Planned Parenthood of Greater Tex. Surgical Health Services v. Abbott ( 2013 )

  •                  Cite as: 571 U. S. ____ (2013)           1
    BREYER, J., dissenting
    No. 13A452
    [November 19, 2013]
    TICE SOTOMAYOR, and JUSTICE KAGAN join, dissenting from
    denial of application to vacate the stay.
    In July of this year, the State of Texas passed two
    amendments to its abortion laws, which were to go into
    effect on October 29. See 2013 Texas House Bill No. 2.
    The amendment now at issue requires a physician per-
    forming an abortion to have admitting privileges at a
    hospital within 30 miles. Applicants challenged the
    amendments in Federal District Court, arguing (among
    other things) that they violate the constitutional right to
    have an abortion. See Planned Parenthood of Southeast-
    ern Pa. v. Casey, 
    505 U. S. 833
    The District Court held a bench trial and, on the day
    before the amendments were to go into effect, issued an
    opinion and order holding that the admitting privileges
    requirement is unconstitutional and permanently enjoin-
    ing its enforcement. __ F. Supp. 2d __, 
    2013 WL 5781583
    (WD Tex., Oct. 28, 2013). The District Court concluded
    that “admitting privileges have no rational relationship to
    improved patient care” and “do not rationally relate to the
    State’s legitimate interest in protecting the unborn.” Id.,
    at *5. And the court explained that, in its view, the admit-
    ting privileges requirement is unconstitutional because it
    BREYER, J., dissenting
    is “without a rational basis and places a substantial obsta-
    cle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonvi-
    able fetus.” Id., at *2; see also Gonzales v. Carhart, 
    550 U. S. 124
    , 146 (2007) (A State “may not impose upon this
    right [to an abortion] an undue burden, which exists if a
    regulation’s ‘purpose or effect is to place a substantial ob-
    stacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion before
    the fetus attains viability’ ” (quoting Casey, 
    supra, at 878
    The State appealed the District Court’s decision and
    asked the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to stay the
    injunction pending resolution of the appeal. The Court of
    Appeals granted the stay, which had the effect of allowing
    the admitting privileges requirement to go into force im-
    mediately. ___ F. 3d ___, 
    2013 WL 5857853
     (Oct. 31,
    2013). In deciding to issue the stay, the Fifth Circuit
    undertook to apply the traditional analysis, which re-
    quires a balancing of four factors: “ ‘(1) whether the stay
    applicant has made a strong showing that he is likely to
    succeed on the merits; (2) whether the applicant will be
    irreparably injured absent a stay; (3) whether issuance of
    the stay will substantially injure the other parties inter-
    ested in the proceeding; and (4) where the public interest
    lies.’ ” Nken v. Holder, 
    556 U. S. 418
    , 426 (2009) (quoting
    Hilton v. Braunskill, 
    481 U. S. 770
    , 776 (1987)). The Fifth
    Circuit thought that the State was likely to prevail on the
    merits, that the injunction would irreparably injure it by
    preventing it from implementing its statute at least until
    the Fifth Circuit reached a final decision, and that the
    public interest merged with the State’s interest in the en-
    forcement of its law. The Fifth Circuit recognized that ap-
    plicants had “made a strong showing that their interests
    would be harmed by staying the injunction,” but it con-
    cluded that “given the State’s likely success on the merits,
    this is not enough, standing alone, to outweigh the other
    2013 WL 5857853
    , *9.
    As a practical matter, the Fifth Circuit’s decision to stay
    Cite as: 571 U. S. ____ (2013)              3
    BREYER, J., dissenting
    the injunction meant that abortion clinics in Texas whose
    physicians do not have admitting privileges at a hospital
    within 30 miles of the clinic were forced to cease offering
    abortions. And it means that women who were planning
    to receive abortions at those clinics were forced to go else-
    where—in some cases 100 miles or more—to obtain a safe
    abortion, or else not to obtain one at all. The Fifth Circuit
    set the appeal for expedited consideration, with oral argu-
    ment to be held in January 2014 and, I assume, a deci-
    sion to issue soon thereafter. See 
    Applicants, the plaintiffs in the District Court, now ask
    this Court to vacate the Fifth Circuit’s stay, meaning that
    the District Court’s injunction would be reinstated and
    those clinics that were forced to close could reopen while
    the Fifth Circuit receives briefing and renders its consid-
    ered decision on the merits.
