Mann, Geraldine v. ACA Transport, LLC , 2021 TN WC 191 ( 2021 )

  •                                                                                             FILED
    Jun 21, 2021
    01:52 PM(CT)
    GERALDINE MANN,                                  )   Docket No 2020-04-0059
    Employee,                            )
    v.                                               )
    ACA TRANSPORT, LLC,                              )   State File No. 12853-2020
    Employer,                            )
    And                                              )
    U.S. FIRE INS. CO.,                              )   Judge Robert Durham
    Carrier.                             )
    This case came before the Court on June 14, 2021 for a second Expedited Hearing.
    Ms. Mann sought benefits for an alleged neck, upper back, and right arm injury. ACA
    Transport argued she failed to prove causation or provide timely notice of her injury. The
    Court holds that Ms. Mann did not provide sufficient evidence to change the Court’s
    previous ruling that she is not likely to prove causation. Given this holding, the Court
    need not address notice.
    History of Claim
    On December 29, 2020, the Court entered an Expedited Hearing Order denying
    Ms. Mann’s request for benefits because she did not show a likelihood of proving
    causation. 1 Ms. Mann appealed, and the Appeals Board affirmed the Court’s decision.
    At this hearing, the parties stipulated to the admissibility of both the exhibits and the
    transcript of the first hearing. Further, the Court attaches its December 29, 2020 order,
    incorporates it by reference, and will summarize only the evidence provided at this
    Ms. Mann called ACA’s owner, Aldon Allen, to testify regarding her exchanges
    At the time of the first hearing, Ms. Mann also had a claim pending in Missouri but stated she would
    dismiss it. She has since done so.
    with him and her supervisor, Ron Sias, about the alleged September 11, 2019 injury at
    issue. Mr. Allen agreed that Ms. Mann sent him a text message on September 11 that
    stated she was having difficulty pulling the fifth wheel pin on her trailer; however, he
    denied that she told either he or Mr. Sias that she actually hurt herself when doing so.
    Instead, Mr. Allen reiterated his previous testimony that he did not know Ms. Mann was
    alleging a work-related injury until she sent another text on October 31. He specifically
    denied that she told him in-person on October 4 as Ms. Mann alleged, or that he ignored
    her attempts to tell him.
    Mr. Allen acknowledged that Ms. Mann asked him about health insurance because
    she needed to see a doctor; however, he asserted he did not know it was because of an
    alleged work injury until October 31. He said he offered her health insurance, but she
    declined it because of the cost.
    The parties also disagreed about an incident in Texas where Ms. Mann reported a
    work-related injury to her hand. Mr. Allen testified that when she told him of that
    incident, he reported her claim to his carrier and coordinated treatment. He disputed her
    assertions that she had to find the clinic on her own, and that it was not until she told him
    that the clinic would not see her unless authorized by workers’ compensation insurance
    that he turned in the claim to the carrier.
    Mr. Allen also agreed that he and Mr. Sias had dinner with Ms. Mann and another
    employee, Jeri Klinefelter, in December 2019. Ms. Mann testified that she told Mr. Allen
    and Mr. Sias that she was still in a lot of pain from her injury, and Ms. Klinefelter
    corroborated this testimony in a Rule 72 statement. Mr. Allen disagreed.
    For his part, Mr. Allen provided text messages between he and Ms. Mann from her
    hire date through October 16, 2019. While Ms. Mann referenced back pain due to
    sleeping on a bad mattress on several occasions, she did not request medical treatment in
    the texts and did not reference a September 11 work injury or any complaints involving
    her neck, upper back, or right arm.
    Ms. Mann agreed the texts did not make a specific reference to a work injury, but
    she said that she also spoke regularly with Mr. Allen and Mr. Sias over the telephone and
    these conversations were not reflected in the texts. She maintained that she repeatedly
    told Mr. Sias and Mr. Allen about her work injury and her need for treatment. She only
    asked about health insurance because they refused to acknowledge her work-related
    injury and she needed to see a doctor.
    She also addressed the omission of any back or neck complaints from the DOT
    physicals. She testified that when the questionnaire asked about her “general medical
    history” she did not realize that she should include her current medical condition.
    Ms. Mann entered hundreds of pages of medical records as exhibits, including
