State of Tennessee v. Detrick Cole ( 2015 )

    March 3, 2015 Session
    Appeal from the Criminal Court for Shelby County
    No. 01-01221 Lee V. Coffee, Judge
    No. W2013-02766-CCA-R3-CD - Filed April 22, 2015
    A Shelby County jury found the Defendant, Detrick Cole, guilty of first degree premeditated
    murder and imposed a sentence of death. The Defendant’s conviction and sentence were
    affirmed by this Court, State v. Detrick Cole, No. W2002-01254-CCA-R3-DD, 
    2003 WL 22848969
    (Tenn. Crim. App., at Jackson, Nov. 24, 2003), and by our Supreme Court, State
    v. Cole, 
    155 S.W.3d 885
    (Tenn. 2005). The Defendant filed a petition for post-conviction
    relief alleging ineffective assistance of counsel, which was denied after a hearing. On
    appeal, this Court agreed with the Defendant’s contention that he had received the ineffective
    assistance of counsel during the penalty phase of his trial and remanded the case to the trial
    court for a new penalty phase proceeding. Detrick Cole v. State, No. W2008-02681-CCA-
    2011 WL 1090152
    , at *56 (Tenn. Crim. App., at Jackson, March 8, 2011), perm.
    app. denied (Tenn. July 14, 2011). On remand and prior to the new penalty phase
    proceeding, the Defendant filed a motion challenging the State’s introduction of his 1997
    convictions in support of the prior violent felony aggravating circumstance, arguing that the
    violence of these convictions was ambiguous. See T.C.A. § 39-13-204(i)(2). The trial court
    denied the Defendant’s motion, concluding that the issue had been previously litigated and
    decided in the Defendant’s prior appeal. The Defendant then filed an extraordinary appeal,
    pursuant to Tennessee Rule of Appellate Procedure 10, which this Court denied. Thereafter,
    the Defendant agreed to accept a sentence of life without the possibility of parole, and a
    hearing was held to enter that sentence and a judgment of conviction reflecting that sentence.
    The Defendant appeals this judgment, contending that his sentence is illegal and void and
    should be set aside. He again argues that he is ineligible to receive this sentence because his
    1997 convictions were insufficient to support the prior violent felony aggravating
    circumstance. After a thorough review of the record and applicable law, we dismiss the
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Appeal Dismissed
    R OBERT W. W EDEMEYER, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which R OBERT H.
    M ONTGOMERY, J R., and T IMOTHY L. E ASTER, JJ., joined.
    Gene L. Humphreys, Jeffrey P. Yarboro, and Cecil W. VanDevender, Nashville, Tennessee,
    for the appellant, Detrick Cole.
    Herbert H. Slatery III, Attorney General and Reporter; David H. Findley, Senior Counsel;
    and Amy P. Weirich, District Attorney General, for the appellee, State of Tennessee.
    I. Procedural History
    A. Trial and Penalty Proceeding
    This case arises from the Defendant’s killing of the victim, Santeife Thomas, by
    shooting him twice in the head. Based on this conduct, a Shelby County grand jury indicted
    the Defendant for first degree premeditated murder. Our Supreme Court summarized the
    underlying facts of the case as follows:
    [A]round 2 a.m. on October 17, 2000, the twenty-year-old [D]efendant,
    [], killed the victim, twenty-seven-year-old Santeife Thomas, by shooting him
    twice in the head. The evidence established that Thomas had returned home
    from work around 12:30 a.m. on October 17 and left shortly afterward in his
    late-model Mitsubishi Galant to visit a friend. Thomas was next seen at the
    Ridgemont Apartments in North Memphis, where he agreed to drive a person
    identified as “Little E” to the Raleigh Woods Apartments. The [D]efendant
    and fourteen-year-old Andropolis Wells accompanied [Thomas] and “Little
    E.” Wells, testifying for the prosecution, related that after Thomas dropped off
    “Little E” at the Raleigh Woods Apartments, the [D]efendant asked Thomas
    to drive him to the Garden Walk Apartments. The [D]efendant directed
    Thomas to the back of the apartments and asked Thomas to park the car near
    an area overgrown with grass and weeds. After Thomas parked, all three men
    exited the car. Thomas and Wells waited near the car while the [D]efendant
    left to get crack cocaine from “Jerry.” [FN2] The [D]efendant returned a
    short time later and said “Jerry” would bring them some drugs.
