Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 2000 )

    JOHN       CORNYN
    August 16,200O
    D.C. Jim Dozier, J.D., Ph.D.                                    Opinion No. JC-0270
    Executive Director
    Texas Commission on Law Enforcement                             Re: Whether       an elected     constable    may
    Officer Standards-Education                                  simultaneously   serve as a municipal tire fighter
    6330 U.S. Highway 290 East, Suite 200                           (RQ-0206.JC)
    Austin, Texas 78723
    Dear Dr. Dozier:
    On behalf of the City of Marshall Police Department, you have requested our opinion as to
    whether an elected constable may simultaneously serve as a municipal tire tighter. For the reasons
    indicated below, we conclude that he may do so.
    A letter accompanying your request explains that a tire fighter employed by the City of
    Marshall “has won election in the Democratic primary to the office of constable. This civil servant
    has advised others in the department that he does not intend to resign his job with the tire department
    upon assuming offrice, and instead, intends to occupy both positions simultaneously.”           Request
    The doctrine of dual office holding comes into play when one individual holds two or more
    positions at the same time. One aspect of the doctrine is constitutional, and relates primarily to
    article XVI, section 40 of the Texas Constitution.     That provision proscribes the simultaneous
    holding of two “offices of emolument.”      You do not suggest that it is applicable here. Indeed, at
    least since Attorney General Opinion DM-212 (1993), it has been clear that a municipal tire tighter
    does not hold a “‘public office.” See also Tex. Att’y Gen. LOS-95-048, 93-027.
    The other branch of dual office holding is the doctrine of common-law incompatibility.    The
    courts have in turn recognized two kinds of incompatibility.    One, derived from Ehlinger Y. Clark,
    8 S.W.2d 666
    (Tex. 1928), prohibits an individual from appointing himselfto another position. In
    1977, the attorney general extended this doctrine to situations of “self-employment,”     so that, for
    example, a municipal employee may not also serve as a council member of the same city. See Tex.
    Att’yGen.LA-114(1977);seealsoTex.         Att’y Gen. LOS-97-034,90-045, 89-002. Sinceaconstable
    ‘Letter from Charles W. Williams, Chief of Police, City of Marshall, to Dr. Jim Dozier, Executive Director,
    Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards-Education       (Mar. 15,ZOOO) (on file with Opinion Committee).
    D.C. Jim Dozier, J.D., Ph.D - Page 2                     (JC-0270)
    is elected, and a municipal fire fighter is appointed by officers of the municipal government, neither
    “self-appointment” nor “self-employment”        incompatibility is applicable to the situation you pose.
    The other judicially-based     aspect of incompatibility was first recognized in Thomas v.
    Abernathy County Line Independent School District, 
    290 S.W. 152
    (Tex. Comm’n App. 1927,
    judgm’t adopted). That opinion held that the O~$CESof school trustee and city alderman were
    incompatible, because, if both were held by a single individual, one office might impose its policies
    on the other or subject it to control in some other way. See Tex. Att’y Gen. Op. No. DM-55 (1991).
    The attorney general has denominated this branch of incompatibility “conflicting loyalties.” See,
    e.g., Tex. Att’y Gen. Op. Nos. DM-311 (1994) JM-1266 (1990); Tex. Att’y Gen. LO-95-029. It is
    this aspect of the doctrine that you seek to invoke in the present instance.
    290 S.W. 152
    , and Turner v. Trinity Independent School District, 
    700 S.W.2d 1
    (Tex. App.-Houston     [14th Dist.] 1983, no writ), the only judicial decisions to deal directly with
    conflicting loyalties incompatibility,   specifically involve situations in which both positions are
    “offices.” Furthermore, a line of attorney general opinions, since at least 1990, has held that, for the
    conflicting loyalties doctrine to be applicable, both positions must be “offices.” See Tex. Att’y Gen.
    Op. Nos. JC-0054 (1999) JM-1266 (1990); Tex. Att’y Gen. LOS-96-148, 052, 95-029, 93.027.
    Thus, it is now well established that “conflicting loyalties” incompatibility does not prohibit an
    individual from holding two positions where one ofthose positions does not constitute an “office.”
    The City of Marshall Police Department specifically takes issue with Attorney General
    Opinion DM-156, wherein this office found that, since the position of “assistant tire chief with the
    City of Houston Fire Department is not an office but rather an employment, the common-law
    doctrine of incompatibility does not preclude a deputy constable from also serving as assistant tire
    chief.” Tex. Att’y Gen. Op. No. DM-156 (1992) at 5. A brief from the City of Marshall contends
