Ice, Damione v. Dion Dave and Anita Dave (Neita Reel-Dave), d/b/a/ D&N Transportation, Inc. and/or DNT Transportation , 2017 TN WC 57 ( 2017 )

    DAMIONE ICE,                                )
    Employee,                          )    Docket No.: 2016-01-0366
    v.                                          )
    DION DAVE AND ANITA DAVE                    )    State File No.: 57572-2016
    (NETIA REEL-DAVE), D/B/A D & N              )
    TRANSPORTATION, INC. AND/OR                 )    Judge Thomas Wyatt
    DNT TRANSPORT,                              )
    Uninsured Employers.              )
    This matter came before the undersigned Workers' Compensation Judge on
    March 19, 2017, upon a Request for Expedited Hearing (REH) for a decision on the
    record filed by the employee, Damione Ice. Mr. Ice presents several issues for decision,
    including: (1) which of two entities employed him on the date of alleged injury; (2)
    whether he was an employee or independent contractor on the date of alleged injury; (3)
    whether the person and/or entity for which he worked on the date of injury regularly
    employed five or more employees; and (4) whether he is entitled to recover from the
    Uninsured Employers Fund. For the reasons set forth below, the Court finds Mr. Ice is
    entitled to the requested benefits from the entity found to be his employer, and further is
    eligible for payments from the Uninsured Employer's Fund.
    History of Claim
    Mr. Ice is a forty-four-year-old resident of Chattanooga, Hamilton County,
    Tennessee who suffered second-degree bums to his right hand and left thumb when
    scalded by hot liquid while removing the radiator cap of an overheated truck. The
    incident occurred April 28, 2016, in Graniteville, South Carolina and resulted in Mr. Ice
    undergoing emergent skin-graft surgery at Doctors Hospital in Augusta, Georgia the next
    In his affidavit filed with the REH, Mr. Ice alleged that he was an employee of
    Dion Dave and Anita Dave, ''who had a business they operated under the name of D & N
    Transportation, Inc." (D & N.) Mr. Ice also submitted paystubs that documented he
    received checks drawn on the account of D & N in payment for loads he delivered during
    the two weeks immediately preceding the date of his injury.
    While neither Dian Dave norD & N 1 responded to Mr. Ices claim Netia Reel-
    Dave, whom Mr. Ice identified as "Anita Dave filed a responsive affidavit. 2 In the
    affidavit, Ms. Reel-Dave stated that she operates DNT Transport (DNT), a sole
    proprietorship. She stated that she contracted with Mr. Ice "in the first part of [2016]" to
    drive a truck for her. Counsel for Ms. Reel-Dave contends Mr. Ice was driving for DNT
    on the date of injury.
    The record establishes that, on and before the date of Mr. Ice's injury, substantial
    connections existed between Ms. Reel-Dave and her sole proprietorship, DNT, and Mr.
    Dave and his defunct corporation, D & N. While Ms. Reel-Dave stated in her affidavit
    that Mr. Dave drove for her on an "emergency, as-needed basis," the record contains a
    July 26, 2015 lease agreement in which D & N contracted to haul freight for DNT.
    Furthermore, evidence in the record indicates Ms. Reel-Dave and Mr. Dave operated
    DNT and D & N in a closer alignment with each other than would be expected if the only
    arrangement between the parties were a lease agreement. A sworn statement of Kenneth
    L. Ervin indicates he drove forD & N from 2010 to 2014, and then for DNT from
    September 2015 until June 2016. Mr. Ervin supplied pay records documenting that,
    during the initial part of his employment by DNT, he received pay for delivering loads
    for DNT by checks drawn on the account of D & N. Y arshaunjania Threatt testified by
    sworn statement that both "Deon and Nita Dave" controlled her work and scheduled her
    hours when she drove for DNT.
    The record also contains a February 27, 2016 check payable to the Tennessee
    Department of Labor and Workforce Development drawn on the account of D & N
    Transportation, Inc. Netia Reel signed the check on behalf of D & N. Also, in her
    affidavit, Ms. Reel-Dave claimed that Mr. Ice worked for DNT on and before the date of
    injury. 3 However, the check stubs submitted by Mr. Ice indicateD & N paid him for the
    loads he delivered in the two weeks preceding the date of injury.