    [FN2] According to Wells, the [D]efendant said he was going to
    get “some yams” from Jerry. Wells explained that “yams” is the
    street name for crack cocaine.
    Wells waited at the car, but the [D]efendant and Thomas walked into
    the overgrown area. Wells heard the [D]efendant repeatedly telling Thomas
    to open his mouth and saw the [D]efendant pointing a gun at Thomas’s face.
    Thomas, who had no weapon and made no aggressive move toward the
    [D]efendant, backed away and repeatedly told the [D]efendant to “stop
    playing.” Wells then heard two gunshots. The [D]efendant ran from the
    bushes with a set of keys, but, apparently realizing that he had the wrong keys,
    the [D]efendant went back into the overgrown area and returned with another
    set of keys. The [D]efendant, who had blood on his hand, told Wells to get
    into the car. Shocked by the shooting and fearing for his own life, Wells
    accompanied the [D]efendant in the victim’s car back to the Ridgemont
    Apartments. There, the [D]efendant removed two shells from the murder
    weapon, rubbed them with his shirt, and threw them into a garbage can. The
    [D]efendant and Wells then went to an upstairs apartment and left the gun with
    a person known to Wells as “Jewel.”
    When the [D]efendant and Wells returned to [Thomas’s] car, the
    [D]efendant discovered that he had lost his electronic organizer during the
    killing and expressed fear that its discovery would lead to his apprehension.
    Thus, the [D]efendant and Wells drove [Thomas’s] car back to the apartment
    complex to search for the organizer and parked in a driveway near the murder
    scene. They searched for a short time; the [D]efendant rolled [Thomas’s] body
    over, but he did not find the organizer. When they returned to [Thomas’s] car
    to leave, they noticed a man standing outside across the street looking at them.
    At the [D]efendant’s instruction, Wells spoke briefly to the man before he and
    the [D]efendant left.
    Wells remained with the [D]efendant for two days after the murder.
    Before the [D]efendant dropped off Wells at Wells’s home, the [D]efendant
    told Wells that he had shot Thomas with a .44 caliber handgun because
    Thomas owed him fifteen dollars. Wells remarked, “Fifteen dollars? Man I
    could have gave you fifteen dollars.” The [D]efendant replied, “N––––r gonna
    start respecting me.”
    Wells’s testimony was corroborated by the testimony of Marcus
    Puryear, who lived near the crime scene. At approximately 2 to 2:30 a.m.
    Puryear had been sitting in his car, talking on a ham radio when he heard “two
    loud gunshots-blasts.” He saw a car speeding away from the direction of the
    gunshots, and from the sound of the car, Puryear identified the vehicle as
    having a small, four-cylinder engine. Later, while looking out the window of
    his home, Puryear saw a car pull into a driveway immediately across from his
    residence. Two African-American males left the car and walked around into
    the area overgrown with weeds, near where the gunshots had sounded. After
    three or four minutes, the men returned to the car. By this time, Puryear was
    standing outside looking in their direction. One of the men walked over and
    asked if Puryear knew a person named Carlos or Michael who lived across the
    street. When Puryear answered that he had never heard of anyone by that
    name living there, the two men left. Puryear had not seen these men before
    and decided to write down the tag number, color, make, and model of the car
    they were driving. Puryear provided this information to the officers who
    discovered Thomas’s body and investigated his murder. The description and
    tag number Puryear provided matched the description and tag number of the
    victim’s vehicle.
    On October 18, 2000, Robert Eric Adams, a resident of the Ridgemont
    Apartments, saw the [D]efendant sitting on the steps to Adams’s apartment.
