State v. Matthew Scott Albertson ( 1997 )

  •                                                 FILED
    July 31, 1997
    Cecil W. Crowson
    Appellate Court Clerk
    STATE OF TENNESSEE,             )
    Appellee,             )     C.C.A. No. 01C01-9607-CC-00288
    vs.                             )     Putnam County
    MATTHEW SCOTT ALBERTSON,        )     Honorable Leon Burns, Jr., Judge
    Appellant.            )     (Sale of Cocaine
    )     and Sale of Marijuana)
    FOR THE APPELLANT:                    FOR THE APPELLEE:
    310A E. Broad St.                     Attorney General & Reporter
    Cookeville, TN 38501
    Assistant Attorney General
    Criminal Justice Division
    450 James Robertson Parkway
    Nashville, TN 37243-0493
    District Attorney General
    Asst. District Attorney General
    145 S. Jefferson Ave.
    Cookeville, TN 38501
    OPINION FILED: ____________________
    The defendant, Matthew Scott Albertson, appeals the Putnam County
    Criminal Court's denial of judicial diversion and straight probation following the
    defendant's convictions of sale of cocaine and sale of marijuana. The trial court,
    Judge Leon Burns, Jr., presiding, sentenced the defendant on the sale of cocaine
    conviction to four years and suspended all but 90 days.            He ordered the
    confinement to be served in the county jail with the balance of the sentence on
    probation conditioned upon participation in Community Corrections.1 For the sale
    of marijuana conviction, the trial court imposed a two-year sentence to be served
    in the same manner as the cocaine sentence.2 The sentences were ordered to be
    served concurrently. The defendant complains that the trial court erred in failing to
    grant him judicial diversion, and alternatively, that he should have been granted a
    completely probated sentence. On review, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    In July 1991, the defendant, then an undergraduate student at
    Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, was involved in the sale of
    controlled substances. As a result of an undercover investigation by local law
    enforcement and an operative from the Tennessee Highway Patrol, the defendant
    and two other individuals were indicted with various offenses relating to the sale of
    controlled substances. The defendant was indicted on two counts of sale of
    marijuana and one count of sale of cocaine, in violation of Tennessee Code
    Annotated section 39-17-417(a)(3). The defendant was tried before a jury of his
    peers and convicted of the sale of less than .5 gram of cocaine. He pleaded guilty
    to sale of over one-half ounce of marijuana and agreed to a two-year sentence, with
    the manner of service of that sentence to be determined by the court. The state
    The court also imposed a $2,000 fine and ordered $250 restitution, which
    actions have not been appealed.
    The court also imposed a $1,000 fine and ordered $75 restitution, which
    actions have not been appealed. These terms were part of the plea agreement.
    agreed to nolle prosequi the remaining sale of marijuana count.3 The defendant
    requested judicial diversion.
    At the sentencing hearing, Brenda Reed, the probation officer who
    conducted the presentence investigation, testified she believed the defendant was
    amenable to correction and that it would be a "wonderful opportunity" for him to
    receive judicial diversion. When questioned whether the sale of marijuana and
    cocaine was a serious problem in Putnam County, she responded this was a
    serious problem anywhere.
    The defendant testified that since committing the offenses for which
    he was convicted, he has received his bachelor's degree in microbiology from
    Tennessee Tech. Following graduation, he obtained a position in which he utilized
    his degree; however, he had to leave this employment after receiving his felony
    convictions due to the employer's policy against employing felons. Since losing that
    job, the appellant has worked as a chef at greatly reduced wages. He also testified
    he has married and has made plans to return to school to earn his master's degree.
    The defendant admitted knowing his actions were against the law at the time he
    committed them. He testified, however, he stopped using marijuana prior to his last
    year of college and asked his roommates not to use drugs around him. According
    to the defendant, this took place prior to his learning he faced criminal prosecution
    for the sale of drugs. He expressed his remorse and desire to receive a second
    Kimberly Bullington, a family friend from the defendant's hometown,
    testified she had known the defendant all his life and thought he would benefit from
    Apparently, the defendant was in the room at the time of this transaction
    but not actively involved in its consummation.
    a second chance. She testified the defendant had taken on significant responsibility
    within the past two years due to illness of some of his family members. She also
    testified the defendant sometimes worked two jobs to get through college. Likewise,
    she said the defendant regretted his involvement in selling drugs.
    According to the defendant's statement in the presentence report, the
    offenses in question arose when the defendant first sold marijuana to an undercover
    officer, who then repeatedly requested that the defendant sell him some cocaine.
