Christopher Lovin v. State of Tennessee ( 2010 )

    January 27, 2010 Session
    Appeal from the Criminal Court for Claiborne County
    No. 12,557   E. Shayne Sexton, Judge
    No. E2009-00939-CCA-RM-PC - FILED NOVEMBER 10, 2010
    The Petitioner, Christopher Lovin, appeals the Claiborne County Criminal Court’s denial of
    post-conviction relief from his conviction for felony murder in the perpetration of aggravated
    child abuse. On appeal, he contends that trial counsel rendered ineffective assistance by (1)
    failing to object to the State’s amendment of his indictment, (2) failing to examine and rebut
    the State’s medical witnesses properly, (3) failing to object to the State’s use of
    demonstrative evidence, and (4) failing to object to the State’s presentation of two theories
    of causation. We affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Criminal Court Affirmed
    J OSEPH M. T IPTON, P.J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which N ORMA M CG EE O GLE
    and D. K ELLY T HOMAS, J R., JJ., joined.
    Jason D. Demastus, Chattanooga, Tennessee, for the appellant, Christopher Lovin.
    Robert E. Cooper, Jr., Attorney General and Reporter; Leslie E. Price, Assistant Attorney
    General; William Paul Phillips, District Attorney General; and Jared Ralph Effler, Assistant
    District Attorney General, for the appellee, State of Tennessee.
    The Petitioner was convicted of felony murder in the perpetration of aggravated child
    abuse and sentenced to life imprisonment. This court affirmed the judgment of the trial court
    and recited the facts of this case in the Petitioner’s direct appeal:
    At 1:12 A.M. on October 16, 2000, Cindy Gerralls and
    Rita Hurst, emergency medical technicians with the Claiborne
    County Ambulance Service, were dispatched to a Tazewell
    residence occupied by the [Petitioner], Christopher Lovin, and
    his fiancé, Bonnie Raske. Ms. Raske, the mother of the victim,
    four-month-old Caylis Lovin, was outside directing the
    emergency unit to the proper location. Within four minutes of
    the dispatch, Ms. Gerralls and Ms. Hurst arrived, finding the
    [Petitioner], the father of the victim, inside the residence
    kneeling over his son. The [Petitioner] had his left arm under a
    pillow and his right hand on the victim’s abdomen. As Ms.
    Gerralls entered the room, the [Petitioner] remarked, “I can’t do
    anything more, I’ve been doing this for 30 or 45 minutes.”
    Because the victim was born three months prematurely and had
    been cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit at the
    University of Tennessee Medical Center, he was connected to an
    apnea monitor at the time the emergency personnel arrived. Ms.
    Gerralls determined that the victim had no pulse, was “very,
    very cold and blue and was not breathing.” There was no sound
    of alarm from the monitor during the period the emergency
    technicians were at the residence. Ms. Gerralls and Ms. Hurst
    transported the victim by ambulance to the Claiborne County
    Hospital emergency room, arriving precisely 15 minutes after
    the original dispatch. The medical staff was able to generate a
    heart rate but was unable to establish spontaneous respiration.
    After approximately one hour at the emergency room, the victim
    was transported to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in
    Dr. Joseph Child, a pediatric intensivist, and one of his
    associates, Dr. Jeff Queen, treated the victim upon his arrival at
    Children’s Hospital. Dr. Child determined that the victim had an
    extreme buildup of acid in the bloodstream which was the result
    of either a prolonged period of oxygen deprivation or very low
    blood pressure. With the assistance of other specialists, Dr.
    Child was able to determine that there was blood around the
    surface of the brain and between the hemispheres. The brain was
    swollen and a CAT Scan indicated that there was no blood flow.
    Dr. Child described the victim as “cold” and “gray.” The
    victim’s kidneys were failing and the retinas of each eye were
    covered with blood. Treatment was unsuccessful and death
    resulted from oxygen deprivation.
    Bobby Morelock, a detective with the Claiborne County
    Sheriff’s Department, questioned the [Petitioner] while the
    victim was still alive. The [Petitioner] made the following
    He was pale all day and coughing and
    turning colors. Mom got him out of his swing
    once to check on him. Everything was pretty
    normal seemed like. He was still pale, gurgling a
    little but he was breathing. I told Bonnie he was
    sick, he was just kind of lifeless throughout
    yesterday and last night. Caylis was asleep when
    Bonnie went to bed around 12:00. Bonnie fed
    Caylis before she went to bed. Caylis was crying
    around 12:30 A.M. and Bonnie asked what he
    was crying for. I was trying to hook up the heart
    monitor on him. I fed him before I tried to hook
    up the heart monitor but I never got the monitor
    hooked up. I got his breathing treatments ready
    but Bonnie already had everything ready in the
    treatment. Caylis was on the couch and asleep so
    I got the breathing tube and put it close to Caylis’s
    nose so I wouldn’t wake him back up. When I got
    the treatment started and put the hose up to his
    nose, I held it there until it was done, about five
    minutes. I then put up ... the breathing treatment.