    Because the [D]efendant was looking “down,” Adams asked him what was
    wrong. The [D]efendant said that he and his girlfriend had fought. During
    this conversation, the [D]efendant stunned Adams by telling Adams that he
    had killed Thomas. The [D]efendant said that Thomas had been taking him
    somewhere to get marijuana when the [D]efendant asked Thomas about money
    Thomas owed him. Thomas promised to pay the [D]efendant on Friday. After
    they arrived at their destination and left the car, the [D]efendant continued to
    ask Thomas about the debt. Thomas again said that he would pay the
    [D]efendant on Friday and offered to include an additional one hundred dollars
    for the delay. Believing that Thomas was lying, the [D]efendant took out a
    pistol and shot Thomas in the head and a second time in the face to assure that
    Thomas was dead. The [D]efendant told Adams that he had hidden Thomas’s
    car. At the [D]efendant’s request, Adams drove the [D]efendant to the Garden
    Walk Apartments, where the [D]efendant pointed to Thomas’s body and said
    that he had dropped his “Rolodex” and was trying to find it. Searching the
    grass near the body, the [D]efendant found his organizer. The two men then
    returned to the Ridgemont Apartments. Adams testified that later that
    afternoon, Thomas’s mother came to the apartments and asked if anyone had
    seen her son. The [D]efendant told her that Thomas might be “hanging out”
    or “partying.” At some point thereafter, Adams told an acquaintance, Carlos
    Williams, that the [D]efendant had killed Thomas, but Adams did not tell
    Williams the location of Thomas’s body.
    On the evening of October 19, 2000, in an action unconnected with this
    case, the police conducted a raid at the Ridgemont Apartments and arrested
    Carlos Williams for unlawful possession of a weapon. Williams, who
    apparently knew that Thomas’s mother had filed a missing persons report, told
    the police what Adams had told him about the [D]efendant killing Thomas.
    On October 20, the police questioned Adams, who told them what the
    [D]efendant had said about the murder, except the location of Thomas’s body.
    Thereafter, the police arrested the [D]efendant as he was leaving a
    convenience store. At the time of his arrest, the [D]efendant had a Mitsubishi
    ignition key on his person. Arresting officers were unaware of the significance
    of the key and allowed the [D]efendant to retain it. By the time investigators
    first spoke with the [D]efendant at police headquarters, the key had
    disappeared. Officers later found it hidden under the cushion of the chair in
    which the [D]efendant had been sitting. The [D]efendant explained that he
    collected keys and had found the key at the Ridgemont Apartments. He denied
    knowing anything about Thomas’s disappearance and claimed that he had
    hidden the key after having “second thoughts” about it. The police released
    the [D]efendant because at that time they had not found the victim’s body and
    were not certain a homicide actually had occurred.
    On October 21, the police discovered Thomas’s body in a grassy,
    overgrown area in the Garden Walk Apartment complex. [Thomas] had no
    wallet, identification, keys, money or contraband on his body. On October 22,
    Thomas’s automobile, which a patrol officer previously had noticed
    abandoned on a dead end street in North Memphis, was towed to police
    headquarters. The vehicle’s license plates had been removed, and its VIN
    numbered covered. Blood was discovered on the handle of the driver’s door.
    The ignition key police officers had seized from the [D]efendant fit
    [Thomas’s] car. The [D]efendant’s fingerprint was found on a piece of paper
    inside the car.
    After obtaining additional information from Wells, the police resumed
    searching for the [D]efendant. On October 23 the [D]efendant called the
    police and set up a time to surrender, but he failed to show up at the agreed
    time. Finally, on October 25, eight days after the murder, patrol officers
    arrested the [D]efendant, who gave a statement. [FN3] Although the
    [D]efendant admitted he had killed Thomas, the [D]efendant claimed that he
    had shot Thomas because Thomas had charged him and threatened to hurt him.
    The [D]efendant said that Thomas had been four or five feet away when shot.
    The [D]efendant also claimed that he had needed the money Thomas owed him
    to support himself and his pregnant girlfriend. Although the [D]efendant told
    the police that the gun they had taken from Carlos Williams was the gun he
    had used to shoot Thomas, tests revealed that it was not. The murder weapon
    was never found.
    [FN3] After signing a waiver of his rights, the [D]efendant gave
    the following statement:
    On the night that Teifus [Thomas] was murdered,
    it was me, Drop [Wells], and Teifus. We left the
    Ridgemont Terrace Apartments going to Garden
    Walk where Teifus told me that he had some
    money - some of the money that he owed me.