    The record includes a document from the Tennessee Secretary of State that lists Dion Dave as the registered agent
    for service of process of D & N Transportation, Inc. The same document also indicates that the State of Tennessee
    revoked D & N Transportation, Inc.'s charter and dissolved the corporation on January 9, 2016. (Ex. 15.)
    Counsel for Ms. Reel-Dave informed the Court that Netia Reel-Dave is the same person as the "Anita Dave"
    referred to by Mr. Ice in the papers he filed in this claim.
    Ms. Reel-Dave's affidavit indicates that Mr. Ice drove for DNT "in the first part of[2016]."
    The record contains no evidence that the putative employers carried workers'
    compensation coverage on the date of Mr. Ice's injury. In fact, the Amended Expedited
    Request for Investigation Report prepared by the Bureau confirmed that the named
    employers did not have workers' compensation policies covering their drivers on the date
    of Mr. Ice's injury. Ms. Reel-Dave claimed in her affidavit that she was not required to
    obtain workers' compensation coverage because (1) she used only independent
    contractors to drive her trucks, and (2) she never contracted with more than two to three
    drivers at any given time.
    Neither of the named employers paid workers' compensation benefits to Mr. Ice.
    Because of this fact, he filed a Petition for Benefit Determination seeking payment of
    medical bills totaling $39,353.22 for treatment of his bums and temporary disability
    benefits from April 28 to July 27, 2016. When mediation failed to resolve the parties'
    disputes, the mediator issued a Dispute Certification Notice.
    Mr. Ice filed an REH seeking a decision on the record without an evidentiary
    hearing. Neither of the putative employers requested an evidentiary hearing. Upon
    reviewing the record, the Court found it needed no additional information to determine
    whether Mr. Ice is likely to prevail at a hearing on the merits regarding the issues raised
    in his request. The Court provided the parties an opportunity to object to the evidence
    submitted for its consideration; none of the parties did so. Accordingly, the Court will
    decide Mr. Ice's REH on the record. See Court of Workers' Comp. Claims Prac. & Proc.
    7.02 (March, 2017).
    Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
    Standard applied
    Mr. Ice bears the burden of proof on all elements of his workers' compensation
    claim. Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-239(c)(6) (2016); see also Buchanan v. Carlex Glass
    Co., 2015 TN Wrk. Comp. App. Bd. LEXIS 39, at *5 (Sept. 29, 2015). However, he
    need not prove every element of his claim by a preponderance of the evidence in order to
    obtain relief at an expedited hearing. McCord v. Advantage Human Resourcing, 2015
    TN Wrk. Comp. App. Bd. LEXIS 6, at *7- 9 (Mar. 27, 2015). At an expedited hearing,
    Mr. Ice has the burden to come forward with sufficient evidence from which this Court
    can determine he is likely to prevail at a hearing on the merits. /d.
    Who Is Mr. Ice's Employer?
    The Court first addresses which of the named employers employed Mr. Ice on the
    date of injury. Pertinent to this issue, the Court notes that neither Mr. Dave nor any
    person on behalf of D & N denied that Mr. Ice drove for D & N on the date of injury.
    The fact that D & N paid him for the loads he delivered in the two weeks immediately
    preceding the injury corroborates the allegation in Mr. Ice's affidavit that he was driving
    forD & N when injured. The Court questions the averment in Ms. Reel-Dave's affidavit
    that Mr. Ice drove only for DNT on the date of injury. The record establishes a number
    of occasions in which Ms. Reel-Dave acted on behalf ofD & Nand, in fact, the evidence
    makes it difficult to separate one trucking enterprise from the other. Accordingly, the
    Court holds Mr. Ice will likely prevail at a hearing on the merits in proving that he drove
    for D & N on the date of injury.
    Was Mr. Ice an Independent Contractor on the Date ofInjury?
    The Court next considers whether Mr. Ice was an independent contractor on the
    date of injury. Here, none of the named employers came forward with evidence that Mr.
    Ice signed a lease agreement under which he delivered loads for D & N. In the absence
    of a lease agreement, the Court accredits Mr. Ice's testimony that he was an employee of
    D & N on the date of injury.
    In further analyzing the employee-independent contractor issue, the Court
    considers Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-102(12)(D)(i) (2016), which lists the
    following factors for consideration in determining whether a person working for pay is an
    employee or independent contractor:
    1.     the right to control the conduct of the work;
    2.     the right to terminate;
    3.     the method of payment;
    4.     the freedom to select and hire helpers;
    5.     the furnishing of tools and equipment;
    6.     self-scheduling of working hours; and
    7.     the freedom to offer services to other entities.