    I then went to get his stuff to change his diaper
    and wipe him off. When I got his clothes off, I
    noticed he wasn’t breathing. One of the reasons I
    took his clothes off was to hook his monitor back
    up. I didn’t see any response to him. I picked him
    [up] and didn’t feel nothing. I had my left hand on
    the back of his head, holding it up and just kind of
    shook it, saying, Caylis, Caylis, hoping he would
    shake out of it. I leaned down and gave him a puff
    of air and looked over at the monitor and it was
    showing nothing. I laid him back down on the
    couch and began CPR. I was trying for around
    five minutes. I was just trying to get him back. I
    kept screaming for Bonnie for a while. [I] never
    moved him from the couch. I kept giving him
    puffs and pushing on his chest sometimes. I had
    to push a little harder because he never would do
    nothing. Bonnie got up and panicked and I was
    cussing at Bonnie because she just kept running
    through the house there and I said go-go call an
    ambulance, he’s not breathing. She left to call and
    I just kept trying to get him breathing. Every time
    I quit, the monitor would quit. The ambulance
    people got there and didn’t bring nothing inside
    with them. They just picked him up and carried
    him to the ambulance when they came in. I just
    unhooked the plugs from the monitor.
    On the day following his initial statement, the [Petitioner]
    was questioned by TBI Agent Steve Vinsant and Detective
    Morelock. By the time of this interview, the victim had died.
    Each of the officers recalled that the [Petitioner] had
    acknowledged that he was alone with the victim at the time the
    victim stopped breathing. They also remembered that the
    [Petitioner] never made mention of either shaking, striking, or
    dropping the victim. The [Petitioner] was arrested for murder on
    October 19, three days after the initial hospitalization.
    Agent Vinsant recalled that during questioning, the
    [Petitioner] suggested that the emergency personnel may have
    injured the victim by jumping off the porch without properly
    supporting the head. Agent Vinsant recalled that the [Petitioner]
    had speculated that the rib fractures may have been due to his
    efforts at CPR. According to the officer, the [Petitioner] had
    stated that Ms. Raske had been in bed for over an hour before he
    called for medical assistance.
    Dr. Child described infants generally as having large,
    heavy heads as compared to the rest of the body and having
    weak neck muscles, thereby making them particularly
    susceptible to a brain injury due to shaking. It was his opinion
    that the death of the victim, which occurred within hours after
    he was transported to Children’s Hospital, was due to Shaken
    Infant Syndrome, which involves a tearing of the blood vessels
    that support the brain. Dr. Child described the force required to
    cause the injuries to the victim as “severe” and “violent” in
    which “the head is just cracking like a whip at the neck.” He
    also found internal bleeding into the abdomen as a contributing
    cause of death. The spleen was fractured, the liver was torn in
    three places, and the left kidney and adrenal gland were bruised
    and damaged, injuries which, in Dr. Child’s opinion, “would
    have eventually led to this baby’s death....” It was his
    assessment that the injuries to the internal organs were the result
    of “blunt force,” which had been “directly applied,” a force
    different from that causing the damage to the head.
    Dr. Sandra Elkins, the Director of Autopsy Services and
    Forensic Pathology at the University of Tennessee Medical
    Center, and who also serves as Medical Examiner for Knox
    County, performed the autopsy. She also identified two separate
    areas of critical injury, either of which would cause death: head
    trauma qualifying as Shaken Infant Syndrome and blunt force
    injuries to the chest and abdomen. Dr. Elkins’ findings included
    subdural hematoma or blood clotting on the surface of the brain,
    retinal hemorrhaging, rib fractures due to a compressing force,
    pulmonary contusions to the lungs, and severe internal bleeding
    due to lacerations of the liver and the spleen.
    Dr. Elkins described these injuries as very uncommon in
    infants and, in her opinion, far too severe to result from a fall to
    the floor or any attempt at cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Dr.
    Murray Kevin Marks, a forensic anthropologist, assisted in the
    autopsy. He described a variety of rib fractures ranging from
    “creases” to “complete breaks.” It was his opinion that the
    fractures were due to significant external pressure on the right
    front of the chest.