    And when we got there, he stalled - he stalled like
    telling me that he was waiting on the money but
    never did get it.
    He told me that he gave me his key to his car as
    partial payment until he’d give me the money, but
    when I turned down the key, we got into an
    argument, and he went on about he wasn’t going
    to pay me, and I asked him why, but he never did
    say. So he came in my face with threats that he
    wasn’t going to pay me, and I could take it how I
    wanted to take it, and I asked him why he wasn’t
    going to pay me, so that’s when he went to
    putting his hands in my face and pushing me.
    And then we started into a small argument of
    words back and forth. And that’s when he tried to
    attack me. I went into my pocket and pulled out
    a .38, and Teifus rushed at me, and I shot him.
    After I shot him, I looked at his body and threw
    up. I still had his key in my left hand, and I got in
    his car, and I left the crime scene with Drop, and
    we went and parked the car, and we got out of the
    Ridgemont Terrace Apartments.
    I went back to the body because I dropped my
    organizer, and I went to get it. And when I got it,
    I left and took his car and parked it again on
    Voltaire Street.
    The reason why I murdered Teifus really wasn’t
    about the money. He charged at me as if he was
    trying to attack me and hurt me. Instead of me
    defending myself with my fist, I pulled the gun
    out, and I used it on him. I didn’t have any place
    to stay. My girlfriend is pregnant, and we don’t
    have any help, and I needed my money that he
    owed me. I just wanted to take care of my family
    and try to find a place for us to stay when the
    baby was born.
    Dr. Craig Thomas Mallak, the forensic pathologist who had performed
    the autopsy on the victim’s body, and Dr. Steven A. Symes, a forensic
    anthropologist who had reconstructed and examined the victim’s skull,
    testified for the prosecution. Dr. Mallak explained that the victim had been
    shot twice in the head. According to Dr. Mallak and Dr. Symes, the victim
    was shot first above his left eye and next behind his left ear. Based on the
    damage to the victim’s skull and brain, Dr. Mallak testified that both wounds
    could have been contact wounds, inflicted from extremely close range. Dr.
    Mallak opined that the wound behind the victim’s ear definitely had been a
    contact wound, inflicted when the gun was less than one inch from the victim’s
    head. Although Dr. Mallak was unable to determine conclusively whether the
    first wound also had been a contact wound, he opined that either wound would
    have been sufficient to cause the victim’s death and to incapacitate the victim
    immediately. Dr. Mallak testified that the gunshots caused “complete
    destruction of the skull.” Both Dr. Mallak and Dr. Symes opined that the
    wounds were consistent with injuries typical of a large caliber weapon such as
    a .44 caliber handgun.
    Cole, 155 S.W.3d at 891-95
    . Based on this evidence, the jury found the Defendant guilty of
    first degree premeditated murder. At the subsequent sentencing hearing, the jury heard the
    following new evidence, summarized by our Supreme Court:
    [T]he Shelby County Criminal Court Clerk testified that the
    [D]efendant had pleaded guilty in February 1997 to robbery, kidnapping,
    reckless endangerment, and attempted rape and had received an effective
    sentence of three years confinement in the Shelby County workhouse. The
    [D]efendant committed these offenses at age fifteen. In order to prove these
    four prior convictions, a fingerprint technician with the Shelby County
    Sheriff’s Department obtained the [D]efendant’s right thumb print in the
    presence of the jury, compared this print with the print associated with the
    booking number for the four prior convictions, and then testified that the
    [D]efendant’s thumb print matched the print associated with the booking
    number for the four prior convictions.
