Quality Auditing Company, Inc. v. Commissioner , 114 T.C. No. 31 ( 2000 )

    114 T.C. No. 31
    Docket No. 8794-99X.                      Filed June 19, 2000.
    P is a nonprofit corporation organized to audit
    structural steel fabricators pursuant to a quality
    certification program administered by the American Institute
    of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC). AISC is likewise a
    nonprofit organization and is exempt from Federal taxation
    under sec. 501(c)(6), I.R.C. As its primary activity, P
    inspects the quality control procedures used in facilities
    of fabricators applying to AISC for certification. P
    evaluates whether such procedures are in compliance with the
    standards set forth in the AISC program. The certification
    program was established by AISC at the request of public and
    private owners and developers who desired a reliable method
    for selecting competent fabricators from among those who
    submit bids for the steel work component of a construction
    P seeks tax-exempt status as an organization described
    in sec. 501(c)(3), I.R.C., on the grounds that P is operated
    exclusively for the charitable purposes of lessening the
    burdens of Government and encouraging safe construction for
    the benefit of the general public.
    - 2 -
    Held: P furthers private interests and therefore is
    not operated exclusively for exempt charitable purposes.
    Consequently, P is not entitled to exemption from income
    taxation under sec. 501(a), I.R.C., as an organization
    described in sec. 501(c)(3), I.R.C.
    James A. Nitsche, for petitioner.
    Joan Ronder Domike, for respondent.
    NIMS, Judge:   Respondent determined that petitioner Quality
    Auditing Company, Inc., does not qualify for exemption from
    Federal income taxation under section 501(a) as an organization
    meeting the requirements of section 501(c)(3).   Having exhausted
    its administrative remedies, petitioner challenged respondent’s
    determination by timely invoking the jurisdiction of this Court
    for a declaratory judgment pursuant to section 7428(a).   The case
    was submitted for decision under Rule 122 upon the stipulated
    administrative record.   For purposes of this proceeding, the
    facts and representations contained in the administrative record
    are accepted as true, see Rule 217(b), and are incorporated
    herein by this reference.   The issue for decision is whether
    petitioner is operated exclusively for charitable purposes within
    the meaning of section 501(c)(3).
    Unless otherwise indicated, all section references are to
    sections of the Internal Revenue Code, and all Rule references
    are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure.
    - 3 -
    Petitioner, a nonprofit corporation with a principal place
    of business in Bristol, Virginia, at the time of filing its
    petition, was formed under the laws of Virginia on April 7, 1995.
    Developments and concerns within the structural steel fabrication
    industry, and particularly the response thereto by the American
    Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC), led to petitioner’s
    genesis.   AISC is a nonprofit organization exempt from Federal
    income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(6).   Since its
    founding in 1921, AISC has been engaged primarily in the creation
    of standardized engineering codes and specifications for use in
    the fabrication and construction of steel-framed buildings and
    During the 1960's, a number of governmental agencies and
    private industrial owners and developers approached AISC and
    requested that it develop a certification program for structural
    steel fabricators.   As technological advances had increased both
    the predominance and the complexity of steel’s role in commercial
    and residential structures, a growing concern over potential
    differences in quality had arisen among entities attempting to
    select contractors for this component of a building project.    Yet
    few owners and developers had sufficient expertise, time, or
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    funds to adequately investigate the fabricators submitting
    project bids.   AISC undertook to create a program which would
    afford the requested quality assurances.
    Working in collaboration with engineers, architects,
    contractors, and other industry participants (including
    governmental agencies), AISC developed and trademarked the AISC
    Quality Certification Program.    This certification program
    incorporates codes, standards, and specifications for particular
    aspects of the fabricating process developed by, among others,
    the American Welding Society, the Steel Structures Painting
    Council, the American Society for Testing Materials, the Bolting
    Council, and AISC.   The program is designed to verify that
    fabricators have in place a quality control system that will
    assure compliance with such construction standards, as well as
    with contract requirements.    Ongoing revision and upgrading of
    the program track changes and advancements within the industry.
    The certification program operates in the following manner.
    Fabricators desiring certification, often because the owner or
    developer of a project conditions bid awards thereon, submit an
    application and appropriate fee to AISC.    The fees so charged are
    determined in accordance with a schedule set by AISC and are
    based upon the fabricator’s status as a member or nonmember of
    AISC, the type of certification sought, and the number of
    employees at the facility.    The program is open to all
    - 5 -
    fabricators, regardless of AISC membership, but the fee is less
    for members also responsible for AISC dues.    The following four
    types or categories of certification are available:    Conventional
    steel building structures, simple steel bridges, complex steel
    building structures, and major steel bridges.    A paint
    endorsement is also offered.    Fees for a first-time audit range
    from $3,200 to $6,900.