    Ronald Ford, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital,
    described the victim as comatose but still alive upon his
    admission to the intensive care unit. Due to the signs of brain
    trauma and the resulting brain swelling, it was Dr. Ford’s
    opinion that the victim had died of “very violent shaking.” It
    was Dr. Ford’s further assessment that because of the extensive
    nature of the injury, the victim’s brain was no longer able to
    send signals to the other organs to maintain their function.
    Bonnie Raske, the 18-year-old mother of the victim,
    testified as a defense witness. She stated that the premature birth
    of the victim had caused breathing difficulties to such an extent
    that he required an apnea monitor. Ms. Raske confirmed that
    while the victim was born on June 11, he was not released from
    the hospital until September 2 and had been in her home for less
    than a month and a half at the time of his death. She described
    the victim as “always coughing, throwing up, he wouldn’t hold
    his formula down.” According to Ms. Raske, the victim was
    re-hospitalized, treated for pneumonia, and released about one
    week prior to his death. Seven months pregnant with a second
    child by the time of trial, Ms. Raske described the [Petitioner]
    as a loving father. She claimed that only hours prior to the
    episode that led to his death, the victim had stopped breathing
    and that she had revived him by shaking him and breathing into
    his mouth. Ms. Raske stated that the victim “constantly quit
    breathing” as indicated by his apnea monitor alarm. On the
    evening of the victim’s last hospitalization, Ms. Raske and the
    [Petitioner] had bought wine and had drinks. According to Ms.
    Raske, she became intoxicated, went to bed, and asked the
    [Petitioner] to take care of the victim. She recalled being
    awakened when the [Petitioner] began to scream that the victim
    was not breathing. At the [Petitioner]’s direction, Ms. Raske
    called 911 while the [Petitioner] administered CPR, using “both
    The [Petitioner], testifying at trial in his own behalf,
    contended that he had planned a romantic evening with his
    fiancé and that after dinner, their lovemaking was interrupted
    when Ms. Raske became ill from too much wine. The
    [Petitioner] claimed that he later gave the victim his medication
    and prepared him for bed. The [Petitioner] stated that the apnea
    monitor alarm sounded as the victim stopped breathing. While
    acknowledging that he had shaken the victim’s leg, the
    [Petitioner] claimed that he had done so gently in an effort to
    revive the victim and then breathed air into his mouth. The
    [Petitioner] testified that he began CPR by using an index finger
    on the chest and that when there was no response, he screamed
    for help from Ms. Raske, who was too dazed to assist. The
    [Petitioner] stated that he then made contact with the victim’s
    upper stomach in an effort to perform CPR and increased
    pressure to the area just above the navel. He described the
    pressure he applied with his hands as “more than I was realizing
    at the time.” The [Petitioner] stated that he believed the victim
    was either dying or dead by the time the ambulance arrived. He
    described himself as in shock and acknowledged that he had
    squeezed the victim “so hard ... my arms were shaking” as he
    attempted resuscitation. The [Petitioner] also admitted shaking
    the victim but was unable to say how hard. It was his contention
    that the medication had caused the victim to stop breathing.
    State of Tennessee v. Christopher Lovin, No. E-2002-01231-CCA-R3-CD, Claiborne
    County, slip op. at 1-5 (Tenn. Crim. App. Oct. 31, 2003).
    The Petitioner filed a post-conviction petition that the trial court denied after a
    hearing. This court affirmed the trial court’s judgment. Christopher Lovin v. State, No.
    E2006-01883-CCA-R3-PC, Claiborne County, slip op. (Tenn. Crim. App. July 5, 2007). The
    supreme court granted the Petitioner’s application for appeal and held that this court erred
    in denying the Petitioner’s motion to dismiss his retained appellate counsel and to represent
    himself on appeal. The court vacated this court’s judgment and remanded the case to this
    court with instructions that we remand the case to the trial court for a hearing to determine
    whether the Petitioner knowingly and voluntarily waived his right to post-conviction counsel.
    Lovin v. State, 
    286 S.W.3d 275
     (Tenn. 2009). The record reflects that the trial court
    determined that the Petitioner did not knowingly and voluntarily waive his right to counsel
    and appointed counsel. The Petitioner then, through counsel, filed his post-conviction
    appellate brief with this court.
    At the post-conviction hearing, the Petitioner testified that trial counsel was deficient
    for allowing the State to present two theories of death, one involving Shaken Infant
    Syndrome and the other involving internal organ injuries. The Petitioner said that trial
    counsel should have requested that the State elect which injury was the cause of death. He
    said that forcing the State to elect a single theory of the cause of death would ensure an
    unanimous jury verdict based on a single theory.
