Nunez v. United States ( 2008 )

  •                  Cite as: 554 U. S. ____ (2008)           1
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    No. 07–818.   Decided June 23, 2008
    The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The
    judgment is vacated and the case is remanded to the
    United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit for
    further consideration in light of the position asserted by
    the Solicitor General in his brief for the United States
    filed May 12, 2008.
    JUSTICE THOMAS join, dissenting.
    Petitioner pleaded guilty to federal narcotics offenses
    and waived appellate and collateral-review rights. De-
    spite that waiver, he demanded (the Court of Appeals
    assumed) that his attorney file a notice of appeal; his
    attorney refused. Petitioner sought habeas relief, claiming
    that this failure was ineffective assistance of counsel. See
    495 F. 3d 544
    , 545 (CA7 2007). The District Court denied
    relief, and the Court of Appeals affirmed, finding that
    petitioner had waived his right to raise even the ineffec-
    tive-assistance claim on collateral review. See 
    id., at 546
    548–549. Petitioner has filed a petition for a writ of cer-
    tiorari, asking us to consider the ineffective-assistance
    claim. The Government argues in response that the ques-
    tion is not presented because the Court of Appeals’ opinion
    rests on petitioner’s collateral-review waiver. I agree with
    that response, and so would deny the petition for writ of
    Yet the Government urges us to GVR—to grant the
    petition, vacate the judgment, and remand the case to the
    Court of Appeals—because it believes that the Court of
    Appeals misconstrued the scope of petitioner’s collateral-
    2                 NUNEZ v. UNITED STATES
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    review waiver. A majority of the Court agrees to that
    course. I do not. In my view we have no power to set
    aside (vacate) another court’s judgment unless we find it
    to be in error. See Mariscal v. United States, 
    449 U. S. 405
    , 407 (1981) (Rehnquist, J., dissenting). Even so, I
    have reluctantly acquiesced in our dubious yet well-
    entrenched habit of entering a GVR order without an
    independent examination of the merits when the Govern-
    ment, as respondent, confesses error in the judgment
    below. See Lawrence v. Chater, 
    516 U. S. 163
    , 182–183
    (1996) (SCALIA, J., dissenting). But because “we have no
    power to vacate a judgment that has not been shown to be
    (or been conceded to be) in error,” Price v. United States,
    537 U. S. 1152
    , 1153 (2003), I continue to resist GVR
    disposition when the Government, without conceding that
    a judgment is in error, merely suggests that the lower
    court’s basis for the judgment is wrong, see Lawrence,
    supra, at 183
    , and n. 3; cf. Alvarado v. United States, 
    497 U. S. 543
    , 545 (1990) (Rehnquist, C. J., dissenting). That
    describes this case. The Government’s brief is entirely
    agnostic on the correctness of the Court of Appeals’ judg-
    ment—i.e., its affirmance of the District Court’s denial of
    habeas relief. Presumably, the Government believes the
    judgment is correct; it asked the Court of Appeals to af-
    firm the District Court’s judgment the first time around,
    and presumably will do the same on remand.
    To make matters worse, the Government’s suggestion
    that the Court of Appeals erred in construing the scope of
    petitioner’s waiver is not even convincing. The collateral-
    review waiver in petitioner’s plea agreement is inartfully
    worded; it is perhaps susceptible of the Government’s
    reading, but in my view the Court of Appeals’ reading is
    better. In any event, during his plea colloquy petitioner
    orally agreed to a collateral-review waiver precisely in line
    with the Court of Appeals’ position. Compare Brief for
    United States 3–4 (plea colloquy), with 
     at 16–17 (plea
    Cite as: 554 U. S. ____ (2008)           3
    SCALIA, J., dissenting
    agreement). It is bad enough to upend the judgment of a
    lower court because the Solicitor General, while not saying
    the judgment was wrong, opines that the expressed basis
    for it was wrong; it is absurd to do this when the Solicitor
    General’s gratuitous opinion is dubious on its face.
    Finally, we should be especially reluctant to GVR on the
    Solicitor General’s say-so when, if that say-so is correct,
    the likely consequence will be to create a conflict among
    the Courts of Appeals. Before resting its judgment on
    petitioner’s collateral-review waiver, the Court of Appeals
    expressed its unfavorable view of petitioner’s ineffective-
    assistance claim, recognizing, however, that its view con-
    tradicted the view of at least six other Courts of Appeals.
    495 F. 3d, at
    546–548. If, on remand, the Court of
    Appeals agrees with the Solicitor General that petitioner’s
    collateral-review waiver does not preclude his claim, the
    court in all likelihood will enter the same judgment by
    rejecting petitioner’s ineffective-assistance claim, thereby
    creating (absent reversal en banc) a split with those other
    courts. I had thought that the main purpose of our certio-
    rari jurisdiction was to eliminate circuit splits, not to
    create them.
    For all these reasons, I respectfully dissent from the
    Court’s order.