Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1990 )

  •                            December 27, 1990
    Honorable Jimmie McCullough       Opinion No. JR-1274
    County and District Attorney
    82nd Judicial District            Re: Authority of a sheriff to
    Robertson County                  require his employees to sub-
    P. 0. BOX 409                     mit to random drug testing
    Franklin, Texas   77056           (RQ-1952)
    Dear   Mr.   McCullough:
    You have requested our opinion regarding the authority
    of a sheriff's department to require its deputies and
    jailers to submit to random drug testing by means of urine
    Drug testing of governmental employees and others
    similarly situated has been the subject of frequent litiga-
    tion in the federal courts in recent years, and no consensus
    has yet emerged on the permissible limitations which a
    governmental body may place on its employees' Fourth Amend-
    ment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.
    In Skinner v. Railwav Labor Executives' A 'n 
    109 S. Ct. 1402
    (1989), the Supreme Court, in a 7-2 d&on         upheld
    the Federal Railroad Administration regulations {hat re-
    guired blood and urine tests for certain railroad employees
    following major train accidents or   other "incidents.". In
    N atio a   e su                        V       b, 
    109 S. Ct. 1384
    (1989), the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, upheld
    urine testing of employees applying for promotion to posi-
    tions involving interdiction of illegal drugs or requiring
    them to carry firearms.    Neither of these Supreme Court
    decisions involved the kind of random urine testing for
    drugs about which you inquire.   For purposes of this opin-
    ion, we assume that Vandom" testing refers to urinalysis
    that is not occasioned or triggered by any incident or
    event, such as alleged criminal activity, an accident, or a
    complaint filed by a member of the public that casts suspi-
    cion on one or a group of deputy sheriffs or jailers.
    The lower federal appellate courts have considered
    random urine testing but are divided in their conclusions.
    In Pennv v. Kennedy, 
    846 F.2d 1563
    (6th Cir.), vacated, 862       -?
    p. 6814
    Honorable Jimmie McCullough - Page 2    (JM-1274)
    F.2d 567 (6th Cir. 1988), the court of appeals for the sixth
    circuit invalidated the city of Chattanooga's mandatory
    urinalysis testing of police officers on a department-wide
    basis without reasonable cause or suspicion of individuals.
    By contrast, the court of appeals for the third circuit
    upheld random drug testing of police officers in the Town-
    ship of Washington, New Jersey.      policeman's Benevoleng
    A   n fN           V.Loll        v. Town ShiD Of Washinaton
    8t:'F.id FT3 "~:~~ Cir$19:8f)      Likewise, the court oi
    appeals for the first circuit, in eev      . R ch    
    873 F.2d 1557
    (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 
    110 U.S. 104
    ;:98;;     upheld
    random drug testing by the Boston Police Departmen; of all
    officers carrying firearms or participating in drug inter-
    diction. See also mt                          
    715 F. Supp. 832
    (E.D. Mich. 1989); ;                        Al ce DeD'k, 
    706 F. Supp. 453
    (E.D. La. 1988).
    Although there seems to be a trend in the lower federal
    appellate courts to approve random urine testing of police
    officers, the Supreme Court has not yet upheld random
    testing of any kind, and the narrowness of the margin which
    the majority was able to muster in Van      does not inspire
    complete confidence that the Court will necessarily follow
    the rulings in Townshio of Washinaton and Guinev. We ne'ed
    not address the issue of random testing under the federal
    Constitution, however, since we believe that the Texas
    Constitution prohibits the practice.
    (Tex. 1987), the Texas Supreme Court affirmed the right of
    privacy under the Texas Constitution, as deriving, in-
    ter aliB, from article I, section 9, which protects the
    right of an individual to be 'secure . . . from all unrea-
    sonable seizures or searches," the same prohibition as
    appears in the Fourth Amendment to the federal Constitution.