    The Petitioner testified that although trial counsel argued that the Petitioner injured
    the victim during CPR, trial counsel should have also argued that the injuries were caused
    by the Petitioner’s attempts to remove improperly administered medication. The Petitioner
    said he turned the victim upside down, squeezed his stomach, and shook the victim in an
    effort to dislodge the medication. He agreed that he explained these resuscitation efforts
    during the trial, but he said trial counsel failed to ask the State’s medical experts if the
    Petitioner’s attempts to remove the medication could have caused the victim’s injuries.
    The Petitioner testified that trial counsel failed to hire medical experts to rebut the
    testimony of the State’s experts. He was unaware that trial counsel sent the victim’s autopsy
    report and other medical records to Dr. Randall Pedigo for review. He was also unaware that
    Dr. Pedigo concluded that no reasonable medical expert would refute the conclusions of the
    State’s experts. The Petitioner said that he did not have medical experts at the post-
    conviction hearing who would refute the medical testimony from the trial but that he asked
    his post-conviction counsel several times to learn the cost of hiring a medical expert and that
    counsel failed to do so. He also said his post-conviction attorney failed to comply with his
    request to subpoena the doctors who testified at the trial.
    The Petitioner testified that he spoke with Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)
    Rita Hurst and Cindy Gerralls on the night the victim was injured. Ms. Gerralls testified at
    trial, while Ms. Hurst did not. The Petitioner said that trial counsel should have called Ms.
    Hurst to testify at trial because her testimony would have supported his statement that he
    improperly administered the victim’s medication. He said that Ms. Hurst’s report stated she
    was unable to insert a breathing tube into the victim because of excess secretions in his
    airway. He said he told Ms. Gerralls that he gave the victim’s medication improperly. He
    noted that his statement to Ms. Gerralls was contained in her written report. He agreed that
    the medical experts at trial did not state that medicine or congestion killed the victim.
    Trial counsel testified that he began working as a public defender in 1990 and that he
    dealt exclusively with criminal defense law. He said he had represented many defendants
    charged with murder. He said he discussed trial strategy with the Petitioner and that they
    agreed that it was best to go with a single theory of defense based on the Petitioner’s claim
    that the victim’s injuries were accidental.
    Trial counsel testified that the Petitioner told him of his attempts to perform CPR and
    his attempts to remove medication that he improperly administered. He said he asked the
    State’s medical experts if the victim’s injuries could have occurred accidentally or through
    the improper use of CPR. He could not recall if he asked them if the injuries could have
    occurred during the Petitioner’s attempts to remove medication.
    Trial counsel testified that he consulted Dr. Pedigo to determine if he could present
    a defense based on medical testimony. He said that Dr. Pedigo concluded that the injuries
    were most consistent with a violent assault and did not appear to be consistent with
    accidental injuries caused during CPR. He said Dr. Pedigo’s findings were consistent with
    the findings of the State’s medical experts, including those of Dr. Sandra Elkins. Trial
    counsel said he met with Dr. Elkins to discuss the medical evidence. During that discussion,
    he asked Dr. Elkins many questions, some of which were prepared by Dr. Pedigo.
    Trial counsel testified that he had access to the EMT reports made by Ms. Gerralls and
    Ms. Hurst. He said Ms. Hurst’s report stated that the victim’s airway was congested with
    secretions. While he admitted that Ms. Hurst’s statement was consistent with the Petitioner’s
    testimony that the victim was congested, he did not think that her statement would be helpful
    to the Petitioner’s case. He said he was unaware of any beneficial information that Ms. Hurst
    could have added to the testimony given by Ms. Gerralls at trial.
    At the conclusion of the hearing, the trial court stated:
    I have listened to the testimony of . . . the petitioner, and
    also . . . trial counsel, and the Court is of the opinion that in
    applying the Strickland standard that I am required to apply, that
    any . . . harm or prejudice that might have occurred through
    [trial counsel’s] ineffectiveness did not . . . sufficiently prejudice
    the [Petitioner] or the verdict in this case to the extent that relief
    should be granted. I’m not saying by inference that [trial
    counsel] was ineffective. I recall this case specifically. This was
    a very difficult case . . . . [The petitioner] was afforded a very
    admirable defense. [Trial counsel] and his staff, along with all
    the other public defender attorneys and investigators,
    investigated and fleshed this case out as best as it could be
    [With regard to the tissue box demonstration] [trial counsel]
    might have objected to that, and the way I’m recalling that, it
    just happened . . . whether or not an objection would have cured
    a problem, I don’t know. It was a dramatic setting and it
    certainly had an impact on this jury.
    [With regard to amending the indictment] . . . this Court would
    have granted the request to amend the indictment over the
    objection of the [Petitioner], so I don’t think that there is . . . any
    claim or there’s any legitimate proof that . . . [an objection]
    would have changed the outcome of this trial or that would have
    changed whether or not [trial counsel] was effective.