    While none of the above factors is necessarily determinative of whether an employment
    or an independent contractor relationship exists, the Supreme Court has held that a
    party's right to control another party's work is a factor that generally indicates the
    existence of an employer-employee relationship. Galloway v. Memphis Drum Serv., 
    822 S.W.2d 584
    (Tenn. 1991).
    The record here does not refute the statement in Mr. Ice's affidavit that he was an
    employee ofD & Non the date of injury. The Court infers from Mr. Ice's description of
    his employment relationship with D & N that the latter provided him the truck he was
    driving and the load he was delivering on the date of injury. In the context of the
    trucking industry, the Court finds the fact that D & N provided Mr. Ice a truck to drive
    and a load to deliver indicates D & N sufficiently controlled Mr. Ice's work to justify a
    finding that Mr. Ice was an employee ofD & Nat the time he was injured. In view of the
    above, the Court holds that Mr. Ice will likely prevail at a hearing on the merits in
    establishing that he was an employee ofD & Non the date of injury.
    Can D & N Avoid Liability Because It Employed Fewer than Five Employees on the Date
    The Court next addresses whether the law bars Mr. Ice from recovering workers'
    compensation benefits because D & N employed fewer than five employees on the date
    of injury. For purposes of determining the applicability of the Workers' Compensation
    Law to a given employer, Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-102(13) (2016)
    defines a covered employer as "any individual, association or corporation ... using the
    services of not less than five (5) persons for pay." A thorough review of the record
    indicates that D & N did not claim it employed fewer than five employees on the date of
    injury. In fact, the record is silent as to the number of drivers D & N actually did employ
    on the date in question. 4
    In considering whether this lack of evidence precludes Mr. Ice from recovery, the
    Court notes the Supreme Court in Gamus v. Asher, 
    561 S.W.2d 756
    , 759 (Tenn. 1978),
    held that coverage under the Workers' Compensation Law attaches to an employer on the
    first day the employer has five or more persons who may be classified as regular
    employees. The Supreme Court went on to hold that, once coverage attaches, the
    employer may not negate its liability to pay workers' compensation benefits by simply
    reducing its workforce below five regular employees. Instead, the employer must comply
    with the administrative procedures to withdraw from coverage before it can avoid its
    obligation to pay workers' compensation benefits by employing fewer than five
    employees. See also Whitehead v. Watkins, 
    741 S.W.2d 327
    , 329 (Tenn. 1987).
    Here, the record indicates D & N hired more than five regular drivers from 2009 to
    2012. The record does not contain evidence that D & N ever thereafter administratively
    established its right to avoid workers' compensation coverage due to the employment of
    fewer than five drivers. Accordingly, the Court holds that, at a hearing on the merits, Mr.
    Ice will likely prevail in establishing that D & N cannot avoid paying him workers'
    compensation benefits because it employed fewer than five employees on the date of
    Did Mr. Ice Establish His Entitlement to Medical and Temporary Disability Benefits?
    Under Tennessee law, an alleged injury is compensable only if it arises primarily
    out of and in the course and scope of employment. Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-102(14)
    The Court does not consider Ms. Reel-Dave's claim that DNT never used more than two drivers at any given time
    pertinent to the determination of the number of employees employed by D & N.
    (20 16). Further, the employee must establish the work-relatedness of his or her injury to
    a reasonable degree of medical certainty. Tenn. Code Ann.§ 50-6-102(14)(C) (2016).
    The named employers did not challenge Mr. Ice's allegation that he suffered bums
    while removing the radiator cap on an overheated truck on April28, 2016. In support of
    his claim, Mr. Ice submitted records from Doctors Hospital in Augusta, Georgia that
    document his treatment on April 28 and 29, 2016, in the hospital's bum center. (Ex. 3.)
    The records document that, on several occasions during the treatment process, Mr. Ice
    gave a history of suffering bums when exposed to hot liquid while removing the radiator
    cap on a truck.
    Id. at 9, 16, 21, 26.
    The records further document that the treating
    physicians at Doctors Hospital diagnosed Mr. Ice with second-degree bums to the fingers
    on his right hand, the top of his right hand, and his left thumb.
