lennar-corporation-lennar-homes-of-texas-sales-marketing-ltd-and-lennar ( 2013 )

  •                IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS
    NO . 11-0394
    Argued October 16, 2012
    JUSTICE HECHT delivered the opinion of the Court, in which CHIEF JUSTICE JEFFERSON ,
    JUSTICE DEVINE joined.
    JUSTICE BOYD filed a concurring opinion.
    Having determined that homes built with an exterior insulation and finish system (“EIFS”)
    suffer serious water damage that worsens over time, a homebuilder undertook to remove the product
    from all the homes it had built and replace it with conventional stucco. The homebuilder’s insurers
    refused to cooperate with this remediation program, preferring instead to wait until homeowners
    sued, and denied coverage of the costs. This litigation, lasting more than twelve years, ensued.
    Now, only one insurer remains, and the issues have been winnowed to two:
    •        Not having consented to the homebuilder’s remediation program, is the insurer nevertheless
    responsible for the costs if it suffered no prejudice as a result?
    •        Is the insurer responsible for (i) costs incurred to determine property damage as well as to
    repair it, and (ii) costs to remediate damage that began before and continued after the policy
    We resolve these issues in the homebuilder’s favor, reverse the judgment of the court of appeals,1
    and reinstate the judgment of the trial court.
    Long used in commercial construction, EIFS was marketed in the early 1990s as an attractive
    alternative to conventional stucco in home construction. But installed on wood-frame walls typical
    of single-family homes, EIFS traps water inside, causing rot and structural damage, mildew and
    mold, and termite infestations.2 Damage is often undetectable from a visual inspection of the
    exterior of the home. Lennar Corporation and another homebuilder it bought3 built some 800 homes
    using EIFS, but stopped using it in 1998. After the problems with EIFS were exposed on the NBC
    television show Dateline in 1999, homeowner complaints poured in. Lennar investigated and
    learned that the problems associated with EIFS were frequent and substantial. Property damage
    typically began six to twelve months after EIFS was installed, progressed more or less, depending
    342 S.W .3d 704 [Lennar II], following remand in Lennar Corp. v. Great Am. Ins. Co., 200 S.W .3d 651 (Tex.
    App.–Houston [14th Dist.] 2006, no pet.) [Lennar I].
    The problems with using EIFS in home construction have become familiar to us. See Fresh Coat, Inc. v. K-2,
    Inc., 318 S.W .3d 893 (Tex. 2010); Pine Oak Builders, Inc. v. Great Am. Lloyds Ins. Co., 279 S.W .3d 650 (Tex. 2009);
    Don’s Bldg. Supply, Inc. v. OneBeacon Ins. Co., 267 S.W .3d 20 (Tex. 2008).
    Petitioners are Lennar Corporation and two subsidiaries, Lennar Homes of Texas Sales & Marketing Ltd. and
    Lennar Homes of Texas Land & Construction Ltd. Lennar Corporation bought Village Builders in 1996. All are
    collectively referred to as “Lennar”.
    on the proximity of water due to rain and yard irrigation, and continued until the EIFS was removed.
    Lennar decided not merely to address complaints as it received them but to contact all its
    homeowners and offer to remove the EIFS and replace it with conventional stucco. Lennar began
    its remediation program in 1999 and finished in 2003. Almost all the homeowners accepted
    Lennar’s offer of remediation. A few were paid cash.4 Only three ever sued.5 All settled.6
    Early in the process, Lennar notified its insurers that it would seek indemnification for the
    costs. The insurers refused to participate in Lennar’s proactive, comprehensive efforts, preferring
    instead to wait and respond to homeowners’ claims one by one. All the insurers denied coverage,
    and in 2000, Lennar sued. The trial court granted summary judgments for the insurers, and the court
    of appeals affirmed for all but two: American Dynasty Surplus Lines Insurance Company, which had
    provided Lennar a $1 million primary commercial general liability policy with an annual $1 million
    self-insured retention, and Markel American Insurance Company, which had provided a $25 million
    commercial umbrella policy, in effect from June 1, 1999 through October 19, 2000.7 On remand,
    Lennar settled with American Dynasty, leaving only its claims against Markel for trial.
