Coble, Quinctius v. Pictsweet Co. , 2019 TN WC 176 ( 2019 )

    Dec 11, 2019
    12:02 PM(CT)
    QUINCTIUS COBLE, ) Docket No. 2018-07-0542
    Employee, )
    V. )
    PICTSWEET CO., ) State File No. 61181-2018
    Employer, )
    And )
    Co., )
    Carrier. )
    This case came before the Court on Pictsweet’s Motion for Summary Judgment.
    The issue is whether Pictsweet is entitled to summary judgment on grounds that Mr.
    Coble’s injuries did not arise primarily out of his employment, an essential element of his
    claim. For the following reasons, the Court grants Pictsweet’s motion.
    Procedural History
    Mr. Coble alleged an electric shock injury to his right knee, arm, and foot.
    Pictsweet contested his claim. Mr. Coble requested an Expedited Hearing by a decision
    on the record. The Court entered an Order Denying Benefits, holding that Mr. Coble did
    not establish he would likely prevail in establishing his injuries arose primarily out of his
    Pictsweet then filed this Motion for Summary Judgment. At the same time, it filed
    a statement of undisputed facts with citations to the record and proof that it served Mr.
    Coble with a copy of Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure 56 under Tennessee
    Compilation Rules and Regulations 0800-02-21-.18(1)(a) (August, 2019)(a moving party
    must provide a self-represented non-moving party with a copy of the rule upon which a
    dispositive motion is based). Mr. Coble did not file a response to the motion.
    The Court heard argument on the motion on December 10, 2019. At that time, Mr.
    Coble acknowledged receiving the motion and a copy of Rule 56.
    The Court summarizes the relevant undisputed material facts as follows:
    e Mr. Coble selected Physicians Quality Care (PQC) from a panel of physicians
    offered by Pictsweet.
    Dr. Peter Gardner was Mr. Coble’s treating physician at PQC.
    e Dr. Gardner signed a causation letter stating that Mr. Coble’s diagnosis and need
    for medical treatment did not primarily arise out of his employment at Pictsweet.
    e In its decision on the record, this Court made the following findings of fact and
    conclusions of law:
    “Here, the only medical expert opinion is that of Dr. Gardner, who said Mr.
    Coble’s injury is not work-related. Instead, he attributed Mr. Coble’s foot
    problems to uncontrolled diabetes. Therefore, Mr. Coble did not establish that he
    would likely prevail as to whether his injuries, to a reasonable degree of medical
    certainty, arose primarily out of his employment at Pictsweet.”
    e Mr. Coble did not appeal the Expedited Hearing Order.
    The Court recognizes Mr. Coble has chosen to represent himself, as is his right.
    However, unrepresented litigants must comply with the same standards to which
    represented parties must adhere. Watson v. City of Jackson, 
    448 S.W.3d 919
    , 926 (Tenn.
    Ct. App. 2014). This includes complying with the same substantive and procedural rules
    that represented parties are expected to observe. Hessmer v. Hessmer, 138 8.W.3d 901,
    903 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2003). Here, Mr. Coble did not respond to Pictsweet’s motion as
    required by Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure 56.03; thus, the Court must consider
    Pictsweet’s motion and its statement of material facts unopposed.
    So considered, the Court first acknowledges that summary judgment is appropriate
    “if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together
    with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and
    that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.” Tenn. R. Civ. P. 56.04
    (2019). As the moving party, Pictsweet must do one of two things to prevail on its
    motion: (1) submit affirmative evidence that negates an essential element of Mr. Coble’s
    claim, or (2) demonstrate that Mr. Coble’s evidence is insufficient to establish an
    essential element of his claim. Tenn. Code Ann. § 20-16-101 (2019); see also Rye v.
    Women’s Care Ctr. of Memphis, MPLLC, 
    477 S.W.3d 235
    , 264 (Tenn. 2015).
    One essential element of Mr. Coble’s claim is that he must show his injury arose
    primarily out of his employment at Pictsweet. To prove this, he must establish to a
    reasonable degree of medical certainty that his work contributed more than fifty percent