    All of the [D]efendant’s prior convictions stemmed from a single
    criminal episode that occurred in 1995. Darrell Webster, the victim of the
    [D]efendant’s prior criminal activity, testified for the prosecution. Webster
    recalled that during the early morning hours of November 18, 1995, as he was
    leaving an adult bookstore, the [D]efendant and another man accosted him at
    gunpoint and ordered him to get into [Webster’s] car. After pleading with the
    two men, Webster thought he had convinced them not to harm him; however,
    eventually Webster came to believe the two men intended to kill him. The
    [D]efendant held a gun on Webster as the men drove around Memphis. The
    [D]efendant remarked to Webster, who was crying, “Do you want to go out
    like a punk? Go out like a man.” After spinning the barrel of the gun, the
    [D]efendant placed the weapon against the back of Webster’s head and pulled
    the trigger. The gun did not fire. Next, the [D]efendant placed the barrel of
    the gun against Webster’s head, directly behind Webster’s ear, and again
    pulled the trigger. Again the gun did not fire. Webster recalled the
    [D]efendant describing his actions as “Russian Roulette.” Next, after accusing
    Webster of being a homosexual, the [D]efendant forced Webster to climb into
    the back seat and to perform oral sex on the [D]efendant. Thereafter, the
    [D]efendant and his accomplice discussed how to kill Webster and where to
    dump his body. By promising to rent a car for the two men, Webster finally
    convinced the [D]efendant’s accomplice to drive to the Memphis airport.
    When the vehicle slowed to get a ticket for parking, Webster escaped and ran
    to a nearby airport security officer, who arrested the [D]efendant and his
    accomplice, thus ending Webster’s five-hour ordeal.
    The final witness for the State was victim-impact witness Marcie
    Turcios, the victim’s half-sister. Turcios testified that the victim had been a
    very special, generous, giving person who helped others every way he could.
    She explained that his death had seriously affected both her and her brother’s
    mother. Turcios explained that Thomas’s death had left a void in her life, that
    she had missed work because she could not sleep, and that she regretted that
    her seven-year-old son would never have an opportunity to know his uncle.
    The [D]efendant’s father and mother testified in mitigation for the
    defense. The family had moved to Memphis from Ashland, Mississippi, about
    thirteen years earlier. In the ensuing thirteen-year period, the family had
    bought and sold five houses before returning to Olive Branch, Mississippi.
    The [D]efendant’s grades began falling after the family came to Memphis.
    The [D]efendant’s father had worked twelve to thirteen hours per day as the
    finance director for an automobile dealership. The [D]efendant’s parents had
    been married for twenty-five years and described themselves as Christian
    people. The second of three children, the [D]efendant had regularly attended
    church with his family until he left home in 1996 because he refused to follow
    family rules. The [D]efendant was fifteen years old when he committed the
    offenses against Darrell Webster. The [D]efendant’s parents confirmed that
    the [D]efendant loved his fourteen-month-old daughter, whom they were
    raising. The [D]efendant’s mother and father pleaded with the jury to spare
    their son’s life and expressed sorrow for the victim’s death. The [D]efendant’s
    father assured the jury that the [D]efendant was very sorry for what had
    The [D]efendant testified in his own behalf.            Although he
    acknowledged killing the victim by shooting him twice in the head, the
    [D]efendant commented that “half of the things” the State’s witnesses had said
    about the crime were lies. The [D]efendant expressed his remorse, maintained
    that he did not mean to do what he had done, acknowledged that he had done
    wrong and that he, not the victim, had been the “bad person,” pleaded for
    mercy, and asked the jury not to kill him.
    Id. at 895-96.
    After hearing the testimony, the jury found that the State had proven beyond
    a reasonable doubt first degree murder sentencing factor (i)(2), that the Defendant “was
    previously convicted of one (1) or more felonies, other than the present charge, whose
    statutory elements involve the use of violence to the person.” T.C.A. § 39-13-204(i)(2). The
    jury sentenced the Defendant to death. 
    Id. at 896.
    The Defendant appealed and this Court affirmed the Defendant’s conviction for first
    degree murder and the jury’s imposition of the sentence of death. Cole, 
    2003 WL 22848969
    at *23. The Defendant appealed this Court’s decision, and our Supreme Court docketed the
    case and requested oral argument on four issues, one being “whether . . . the jury rather than
    the judge must determine whether the statutory element of [the Defendant’s] prior
    convictions used to support the [T.C.A. § 39-13-204](i)(2) aggravating circumstance involve
    the use of violence to the person.” 
    Cole, 155 S.W.3d at 891
    . Our Supreme Court affirmed
    this Court’s decision and concluded that the evidence supported the jury’s finding of the
    statutory aggravating circumstance that the Defendant had prior violent felony convictions
    pursuant to T.C.A. § 39-13-204(i)(2). 
