Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

    Eonorable 2. D. Al1m.i
    Dlstriot Attorney
    Wiahita Fallr, Texar
    Dear Sir:
    hi6 depnrtment
    been reorited.
    inquiry 686 aa
    e iaata above stotsd, Is the eeet
    tion Army Building aonaidersd B
    building, that l@, set 5% back frau the
    eidaslk, and thus weds the pratia5ona of th5s
    phass af the law, or in~that 5nstanee, should the
    measurwsentsgo to where Ms Trod door would be
    hed he not cbangardit for that purp06e?*
    7hs Sects as 6et out In ycur letter are as         r0l-
    "The Salvatich my    Building ha6 two storlta.
    The 1-m floor 5s oo6posed of the Chapel. There
    16 what 5s known es the Weet door leading to this
    Chapel directly frca:the street. However, this
    Usor is closed with the GXGGptiOXl     of probably in
    the hot summr 6.onth6,when it is opened for ven-
    tilet5on principally. There 56 an east door which
    leads into a hallway from which another door leads
    into the Chapel whioh 5s the main sntranoe to thle
    Chapel end this door is used practically all of
    the time. From this hall, there is a stairway
    which lead6 tG the seoond story on wkioh are the
    OrfiO8S     of  the Salvation Amy headquarters,where
    the sermna~ere prepared and other churah aotiv5tles,
    togetherwith the ohttritable      Uiv565on or the Sepva-
    tlon my        ate oarried on. The liquor dealer In,
    quesflan     he6 reerrangedthe building that he 6ecur-
    ed the pemiit for, .andin order to bh oure thm the
    300 redt rra this churoh, out pert 0r thefront 0r
    his bulldihg, and has set the door back frbm the
    etreet eeveral~faet,In order to evade thl:6phase
    or the law. '4sdiagram or plat of the Salvation
    my       together with-this liquor eet~bliahn!ent is
    attaahed hereto for your information.*
    Article 666-256   0r Vernon*rrPenal Code   r6ad6     6’6   roi-
    *The oommfsslonere*oourt or any ooudy in
    the territorythereof outeide ineorporetedcities
    and towns and the goverkring authorit5es or any
    city or town within the coxporate limits of any
    such city or town nay prohibit the sale of.a'eoo-
    holio beverage6 by any d6aler where the plsoi
    of business of any euoh dealer 16 within three
    huMred (300) ieet of any ohuroh, pub150 school or
    publia hospital, the masuremnts to be along the
    property ltn.36 or the street rronts antirm rmt
    door to rront door and In direat line aoro68 inter-
    eaation where they 0ccur.v
    Eoaorebla C. C. Allen, Page 3
    +krtlcle066-12 of Vernon'8 Fenal Code speoiflaallp
    specifies the ground8 upon which oanoellationor suep4en6ion
    of a pemtt I6 authorized end read6 In part aa follows:
    "(2) That the gemittee '&asviolated any
    provision of this i&t cr any ruls or regulation
    cr the Roard at any time.
    "(6) That the piece or 6anuer In v:hioh
    applicant oonduot6 his busineaa is of suah a
    r.mtu:e which, besed on the general welfare,
    health, peace, morals, and sarety of the peo-
    ple and on the publio sense of 8404no9,   war
    rant8 the csnoellatIonor suspenelm of the
    &tick 065-25~1,supra, +vIdee in etfeot that the
    oom~i66ioners~   oourt of.6ny County In the tsrritory thereof
    outside  Incorporatedaities and town6 aad the governing authori-
    the or any city or tom wIthInthe corporate lIm.Itsor any
    such city or town my prohUt the sale of~al4ohollobeverages
    by any dealer where the lace of bueinees of any sush deeler
    IS within three hundred f300) feet of any oh-h, pub156
    sQoo1 or publia hoepital. K%ere the sale of aloohollo bever-
    ages ho6 been prohibitedby the oom@I6sloaere',   oourt of any
    county or by any Incorporated~cltyor town by auy dealer
    where the place or business or 8UGh dealer IS wIthIn three
    hundred (300) feet of any ahuroh, public sahool or publie
    hospital, the sale of alooholio beverageswithin the,prehIblt-
    ed distance would be a violation of law. Artlo 
    666*12* supra
    , authorizes tM oanoellatlonor suspension or adpermIt
    wham the ~sm;Ittse has vIolCted any p~vision of the Liquor
    Control Act or any rule or regulationof the Eoard at any
    time, or whether the plaae or m&imer in tihlohthe applicant
    conduots  his business  is of suoh e nature whioh, baaed on the
    gencrralwelfare, he<h, peaoe, raore18, and 6afety of the
    people and on the public sen6e of deoenoy, warr4nts the can-
    cellation cr ouspcneionof the pewit.
    In view of .theforegoing atetutee, in reply to your
    rirst quest$on, you are respaotrullysdvieea that It Is the
    opinion of this dep&.rt6ectthat where a pzxrmithas been
    ed to a perscn to hendle liquor es e
    plaoe of business Is wIthIn three hun
    Honorable 2. D. Allen‘,Page 4
    ahumh, publio sahool or publla hospital, socording  to tha
    aeaauramenta sat rorth in Article 666~e6a, the adequate
    and proper prooedurewould be to make appllaatlonfor oan-
    oallatlon of the parait of the businasa oparatlngwithin
    the prohibited dietame or a,rea.
    ?:ithrercrsnae to your second qUe8tiOn, it Wa8
    held in our opinion 1Fo.O-2062 that the "east door. das-
    oribed in your lstter, wa8 not a part of the ohape mid wa8
    not a 'front door" or the ohapel. The fact8 presented and
    aonsidersilin opinion No. O-8063, aupra, were dirrerd   rr0f4
    the facts set out in your inquiry. However, under the defini-
    tion ot a mfront door* a8 stated in opinion.Bo.O-2062 a56
    the raots here under aonslderation,we are of the opinion
    that the above mentioned and desarfbed Waat door" is d
    vrbnt door" of the SalvationAmy Building.
    Anewerfng your third queetton, you are reapeatfully
    adVi8ad that it $8 our opinion that it the rront eoOr of the
    reapaotive buildings are make than three hundred (300) feet
    apart, aOOGrding t0 the 8y6tam Of 5a88i.U85a5tOutlined by
    the statute, the liquor paokage store would not be rlthin
    the prohibited dietanoe. Thera is noL5tatutewhioh prohibit8
    aliquordealerfrcsa raarranglagthe rVontdoOrofhi5          bulld-
    ing and he ha8 the bgal right and euthorlty to plats ewh
    a00r where he dealrea, provided, oi oouraa, ha does not ln-
    fringe upon the property right8 of othara. The neaaurements
    should be rrolatrod door to front door a8 they am3 ,+aaii&lly
    situated and not fran the plaoe where 8uah door or doare
    might or oould have been situated.
    Truetillgthat the foregainS fully fmewers your in-
    quiry, re rePlain

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2156

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017