    The defendant had no cocaine, although he eventually obtained some and sold it
    to the officer.4 The defendant admitted having previously used marijuana two to
    three times per week over a period of four years and denied ever using cocaine.
    Two random drug screens performed at the request of the probation officer were
    negative for the presence of cocaine or marijuana. The presentence report also
    confirmed the defendant's steady work history and educational background.
    The defendant submitted three letters of reference attesting to his
    good character, written by a minister, pharmacist and businessman from his
    hometown. These letters uniformly appealed to the court for leniency.
    In imposing the sentences for the defendant's two convictions, the
    trial court first denied judicial diversion based on the nature and circumstances of
    the offense and the need for deterrence. The court went on to impose a sentence
    for the cocaine offense of four years with all but 90 days suspended "so we can
    The evidence on this issue is not fully developed in the record on appeal.
    The defendant admits in his statement in the presentence report that he
    arranged for another drug dealer from his hometown to bring the cocaine to the
    defendant's house, where the undercover officer picked it up and left the money
    for it. We have not been provided with the trial transcript and are unaware of the
    state's evidence which may or may not contradict this contention. We note,
    however, there has been no challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence that the
    defendant was guilty of the sale of cocaine.
    make sure he gets the message" with the balance to be served on probation
    conditioned upon Community Corrections. In imposing this sentence, the court did
    not enunciate which, if any, of the sentencing considerations or the enhancement
    and mitigating factors it relied on. The trial judge did not announce the manner of
    service of sentence for the marijuana offense at the sentencing hearing. However,
    a judgment form in the technical record reflects a sentence of two years with all but
    90 days suspended and the balance to be served in Community Corrections. The
    length of this sentence was agreed upon by the defendant and the state as part of
    the plea agreement.
    In his first issue, the defendant challenges the trial court's denial of
    judicial diversion. He contends the trial court (1) did not consider all of the relevant
    factors and (2) gave undue weight to two of the factors, the circumstances of the
    offense and the deterrence value to the defendant and others.
    The Sentencing Reform Act of 1989 provides in pertinent part:
    If any person who has not previously been convicted of a felony or a
    Class A misdemeanor is found guilty or pleads guilty to a
    misdemeanor which is punishable by imprisonment or a Class C, D
    or E felony, the court may, without entering a judgment of guilty and
    with the consent of such person, defer further proceedings and place
    the person on probation upon such reasonable conditions as it may
    require and for a period of time not less than the period of the
    maximum sentence for the misdemeanor with which he is charged,
    nor not more than the period of the maximum sentence of the felony
    with which he is charged, on the condition that the defendant pay, in
    addition to the payment of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more
    than thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per month, as determined by the court
    [as part payment of the expenses of supervision of the defendant]. .
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-313(a)(1) (Supp. 1996). The procedure under this
    provision is commonly referred to as judicial diversion. It is substantially similar to
    pretrial diversion; however, judicial diversion follows a guilty plea and the decision
    to grant diversion rests with the court, not the prosecutor. State v. Anderson, 
    857 S.W.2d 571
    , 572 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1992).
    The lower court's denial of judicial diversion is subject to appellate
    reversal only if that court abused its discretion. State v. Hammersley, 
    650 S.W.2d 352
    , 356 (Tenn. 1983).       When a defendant challenges the denial of judicial
    diversion, we are constrained not to revisit the issue if the record contains any
    substantial evidence supporting the trial court's decision. Hammersley, 650 S.W.2d
    at 356; accord State v. Carr, 
    861 S.W.2d 850
    , 856 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1993) (where
    the evidence is capable of justifying differing results, this court allows the prosecutor
    his or her discretion on a decision of whether to allow pretrial diversion).
    In determining whether to grant judicial diversion, the trial court must
    (a) the accused's amenability to correction, (b) the circumstances of
    the offense, (c) the accused's criminal record, (d) the accused's social
    history, (e) the status of the accused's physical and mental health, (f)
    the deterrence value to the accused as well as others, and (g)
    whether diversion will serve the public's and the accused's interests
    in the ends of justice.
    State v. Bonestel, 
    871 S.W.2d 163
    , 168 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1993) (citation omitted).
    Moreover, the record must reflect that the court has weighed all of the factors in
    reaching its determination. Bonestel, 871 S.W.2d at 168 (citations omitted). The
    court must explain on the record why the defendant does not qualify under its
    analysis, and if the court has based its determination on only some of the factors,
    it must explain why these factors outweigh the others. Bonestel, 871 S.W.2d at 168
    (citations omitted).