    The court, declaring that the Texas Constitution protects
    onens personal privacy from unreasonable intrusion, held
    that the right of privacy can
    yield only when the government can demonstrate
    that an intrusion is reasonably warranted for
    the achievement of a compelling governmental
    objective that can be achieved by no less
    intrusive, more reasonable means.
    Id. at 205.
    p. 6815
    Honorable Jimmie McCullough - Page 3 (JM-1274)
    In They, the court said that a policy of the Department
    of Mental Health and Mental Retardation which required
    employees to submit to polygraph examinations in certain
    instances1 was an unwarranted QOintrusionlland therefore
    violative of the employee's right of privacy. The intru-
    siveness of urine testing is of a somewhat different nature
    from that of a polygraph examination, but in our opinion,
    the former is at least as intrusive as the latter.       The
    chemical analysis of urine "can reveal a host of private
    medical facts about an employee, including whether she is
    eDileDtic, Dreqnant. or diabetic." Skinney, SuDra, at 1413.
    l%rthermore; the very
    process of collecting the sample to be tested,
    which may in some cases involve visual or
    aural monitoring of the act of urination,
    itself implicates privacy interests.
    &    In concluding that urine testing "intrudes upon expec-
    tations of privacy that society has long recognized," the
    Court quoted the court of appeals for the fifth circuit in
    Rational Treasurv EmDlOVeeS Union v. Von Raab, 
    816 F.2d 170
    175 (5th Cir. 1987):
    There are few activities in our society more
    personal or private than the passing of urine.
    Most people describe it by euphemisms if they
    talk about it at all.      It is a function
    traditionally performed without public obser-
    vation: indeed, its performance in public is
    generally prohibited by law as well as social
    Skinner, SuDrg, at 1413.
    1.   Under the written policy, an employee could be
    dismissed for refusing to submit to a polygraph examination
    only if there existed reasonable cause to believe that (1)
    an incident of patient abuse or illegal on-campus activity
    had occurred; (2) an employee had violated departmental
    rules in connection therewith; and (3) all other reasonable
    investigatory alternatives had been exhausted including,
    at a minimum, an interview with the employee.     In addi-
    tion, there were restrictions on the administration of the
    examination itself.
    p. 6816
    Honorable Jimmie McCullough - Page 4    (JM-1274)
    We believe that the Texas Supreme Court would likewise
    conclude that the collection and testing of urine implicates
    privacy interests protected by the Texas Constitution, an.d
    that as a result, a governmental body, in order to require
    it, must pass the two-pronged test of m:     it must demon-
    strate that (1) the intrusion is warranted to achieve a
    compelling governmental objective: and (2) that objective
    cannot be achieved by less intrusive, more reasonable means.
    In w,   the court found that the department's objec-
    tives were not sufficiently compelling to warrant      the
    intrusion. The department's objectives m,   however, quite
    The polygraph testing was initiated to assist
    administrators in investigations of four types
    of situations:    patient abuse or neglect:
    conduct endangering the health or safety of
    patients or other employees: theft or other
    criminal activity; use of drugs or alcohol.
    TSEU, suorg, at 206.
    In the situation you pose, no objectives whatsoever
    have been stated.     Since the polygraph examination in
    m    was struck down even when the goals of testing were
    specific, we believe that, at a minimum, a sheriff's depart-
    ment must have specific demonstrable goals that cannot be
    achieved by less intrusive, more reasonable means before it
    can constitutionally require urine testing. As the test you
    inquire about does not comply with either prong of the TSEU
    test, neither would it comply with article I, section 9, of
    the Texas Constitution.
    The Texas constitutional guarantee   of
    privacy would be violated by random urine
    testing of deputy sheriffs and jailers for
    the presence of drugs where no compelling
    governmental objective for the testing has
    been shown.
    JIM     MAT.TOX       -
    Attorney General of Texas
    p. 6817
    ’   .
    Honorable Jimmie McCullough - Page 5 (JM-1274)
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Rick Gilpin
    Assistant Attorney General
    Pa 6818