    AISC then contracts with and pays for an independent entity
    to perform the actual audit investigation of the fabricator’s
    facility.   The auditor evaluates the fabricator’s quality control
    procedures to determine whether such procedures adequately test
    for and ensure compliance with the industry specifications
    incorporated in the AISC program.    No particular structure,
    project, or product is certified; rather, the construction
    process itself is examined.    Following the audit, the auditor
    communicates his or her findings to the fabricator and recommends
    to AISC whether certification should be awarded.    Upon receipt of
    a positive recommendation from the auditor, AISC forwards to the
    fabricator documentation reflecting AISC certified status.      If
    the auditor does not believe certification warranted, the
    fabricator may choose to be reevaluated after corrective actions
    have been implemented.   The specific report pertaining to a given
    audit is not disseminated to the public, but AISC publishes the
    names of certified companies.
    - 6 -
    In so administering the certification program, AISC
    initially contracted with Abstect, a private, for-profit company,
    to conduct the facility audits.   Problems with this arrangement
    developed, however, because a profit-driven enterprise was
    unwilling to reinvest a sufficient portion of the fees charged to
    achieve the level of auditor training and audit consistency
    necessary for a uniform, reliable certification program.   AISC
    therefore provided the startup capital to establish petitioner as
    an independent, nonprofit corporation.    Petitioner’s articles of
    incorporation state that its purpose is “To conduct quality
    certification and inspection programs which meet the requirements
    of private and public standards setting bodies and governmental
    agencies”.   Substantially all of petitioner’s time and resources
    are dedicated to performing the quality audit function, and no
    other entities presently furnish this service.
    Petitioner is governed by a board of directors consisting of
    the sitting chairman of AISC; the sitting chairman of AISC’s
    Committee on Fabricating Operations and Standards; petitioner’s
    president and CEO; and two elected members.   Petitioner operates
    by hiring and training independent contractors to inspect and
    audit the facilities of fabricators applying to AISC for
    certification.   These auditors are paid by petitioner $400 per
    audit day plus expenses, which include airfare, lodging,
    transportation, and telecommunications.   Petitioner also pays
    - 7 -
    royalties to AISC for use of its trademarked certification
    program.   Petitioner’s income is derived solely from the fees
    charged AISC for conducting the quality audits.    These fees are
    determined annually by petitioner’s board based upon an estimate
    of the costs, expenses, and overhead associated with providing
    the auditing service.    Petitioner’s stated intent is to set fees
    at a level which approximates actual cost.    The request for tax-
    exemption submitted by petitioner to respondent estimated an
    excess (loss) of revenue over expenses for the years 1995, 1996,
    and 1997 of ($28,350), $25,500, and $103,300, respectively.
    The majority of steel structures in the United States are
    built without imposing a certification prerequisite on
    fabricators.   However, the AISC certification program has
    increasingly become recognized as furthering structural integrity
    and quality within the steel fabrication industry.    Numerous
    private and public owners, developers, and contractors, including
    the Army Corps of Engineers and 38 to 40 State highway
    departments, now require AISC certification for bridges and other
    metal work.    To promote such use of the program, AISC solicits
    owners and developers to require certification of fabricators
    submitting bids.    The following is representative of a
    communication sent by AISC for this purpose:
    Congratulations on reaching the bid stage of the new
    Cleveland Stadium. We understand this is a complex
    project, requiring skilled and experienced construction
    contractors. AISC, the non-profit association
    - 8 -
    responsible for the Specification for Design and
    Fabrication of Structural Steel for Buildings for over
    75 years, offers a quality certification intended to
    make the task of selecting qualified bidders more
    reliable. The AISC Quality Certification Program is
    internationally recognized as a leader in ensuring that
    steel fabricators have the equipment, personnel and
    procedures to handle specific types of projects. By
    requiring an AISC Quality Certified fabricator, you
    will join a growing list of designers and owners who
    have elected to use the program, including the U.S.
    Army Corps of Engineers, the Navy Facilities Command
    and 40 states. Currently, more than 390 shops,
    representing 327 companies in the United States,
    Canada, Japan and Korea are certified--with more being
    added each month.