    In general, the presence of only one of the factors is sufficient to
    support a denial of judicial diversion. State v. Thomas Dailey, No. 02C01-CR-
    00008, slip op. at 4 (Tenn. Crim. App., Jackson, Aug. 21, 1991) (relying on State v.
    659 S.W.2d 811
     (Tenn. Crim. App. 1983) (applying this rule in the context
    of a denial of probation)). However, the supreme court has said that two of the
    factors, the circumstances of the case and deterrence, may not be given "controlling
    weight unless they are 'of such overwhelming significance that they [necessarily]
    outweigh all other factors.'" State v. Washington, 
    866 S.W.2d 950
    , 951 (Tenn.
    1993) (pretrial diversion case) (emphasis in original) (quoting State v. Markham, 
    755 S.W.2d 850
    , 853 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1988)).
    In this case, the trial court made its findings on the record with respect
    to the relevant factors. The court found the defendant was amenable to correction.
    It found the circumstances of the offense "significant" in that the defendant was
    willing to sell drugs to a stranger, obtained cocaine for the stranger, and was ready
    and willing to sell drugs on a college campus. The court noted the defendant's lack
    of a criminal record, positive social history and good physical and mental health.
    On the other hand, the court found deterrence of this defendant and others was an
    important consideration and was better accomplished by not granting judicial
    diversion. The court did not explicitly address the public's and the accused's
    interest in the ends of justice, although it is apparent from the trial judge's
    statements at sentencing that he weighed this factor in conjunction with the others.5
    As such, we disagree with the defendant's assertion that the trial court did not
    consider all of the relevant factors.
    In arriving at its determination, the lower court relied on the
    circumstances of the offense and the need for deterrence. It is obvious from the
    Among the trial judge's relevant comments are the following
    I think [based on] . . . the deterrence of seeing that people who are
    in these situations should have to face the consequences of their
    actions, I would deny Judicial Diversion in this case.
    I would impose a sentence of four years, and I think that he should
    serve 90 days straight time so we can make sure that he gets the
    The court also indicated its concern with appropriately dealing with an individual
    who sold drugs on a college campus. We believe the trial court properly
    considered whether diversion would serve the public's and the accused's
    interests in the ends of justice, notwithstanding its failure to specifically
    denominate its findings as such.
    trial judge's extensive discussion of these two factors on the record that he gave
    them controlling weight over the other relevant factors. The court's discussion of the
    circumstances of the offense and the need for deterrence consumes the vast
    majority of the judge's comments about the relevant considerations. In particular,
    the trial court was troubled with the defendant's willingness to sell drugs to a
    stranger, the fact the defendant was engaged in his criminal enterprise in a college
    campus environment, the need for this type of crime to have consequences, and the
    need for the defendant to learn his lesson. Contrary to the appellant's assertion, we
    do not believe the trial court abused its discretion in weighing these factors more
    heavily than the others. Substantial evidence exists to support this action.
    Accordingly, we must hold there is no error in the trial court's denial
    of judicial diversion. The defendant's first issue is without merit.
    The remaining issue challenges the propriety of the sentence imposed
    on the defendant. In determining whether the trial court has properly sentenced an
    individual, this court engages in a de novo review of the record with a presumption
    the trial court's determinations were correct. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-401(d)
    (1990). This presumption is "conditioned upon the affirmative showing in the record
    that the trial court considered the sentencing principles and all relevant facts and
    circumstances.” State v. Ashby, 
    823 S.W.2d 166
    , 169 (Tenn. 1991). In conducting
    our de novo review, we must consider the evidence at sentencing, the presentence
    report, the sentencing principles, the arguments of counsel, the statements of the
    defendant, the nature and characteristics of the offense, any mitigating and
    enhancement factors, and the defendant’s amenability to rehabilitation. Tenn. Code
    Ann. §§ 40-35-210(b), 40-35-103(5) (1990); Ashby, 823 S.W.2d at 168. On appeal,
    the appellant has the burden of showing the sentence imposed is improper. Tenn.
    Code Ann. § 40-35-401(d), Sentencing Comm'n Comments (1990); Ashby, 823
    S.W.2d at 169.
    In this case, the trial court failed to place on the record any
    enhancement and mitigating factors it found, as required by the Sentencing Act.