    in causing his injury or need for medical treatment when considering all causes. “Shown
    to a reasonable degree of medical certainty” means that, “in the opinion of the treating
    physician, it is more likely than not considering all causes as opposed to speculation or
    possibility.” Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-102(14)(A)-(D).
    Here, the undisputed facts are that Dr. Gardner stated Mr. Coble’s injury, to a
    reasonable degree of medical certainty, did not primarily arise out of his employment but
    was instead related to uncontrolled diabetes. This is the only medical opinion in the
    record, and it negates the essential element of causation that Mr. Coble must establish to
    prevail. Therefore, the Court holds Pictsweet is entitled to summary judgment as a matter
    of law.
    1. Pictsweet’s Motion for Summary Judgment is granted, and Mr. Coble’s claim is
    dismissed with prejudice to its refiling.
    2. Absent appeal, this order shall become final thirty days after entry.
    3. The Court taxes the $150.00 filing fee to Pictsweet under Tennessee Compilation
    Rules and Regulations 0800-02-21-.06 payable to the Clerk within five days of
    this order becoming final.
    4. Pictsweet shall prepare and submit the SD-2 with the Clerk within ten days of the
    date of judgment.
    ENTERED December 11, 2019.
    Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims
    I certify that a copy of this Order was sent as indicated on December 11, 2019.
    Name Via Via Service Sent To:
    Mail Email
    Quinctius Coble, xX 84 Birch St.
    Self-Represented Employee Brownsville, TN 38012
    Paul T. Nicks, x
    Employer’s Attorney
    / ) {
    Yin Moe
    Penny Shrum, Court Clerk
    Compensation Hearing Order Right to Appeal:
    If you disagree with this Compensation Hearing Order, you may appeal to the Workers’
    Compensation Appeals Board or the Tennessee Supreme Court. To appeal to the Workers’
    Compensation Appeals Board, you must:
    1. Complete the enclosed form entitled: “Compensation Hearing Notice of Appeal,” and file
    the form with the Clerk of the Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims within thirty
    calendar days of the date the compensation hearing order was filed. When filing the
    Notice of Appeal, you must serve a copy upon the opposing party (or attorney, if
    2. You must pay, via check, money order, or credit card, a $75.00 filing fee within ten
    calendar days after filing of the Notice of Appeal. Payments can be made in-person at
    any Bureau office or by U.S. mail, hand-delivery, or other delivery service. In the
    alternative, you may file an Affidavit of Indigency (form available on the Bureau’s
    website or any Bureau office) seeking a waiver of the filing fee. You must file the fully-
    completed Affidavit of Indigency within ten calendar days of filing the Notice of
    Appeal. Failure to timely pay the filing fee or file the Affidavit of Indigency will
    result in dismissal of your appeal.
    3. You bear the responsibility of ensuring a complete record on appeal. You may request
    from the court clerk the audio recording of the hearing for a $25.00 fee. A licensed court
    reporter must prepare a transcript and file it with the court clerk within fifteen calendar
    days of the filing the Notice of Appeal. Alternatively, you may file a statement of the
    evidence prepared jointly by both parties within fifteen calendar days of the filing of the
    Notice of Appeal. The statement of the evidence must convey a complete and accurate
    account of the hearing. The Workers’ Compensation Judge must approve the statement
    of the evidence before the record is submitted to the Appeals Board. If the Appeals
    Board is called upon to review testimony or other proof concerning factual matters, the
    absence of a transcript or statement of the evidence can be a significant obstacle to
    meaningful appellate review.
    4. After the Workers’ Compensation Judge approves the record and the court clerk transmits
    it to the Appeals Board, a docketing notice will be sent to the parties. The appealing
    party has fifteen calendar days after the date of that notice to submit a brief to the
    Appeals Board. See the Practices and Procedures of the Workers’ Compensation
    Appeals Board.