    Though some specifiers have expressed concern that
    requiring a Quality Certified fabricator will raise
    project costs, rest assured that this is not the case.
    The Program is administered by fabricators, for
    fabricators with an annual fee to a fabricator of
    usually less than $5,000. This fee is much less than
    comparable programs in other industries. The fee funds
    the cost of administering the program and performing
    audits. The Program relies on the use of prevailing
    industry standards so there are no implementation costs
    associated with the program and the audits often
    provide a cost benefit for fabricators since they not
    only review a company’s existing quality procedures,
    but also help to inform a fabricator about the latest
    industry issues and trends. Many program participants
    have reported that their procedures and practices have
    greatly improved under the impetus of Quality
    Certification audits.
    We therefore recommend that project specifications
    require fabricators bidding on a project be certified
    and that contracts be awarded to fabricators that are
    certified prior to submitting their bid. The AISC
    Quality Certification Program exists to provide
    assurances to construction team members such as
    yourself that suppliers are capable of performing
    according to your specification. We hope you will let
    us help you with your work by awarding the project to
    currently certified fabricators.
    - 9 -
    The Cleveland stadium is a highly complex and visible
    project. We recommend the following language be
    inserted n [sic] your structural steel specification:
    “The structural steel fabricator shall be
    certified at the time of bid in the AISC
    Quality Certification Program in the Complex
    Steel Structure Category with a Sophisticated
    Paint Endorsement. A copy of the certificate
    shall be submitted with the bid documents.”
    If you’d like more information on the Certification
    Program, please feel free to call * * *
    Petitioner’s application for exemption under section
    501(c)(3), for its role in the above-described quality
    certification endeavor, was received by the Internal Revenue
    Service on August 2, 1995.   On February 11, 1999, respondent
    issued the final adverse ruling which is the subject of this
    I.   General Rules
    Section 501(a) exempts from Federal income taxation
    organizations described in section 501(c).   Among the
    organizations so described are those set forth in section
    Corporations * * * organized and operated
    exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific,
    testing for public safety, literary, or educational
    purposes, or to foster national or international
    amateur sports competition * * * , or for the
    prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part
    of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of
    any private shareholder or individual * * *
    - 10 -
    In order to be exempt under section 501(c)(3), an
    organization must be both organized exclusively for one or more
    of the exempt purposes specified in the section, known as the
    organizational test, and operated exclusively for such purposes,
    known as the operational test.    See sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(a)(1),
    Income Tax Regs.   Failure to satisfy either test forecloses a
    section 501(c)(3) exemption.    See 
    In application of the organizational and operational tests,
    “exclusively” does not mean “‘solely’” or “‘absolutely without
    exception’”.    Nationalist Movement v. Commissioner, 
    102 T.C. 558
    576 (1994) (quoting Church in Boston v. Commissioner, 
    71 T.C. 102
    , 107 (1978)), affd. 
    37 F.3d 216
     (5th Cir. 1994); see also
    Copyright Clearance Ctr., Inc. v. Commissioner, 
    79 T.C. 793
    , 803-
    804 (1982).    Nonetheless, the presence of a single nonexempt
    purpose, if substantial in nature, precludes exempt status,
    regardless of the number or importance of truly exempt purposes.
    See Better Bus. Bureau v. United States, 
    326 U.S. 279
    , 283
    (1945); Redlands Surgical Servs. v. Commissioner, 
    113 T.C. 47
    71-72 (1999); Nationalist Movement v. Commissioner, supra at 576;
    American Campaign Academy v. Commissioner, 
    92 T.C. 1053
    , 1065
    To satisfy the exclusivity requirement as it pertains to the
    organizational test, the entity’s articles of organization must
    limit its purposes to those which are exempt and must not
    - 11 -
    expressly empower it to engage, except in insubstantial part, in
    activities not in furtherance of exempt purposes.   See sec.
    1.501(c)(3)-1(b)(1)(i)(a) and (b), Income Tax Regs.
    With respect to the operational test:
    An organization will be regarded as “operated
    exclusively” for one or more exempt purposes only if it
    engages primarily in activities which accomplish one or
    more of such exempt purposes specified in section
    501(c)(3). An organization will not be so regarded if
    more than an insubstantial part of its activities is
    not in furtherance of an exempt purpose. [Sec.
    1.501(c)(3)-1(c)(1), Income Tax Regs.]