    See Lennar I, 200 S.W .3d at 661 n.4 (“Lennar paid cash settlements to a few homeowners”).
    Id. at 661
    n.3 (“Of the approximately 400 homes involved, only two homeowners filed suit against Lennar.”).
    The record, however, contains references to three lawsuits.
    Lennar II, 342 S.W .3d at 714 (“It is undisputed that Lennar entered into a settlement agreement with each
    Lennar I, 200 S.W .3d at 685, 691, 704.
    Among the many disputes the court of appeals resolved was whether Lennar’s costs to
    remove and replace EIFS as a preventative measure were incurred “because of . . . property damage”
    and thus covered by the policies.8 The court held they were not:
    Lennar arguably made a good business decision to remove and replace all the EIFS
    to prevent further damage. Nonetheless, . . . we cannot conclude that it was
    necessary for Lennar to remove and replace all the EIFS in order to repair the water
    damage, if any, to each home. Therefore, the costs incurred by Lennar to remove and
    replace EIFS as a preventative measure are not [covered]. Accordingly, Lennar must
    apportion the EIFS-related damages between its costs to remove and replace EIFS as
    a preventative measure and its costs to repair water damage to the homes.9
    Lennar and Markel also disputed whether coverage was precluded by Lennar’s failure to comply with
    Condition E of the policy, which states in part: “it is a requirement of this policy that . . . no insured,
    except at their own cost, voluntarily make any payment, assume any obligation, or incur any expense
    . . . without [Markel’s] consent”. Markel had not consented to Lennar’s remediation settlements.10
    Citing our decision in Hernandez v. Gulf Group Lloyds,11 the court held that Markel’s liability was
    not excused unless it could prove, as a matter of fact, that it had been prejudiced by Lennar’s
    settlements with homeowners.12 Neither Lennar nor Markel sought review of the court of appeals’
    decision. Both have accepted that court’s holdings as governing the case.
    Id. at 677.
    Id. at 679–680.
    Id. at 695
    875 S.W .2d 691, 692–694 (Tex. 1994).
    Lennar I, 200 S.W .3d at 695.
    At trial against Markel, Lennar offered evidence that the extent of water damage to a home
    could not be determined without removing all the EIFS, though when that was done, some homes
    turned out to have only limited damage, and some had none at all. Lennar offered evidence of its
    remediation costs for only 465 homes that had some water damage, but it included costs for
    removing and replacing all the EIFS on the homes, even if only part of a home was damaged. Lennar
    offered no evidence of the costs of work done on a few homes that turned out to be completely
    undamaged. At Lennar’s request, the trial court asked the jury to find for each home the amount
    “incurred in payment of property damage”, defined as:
    •       The cost to remove and replace the EIFS in order to access and repair
    underlying water damage or in order to determine the areas of underlying
    water damage.
    •       The cost to repair any water damage to the home.
    •       The cost to repair broken windows, cracked driveways, landscaping, and
    other parts of the home that were damaged in the course of repairing water
    damage to the home.
    (Emphasis added.) The court overruled Markel’s objections that the italicized phrase did not
    describe a cost incurred “because of . . . property damage” under its policy and that Lennar had not
    segregated covered and uncovered costs as directed by the court of appeals.
    After hearing evidence for eight days, the jury found that Lennar’s defective use of EIFS in
    home construction “create[d] an imminent threat to the health or safety of the inhabitants of the
    homes”, and that Lennar took “reasonable steps to cure the construction defect as soon as practicable
    and within a reasonable time”. Lennar argued that these findings established its legal liability to the
    homeowners under the Residential Construction Liability Act (“RCLA”).13 The jury failed to find
    that Markel was prejudiced by Lennar’s “failure to obtain Markel’s consent (a) to enter into any
    compromise settlement agreement, or (b) to voluntarily make any payment, assume any obligation,
    or incur any expense”. The trial court rendered judgment awarding Lennar $2,965,114.16, the
    damages found by the jury less a $425,000 credit for settlements with other insurers, $2,421,825.89,
    the attorney fees found by the jury, and $1,227,476.03 in prejudgment interest.