    records from before she began working for ACA. None of these records show Ms. Mann
    complaining of neck, upper back, or right arm complaints after she recovered from a
    cervical fusion in 2014.
    The records also contain notes regarding her medical treatment with Family Nurse
    Practitioner, Malissa Phillips after ACA denied her claim. Those notes document that
    Ms. Mann underwent extensive conservative treatment, including several weeks of
    physical therapy. Additionally, an EMG showed she suffers from moderate carpal tunnel
    syndrome in her right hand, although this does not correspond to her complaints. She is
    still receiving steroids and other medications from NP Phillips to manage her symptoms.
    On April 22, 2021, NP Phillips wrote a letter stating that Ms. Mann continues to
    suffer from neck pain that radiates through both shoulders and into her mid-back. She
    also suffers from decreased grip strength and tingling in her fourth and fifth fingers. NP
    Phillips stated that these symptoms were “directly related” to her job with ACA.
    However, this note was not approved by a medical doctor, and no doctor has found a
    causal relation between Ms. Mann’s symptoms and her alleged work injury.
    Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
    Ms. Mann must show she would likely prevail at trial on her request for benefits.
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-239
    (d)(1) (2020); McCord v. Advantage Human Resourcing,
    2015 TN Wrk. Comp. App. Bd. LEXIS 6, at *9 (Mar. 27, 2015).
    Ms. Mann must prove an accidental injury that was “caused by a specific incident,
    or set of incidents, arising primarily out of and in the course and scope of employment[.]”
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-102
    (14)(A). She must prove this causal connection by a
    “reasonable degree of medical certainty,” which requires an expert medical opinion.
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-102
    In its previous order, the Court found that if Ms. Mann showed she was likely to
    prove a work-related injury on September 11, 2019, she would be entitled to a “causation
    specialist” evaluation based on the referral of NP Robertson, which was approved by Dr.
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-204
    (a)(3)(A)(ii). However, the Court held that she
    failed to carry this burden due to her lack of credibility regarding the occurrence of the
    alleged accident. At this hearing, Ms. Mann must overcome the inconsistent history that
    led the Court to deny her request. The Court holds she did not.
    First, Ms. Mann offered no additional evidence to corroborate her allegation that
    she suffered an injury on September 11. She produced no witnesses confirming her
    account other than Ms. Klinefelter’s Rule 72 Statement, which she submitted at the
    original hearing.
    Second, Mr. Allen did not retract his previous testimony that Ms. Mann never
    reported a work-related injury until October 31. In fact, Mr. Allen reinforced his
    testimony by offering numerous text messages between him and Ms. Mann from her hire
    date through October 16. These texts, unchallenged by Ms. Mann, do not mention that
    she suffered a work injury on September 11. Further, while she referred to “back pain”
    due to sleeping on a faulty mattress on several occasions, she never described neck, upper
    back, or right upper extremity pain because of an injury.
    Third, Ms. Mann did not offer evidence to counter or explain why neither her
    October 8 nor January 13 DOT exams mention neck, upper back, or right upper extremity
    symptoms. She said she did not understand the question meant her current problems. The
    Court is not persuaded by this statement. Moreover, Ms. Mann did not explain how she
    continued to work regular duty without restrictions until her termination from ACA for
    reasons unrelated to a physical inability to do the job. Ms. Mann also did not explain NP
    Robertson’s statement, approved by Dr. Wakeman, that she could not attribute Ms.
    Mann’s February complaints to an October injury given that she had a normal DOT exam
    in January.
    Fourth, though she submitted an April 2021 letter from NP Phillips which stated
    her symptoms were “directly related” to her employment with ACA, nothing in the
    records show whether NP Phillips reviewed Ms. Mann’s history with other providers or
    relied on anything other than her account to support this opinion. More importantly, the
    Appeals Board has held that a nurse practitioner’s opinion, standing alone, is not enough
    to establish causation; a doctor’s expertise is required. Noel v. EAN Holdings, LLC, TN.
    Wrk. Comp. App. Bd., LEXIS 6, at *5, (January 19, 2017). 2
    The Court is sympathetic to Ms. Mann’s situation, but it cannot find that she is
    likely to prevail at a hearing on the merits, and her claim for benefits is denied.