    To appeal your case directly to the Tennessee Supreme Court, the Compensation Hearing
    Order must be final and you must comply with the Tennessee Rules of Appellate
    Procedure. If neither party timely files an appeal with the Appeals Board, the trial court’s
    Order will become final by operation of law thirty calendar days after entry. See Tenn.
    Code Ann. § 50-6-239(c)(7).
    For self-represented litigants: Help from an Ombudsman is available at 800-332-2667.
    Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
    220 French Landing Drive, I-B
    Nashville, TN 37243-1002
    naving been duly sworn according to law, make oath that
    because of my poverty, | am unable to bear the costs of this appeal and request that the filing fee to appeal be
    waived. The following facts support my poverty.
    1. Full Name:
    3. Telephone Number:
    5. Names and Ages of All Dependents:
    6. | am employed by:
    2. Address:
    4. Date of Birth:
    My employer’s address is:
    My employer’s phone number is:
    7. My present monthly household income, after federal incom and social security taxes are deducted, is:
    8. | receive or expect to receive money from the following sources:
    AFDC $
    SSI $
    Retirement $
    Disability $
    Unemployrnent $
    Worker’s Comp.$
    Other $
    LB-1108 (REV 11/15)
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    RDA 11082
    9. My expenses are:
    Rent/House Payment $ per month Medical/Dental $ per month
    Groceries $ per month Telephone $ per month
    Electricity $ per month School Supplies $ per month
    Water $ per month Clothing $ per month
    Gas $ per month Child Care $ per month
    Transportation $ per month Child Support $ per month
    Car $ per month
    Other $ per month (describe: )
    10. Assets:
    Automobile $ (FMV)
    Checking/Savings Acct. $
    House $ (FMV)
    Other $ Describe:
    11. My debts are:
    Amount Owed To Whorn
    | hereby declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing answers are true, correct, and complete
    and that | am financially unable to pay the costs of this appeal.
    Sworn and subscribed before me, a notary public, this
    day of , 20
    My Commission Expires:
    LB-1108 (REV 11/15) RDA 11082
    Tennessee Division of Workers’ Compensation
    Docket #:
    State File #/YR:
    Notice is given that
    [List name(s) of all appealing party(ies) on separate sheet if necessary]
    appeals the order(s) of the Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims at
    to the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.
    [List the date(s) the order(s) was filed in the court clerk’s office]
    Statement of the Issues
    Provide a short and plain statement of the issues on appeal or basis for relief on appeal:
    List of Parties
    Appellant (Requesting Party): At Hearing: _lEmployerL ]Employee
    Address: oe
    Party’s Phone: Email:
    Attorney’s Name: BPR#:
    Attorney's Address: Phone:
    Attorney’s City, State & Zip code:
    Attorney’s Email:
    * Attach an additional sheet for euch additional Appellant *
    rev. 10/18 Page 1 of 2 RDA 11082
    Employee Name: SF#: DOI:
    Appellee (Opposing Party):_ At Hearing: [Jem ployer__]Em ployee
    Appellee’s Address:
    Appellee’s Phone: Email:
    Attorney’s Name: BPR#:
    Attorney’s Address: Phone:
    Attorney’s City, State & Zip code:
    Attorney’s Ernail:
    * Attach an additional sheet for each additional Appellee *
    I, , certify that | have forwarded a true and exact copy of this
    Compensation Hearing Notice of Appeal by First Class, United States Mail, postage prepaid, to all
    parties and/or tneir attorneys in this case in accordance with Rule 0800-02-22.01(2) of the Tennessee
    Rules of Board of Workers’ Compensation Appeals on thisthe —s_ dayof , 20 _
    [Signature of appellant or attorney for appellant]
    Attention: This form should only be used when filing an appeal to the Workers’ Compensation Appeals
    Board. If you wish to appeal a case to the Tennessee Supreme Court, please utilize the form provided by
    the Court which can be found on their website at the following address: appeal - civil or criminal.pdf
    LB-1103 rev. 10/18 Page 2 of 2 RDA 11082

Document Info

Docket Number: 2018-07-0542

Citation Numbers: 2019 TN WC 176

Judges: Allen Phillips

Filed Date: 12/10/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/9/2021