    [With regard to the medical testimony,] [i]t’s clear that the
    defense did an adequate job in seeking expert assistance to
    protect [the petitioner’s] claim concerning the . . . nature of the
    injuries. The engagement of Dr. Pedigo was an important factor
    in that regard . . . I think that the defense counsel . . . addressed
    that issue as best as they could . . . .
    [With regard to] the question whether or not the State should
    have been required to elect a theory . . . this court routinely gives
    jury unanimity charges when there is a situation that a jury
    might return a verdict [based only on] . . . one separate offense
    . . . where the allegations of proof [show] . . . multiple offenses.
    In this particular case, the State has relied on multiple theories
    . . . but the act by the [Petitioner] in this case . . . the single act
    could have brought about death in either fashion, so I don’t
    think there is any merit to that.
    The burden in a post-conviction proceeding is on the Petitioner to prove his
    allegations of fact by clear and convincing evidence. T.C.A. § 40-30-110(f) (2006);
    Dellinger v. State, 
    279 S.W.3d 282
    , 294 (Tenn. 2009). Once a petitioner establishes the fact
    of counsel’s errors, the trial court must determine whether those errors resulted in the
    ineffective assistance of counsel. Dellinger, 
    279 S.W.3d at 293
    ; see Strickland v.
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687-88, 694 (1984).
    On appeal, we are bound by the trial court’s findings of fact unless we conclude that
    the evidence in the record preponderates against those findings. Fields v. State, 
    40 S.W.3d 450
    , 456-57 (Tenn. 2001). Because they relate to mixed questions of law and fact, we review
    the trial court’s conclusions as to whether counsel’s performance was deficient and whether
    that deficiency was prejudicial under a de novo standard with no presumption of correctness.
    Id. at 457
    . Post-conviction relief may only be given if a conviction or sentence is void or
    voidable because of a violation of a constitutional right. T.C.A. § 40-30-103 (2006).
    Under the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, when a claim of
    ineffective assistance of counsel is made, the burden is on the petitioner to show (1) that
    counsel’s performance was deficient and (2) that the deficiency was prejudicial. Strickland,
    466 U.S. at 687
    ; see Lockhart v. Fretwell, 
    506 U.S. 364
    , 368-72 (1993). A petitioner will
    only prevail on a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel after satisfying both prongs of the
    Strickland test. See Henley v. State, 
    960 S.W.2d 572
    , 579 (Tenn. 1997). The performance
    prong requires a petitioner raising a claim of ineffectiveness to show that the counsel’s
    representation fell below an objective standard of reasonableness or “outside the wide range
    of professionally competent assistance.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 690
    . The prejudice prong
    requires a petitioner to demonstrate that “there is a reasonable probability that, but for
    counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.” 
    Id. at 694
    Our supreme court has held that attorneys should be held to the general standard of
    whether the services rendered were within the range of competence demanded of attorneys
    in criminal cases. Further, the court stated that the range of competence was to be measured
    by the duties and criteria set forth in Beasley v. United States, 
    491 F.2d 687
    , 696 (6th Cir.
    1974), and United States v. DeCoster, 
    487 F.2d 1197
    , 1202-04 (D.C. Cir. 1973). See Baxter
    v. Rose, 
    523 S.W.2d 930
    , 936 (Tenn. 1975). Also, in reviewing counsel’s conduct, a “fair
    assessment of attorney performance requires that every effort be made to eliminate the
    distorting effects of hindsight, to reconstruct the circumstances of counsel’s challenged
    conduct, and to evaluate the conduct from counsel’s perspective at the time.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 689
    . “Thus, the fact that a particular strategy or tactic failed or even hurt the defense
    does not, alone, support a claim of ineffective assistance.” Cooper v. State, 
    847 S.W.2d 521
    528 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1992). Deference is made to trial strategy or tactical choices if they
    are informed ones based upon adequate preparation. Hellard v. State, 
    629 S.W.2d 4
    , 9 (Tenn.
    1982); see DeCoster, 
    487 F.2d at 1201
    The Petitioner contends that trial counsel rendered ineffective assistance by failing to
    object to the State’s amendment of the Petitioner’s indictment. The State contends that trial
    counsel’s performance was not deficient because the amendment removed surplus language
    but did not change the offense charged or the underlying facts. We hold that the trial court
    properly found that trial counsel was not ineffective by not objecting to the amendment.
