comm'n of Wis., 
    2005 WI 93
    ¶180 n.40, 
    282 Wis. 2d 250
    700 N.W.2d 768
    ("We will not address
    undeveloped arguments.").
    No.    2016AP46-FT.ssa
    ¶50   SHIRLEY S. ABRAHAMSON, J.                     I renew my concern that
    the Helen E.F. case set forth a confusing and unpredictable test
    to interpret a "proper subject for treatment" under Chapter 51.
    Fond du Lac County v. Helen E.F., 
    2012 WI 50
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    814 N.W.2d 179
    .          The    instant     opinion      continues          and   possibly
    magnifies the problem.
    ¶51   In     Helen      E.F.,    this       court    analyzed           and   compared
    Chapters 51 and 55 of the Wisconsin Statutes.                          Despite the fact
    that Chapters 51 and 55 ostensibly serve different purposes,
    there is substantial overlap and similarity between some aspects
    of    the   two    chapters.          Helen       E.F.,     
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    ,      ¶45
    (Abrahamson, C.J., concurring).
    ¶52   But one important and undisputed distinction between
    Chapters 51 and 55 is the length of the treatment or commitment
    that each chapter provides.              Mr. J. has been under Chapter 51
    for almost a decade.             Although an initial Chapter 51 commitment
    cannot exceed six months and extensions are possible, Wis. Stat.
    § 51.20(13)(g), Chapter 55 applies to a commitment caused by "a
    disability       that    is      permanent       or   likely      to     be     permanent."
    § 55.08(1)(d).          See Helen E.F., 
    340 Wis. 2d 500
    , ¶¶29, 44.                       The
    majority opinion, ¶48 n.16, slides over this issue.
    ¶53   This distinction matters.                  Although both provide for
    involuntary commitments, Chapter 55 contains numerous additional
    No.   2016AP46-FT.ssa
    procedures and protections for an individual subject to a long-
    term commitment that Chapter 51 simply doesn't.1
    ¶54   Because   the   court   is   faced   with   interpreting     and
    applying Chapter 51 to Mr. J., I briefly restate my concerns
    with the Helen E.F. test.
    ¶55   Although I agree with the majority opinion that Mr.
    J.'s suggested revisions of the Helen E.F. test are unavailing,
    I remain concerned that the Helen E.F. tests is also unavailing.
    ¶56   "Rehabilitation" appears to be the linchpin of this
    statutory definition.      See Milwaukee Cty. Combined Cmty. Servs.
    See also Wisconsin Coalition for Advocacy, Rights &
    Reality II, An Action Guide to the Rights of People with
    Disabilities in Wisconsin 342 (2001):
    In   general,  Chapter   55  is used for  long-term
    placement or services while Chapter 51 is used for
    more time-limited treatment.
    . . . .
    This is a helpful way to separate the two statutes,
    but there will be many situations where they overlap.
    For example, a person with a permanent disability like
    mental retardation would ordinarily receive services
    under Chapter 55, but could also have a mental health
    crisis which would be handled under Chapter 51 with
    either voluntary or involuntary treatment.     Persons
    with chronic mental illness who are incompetent and
    have a guardian can probably be served under either
    Chapter 51 or 55.    Some younger persons with severe
    mental health needs who live in group homes or in
    their own apartments with intensive services such as
    Community Support Programs (CSP) may be under Chapter
    55 orders.   Others in exactly the same situation are
    under Chapter 51 commitments which are renewed year
    after year. This varies by county.
    No.   2016AP46-FT.ssa
    Bd. v. Athans, 
    107 Wis. 2d 331
    , 334-36, 
    320 N.W.2d 30
    (Ct. App.
    ¶57   The      line      between         controlling      activity       versus
    controlling the symptoms and the disorder——that is, whether an
    individual is habilitable or rehabilitable——is not any brighter
    or clearer to me in the instant opinion than in Helen E.F..
    ¶58   Unfortunately, the court maintains the confusing test
    it adopted in Helen E.F., failing to differentiate Chapter 51
    commitments from Chapter 55 commitments.
    ¶59   I renew my suggestion that "it may be time for the
    legislature to reassess the goals and intended scope of the two
    chapters."      Helen     E.F.,   
    2012 WI 50
    ,    ¶56   (Abrahamson,     C.J.,
    concurring) (citing Wis. Stat. §§ 13.83(1)(c), 13.92(2)(j)).
    ¶60   For these reasons, I write separately.
    ¶61   I   am   authorized      to    state        that   Justice   ANN   WALSH
    BRADLEY joins this opinion.
    No.   2016AP46-FT.ssa