    See Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-210(f) (Supp. 1996). It is imperative that the trial
    court note its findings relative to the enhancement and mitigating factors on the
    record in order for this court to undertake meaningful review of the propriety of the
    defendant's sentence. Because the court did not do so, we conduct our de novo
    review without the presumption that the trial court properly sentenced the appellant.
    First, with respect to the length of the sale of cocaine sentence, all of
    the enhancement factors submitted to the trial court by the state are inapplicable as
    a matter of law.6 In the absence of any enhancement factors to overcome the
    presumptive minimum sentence, the defendant must receive no more than the
    minimum sentence. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-210(c) (Supp. 1996). In this
    case of a Class C felony committed by a Range I offender, 7 that sentence is three
    years. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-111(b)(3) (1990). Thus, we modify the length
    of the defendant's sentence for sale of cocaine accordingly.
    With respect to the sentence for the sale of marijuana conviction, the
    The state submitted three enhancement factors for the trial court's
    consideration. They were factors 1 (defendant's criminal history), 10 (no
    hesitation to commit crime where risk to human life was high), and 16 (crime
    committed under circumstances in which potential for bodily injury to a victim was
    great). Prior to sentencing, the state conceded the inapplicability of factor 1. In
    its brief to this court, the state indirectly concedes the inapplicability of factor 10
    but maintains the propriety of factor 16. This court has previously recognized
    that factors 10 and 16 may not be used to enhance a sale of cocaine sentence
    because the legislature has already considered the inherently dangerous
    characteristics of cocaine by classifying it as a Schedule II drug, and to use this
    rationale for enhancement would be duplicative. State v. Keel, 
    882 S.W.2d 410
    419-21 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1994).
    The defendant may have been eligible for classification as an especially
    mitigated offender, due to his lack of prior felony convictions, the absence of
    enhancement factors and the possible presence of mitigating factors. See Tenn.
    Code Ann. § 40-35-109 (1990). Such a determination is within the discretion of
    the trial court. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-109, Sentencing Comm'n Comments
    (1990). The appellant, however, has not challenged the trial court's
    determination he is a standard offender, and we decline to address this issue ex
    mero motu.
    defendant agreed to the two-year length of this sentence as part of the plea
    agreement. The parties agreed this sentence would be concurrent to the sentence
    imposed by the trial court for the sale of cocaine conviction and submitted only the
    manner of service to the trial court for its consideration. Thus, the defendant's
    effective sentence for the two convictions is three years.
    Next, we turn to the issue of the manner of service of this sentence.
    Having received a sentence of less than eight years, the defendant is presumed to
    be a favorable candidate for alternative sentencing. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-
    102(6) (1990). Moreover, he is eligible for probation. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-
    35-303(a) (Supp. 1996). He argues he should receive straight probation, rather
    than confinement coupled with probation conditioned upon Community Corrections.8
    First, we point out that the defendant did receive an alternative
    sentence. Split confinement is an alternative sentencing option. State v. James A.
    Howard, No. 03C01-9608-CC-00284, slip op. at 7 (Tenn. Crim. App., Knoxville,
    February 24, 1997), appl. perm. app. filed (Tenn., May 6, 1997); State v. James E.
    Allred, No. 03C01-9504-CR-00110, slip op. at 2 (Tenn. Crim. App., Knoxville, March
    20, 1996); State v. Marjorie Jeanette Sneed, No. 03C01-9410-CR-00369, slip op.
    at 3 (Tenn. Crim. App., Knoxville, October 17, 1995); Ernest Lee Lands, Jr. v.
    State, No. 03C01-9404-CR-00145, slip op. at 3 (Tenn. Crim. App., Knoxville, May
    19, 1995), perm. app. denied (Tenn. 1995); State v. Danny Allison, No. 03C01-
    9403-CR-00106, slip op. at 3 (Tenn. Crim. App., Knoxville, March 23, 1995); State
    v. Alvin Lee Lewis, No. 01C01-9404-CC-00125, slip op. at 7-8 (Tenn. Crim. App.,
    Code section 40-35-102 does not specifically authorize a sentence of
    confinement followed by a term of Community Corrections. However, this
    section does authorize a sentence of confinement in conjunction with a term of
    probation. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-102(c)(4) (Supp. 1996). The Community
    Corrections statute authorizes the court to sentence a defendant to Community
    Corrections as a condition of probation in conjunction with a suspended
    sentence, split confinement or periodic confinement under chapter 35. Tenn.
    Code Ann. § 40-36-106(f) (Supp. 1996). Thus, the sentence imposed is
    generally an appropriate alternative to incarceration. See also Tenn. Code Ann.