    Additionally, although an organization may be engaged only in a
    single activity directed toward multiple purposes, both exempt
    and nonexempt, failure to satisfy the operational test will
    result if any nonexempt purpose is substantial.   See Redlands
    Surgical Servs. v. Commissioner, supra at 71; Copyright Clearance
    Ctr., Inc. v. Commissioner, supra at 803-804.
    Exempt purposes, in turn, are those specified in section
    501(c)(3), such as religious, charitable, scientific, and
    educational.   See sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(1)(i), Income Tax Regs.
    Charitable is further defined as follows:
    The term “charitable” is used in section 501(c)(3) in
    its generally accepted legal sense and is, therefore,
    not to be construed as limited by the separate
    enumeration in section 501(c)(3) of other tax-exempt
    purposes which may fall within the broad outlines of
    “charity” as developed by judicial decisions. Such
    terms include: Relief of the poor and distressed or of
    the underprivileged; advancement of religion;
    advancement of education or science; erection or
    maintenance of public buildings, monuments, or works;
    lessening of the burdens of Government; and promotion
    - 12 -
    of social welfare by organizations designed to
    accomplish any of the above purposes, or (i) to lessen
    neighborhood tensions; (ii) to eliminate prejudice and
    discrimination; (iii) to defend human and civil rights
    secured by law; or (iv) to combat community
    deterioration and juvenile delinquency. * * * [Sec.
    1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(2), Income Tax Regs.]
    However, regardless of the presence of what might otherwise
    be proper exempt purposes, an explicit exception to section
    501(c)(3) status exists in that:
    An organization is not organized or operated
    exclusively for one or more of the purposes specified
    in * * * [section 501(c)(3)] unless it serves a public
    rather than a private interest. Thus, * * * it is
    necessary for an organization to establish that it is
    not organized or operated for the benefit of private
    interests * * * [Sec. 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(1)(ii), Income
    Tax Regs.]
    Private interests within the meaning of this rule include not
    only related persons and insiders but also unrelated and
    disinterested private parties.    See id.; American Campaign
    Academy v. Commissioner, supra at 1068-1069.     In other words, if
    an organization benefits private interests, it will be deemed to
    further a nonexempt purpose.   See American Campaign Academy v.
    Commissioner, supra at 1066.     The organization will thereby be
    prevented from operating primarily for exempt purposes “absent a
    showing that no more than an insubstantial part of its activities
    further the private interests or any other nonexempt purposes.”
    The burden of proof rests on petitioner to demonstrate,
    based on materials in the administrative record, that it is
    - 13 -
    organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes, not
    benefiting private interests more than incidentally.   See Rule
    217(c)(4)(A); Redlands Surgical Servs. v. Commissioner, supra at
    72; American Campaign Academy v. Commissioner, supra at 1063-
    II.   Contentions of the Parties
    Petitioner contends that it satisfies the requirements of
    section 501(c)(3) for exemption from Federal taxation as a
    charitable organization.   Petitioner maintains that it is
    organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, that
    no part of its net earnings inures to the benefit of private
    individuals, and that it serves public rather than private
    interests.   According to petitioner, its purpose and activities
    qualify as charitable in that quality auditing of steel
    fabrication firms both lessens the burdens of Government and
    encourages the safe construction of buildings and bridges for the
    benefit of the general public.
    Conversely, respondent asserts that petitioner is not
    entitled to exemption from taxation under sections 501(a) and
    (c)(3).   Respondent concedes that petitioner is organized
    exclusively for exempt purposes and that no part of its net
    earnings inures to the benefit of proscribed private individuals.
    However, it is respondent’s position that petitioner’s inspection
    activity neither lessens the burdens of Government nor confers
    - 14 -
    upon the general public any benefit which is not merely
    incidental to petitioner’s furthering of the private interests of
    AISC and firms within the steel industry.
    We conclude, for the reasons explained below, that
    petitioner has failed to establish that it qualifies for
    exemption from tax as a charitable organization within the
    meaning of section 501(c)(3).
    III.    Application
    The question of whether petitioner is entitled to tax-exempt
    status as a section 501(c)(3) organization turns here upon
    whether petitioner is operated exclusively for exempt purposes.
    Petitioner’s primary activity consists of performing audits of
    steel fabricators who have applied to AISC for quality
    certification.     Petitioner contends that, in so functioning, it
    operates exclusively for the charitable purposes of lessening the
    burdens of Government and encouraging safe construction for the
    benefit of the general public.     We examine each of these
    potential grounds for exemption.