    Id. at 6, 7, 9, 14, 16, 22, 26, 31.
    Under the law applicable prior to the 2013 reforms to the Workers' Compensation
    Law, an employee was not required to prove an obvious injury. However, in Willis v. All
    Staff, 2015 TN Wrk. Comp. App. Bd. LEXIS 42, at *27 (Nov. 9, 2015), our Appeals
    Board held:
    Prior to the 2013 Workers' Compensation Reform Act, the law was clear
    that a workers' compensation claimant did not have to establish by expert
    medical testimony a causal relationship between the injury and the
    claimant's employment in "the most obvious, simple and routine cases."
    Orman v. Williams Sonoma, Inc., 
    803 S.W.2d 672
    , 676 (Tenn. 1991). In
    light of the new statutory language found in sections 50-6-102(13)(B) and
    50-6-102(13)(C), it is unclear whether expert medical testimony is now
    required in cases deemed to be "obvious, simple and routine."
    Although the issue of the necessity of medical evidence to establish the causation
    of obvious injuries remains undecided, the Court is satisfied that the evidence in this case
    establishes Mr. Ice did sustain the bums he described in his affidavit and that the bums
    occurred in the manner he claimed. While the Doctors Hospital records do not contain an
    express opinion from a physician that Mr. Ice suffered his bums when exposed to hot
    liquid while removing a radiator cap, the records do document that Mr. Ice consistently
    gave that history to several of the providers who treated his bums. Furthermore, the
    records irrefutably establish Mr. Ice underwent skin-graft surgery on April 29, 2016, for
    second-degree bums to his right hand and left thumb. Accordingly, the Court holds that,
    at a hearing on the merits, Mr. Ice likely will prevail in establishing that he suffered his
    bums while removing a radiator cap on the truck he was driving forD & N.
    The Court likewise holds that, at a hearing on the merits, Mr. Ice likely will
    prevail in establishing that his compensable bums necessitated the treatment he received
    at Doctors Hospital. Accordingly, the Court holds Mr. Ice is entitled to medical benefits,
    including payment for the bills referenced above. D & N shall pay the bills in question
    pursuant to the records introduced into evidence here.
    Regarding Mr. Ice's claim for temporary disability benefits, the Court notes the
    record establishes that the treating providers at Doctors Hospital totally disabled him
    from working between April 29, 2016, and May 31, 2016. (Ex. 2 at 8.) The record is
    silent as to Mr. Ice's capacity to work after May 31, 2016. Accordingly, the Court holds
    Mr. Ice is entitled to temporary total disability benefits from April 29, 2016, to May 31,
    20 16, a period of four weeks, five days.
    The record provides sparse information regarding Mr. Ice's earnings history while
    employed by D & N. In his affidavit, he claims he worked twelve weeks for D & N
    before the date of injury; however, the record only documents the amounts D & N paid
    him during the two weeks immediately preceding the date of injury. The available
    records indicate Mr. Ice earned an average weekly wage of $675.00, thus the Court holds
    he is entitled to temporary total disability benefits for four weeks, five days, at the
    compensation rate of$450.00 per week for a total of$2,121.40.
    Is Mr. Ice Entitled to Benefits from the Uninsured Employers Fund?
    Although this Court holds D & N must provide Mr. Ice medical and temporary
    benefits, it is unclear whether payment will be forthcoming, as D & N did not have
    workers' compensation insurance at the time of the accident. Under Tennessee Code
    Annotated section 50-6-80 1(d) (20 16), the Bureau has discretion to pay limited
    temporary disability and medical benefits to employees who have established medical
    causation of their injury and who meet the following criteria:
    1. The employee worked for an employer who failed to carry workers' compensation
    2. The employee suffered an injury primarily arising in the course and scope of
    employment after July 1, 2015;
    3. The employee was a Tennessee resident on the date of the injury;
    4. The employee provided notice to the Bureau of the injury and the employer's
    failure to provide workers' compensation insurance no more than sixty days after
    the injury occurred; and
    5. The employee secured a judgment for workers' compensation benefits against the
    employer for the injury in question.