    The court of appeals reversed and rendered judgment for Markel on two grounds.14 One was
    that Lennar had not established its legal liability to the homeowners to trigger Markel’s coverage.15
    The court concluded that the RCLA did not make Lennar legally liable to the homeowners because
    it does not create a cause of action,16 and that the policy did not allow Lennar to show legal liability
    to the homeowners using settlements to which Markel had not agreed.17 Markel had also argued that
    it was prejudiced by Lennar’s violation of the consent-to-settlement provision in Condition E, but
    the court reasoned that it did not need to address that issue given its disposition in the case.18
    T EX . P RO P . C O DE §§ 27.001–.007.
    Lennar II, 342 S.W .3d at 716.
    Id. at 712–16.
    Id. at 713–714;
    see T EX . P RO P . C O D E § 27.005 (“This chapter does not create a cause of action . . . .”). The
    court had not addressed this issue in the first appeal. Lennar I, 200 S.W .3d at 680 n.37 (“In their motions for summary
    judgment, several carriers argued that Lennar was not ‘legally obligated to pay’ the EIFS claims because it settled them
    voluntarily without suits being filed. According to Lennar, [RCLA] legally obligated Lennar to cure construction defects
    without suits being filed. On appeal, the carriers no longer argue that Lennar was not legally obligated to pay the EIFS
    claims.” (Citation omitted.)).
    Lennar II, 342 S.W .3d at 714–716.
    Id. at 715
    n.10. The court also rejected Lennar’s argument that it was legally liable for using a defective
    Id. at 714.
    The other ground for the court’s decision was that Lennar had not offered evidence of
    damages covered by the policy. The court concluded that “[t]he removal and replacement of EIFS
    ‘in order to determine the areas of underlying water damage’ as defined in the charge includes merely
    removing and replacing EIFS as a preventative measure, whether there was property damage or
    not.”19 The court expressly did not address Markel’s argument that Lennar had not offered evidence
    of damages occurring during its policy period as opposed to all the years during which Lennar was
    pursuing remediation.20
    We granted Lennar’s petition for review.21 We consider first whether Lennar established its
    legal liability to the homeowners, then whether it properly proved the amount of its loss.
    As noted above, Condition E of Markel’s policy forbade Lennar, “except at [its] own cost,
    [from] voluntarily mak[ing] any payment, assum[ing] any obligation, or incur[ring] any expense . . .
    without [Markel’s] consent”. Though Markel did not consent to Lennar’s settlements with
    homeowners, it concedes, as Lennar I held,22 that this provision does not excuse its liability under
    the policy unless it was prejudiced by the settlements. Lennar I relied on our decision in Hernandez
    v. Gulf Group Lloyds.23 There, the parents of a girl killed in a car accident settled with the other
    Id. at 711.
    Id. at 712
    55 Tex. Sup. Ct. J. 755
    , 757 (June 11, 2012).
    200 S.W .3d at 695.
    875 S.W .2d 691 (Tex. 1994).
    driver for his only asset, the limit of his auto insurance policy, which was far less than their damages,
    then claimed uninsured/underinsured motorist (“UM/UIM”) coverage under their own auto policy.24
    Their insurer had not been asked to consent to the settlement and denied the claim based on a policy
    exclusion for “bodily injury . . . with respect to which the insured . . . shall, without written consent
    of the company, make any settlement with any person . . . who may be legally liable therefor”.25 The
    insureds argued that without a showing that their settlement had prejudiced the insured, they had
    been denied the UM/UIM protection required by statute.26 We did not reach that argument,
    concluding instead that prejudice is required by principles of contract law.27 Generally, one party’s
    breach does not excuse the other’s performance unless the breach is material.28 One factor in
    determining materiality is “the extent to which the nonbreaching party will be deprived of the benefit
    that it could have reasonably anticipated from full performance.”29 The insurer had been deprived
    of only one benefit, its subrogation right against the other driver, and it stipulated that it had not, as
    a result, incurred any financial loss.30 Thus, we concluded, the insureds’ breach by settling without
    Id. at 692.
    Id. 26 Id.
    Id. at 692–694.