    This Court may vacate a stay entered by a court of
    appeals where the case “ ‘could and very likely would be
    reviewed here upon final disposition in the court of ap-
    peals,’ ” “ ‘the rights of the parties . . . may be seriously and
    irreparably injured by the stay,’ ” and “ ‘the court of ap-
    peals is demonstrably wrong in its application of accepted
    standards in deciding to issue the stay.’ ” Western Airlines,
    Inc. v. Teamsters, 
    480 U. S. 1301
    , 1305 (1987) (O’Connor,
    J., in chambers) (quoting Coleman v. Paccar Inc., 
    424 U. S. 1301
    , 1304 (1976) (Rehnquist, J., in chambers)). For
    the following reasons, I believe that these conditions are
    satisfied here.
    First, under the status quo that existed in Texas prior to
    the enactment of the admitting privileges requirement,
    women across the State of Texas who needed abortions
    had a certain level of access to clinics that would provide
    them. If allowed to stand, the District Court’s injunction
    would maintain that status quo pending the decision of
    this case by the Court of Appeals.
    Second, the Fifth Circuit’s stay seriously disrupts that
    BREYER, J., dissenting
    status quo. By putting Texas’ new law into immediate
    effect, it instantly leaves “24 counties in the Rio Grande
    Valley . . . with no abortion provider because those provid-
    ers do not have admitting privileges and are unlikely to
    get them,” 
    2013 WL 5781583
    , *5, and it may substantially
    reduce access to safe abortions elsewhere in Texas. Ap-
    plicants assert that 20,000 women in Texas will be left
    without service. While the State denies this assertion, it
    provides no assurance that a significant number of women
    seeking abortions will not be affected, and the District
    Court unquestionably found that “there will be abortion
    clinics that will close.” 
     The longer a given facility
    remains closed, the less likely it is ever to reopen even if
    the admitting privileges requirement is ultimately held
    Third, the Fifth Circuit has agreed to expedite its con-
    sideration of the challenge, minimizing the harm that the
    injunction, if entered in error, would do to the State and
    bolstering my view that it is a mistake to disrupt the
    status quo so seriously before the Fifth Circuit has arrived
    at a considered decision on the merits.
    Fourth, the balance of harms tilts in favor of applicants.
    If the law is valid, then the District Court’s injunction
    harms the State by delaying for a few months a change to
    the longstanding status quo. If the law is invalid, the
    injunction properly prevented the potential for serious
    physical or other harm to many women whose exercise of
    their constitutional right to obtain an abortion would be
    unduly burdened by the law. And although the injunction
    will ultimately be reinstated if the law is indeed invalid,
    the harms to the individual women whose rights it re-
    stricts while it remains in effect will be permanent.
    Fifth, the underlying legal question—whether the new
    Texas statute is constitutional—is a difficult question. It
    is a question, I believe, that at least four Members of this
    Court will wish to consider irrespective of the Fifth Cir-
    Cite as: 571 U. S. ____ (2013)           5
    BREYER, J., dissenting
    cuit’s ultimate decision.
    Sixth, I can find no significant “public interest” consid-
    erations beyond those I have already mentioned.
    Given these considerations, in my view, the standard
    governing the Fifth Circuit’s decision whether to stay the
    District Court’s injunction was not satisfied, and the
    standard governing this Court’s decision whether to va-
    cate the Fifth Circuit’s stay is satisfied. See Nken, 
    556 U. S., at 426
    ; Western Airlines, 
    supra, at 1305
    . I would
    maintain the status quo while the lower courts consider
    this difficult, sensitive, and controversial legal matter.
    Thus, I would vacate the stay, and I dissent from the
    Court’s refusal to do so.