    The indictment charged that the Petitioner “on or about October 15-16, 2000, . . . did
    unlawfully, feloniously, and recklessly kill CAYLIS LOVIN during the perpetration of
    aggravated child abuse, in violation of T.C.A. 39-13-202.” Before trial, the State filed a
    motion to amend the indictment by deleting the word “recklessly.” Trial counsel did not
    object to the amendment.
    At the time of the offense, the first degree murder statute provided:
    39-13-202 First degree murder.
    (a) First degree murder is:
    (2) A killing of another committed in the perpetration of or
    attempt to perpetrate any first degree murder, arson, rape,
    robbery, burglary, theft, kidnapping, aggravated child abuse,
    aggravated child neglect, or aircraft piracy; . . .
    (b) No culpable mental state is required for conviction under
    subdivision (a)(2) . . . except the intent to commit the
    enumerated offenses or acts in such [subdivision].
    T.C.A. § 39-13-202(a)(2), (b) (Supp. 2000) (amended 2002, 2007). The aggravated child
    abuse statute provided:
    39-15-402 Aggravated child abuse and neglect.
    (a) A person commits the offense of aggravated child abuse or
    aggravated child neglect who commits the offense of child
    abuse or neglect as defined in § 39-15-401 and:
    (1) The act of abuse or neglect results in serious bodily injury to
    the child; . . .
    Id., § 39-15-402(a)(1) (Supp. 2000) (amended 2005, 2009). The offense of child abuse was
    defined as:
    39-15-401 Child abuse and neglect.
    (a) Any person who knowingly, other than by accidental means,
    treats a child under eighteen (18) years of age in such a manner
    as to inflict injury or neglects such a child so as to adversely
    affect the child’s health and welfare commits [child abuse or
    Id., § 39-15-401(a) (Supp. 2000) (amended 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009).
    Both the United States and Tennessee constitutions guarantee an accused “the right
    to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.” State v. Hill, 
    954 S.W.2d 725
    , 727
    (Tenn. 1997) (citing U.S. Const. amend. VI, XIV; Tenn. Const. art. I, § 9). An indictment
    will be deemed valid so long as it provides sufficient information to enable the defendant to
    know the accusation to defend, to furnish the trial court an adequate basis for entry of a
    proper judgment, and to protect the defendant from double jeopardy. See id. at 727. The
    court has likewise stated that “indictments which achieve the overriding purpose of notice
    to the accused will be considered sufficient to satisfy both constitutional and statutory
    requirements.” State v. Hammonds, 
    30 S.W.3d 294
    , 300 (Tenn. 2000). To this end,
    “specific reference to a statute within the indictment may be sufficient to place the accused
    on notice of the charged offense.” State v. Sledge, 
    15 S.W.3d 93
    , 95 (Tenn. 2000). At the
    time of the Petitioner’s trial, Rule 7(b) of the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure allowed
    an indictment to be amended at any time with the defendant’s consent or, if without the
    defendant’s consent, before jeopardy attached and only if “no additional or different offense
    is thereby charged and no substantial rights of the defendant are thereby prejudiced.” See
    Tenn. R. Crim. P. 7(b) (2000) (amended 2006).
    The indictment, as originally drafted, met the notice requirements. It charged that the
    Petitioner committed first degree felony murder in the perpetration of aggravated child abuse
    of a named victim on a stated date. The indictment cited the pertinent penal statute. From
    this, the Petitioner knew the charge against which he must defend, the court had a basis for
    entry of judgment, and the Petitioner was protected from double jeopardy. See State v. Hill,
    954 S.W.2d at 727
    Following its 1995 amendment, the felony murder statute that was in effect at the
    time of the crime stated that no culpable mental state, other than that required by the
    underlying felony statute, was required. T.C.A. § 39-13-202(b); see 1995 Tenn. Pub. Acts
    ch. 460, § 1 (amending felony murder statute to delete element of reckless mental state). The
    word “recklessly” in the indictment was surplusage. See State v. Hopper, 
    695 S.W.2d 530
    535 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1985) (inclusion of element of deliberation in felony murder in
    indictment was surplusage and could not have misled the defendant). The statute for the
    offense of aggravated child abuse required that the perpetrator act “knowingly.” The
    amendment of the indictment to remove the word “reckless” did not change the offense. The
    Petitioner was on notice of the required mental state because the indictment named the
    underlying felony. Because the amendment was proper under Rule 7(b), there was no basis
    for trial counsel to object to the amendment. Further, the Petitioner was not prejudiced by
    the amendment because the same offense was charged.