    Id. at 692
    (“A fundamental principle of contract law is that when one party to a contract commits a material
    breach of that contract, the other party is discharged or excused from any obligation to perform.”); see also
    R ESTATEM EN T (S ECO N D ) O F C O N TRACTS § 237 (1981) (stating that with exceptions, “it is a condition of each party’s
    remaining duties to render performances to be exchanged under an exchange of promises that there be no uncured
    material failure by the other party to render any such performance due at an earlier time.”).
    Id. at 693
    (citing R ESTATEM ENT (S ECO N D ) O F C O N TRACTS § 241(a) (1981)).
    Id. at 693
    the insurer’s consent was not material, the insurer was not prejudiced, and coverage was not
    At trial, Markel vigorously contended that Lennar’s settlements were prejudicial, largely
    because Lennar offered remediation to homeowners with damaged houses who would never have
    sought redress had Lennar left them alone. The jury did not find Markel’s position convincing or
    conclude that Lennar’s remediation program was anything other than a reasonable approach to a
    serious problem. The jury was entitled to credit evidence that, had Lennar not proceeded as it did,
    the damages would have worsened and the remediation costs increased. In this Court, Markel
    nevertheless asserts that it established prejudice as a matter of law. It argues in its brief:
    When an insurer is not asked to adjust a claim, provide a defense, or be involved in
    negotiating a settlement, but is simply told it has to pay for a voluntary payment, the
    insurer has suffered prejudice as a matter of law. That prejudice is even more stark
    in this case, in which the insured actively solicited claims which might otherwise
    never have been brought and made payments which were not covered under the
    Under Hernandez, an insurer establishes prejudice from a settlement to which it did not agree by
    showing that the insured’s unilateral settlement was a material breach of the policy — that is, that
    it significantly impaired the insurer’s position. Markel’s argument boils down to this — had Lennar
    Id. Amicus curiae,
    the Complex Insurance Claims Litigation Association, argues that requiring prejudice
    before enforcing a consent-to-settlement provision simply rewrites the policy, that many jurisdictions impose no such
    requirement, and that Hernandez should be limited to UM/UIM policies. W e answered the first argument in Hernandez:
    general contract law requires prejudice. 
    Id. at 692.
    The second argument is also answered in Hernandez: jurisdictions
    differ, for various reasons, over the necessity of prejudice. 
    Id. at 693
    n.4 (listing cases). In response to the third, nothing
    in Hernandez suggests that its rationale is limited to the type of insurance coverage involved.
    Markel’s Brief on the Merits 42–43.
    stonewalled the homeowners, fewer repairs would have been made. On this record, that is a question
    of fact, not of law, which the jury resolved in Lennar’s favor.
    But Condition E’s consent-to-settlement requirement also finds expression in the policy’s
    Insuring Agreement, and Markel argues that it can insist on compliance with this separate provision
    without proving prejudice. The policy obligates Markel to pay Lennar’s “ultimate net loss” —
    defined as “the total amount of [property] damages for which [Lennar] is legally liable”33 — and
    states that such loss “may be established by adjudication, arbitration, or a compromise settlement
    to which we have previously agreed in writing.” Markel contends that these three ways for
    establishing a covered loss are exclusive, and we assume, without deciding, that Markel is correct.
    Markel argues that this Loss Establishment Provision, unlike Condition E, is central to the policy
    because of its “unmistakeable language” and its purpose in preventing insureds from determining
    loss unilaterally, and therefore any breach is material. Lennar responds that the provision cannot
    operate differently than Condition E.
    Assuming Markel is right, that an insurer need not show prejudice from an insured’s failure
    to comply with a policy requirement that is “considered essential to coverage”,34 the Loss
    Establishment Provision does not qualify, certainly not for the reasons Markel argues. Its language
    is no clearer than Condition E’s, and the purpose of the two provisions, precluding liability for the
    The obligation was, of course, subject to American Dynasty’s $1 million primary coverage, Lennar’s $1
    million self-insured retention, and Markel’s $25 million policy limits.