    that, for two reasons, this conclusion is incorrect. We will respond to each of these arguments in
    The brief first notes that, in State e.x rel., Hill v. Pirtle, 
    887 S.W.2d 921
    (Tex. Crim. App.
    1994) (en bane), the Court of Criminal Appeals “analyzed the question of whether or not the
    common-law doctrine of incompatibility barred an Assistant Attorney General from serving as an
    Assistant District Attorney,” which it asserts indicates that the court in that case had accepted the
    argument that conflicting loyalties incompatibility could apply to the two positions. Key Brief.’ We
    disagree. The court actually said: “Assuming arguendo that the incompatibility doctrine applies to
    a person serving as an assistant attorney general, we fail to see how such an ‘office conflicts with
    the position of assistant district attorney.” 
    Pirtle, 887 S.W.2d at 929
    . In our opinion, the court in
    Pirtle did not intend to call into question the principle that conflicting loyalties incompatibility
    applies only when both positions are “offices.”
    ‘Brief from Thomas W. Key, Assistant City Attorney, City of Marshall, to Elizabeth Robinson,   Chair, Opinion
    Committee, Office of the Attorney General (Apr. 26, 2000) (on tile with Opinion Committee).
    D.C. JimDozier,    J.D., Ph.D - Page 3             (X-0270)
    The brief next contends that the “state employee” proviso, added to article XVI, section 40,
    of the Texas Constitution in 1972, was intended to relieve state employees from the effect of
    common-law incompatibility, and that therefore the doctrine of incompatibility applies to all other
    public employees. Key Brief, supra note 2, at 2. This proviso declares that state employees and
    others who receive all or part of their compensation from state funds, and who are not state officers,
    shall not be barred from serving as members ofthe governing bodies of local governmental districts,
    but shall receive no salary for doing so. TEX. CONST. art. XVI, 5 40. Although it is strange that this
    provision was inserted into a constitutional provision that otherwise relates strictly to “officers,”
    there is no evidence that its adoption was intended to have any implications for the incompatibility
    doctrine. Indeed, this office has since 1977 held that the proviso is not sufficient to overcome self-
    employment incompatibility.      See Tex. Att’y Gen. LA-1 14 (1977). As has been noted, the “state
    employee” proviso means simply that article XVI, section 40 may not be used to prohibit dual
    service for persons affected by its terms. Tex. Att’y Gen. LO-96-109. And even though a dual
    office holding situation may be permitted under article XVI, section 40, opinions of this office
    conclude that it may yet run afoul ofincompatibility.    See Tex. Att’y Gen. Op. No. JM-203 (1984);
    Tex. Att’y Gen. LO-96-004.
    Finally, the brief urges that the duties of constable will frequently “conflict” with the duties
    of a municipal tire fighter. Key Brief, supra, note 2, at 2-3. As we have said, this office has
    consistently held that conflicting loyalties incompatibility is not applicable when, as here, one
    position is not an “office.” But the mere absence of common-law incompatibility as a legal bar to
    dual employment is not a legal guarantee of dual employment. In Attorney General Letter Opinion
    96-l 09, two employees of Stephen F. Austin State University had received their parties’ nomination
    for the offices of county commissioner and constable. The university was concerned that the
    employees would not be able successfully to till both their elective offices and their university
    positions. This office concluded that a rule of the university requiring executive approval for all
    outside employment was valid on its face, and that the university could evaluate whether outside
    employment as a public officer violated the policy. This position was affirmed in Dudley Y. Angel,
    209 F.3d 460
    (5th Cir. 2000); see also Tex. Att’y Gen. Op. No. JM-93 (1983). Likewise, in the
    situation you describe, if the City of Marshall has a rule requiring approval of outside employment
    and finds that its fire tighter is unable satisfactorily to fulfill the duties of the position of municipal
    fire fighter while serving in the office of constable, it may act accordingly.
    D.C. Jim Dozier, J.D., Ph.D - Page 4          (JC-0270)
    The common-law doctrine of incompatibility does not bar an
    individual from simultaneously serving as an elected constable and
    a municipal tire fighter.
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Deputy Attorney General - General Counsel
    Chair, Opinion Committee
    Rick Gilpin
    Assistant Attorney General - Opinion Committee

Document Info

Docket Number: JC-270

Judges: John Cornyn

Filed Date: 7/2/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017