    We have not overlooked the Petitioner’s claim in his brief that his due process rights
    were violated by the State’s “surreptitiously sidestepping the indictment procedure and
    allowing the grand jury to indict the Petitioner for felony-murder based on lesser ‘reckless’
    conduct when the crime for which he was tried and convicted required the more culpable
    standard of ‘knowing’ conduct to be considered.” The original indictment reflects that the
    grand jury indicted the Petitioner for recklessly killing the victim while knowingly
    committing aggravated child abuse. To the extent that the grand jury found evidence of a
    reckless killing, the indictment reflected a more culpable killing than that which would be
    legally sufficient to sustain a conviction of felony murder. This theory provided no basis for
    trial counsel to have lodged a meritorious objection.
    The trial court did not err in finding that the Petitioner failed to prove that counsel was
    ineffective for failing to object to the indictment amendment. The Petitioner is not entitled
    to relief.
    The Petitioner also alleges that trial counsel was ineffective by failing to examine the
    State’s medical witnesses properly and by failing to rebut the State’s expert proof. The State
    contends that the trial court properly denied relief on this basis. We agree with the State.
    The Petitioner’s complaints are that trial counsel did not cross-examine the State’s
    medical experts about whether the victim’s injuries could be explained by the Petitioner’s
    having improperly administered the victim’s medication, that counsel did not present proof
    that EMT Rita Hurst noted upon her arrival at the scene that the victim had “so much
    secretions” that he could not be intubated, and that counsel did not present defense expert
    proof to contradict the State’s expert proof. The record reflects that counsel consulted Dr.
    Pedigo, who, after reviewing the autopsy report and speaking with the forensic pathologist
    who performed the autopsy, offered his opinion that no reasonable medical expert would
    disagree with the conclusions of the State’s experts. Trial counsel had Dr. Pedigo assist him
    by providing questions for counsel to ask Dr. Elkins.
    Counsel testified that he met with Dr. Elkins and consulted with the Petitioner about
    her statements. He said that Dr. Elkins believed the victim suffered the worst case of child
    abuse that she had ever seen and that counsel concluded that he would be unable to find a
    reasonable forensic expert who disagreed with her.
    Although the Petitioner complains that counsel should have consulted more than one
    medical expert, he failed to present the testimony of another medical expert at the
    post-conviction hearing. He failed to establish that there was a qualified expert who counsel
    exercising reasonable diligence could have called to rebut the State’s experts.
    Given this information, counsel had no basis for cross-examining the experts about
    improper medication administration. There was also no relevant basis upon which to offer
    Ms. Hurst’s testimony or her report of the excess secretions. Likewise, counsel had been
    advised that no credible expert would testify that the victim’s death was caused by improper
    medication procedure. The Petitioner did not present any expert proof at the hearing to
    establish that his theory of improper medication was possible and therefore should have been
    pursued by counsel.
    The Petitioner contends that counsel was ineffective by failing to object properly to
    a demonstration the State had the Petitioner do during cross-examination and that counsel
    failed to preserve the issue for the motion for new trial and the direct appeal. The
    demonstration consisted of the Petitioner’s actions toward the victim and was performed with
    a tissue box representing the victim. The State responds that trial counsel’s objection was
    overruled and that the Petitioner has not shown prejudice. We agree with the State.
    Whether to allow a demonstration is a matter for the discretion of the trial court.
    State v. Underwood, 
    669 S.W.2d 700
    , 704 (Tenn. Crim App. 1994). Like all evidence, the
    demonstration must be relevant evidence, and its probative valued must not be substantially
    outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice. Tenn. R. Evid. 401, 403.
    A defendant’s right to a fair trial may be infringed if he is forced
    to perform acts which would unjustly prejudice him. See United
    States v. Doremus, 
    414 F.2d 252
    , 253-54 (6th Cir.1969); State
    v. Ronald Bradford Waller, No. E1999-02034-CCA-R3-PC,
    2000 Tenn. Crim. App. LEXIS 558
    , at * *38-39 (Tenn. Crim.
    App. July 18, 2000, at Knoxville), perm. to app. denied
    (Tenn.2001). Prejudice may arise in cases where the requested
    performance or demonstration would unjustly humiliate or
    degrade the defendant, or where such performance would be
    damaging to the defendant’s image and is irrelevant to an issue
    at trial. Doremus, 414 F.2d at 254.
    State v. Detrick Cole, No. W2002–1254-CCA-R3-CD, Shelby County, slip op. at 10 (Tenn.
    Crim. App. Nov. 24, 2003) (holding that fingerprinting a capital defendant in front of the jury
    during penalty phase of the trial did not violate the defendant’s constitutional rights and was
    proper as part of the State’s proof of the defendant’s identity as a person convicted of prior
    violent felonies), aff’d, 
    155 S.W.3d 885
     (Tenn. 2005).