    Cole, 155 S.W.3d at 909
    B. Post-Conviction Proceeding
    In 2007, the Defendant filed a petition for post-conviction relief alleging that he had
    received the ineffective assistance of counsel. After a hearing, the post-conviction court
    denied his petition, and the Defendant appealed to this Court, raising multiple claims
    including that he had received the ineffective assistance of counsel during jury selection, the
    guilt phase, and the penalty phase of his trial. This Court concluded that the Defendant had
    received the effective assistance of counsel during jury selection and the guilt phase of his
    trial. We further concluded, however, that, during the penalty phase of the trial, trial counsel
    had failed to adequately investigate the Defendant’s background and failed to present
    significant mitigating circumstances. Cole, 
    2011 WL 1090152
    , at *56. We concluded that,
    absent trial counsel’s deficiencies, the outcome of the penalty proceeding might have been
    different. Thus, we reversed the Defendant’s death sentence and remanded the case to the
    trial court for a new penalty proceeding. 
    Id. We affirmed
    the post-conviction court’s
    judgment with respect to the Defendant’s claims concerning the guilt phase of his trial. 
    Id. On remand,
    the Defendant filed a “Motion to Strike” the State’s notice of intention
    to seek the death penalty or life without the possibility of parole. In his motion, the
    Defendant again raised the issue of whether the prior violent felony aggravating
    circumstance, Tennessee Code Annotated section 39-13-204(i)(2), was an “appropriate”
    sentencing factor for his case, based on his 1997 convictions for robbery, kidnapping,
    attempted rape, and reckless endangerment. He contended that his prior convictions were
    ambiguous as to violence, because their “statutory elements did not necessarily involve the
    use of violence to the person,” thus limiting the trial court’s purview of the records and
    evidence supporting the aggravating circumstance. The Defendant further contended that,
    because he had entered best interest pleas to those convictions, he had not “admit[ted] to
    facts sufficient to allow the [trial court] to infer that [he] admitted using violence to commit
    the offenses.” In the trial court’s written order denying the Defendant’s motion, it first noted
    that contained in the transcript from the plea submission hearing for the Defendant’s 1997
    convictions was the trial court’s statement to the Defendant that he was entering pleas to
    convictions that involved violence. The trial court then stated that the issue of whether those
    convictions were sufficient to establish the aggravating circumstance had been previously
    litigated and ruled on by the Tennessee Supreme Court. The trial court declined to readdress
    the Defendant’s argument and stated that there had been no changes in the law since our
    Supreme Court’s ruling.
    The Defendant subsequently filed an application to this Court for extraordinary review
    pursuant to Tennessee Rule of Appellate Procedure 10. Holding that the issue raised by the
    Defendant did not “meet the strict criteria for review” pursuant to Rule 10, we denied the
    Defendant’s application for extraordinary review.
    Thereafter, pursuant to an “Agreed Order of Settlement,” the Defendant agreed to be
    re-sentenced to life without the possibility of parole and a judgment was entered accordingly
    on October 28, 2013. The Defendant filed a timely notice of appeal of this judgment.
    II. Analysis
    On appeal, the Defendant first argues that his sentence is illegal and void and should
    be set aside by this Court. Acknowledging that the sentence was imposed pursuant to a
    sentencing agreement, the Defendant argues that “none of the aggravating circumstances set
    forth in [T.C.A. § 39-13-204] exist[,]” and, thus, the trial court “lacked jurisdiction to impose
    the sentence.” The State argues that this appeal should be dismissed because this Court lacks
    jurisdiction, as Tennessee Rule of Appellate Procedure 3(b) does not authorize an appeal as
    of right from an “agreed-upon sentence” with no reserved certified question of law. We
    agree with the State’s contention that this case is not properly before us pursuant to
    Tennessee Rule of Appellate Procedure 3(b).