    A.   Lessening the Burdens of Government
    An organization can be classified as having the charitable
    purpose of lessening the burdens of government only if two
    criteria are satisfied.     See Columbia Park & Recreation
    Association v. Commissioner, 
    88 T.C. 1
    , 21 & n.45 (1987), affd.
    without published opinion 
    838 F.2d 465
     (4th Cir. 1988);
    - 15 -
    University Med. Resident Servs., P.C. v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 1996-251
    ; Public Indus., Inc. v. Commissioner, 
    T.C. Memo. 1991-3
    First, the activities engaged in by the organization must be
    those which a governmental unit considers to be its burden.     See
    Columbia Park & Recreation Association v. Commissioner, supra at
    21 & n.45; University Med. Resident Servs., P.C. v. Commissioner,
    supra; Public Indus., Inc. v. Commissioner, supra.   In other
    words, it must be shown that a governmental unit accepts as its
    responsibility the activities conducted by the organization and
    recognizes the organization as acting on the Government’s behalf.
    See Columbia Park & Recreation Association v. Commissioner, supra
    at 21.   Second, the organization’s performance of the activities
    must actually lessen the burdens of Government.   See Columbia
    Park & Recreation Association v. Commissioner, supra at 21 &
    n.45; University Med. Resident Servs., P.C. v. Commissioner,
    supra; Public Indus., Inc. v. Commissioner, supra.   However, “The
    mere fact that such activities might improve the general economic
    well-being of the Nation or a State or reduce any adverse impact
    from the failure of Government to carry out such activities is
    not enough.”   Public Indus., Inc. v. Commissioner, supra.
    Applying these criteria to the case at bar, we conclude that
    petitioner has failed to make the requisite showing for an
    exemption on the basis of lessening Government burdens.
    Petitioner’s primary activity consists of performing quality
    - 16 -
    audits of steel fabricators.   Yet there is no indication in the
    record that governmental units consider it their burden to
    inspect or certify the quality control procedures in place in the
    facilities of private fabricators.      The quality inspection and
    certification activities here are not part of a legislated
    governmental program, are not the result of an express
    governmental delegation of function, and do not seek to enforce
    governmentally established standards or guidelines.      See Indiana
    Crop Improvement Association v. Commissioner, 
    76 T.C. 394
    (relying on such factors to hold that a taxpayer’s testing and
    certification of agricultural products lessened the burdens of
    Government); see also Professional Standards Review Org. v.
    74 T.C. 240
     (1980) (finding an entity authorized by
    statute to review utilization of Government-subsidized programs
    to lessen the burdens of Government).
    Rather, the record reflects only that governmental agencies
    were among those who initially requested that AISC develop a
    certification program and who have since made use of the program
    in awarding bids.   Although such involvement shows a concern with
    obtaining high-quality steel work in public projects, it falls
    short of demonstrating that governmental units view a program for
    auditing steel fabricators as a Government responsibility and
    recognize petitioner as acting on their behalf.      The record is
    - 17 -
    likewise bereft of evidence that, in absence of the AISC program,
    governmental entities would have undertaken to develop a similar
    program or to conduct actual audit inspections.
    Furthermore, to the extent that the existence of the AISC
    program and petitioner’s role therein facilitate the Government
    in selecting qualified fabricators, an equivalent benefit is
    conferred upon private owners and developers.     Private entities
    joined with public in requesting the AISC program and likewise
    utilize the program in awarding bids.     If, as petitioner
    contends, it is operated to lessen the burdens of Government, it
    would follow that it is also operated to lessen the burdens on
    private parties.   While the former is a charitable purpose, the
    latter is not, and the record offers no basis upon which to
    determine that the latter is merely incidental to the former.     We
    thus cannot conclude that petitioner is operating exclusively for
    the charitable purpose of lessening the burdens of Government.
    B.   Encouraging Safe Construction
    We turn to the question of whether petitioner is operating
    exclusively for the charitable purpose of encouraging safe
    construction for the benefit of the general public.     We
    acknowledge that furthering public safety is indeed a charitable
    objective.   Moreover, we do not dispute that the AISC
    certification program and petitioner’s audit activities promote
    increased structural integrity and safety in steel buildings and
    - 18 -
    bridges.    Nonetheless, we find that petitioner’s activities also
    further private interests to a degree that is more than
    insubstantial.    See Better Bus. Bureau v. United States, 
    326 U.S. 279
    , 283 (1945).
