Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

  •                                                        ..
    lIon0rabl,r Mwritt   1.   Rln.8
    County At torltey
    aUdi8+aa c0my
    Xldland, Trxrr
    Ipt ot ~our‘lottw of xay 26,
    upon the rolmf-
    perroar   rrraptrdiL
    rLlbln& rlrruharrthqn,
    or mora obtain rxamp-
    rlrr to know whrthrr t&la,
    n opinion rrndersdApril 3,
    nnlal Report or th* Attorney
    rifeat that *the obtaining of
    trr by thora rrrlding llrrwharr than in oltlsr
    inhabitantaor mom 18 not rrpulrad a8 a pro-
    uanoa of lama 18 nolthrr ro-
    or to tha ranotment    of Aat101.r 2%8a* Rarlrrd Cltil
    Statutea, 1925, In 1935, Aotr 1935, Uth La6Irlaturr, Ch. 292,
    p. 686, the r b o trltatrsrat or the law rrfl.rOtrQIn thr opinion
    or thlr arpartment,drtad April 3, 1924 was undoubtrdly oorrrot.
    florwv*r, numrour otkrr opinlon8 of thir drpartmsnt ara tn au-
    eoru tharetith. For example, see ~pialoa NO. .,-2436,f;&6 voy
    3j919pu,svol~57, p. 3961 Opinion dated Baptrmber 21,
    ,    l
    In tier of ohangrr in thr rlaOtiOtI rtatutsr, h&r&,
    .   i.63
    Banorablr     Merritt t. Hima, Paga 2
    lrt UI rr-ummlnr             the qu88tlon JOO.propouad.
    Art1418 2960 O? the R4tl804 Civil            Stmtutem,   1925, r4468
    48 iallowrr
    “Art.     2960. 2943 Grmmpt from poll tu.
    Worry p4rron who 18 aora than rlxty roara
    old or who 18 blind or deaf or duab, or 18 per-
    manrntlf dlMbl86, or hmr lost  on8 h4nd or root,
    rhall be lntltlod to tot8 without belrr(r
    to p4y 4 poll t8x, I? ho ha8 obtained .hlrorrtlr-
    104tr 0r u8mptlon ?rom thr oountr tax roll4otor
    whoa thr 841~ 18 rrqulr46 br th4 provision8 o?
    thlr   tltlr.,        Id."
    It 18 olrar ?rom thlr rrtlolr thmt thr ?ollorlng 0148808
    0r prronm 8r8 lx8mpt from th8 prym8nt o? 4 poll tart  (1) Thor4
    who are otrr rixty par8 of 860; (2) thorr who 8~ blind, doer or
    d~mb~(3) thom who lr o p8r!WwItly dl88blrdl (4) tho8r who hatr
    108t oao hand or Soot,
    IJots that
    th88r olarirr o? perronr are rntitl4d to rot4
    without prpemt  o? 4 poll tex I? a arrtlflortrof rxrmptlon ha8
    barn obtrlnrd tram the oounty trr oollrotor,but thlr 14 n4oe8-
    mar7 onlf *whwkthe 8mmm 18 requlrrd by thr prorl8loo4of thlr
    WQ mwt  drtrrmlno naxt  than, wh4n 4 orrti?lo8tr o?
    rxemptlon l8 r4qulrrd to br obt4inea by the prorlrlon8 or Tltlr
    50 of tbr R8tlrrd Civil Statut48, 1925.
    Art1018 2968 rrqulrr8 thr obtaining o? 8 orrtl?lo8to
    or rxemptlon b ythoar lx8mptmd bl 14~ ?rom thr pryment o? 4 poll
    tmx, but thl8 lrtiola rrl4ter 4xolu8lr4l~to thoro rrrldlng in
    a oitf or 10,000 lnh8blt8ntr or more. It 18 therrrorr aluri88rd
    from oon8ld8r8tlon,
    &Uolr   2969 of the Rorl88d Clvtl Statutrr, 1925, pro-
    rldmr thmt rrtirr per8ort who will ro4oh the rgr or tmnty-one
    p a r sl#ter the flrrt de of Juiuar~ end brforr tlm dmy O? a
    roiiaily   rlrotton at ud oh he or rho wlrhrr to vote, mb who
    po88888a8 all th8 other q~8ll?io8tlonro? 4 toter WI8r thr Con-
    rtltutlon and 14~8 of Taxa r&l1 be atitlrd to rots et ruoh
    almotion  without the n8orrrltr o? pwlw a poll tu.      The rrtlolr
    ~OAO~8bl8          MSTritt            p.       HiXASS, P-8            3
    8O~tinU88        With          thr   ~O?iSiOlL, 80r40T@r, th4t        it Sb11  BOt bO
    fl8O8884r~       tb4t          ##Oh pSl!S~     obtmia    4 O@rti?iO@t4   O? SXO~t~O~.
    *     thtr    SXtOllt,          &0WSVO?,    &tiOlS     -69    h88 b@#n #UpU##&@~    bl
    th8 8daS       ~888llt          Sll48tIOOXt    A?tiOlS    29688,  ~VUn#ll'S hBOtSt&
    CiVil      ~t8tUt88,                 srm       oplnioa    Ho.      o-4l4.
    &t1018             29688        r@k4l
    X0h#it#l~                         t0    thO84       FOBid-
    8188Wher8 th8E in 4 811, O? 10,000 iZI&blknt8                                                  or aorm, 8ad