    Prodigy Commc’ns Corp. v. Agric. Excess & Surplus Ins. Co., 288 S.W .3d 374, 381 (Tex. 2009) (citing as
    an example the requirement in a claims-made-and-reported policy that a claim be reported to the insurer during the policy
    period or within a specific number of days thereafter).
    insured’s voluntary payments without the insurer’s consent, is exactly the same. The Loss
    Establishment Provision is no more central to the policy than Condition E, and the requirement that
    Markel show prejudice from Lennar’s non-compliance with either operates identically. Markel
    failed to prove that it was prejudiced in any way by Lennar’s settlements. To allow it to argue that
    Lennar cannot use those non-prejudicial settlements to establish the amount of its loss would plainly
    subvert the requirement that Markel show that Lennar’s non-compliance was material. The jury’s
    failure to find prejudice leaves but one conclusion: that Lennar’s loss as shown by the settlements
    is the amount Markel is obligated to pay under the policy.35
    Absent prejudice to Markel, Lennar’s settlements with homeowners establish both its legal
    liability36 for the property damages and the basis for determining the amount of loss.37
    We come now to the question whether the amount of damages found by the jury is covered
    by Markel’s policy. The policy obligated Markel to pay “the total amount” of Lennar’s loss “because
    of” property damage that “occurred during the policy period”, including “continuous or repeated
    exposure to the same general harmful condition”. Focusing on “because of”, the court of appeals
    We do not, as the concurrence asserts, implicitly base our decision on public policy. “Generally, the State’s
    public policy is reflected in its statutes.” Town of Flower Mound v. Stafford Estates Ltd. P’ship, 135 S.W .3d 620, 628
    (Tex. 2004) (internal quotation marks omitted). Our analysis is based on the same settled principles of contract law and
    textual interpretation of insurance policies on which we based our decision in Hernandez.
    Markel states in its brief that the settlement agreements did not “establish an obligation to pay anything; they
    commit Lennar to perform repairs.” Markel’s Brief on the Merits 33. The costs to perform that commitment are
    Lennar’s legal liability.
    Having reached this conclusion, we need not consider Lennar’s contention that its liability was also
    established by RCLA.
    held that the policy covers only the cost of repairing home damage, not the cost of locating it, and
    because Lennar’s evidence did not segregate the two, it was entitled to recover nothing.38
    Additionally, Markel argues that Lennar’s evidence improperly included the cost of repairing home
    damage that occurred outside the policy period. The court of appeals did not reach this argument.39
    We examine each issue in turn.
    As we have explained, water damage from EIFS occurs within the walls of homes to which
    it is applied and thus is often hidden from sight. Lennar’s evidence at trial was that the extent of
    damage to a home cannot be determined without removing all the EIFS. Accordingly, the only cost
    evidence Lennar presented was for removing all the EIFS from damaged houses, repairing the
    damage, and recovering the houses with conventional stucco. For a few homes, removal of the EIFS
    revealed no damage whatever, and Lennar did not offer any evidence of its remediation costs for
    those homes. But for the homes that had some damage, Lennar did not segregate its cost to repair
    only the damage found; it included the cost of removing EIFS from the entire house to find all the
    damaged areas. The jury was asked to find Lennar’s costs of determining the areas of water damage
    as well as repairing them. Markel argues, and the court of appeals held, that the cost of determining
    the areas of water damage is not covered by the policy.
    Lennar II, 342 S.W .3d at 711.
    Id. at 712
    We have noted that the phrase, “because of”, used in determining a covered loss under a
    commercial general liability policy, “is susceptible to a broad definition.”40 But it need not be read
    broadly to reach all of Lennar’s remediation costs. Under no reasonable construction of the phrase
    can the cost of finding EIFS property damage in order to repair it not be considered to be “because
    of” the damage. We are not confronted with a situation in which the existence of damage was
    doubtful. Markel concedes that each of the 465 homes for which Lennar sought to recover
    remediation costs was actually damaged. Nor could Lennar have located all the damage, which was
    hidden from sight, without removing all the EIFS. The court of appeals’ characterization of efforts
    to determine all the damaged areas of homes as preventative measures is not supported by the record.
    We thus conclude that Lennar’s evidence supported the jury’s verdict.