    1. Ms. Mann’s claim for additional benefits is denied at this time.
    2. This case is set for a Scheduling Hearing on Thursday, July 29, 2021, at 9:30
    a.m. Central Time. The parties must call 615-253-0010 or 855-689-9049 toll-
    free to participate in the Scheduling Hearing. Failure to appear might result in a
    determination of the issues without the party’s participation.
    Ms. Mann correctly points out that NP Robertson is also a nurse-practitioner; however, her statement is
    signed, and presumably agreed to, by Dr. Wakeman, a medical doctor. In addition, the burden of proof is
    on Ms. Mann, not ACA, to establish a competent medical opinion.
    ENTERED June 21, 2021.
    Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims
    Technical Record:
    1. Expedited Hearing Order
    2. Request for Expedited Hearing
    3. ACA’s Motion to Dismiss Request for Expedited Hearing
    4. Ms. Mann’s Response to Motion to Dismiss
    5. Order Denying Motion to Dismiss
    6. Ms. Mann’s Pre-Hearing Brief
    7. ACA’s Pre-Hearing Brief
    1.   Medical records from various providers
    2.   Texts between Ms. Mann and Mr. Allen
    3.   Transcript of initial Expedited Hearing
    4.   Exhibits from initial Expedited Hearing
    I certify that a copy of this Order was sent as indicated on June 21, 2021.
    Name                       Certified   Fax    Email    Service sent to:
    Geraldine Mann                X                    X   1800 Baron Drive, Apt. K-2
    Bolivar, MO 65613
    Emmie Kinnard                                      X
    Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims
    Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation | 1-800-332-2667
    Docket No.: ________________________
    State File No.: ______________________
    Date of Injury: _____________________
    Notice is given that ____________________________________________________________________
    [List name(s) of all appealing party(ies). Use separate sheet if necessary.]
    appeals the following order(s) of the Tennessee Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims to the
    Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (check one or more applicable boxes and include the date file-
    stamped on the first page of the order(s) being appealed):
    □ Expedited Hearing Order filed on _______________ □ Motion Order filed on ___________________
    □ Compensation Order filed on__________________ □ Other Order filed on_____________________
    issued by Judge _________________________________________________________________________.
    Statement of the Issues on Appeal
    Provide a short and plain statement of the issues on appeal or basis for relief on appeal:
    Appellant(s) (Requesting Party): _________________________________________ ☐Employer ☐Employee
    Address: ________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________
    Email: __________________________________________________________
    Attorney’s Name: ______________________________________________ BPR#: _______________________
    Attorney’s Email: ______________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
    Attorney’s Address: _________________________________________________________________________
    * Attach an additional sheet for each additional Appellant *
    LB-1099 rev. 01/20                              Page 1 of 2                                              RDA 11082
    Employee Name: _______________________________________ Docket No.: _____________________ Date of Inj.: _______________
    Appellee(s) (Opposing Party): ___________________________________________ ☐Employer ☐Employee
    Appellee’s Address: ______________________________________________ Phone: ____________________
    Email: _________________________________________________________
    Attorney’s Name: _____________________________________________ BPR#: ________________________
    Attorney’s Email: _____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
    Attorney’s Address: _________________________________________________________________________
    * Attach an additional sheet for each additional Appellee *
    I, _____________________________________________________________, certify that I have forwarded a
    true and exact copy of this Notice of Appeal by First Class mail, postage prepaid, or in any manner as described
    in Tennessee Compilation Rules & Regulations, Chapter 0800-02-21, to all parties and/or their attorneys in this
    case on this the __________ day of ___________________________________, 20 ____.
    [Signature of appellant or attorney for appellant]
    LB-1099 rev. 01/20                                 Page 2 of 2                                        RDA 11082

Document Info

Docket Number: 2020-04-0059

Citation Numbers: 2021 TN WC 191

Judges: Robert Durham

Filed Date: 6/21/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 6/22/2021