    PrWidSS           iE    p#rt      48       ?Ol 1 Q18I
    'Art. 296k.                   aUtifiO8tS               of l
    XOl@iOSl8 without
    80 SSrt@in
    Of ‘~011
    p8r8Oll          XOt   lob
    OOt     t0
    th.    ai8pU4ii?i88-
    tiOn8        888     Out     in       miSi0          2 d 5b     Of th4 R#~i##d Cbii
    8ktUtSS    0? 195  WhO&OS not rOBid      in 4 SitI Of
    t#X thOU88Ed iah4bit8ntm    Or mOr?, 8rd who i8    XOmpt                                    l
    from the ppID)nt   or 8 poll tex br r8480ZI  0s ta0  feet
    the8   h8 Or ShS he8 IlOt yOt romohod tho 480 Ot twenty-
    one yomrr   On th8 ?irSt a4y 0s Jmnumryr448di
    18Vf, or who i8 l  xmmptfrom tho prym0 ltih+!I:t8
    t4X bOO4U88   he or she WI not 4 rO8idOIht     Of th4                                            St480
    On 8h4 ?irSt &St Of ~82Ut4~        pPOO#dfm   it8   iO?J, bU8
    who shall lure 8Faoo b84oa4 4ll8lbl8 to rots br rom-
    80ZI Or 101UOh      Or rOSidOaO4  Or @&!I. Sh4lr    On Or D6
    for0   th8~ arty-flrrt        a4iof J&&Y or ih8 year lit
    -oh     he or ShS OrrorS to lot          obtain from th A+'
    80880~ 4110 UOAl4OtOr Of 24X48            th8 OOulltY a: hi8
    or hor r4ridrna8 4 o rtiiiorto o?~u#mptloo~?rom             the
    pp8nt     0s 4 ~011      d x, mnb no woh prrron V&O ham
    ml46 or r4ru8od                         to obtain        ruoh O4r8i?iO8tO                   0s   mx-
    8m Clan from tho                      papmIlt     0s     4 poll tax Sh811                   b8
    81 P OWOd      80     IOtS.”
    en 4m41~818 Of thi8'jrtiO18,it 4pp4US th4t th8
    r0110r~            0188808
    or p0rronm   SXwpt  from the paymnt or 4 poll
    trx    end rm#idi~   4l88Wh4~4 then   in 8 oltr 0s 10,f&J hh4bit4ntS
    0 8      PLO,
    t     0bt4in            4     urnptlon          00rtiflomtO~0a              ‘0.r    bOfor0       th0
    !I#?    cf.,      O? f@ZNlSrl, 0f                th8 I882    iQ UhiOh thS)l                   Q?fU 80 VOtS, ill
    OrdSr    to #litit~# thea to 048t                          th4lr b8llOtSl
    11) Th088 v&o
    will rrrsh tho 460 of brmntr-one      yeerr @Star the 1st dmr of
    JSllU@r~   4na berorm the  a4  0s 4 followl4 8l8OtiOll et wbloh
    the m4J wish to vatal      (23 thorn0 4xempt from th4 paymen 0s                                                       4
    POJ       t4X     b8O4U8O        UOt        8 rSSidSn8           Of       th8   St4tO    On    8h8 ?iTSt d@y
    Honorabl8 Yorritt              F. ?Iinoo,PaageL
    ‘. 1,      of January pr8oo6lng Its            lrry, but who h8vo rlnom booonu rli-
    ,.      gibl4      to tot0       by   r0480n  length 0s ro8id0no0. so4 Opinion
    NO.     0-174u,e         Copy of which is enclosed.
    IIIv;OW Of th080 8t~tUtO8,  YOU 4rS r@#p80t?Uii~  Sd-
    ti00a, and it 18 the opinion 0s this dopartmont, th4t those
    por8on8 ro#ldlng rl80~h0r0 then in 4 Qlty Of 10,000 lnhabltonto
    or more 4na oxompt rrom the poymoht 0s 8 poll tax In aooordano0
    with the provirlonr of Artlolo 2960, Rotlood Civil St@tUtOS,
    n04a obtmla no l  xomptlon oortlrio4to In order zto ontltlothem to
    18 the iprthor OpiniOli Of thl~.~d~p~~~O~t
    It                                              that thO84
    lx o mpfrom
    t the p4yPolnt0s     l p o ll ta x for     the roamam rot out in
    Arti      29668, vOlWO11’8 AMOt4tOd    ciril     St#tUt@#,    and roo1dlng
    ll8mnhor8   then la 8 018~ o? lO~,OOO    inhabitmtm        or morm surt ob-
    tain en SX4aptiOn oortiflo4t8ozror beforr the pat da7 0s Jan-
    umr    or the yorr in rhloh they offer to tote, in order to be mn-
    titI#a 60 0488 their bSnOtSn
    Yours    vorr    truly
    APPROVEDJUN 29,     1940

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2434

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017