    § 40-36-302(b) (Supp. 1996).
    Nashville, March 14,1995), perm. app. denied (Tenn. 1995); see Tenn. Code Ann.
    § 40-35-104(c) (Supp. 1996). The benefit the defendant enjoyed in being presumed
    a suitable candidate for alternative sentencing has been depleted.
    Accordingly, we move to the question of probation. The defendant
    seeks total probation. Probation is, indeed, an alternative sentencing option. Tenn.
    Code Ann. § 40-35-104(c)(3) (Supp. 1996); Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-303(b) (Supp.
    1996). However, the burden rests with the defendant to show that he is entitled to
    probation. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-303(b) (Supp. 1996); see State v. Bingham,
    910 S.W.2d 448
    , 455 (Tenn. Crim. App.), perm. app. denied (Tenn. 1995). In
    Bingham, this court observed:
    It should be pointed out that determining whether a defendant is
    entitled to an alternative sentence necessarily requires a separate
    inquiry from that of determining whether the defendant is entitled to
    full probation. This is so because the inquiries involve different
    burdens of proof. Where a defendant is entitled to the statutory
    presumption of alternative sentencing, the State has the burden of
    overcoming the presumption with evidence to the contrary.
    Conversely, the defendant has the burden of establishing suitability
    for full probation, even if the defendant is entitled to the statutory
    presumption of alternative sentencing.
    Bingham, 910 S.W.2d at 455. To prevail in the quest for full probation, a defendant
    must demonstrate that probation “will ‘subserve the ends of justice and the best
    interest of both the public and the defendant.’” Bingham, 910 S.W.2d at 456
    (quoting State v. Dykes, 
    803 S.W.2d 250
    , 259 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1990)). In
    Bingham, we cited the following factors which, although “not controlling the
    discretion of the sentencing court,” should be considered in determining the
    appropriateness of probation:
    (1) The nature and characteristics of the crime, under Tenn. Code
    Ann. § 40-35-210(b)(4) (Supp. 1996);
    (2) the defendant’s potential for rehabilitation, under Tenn. Code Ann.
    § 40-35-103(5)(1990);
    (3) whether full probation would “unduly depreciate the seriousness
    of the offense,” under Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-103(1)(B) (1990); and
    (4) whether a sentence of full probation would “provide an effective
    deterrent,” under Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-103(1)(B) (1990).
    Bingham, 910 S.W.2d at 456. The nature and characteristics of the criminal
    conduct involved is a factor that is related logically to the issue of depreciating the
    seriousness of the offense. State v. Hartley, 
    818 S.W.2d 370
    , 375 (Tenn. Crim.
    App. 1991). When these factors serve as the only basis for denying probation, the
    nature and characteristics of the offense must be “especially violent, horrifying,
    shocking, reprehensible, offensive, or otherwise of an excessive or exaggerated
    degree,” outweighing all other factors favoring probation. State v. Travis, 
    622 S.W.2d 529
    , 534 (Tenn. 1981) (emphasis added). See also Hartley, 818 S.W.2d
    at 375.
    Bearing in mind that our review in this case is de novo, without a
    presumption of the correctness of the trial court’s decision, we take note of pertinent
    undisputed facts in evidence. The defendant presents a history of good citizenship
    prior to his use of marijuana and his sale of not only this drug but also cocaine. He
    has demonstrated a capacity for productive living and in dealing with family
    members with illnesses, has shown compassion and commitment. Moreover, the
    trial court’s sentence entails the payment of substantial fines which have not been
    contested on this appeal.
    There are, of course, counterweights to these considerations. We
    share the trial court’s expressed concern that the defendant engaged in this activity
    on or near a campus of higher learning. The defendant was willing to place these
    controlled substances into commerce by selling to a stranger.           Furthermore,
    although his college degree is certainly the product of discipline, diligence, and hard
    work, we acknowledge that the defendant’s educational attainment and professional
    capabilities also encumber him with the wherewithal and the responsibility to
    understand and obey society’s rules. These aspects of the criminal conduct
    involved are sufficiently offensive, tending to outweigh other considerations favoring
    the grant of probation, so as to compel us to conclude that the defendant has not
    carried his burden of demonstrating that he is entitled to full probation.
    Having so concluded, we hold that split confinement is appropriate.
    We modify the sentence in order to require that the defendant serve 60 days in
    confinement in the county jail, with the balance of the effective sentence of three
    years to be probated conditioned upon participation in Community Corrections for
    and during the first year following release from custody.