    The record reflects that during the demonstration, trial counsel said, “Your Honor,
    I don’t know if he can do that on a box of Kleenex or not, accurately demonstrate . . .” The
    trial court ruled that the demonstration would be allowed, subject to it appearing to be
    adequately demonstrated. With respect to the demonstration itself, the record before us does
    not provide an extensive description of the Petitioner’s actions. The trial record reflects that
    the demonstration took place during portions of cross-examination of the Petitioner covering
    seven pages of the transcript and that the questions dealt generally with the amount of force
    the Petitioner used when he attempted to revive the victim by using CPR and by squeezing
    and shaking him. We note that the Petitioner’s theory of defense was that he improperly
    medicated and then injured the victim when he attempted to revive him. The Petitioner
    admitted shaking the victim and attempting CPR. The manner in which he physically
    handled the victim was highly relevant to the central issues in the case. Although the
    Petitioner argues that the demonstration was unjustly prejudicial, the record does not provide
    clear and convincing proof that the demonstration was inadmissible proof for which counsel
    was ineffective for failing to have excluded or for not obtaining appellate relief. The trial
    court did not err in denying post-conviction relief.
    In his last issue, the Petitioner contends that trial counsel was ineffective because he
    failed to object to the State’s use of two theories of causation for the victim’s death and failed
    to require that the State elect a single theory of death. He contends that the jury verdict
    against him was improper because it was not unanimous. The State responds that the
    prosecution was entitled to rely on evidence that the victim suffered multiple injuries, at least
    two of which were severe enough to be fatal, during the perpetration of aggravated child
    abuse on the date named in the indictment. We agree with the State that the Petitioner is not
    entitled to relief because there was no election or juror unanimity problem.
    The courts of this state have repeatedly held that when evidence is presented of
    multiple offenses that would fit the allegations of the charge, the trial court must require the
    State to elect the particular offense for which a conviction is sought and must instruct the jury
    as to the need for jury unanimity regarding the finding of the particular offense elected. See,
    e.g., State v. Brown, 
    762 S.W.2d 135
    , 137 (Tenn. 1998); State v. Walton, 
    958 S.W.2d 724
    727 (Tenn. 1997); State v. Shelton, 
    851 S.W.2d 134
    , 136 (Tenn. 1993); Burlison v. State, 
    501 S.W.2d 801
    , 804 (Tenn. 1973).
    This election requirement serves several purposes. First, it
    ensures that a defendant is able to prepare for and make a
    defense for a specific charge. Second, election protects a
    defendant against double jeopardy by prohibiting retrial on the
    same specific charge. Third, it enables the trial court and the
    appellate courts to review the legal sufficiency of the evidence.
    The most important reason for the election requirement,
    however, is that it ensures that the jurors deliberate over and
    render a verdict on the same offense.
    State v. Adams, 
    24 S.W.3d 289
    , 294 (Tenn. 2000). The requirements of election and a jury
    unanimity instruction exist even though the defendant has not requested them. See Burlison,
    501 S.W.2d at 804
    “When the evidence does not establish that multiple offenses have been committed,
    however, the need to make an election never arises.” Adams, 
    24 S.W.3d at 294
    that no election is required for continuing offenses). Consequently, the trial court may
    properly submit to the jury multiple counts embodying different theories for committing a
    single offense. See State v. Lemacks, 
    996 S.W.2d 166
    , 171-72 (Tenn. 1999) (holding that
    no election was required by proving alternative theories of guilt for one offense of driving
    under the influence of an intoxicant); State v. Cribbs, 
    967 S.W.2d 773
    , 778 (Tenn. 1998)
    (holding that counts alleging premeditated and felony murder may be submitted to the jury
    for a single murder).
    In the present case, the indictment charged that the Petitioner committed the offense
    of felony murder in the perpetration of aggravated child abuse “on or about October 15-16,
    2000.” The State presented evidence that the victim had multiple injuries caused by the
    Petitioner during one criminal event and that two of the injuries could have been fatal. See
    State v. Hodges, 
    7 S.W.3d 609
    , 624-25 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1998) (no election required for
    conviction of felony murder in the perpetration of or attempt to perpetrate aggravated child
    abuse where State presented two alternative means of culpability for a single offense, not two
    alternative offenses). The Petitioner was charged with only one offense, and the proof
    showed alternative means of committing the offense, not alternative offenses. No election
    was required. Trial counsel was not deficient because he did not object to the State’s
    alternative theories and did not request a unanimity instruction. The trial court did not err
    in denying post-conviction relief on this basis.
    In consideration of the foregoing and the record as a whole, the judgment of the trial
    court is affirmed.