    Here, the evidence establishes the first element required for recovery, namely, D
    & N was an uninsured employer. Next, Mr. Ice established by the standard applicable at
    an Expedited Hearing that he suffered an injury arising primarily out of and in the scope
    of his employment with D & N on April 28, 2016. As to the residency requirement of
    section 50-6-802(d), Mr. Ice resided in Tennessee at the time of his injury. As to the
    requirement that Mr. Ice give the Bureau notice of his injury and his employer's
    uninsured status, the Court notes that the record contains the Amended Expedited
    Request for Investigation Report of the Bureau's Compliance Specialist. This report
    indicates that, on May 10, 2016, twelve days after the date of injury, the specialist
    received an RFI (Request for Investigation) of D & N arising out of Mr. Ice's injury.
    Accordingly, Mr. Ice complied with the applicable notice provision.
    The Court, therefore, holds Mr. Ice meets all the criteria to qualify as an eligible
    employee under Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-801 et seq.
    IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED as follows:
    1. Medical care for Mr. Ice's injuries, including services already received, shall
    be paid, and the treating physician at Doctors Hospital, Augusta, Georgia, shall
    serve as the authorized treating physician.
    2. Mr. Ice is entitled to receive temporary disability benefits from April29, 2016,
    until May 31,2016, in the amount of$2,121.40.
    3. Mr. Ice is eligible to receive temporary disability and medical benefits from the
    Uninsured Employer's Fund pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section
    50-6-801 et seq. The clerk shall forward a copy of this order to the
    Administrator for consideration of payment.
    4. This matter is set for a scheduling hearing on June 5, 2017, at 10:00 a.m.
    Eastern Time. The parties shall call 855-747-1721 (toll-free) or 615-741-3061
    at the scheduled time to participate in the conference. A party's failure to call
    in at the scheduled time will result in the Court making decisions without the
    absent party's participation.
    5. Unless interlocutory appeal of the Expedited Hearing Order is filed,
    compliance with this Order must occur no later than seven business days from
    the date of entry of this Order as required by Tennessee Code Annotated
    section 50-6-239(d)(3) (2016). The Insurer or Self-Insured Employer must
    submit confirmation of compliance with this Order to the Bureau by email to no later than the seventh business day after
    entry of this Order. Failure to submit the necessary confirmation within the
    period of compliance may result in a penalty assessment for non-compliance.
    For questions regarding compliance, please contact the Workers'
    Compensation Compliance Unit via email or
    by calling (615) 253-1471 or (615) 532-1309.
    ENTERED this the 22nd day of March, 2017.
    Workers' Compensation Judge
    Technical Record:
    1. PBD filed July 29, 2016;
    2. DCN filed September 13, 2016;
    3. REH, filed January 4, 2017;
    4. Docketing Notice for On-The-Record Determination, filed March 10, 2017;
    5. Response of Uninsured Employer, filed March 9, 2017.
    1. Affidavit of Damione Ice;
    2. Records of Doctors Hospital, Augusta, Georgia provided to Mr. Ice;
    3. Records of Doctors Hospital, Augusta, Georgia;
    4. Billing Records of Doctors Hospital, Augusta, Georgia;
    5. Billing Records of Anesthesia Consultants of Augusta, LLC;
    6. Records documenting payments from D & N Transportation, Inc. to Mr. Ice;
    7. Sworn Worker Information Form of Kenneth L. Ervin;
    8. Sworn Worker Information Form ofYarshaunjania Threatt;
    9. Employer Questionnaire completed by Netia Reel-Dave;
    10. Affidavit ofNetia Reel-Dave;
    11. Amended Expedited Request for Investigation Report filed by the Tennessee
    Bureau of Workers' Compensation;
    12. 2009-2013 Payroll Records ofD & N Transportation, Inc.;
    13. Lease Agreement between D & N Transportation, Inc. and Netia Reel-Dave,
    d/b/a DNT Transport;
    14. Tennessee Secretary of State filing information on D & N Transportation, Inc.;
    15. D & N Transportation, Inc. check signed by Netia Reel-Dave; and
    16. Bill ofLading.
    I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this Expedited Hearing Order was
    sent to the following recipients by the following methods of service on this the 22nd day
    ofMarch, 2017.
    Name             Certified    Fax        Email   Service sent to:
    Mike Wagner,                                        X      maw@wagnerinjurv .com
    Art Grisham,                                        X      art@grishamattorney. com

Document Info

Docket Number: 2016-01-0366

Citation Numbers: 2017 TN WC 57

Judges: Thomas Wyatt

Filed Date: 3/22/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/10/2021