    Tennessee Rule of Appellate Procedure 3(b) governs the circumstances in which a
    defendant in a criminal action has an appeal as of right. Rule 3(b) reads:
    In criminal actions an appeal as of right by a defendant lies from any
    judgment of conviction entered by a trial court from which an appeal lies to the
    Supreme Court or Court of Criminal Appeals: (1) on a plea of not guilty; and
    (2) on a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, if the defendant entered into a plea
    agreement but explicitly reserved the right to appeal a certified question of law
    dispositive of the case pursuant to and in compliance with the requirements of
    Rule 37(b)(2)(A) or (D) of the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure, or if
    the defendant seeks review of the sentence and there was no plea agreement
    concerning the sentence, or if the issues presented for review were not waived
    as a matter of law by the plea of guilty or nolo contendere and if such issues
    are apparent from the record of the proceedings already had.
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3(b). In other words, a defendant who has pleaded guilty may only present
    certain issues on direct appeal because he has a limited “appeal as of right” to the Court of
    Criminal Appeals. Tenn. R. App. P. 3(b); see also Tenn. R. Crim. P. 37(b)(2). The “limited”
    right of appeal exists in three circumstances:
    First, a defendant has the right to appeal a sentence that was not the
    subject of the plea agreement; second, the defendant may have review of a
    certified question of law when a plea agreement has been accepted; and third,
    a defendant may seek review of issues that were not waived as a matter of law
    if the record clearly reflects an invalidating error. Tenn. R. Crim. P. 37(b)(2);
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3; see State v. Wilson, 
    31 S.W.3d 189
    , 192-93 (Tenn. 2000).
    State v. Yoreck, 
    133 S.W.3d 606
    , 610-11 (Tenn. 2004).
    In the present case, the Defendant appeals the trial court’s imposition of his sentence
    of life without the possibility of parole. This sentence was imposed by an “Agreed Order of
    Settlement,” signed by the Defendant, the trial court, and defense counsel. When the
    Defendant entered into this sentencing agreement, he did not reserve a certified question of
    law. Thus, because the Defendant was sentenced pursuant to an “Agreed Order of
    Settlement,” a judgment not specifically included in Tennessee Rule of Appellate Procedure
    3(b), he does not have a right of appeal before this Court. See Tenn. R. App. P. 3(b); State
    v. McKissack, 
    917 S.W.2d 714
    , 716 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1995) (holding that a defendant did
    not have a right to appeal his sentence pursuant to Rule 3 because he was “sentenced
    pursuant to the terms of a plea bargain agreement”); State v. Christopher Martin, No. E2012-
    2013 WL 709593
    , at *2 (Tenn. Crim. App. At Knoxville, Feb. 26,
    2013) (citing State v. Jay Bean, No. M2009-02059-CCA-R3-CD, 
    2011 WL 917038
    , at *2
    (Tenn. Crim. App. at Nashville, Mar. 16, 2011)), (stating that no right of appeal is available
    from an order not specifically listed in Rule 3(b)), no Tenn. R. App. P. 11 filed; State v.
    Phillip G. Harris, No. M2008-01819-CCA-R3-CD, 
    2010 WL 2431981
    , at *3 (Tenn. Crim.
    App., at Nashville, June 11, 2010), no Tenn. R. App. P. 11 filed. Accordingly, we must
    dismiss this appeal.
    Assuming, arguendo, that the Defendant is entitled to an appeal, his contention that
    he is ineligible to receive the sentence of life without the possibility of parole is without
    merit. The Defendant’s prior convictions for robbery, kidnapping, rape, and reckless
    endangerment involved the use of violence to the person. 
    Cole, 115 S.W.3d at 905
    . This
    was established by the testimony during the original penalty hearing, and by the plea colloquy
    in 1997, wherein the State recited the facts surrounding the offenses, which included the
    Defendant twice placing a gun to the victim’s head and pulling the trigger. At the guilty plea
    hearing for those convictions, the trial court advised the Defendant that he was being
    convicted of offenses involving violence and the Defendant acknowledged his understanding
    of this. The Defendant’s 1997 convictions clearly established that violence to the person had
    been committed. Thus, the prior violent felony aggravating circumstance at Tennessee Code
    Annotated 39-13-204(i)(2) is an appropriate sentencing factor to support the Defendant’s
    sentence of life without the possibility of parole.
    III. Conclusion
    After a thorough review of the record and the applicable law, we dismiss this appeal.

Document Info

Docket Number: W2013-02766-CCA-R3-CD

Judges: Judge Robert W. Wedemeyer

Filed Date: 4/22/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/22/2015