    According to the evidence at trial, water damage from EIFS begins within six to twelve
    months after home construction is completed and continues until it is repaired. Lennar stopped using
    EIFS in 1998. Markel’s policy was in effect throughout 1999 and until October 2000. A fair
    inference from the record is that most of the damage to the homes began before or during Markel’s
    policy period and continued afterward. Markel agrees that all the homes for which Lennar claims
    remediation costs sustained some damage during the policy period, but it insists that only the costs
    for remediating the damage in existence during the policy period are covered losses. Lennar
    concedes that it did not attempt to prove the specific amount of damage to each house during the
    Zurich Am. Ins. Co. v. Nokia, Inc., 268 S.W .3d 487, 499 (Tex. 2008) (stating with respect to commercial
    general liability insurance policies, that “‘damages because of bodily injury’ is susceptible to a broad definition”).
    policy period but contends that it would be practically impossible to do so and that the policy does
    not require it.
    Coverage under Markel’s policy is limited to property damage that occurs during the policy
    period but expressly includes damage from a continuous exposure to the same harmful conditions.
    For damage that occurs during the policy period, coverage extends to the “total amount” of loss
    suffered as a result, not just the loss incurred during the policy period. No question remains that all
    465 houses at issue suffered property damage during the policy period, which began before or during
    the policy period and continued until it was repaired, all because of water trapped in home walls by
    EIFS applied to wood-frame construction. Thus, the policy covered Lennar’s total remediation costs.
    This reading of the policy is confirmed by our decision in American Physicians Insurance
    Exchange v. Garcia.41 In the underlying suit, plaintiffs alleged that the defendant physician’s
    negligence in treating their decedent extended over two-and-one-half years, during which the
    physician was covered at various times by four non-overlapping policies, one with $100,000 limits
    and the other three with $500,000 limits.42 Plaintiffs contended that the policies could be “stacked”
    to provide a total of $1.6 million in coverage and demanded that the insurers settle for that amount.
    After the insurers refused, plaintiffs obtained a judgment against the physician in excess of that
    amount, and, as the physician’s assignees, sued the insurers under Stowers.43 We rejected the
    plaintiffs’ stacking argument, explaining instead:
    876 S.W .2d 842 (Tex. 1994).
    Id. at 843–844.
    Id. at 853.
    If a single occurrence triggers more than one policy, covering different policy
    periods, then different limits may have applied at different times. In such a case, the
    insured’s indemnity limit should be whatever limit applied at the single point in time
    during the coverage periods of the triggered policies when the insured’s limit was
    highest. The insured is generally in the best position to identify the policy or policies
    that would maximize coverage. Once the applicable limit is identified, all insurers
    whose policies are triggered must allocate funding of the indemnity limit among
    themselves according to their subrogation rights.44
    Markel dismisses this as dicta, but having said what the policy limits were not, it was important for
    us to say what they were and why. Our decision provides the rule governing the situation described.
    Markel argues alternatively that it should be responsible along with Lennar’s other insurers
    only for its pro rata share of the total remediation expenses. Garcia rejects this approach, leaving
    up to insurers who share responsibility for a loss to allocate it among themselves according to their
    subrogation rights. Markel urges us to abandon Garcia, based on recent cases in other jurisdictions
    that take a pro rata approach.45 While we have acknowledged that allocation issues have been treated
    differently in other jurisdictions,46 the decisions of those courts do not persuade us to reconsider ours
    in Garcia.
    We conclude that Markel’s policy covered Lennar’s entire remediation costs for damaged
    *        *        *
    Id. at 855
    (footnote omitted).
    See Boston Gas Co. v. Century Indem. Co., 
    910 N.E.2d 290
    (Mass. 2009); EnergyNorth Natural Gas, Inc.
    v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, 
    934 A.2d 517
    (N.H. 2007); Crossmann Cmtys. of N.C., Inc. v. Harleysville Mut. Ins.
    717 S.E.2d 589
    (S.C. 2011).
    Don's Bldg. Supply, Inc. v. OneBeacon Ins. Co., 267 S.W .3d 20, 31 n.45 (Tex. 2008).
    Lennar’s responsible efforts to correct defects in its home construction did not absolve
    Markel of responsibility for the costs under its liability policy. We reverse the judgment of the court
    of appeals and affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    Nathan L. Hecht
    Opinion delivered: August 23, 2013

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-0394

Filed Date: 8/23/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/1/2016