    Petitioner performs quality audits at the request of AISC,
    which in turn acts at the request of steel fabricators applying
    for certification.     Neither AISC nor the fabricators, however,
    are public entities.     As an organization exempt from taxation
    under section 501(c)(6), AISC is a business league or board of
    trade.     Such entities are defined as follows:
    A business league is an association of persons
    having some common business interest, the purpose of
    which is to promote such common interest and not to
    engage in a regular business of a kind ordinarily
    carried on for profit. It is an organization of the
    same general class as a chamber of commerce or board of
    trade. Thus, its activities should be directed to the
    improvement of business conditions of one or more lines
    of business * * * [Sec. 1.501(c)(6)-1, Income Tax
    Hence, AISC is classified as an organization which seeks the
    betterment of an industry, not the betterment of the general
    public.     Although AISC’s actions are not profit-motivated and may
    have positive results for society at large, that does not
    transform AISC’s purpose, and activities undertaken in
    furtherance thereof, from private to public.       As expressed by
    this Court:
    It is clear, however, that not all organizations which
    incidentally enhance the public good will be classified
    as “public” organizations within the meaning of section
    - 19 -
    501(c)(3). One need only glance at the other types of
    organizations described in section 501(c) for examples
    of “nonpublic” organizations which often do much to
    enhance the public good * * *
    We think it is significant that Congress enacted
    special exemption provisions for certain types of
    organizations which would be unable to meet the
    stricter section 501(c)(3) tests which require service
    to public interests rather than to private ones. * * *
    [American Campaign Academy v. Commissioner, 
    92 T.C. 1053
    , 1077-1078 (1989).]
    Here, the development and administration of a quality
    certification program, at the request of and for the structural
    steel industry, would appear to be consistent with AISC’s mission
    as a section 501(c)(6) organization.   AISC, in its solicitations
    to owners and developers, states that the program is “intended to
    make the task of selecting qualified bidders more reliable” and
    “exists to provide assurances to construction team members such
    as yourself that suppliers are capable of performing according to
    your specification.”   The focus thus seems to be on aiding
    industry participants, with any benefit to the general public
    being merely secondary.   We note that safety is never mentioned
    in the solicitation, and having qualified bidders and suppliers
    would address a host of concerns distinct from that of ending up
    with a finished product that will not harm its users.   Increased
    nonconformities, delays, project cost overruns, reduced structure
    longevity, and frequent repair expenditures are among the
    problems that could flow from hiring fabricators with inadequate
    - 20 -
    quality control.   Therefore, to the extent that petitioner serves
    AISC’s interests in carrying out its section 501(c)(6) role of
    industry betterment, petitioner benefits a private interest.
    The steel fabricators who request audits and whose
    facilities petitioner inspects are likewise private entities.
    Moreover, because these fabricators operate as commercial
    enterprises, we are constrained to assume that they largely apply
    for certification when to do so furthers their primary objective
    of making a profit.   We doubt that firms would seek and pay to
    obtain certified status unless they believed the investment would
    prove lucrative in the future.   They likely wish to pursue
    revenues from a contract requiring certification, or they see the
    certification process as a vehicle to increased work through an
    improved control process and reputation for quality.   Thus, in
    auditing these fabricators, petitioner is once again furthering
    private interests.
    Lastly, petitioner has failed to convince us that the
    private interests discussed above are insubstantial in comparison
    to the benefit reaped by the general public.   The majority of
    steel structures built in the United States do not require
    certified fabricators.   The certification process itself does not
    result in petitioner’s inspecting or certifying the safety of any
    finished structure or product with which the public might come in
    contract.   Rather, petitioner evaluates the internal quality
    - 21 -
    control procedures of private, for-profit steel fabricators,
    incident to a quality certification program administered by a
    nonpublic section 501(c)(6) entity and implemented at the request
    of steel industry participants.   Accordingly, we conclude that
    petitioner is operated to a substantial degree for the benefit of
    private interests, including those of AISC and members of the
    steel industry.   As furthering private interests constitutes a
    nonexempt purpose, petitioner has not established that it is
    operated exclusively for exempt charitable purposes.   We hold
    that petitioner is not entitled to exemption from taxation as a
    charitable organization described in section 501(c)(3).
    To reflect the foregoing,
    Decision will be entered
    for respondent.