Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1987 )

  •            THE     A~TO~P~EY             GENE&AL
    OF   TEXAS
    May 14,   1987
    Honorable Kent A. Caperton                Opinion No.   m-697
    Jurisprudence Committee                   Re: Whether a county may enter
    Texas State .Senate                       into a lease-purchase agreement
    P. 0. Box 12068                           for the purpose of constructing
    Austin, Texas   78711                     or purchasing a county jail
    Dear Senator Caperton:
    You ask whether Texas counties may enter into lease-purchase
    agreements to purchase or build county jail's. You also ask whether
    special legislative .authorization is necessary to vest this power in
    county government.
    A county-has authority to purchase a jail from current revenues
    of the year, if relevant statutory requirements are followed. See
    Dancy V. Davidson, 
    183 S.W.2d 195
    (Tex. Civ. App. - San Autonio 1944,
    writ  sef'd). A lease-purchase agreement enables the purchaser to
    spread the purchase price over a number of years. while receiving
    immediate use of the property being purchased. A typical lease-
    purchase contract might require the county to make stated payments
    over a term of years and then transfer ownership of the property to
    the county upon payment in full or upon payment of an additional
    stated sum. See. e.g., Sumetlfn V. Fowlor, 
    229 S.W.2d 75
    (Tex. Civ.
    APP. - Amarillo 1950, 110writ); Attorney General Opinion Nos. O-1680,
    O-1627 (1940') (describing lease-purchase contra&).       Thus, your
    question involves the authority of a county commissioners court to
    comic revenues of future years to the acquisition of a jail, thereby
    preventing future courts from allocating those funds to other county
    purposes. See generally Gulf Bitulithic Co. V. Nueces County, 11
    S.U.2d 305, judgmt adopted (Tex. Conm'n App. 1928).
    A commissioners court has only those powers that the constitution
    and statutes have specificallv co;ferred won    it. but the court has
    broad discretion inmexercising expressly 'giantedpowers. Canales v.
    214 S.W.2d 451
    (Tex. 1948); Anderson v. Wood, 
    152 S.W.2d 1084
    (Tex. 1941).
    Counties have the .exptess power and duty to provide jails.
    Article XI, section 2. of the Texas Constitution states that "[tlhe
    construction of jails . . . shall be provided for by general laws."
    Cf. Tax. Const. art. III. $56 (prohibition against local and special
    laws). Article 2351, V.T.C.S., states that:
    p. 322%
    Honorable Kent A. Caperton - Page 2              UN-697)-
    Each commissioners court         shall:
    .    .   .   .
    7. Provide and keep in repair court houses,
    jails and all necessary public buildings.
    V.T.C.S. art. 2351, 57; see also V.T.C.S. arts. 1603 (county
    commissioners court shall provide a jail); 2370b (commissioners court
    may purchase, construct, or otherwise acquire new jail building); 5115
    (cornmissionerscourt shall provide safe and suitable jails). Article
    VIII. section 9, of the Texas Constitution fixes a limit on county
    taxes for various purposes, including roads, bridges, and ocher
    permanent improvements.
    We have found no statute which expressly authorizes the comuis-
    sioners court to acquire a jail under a lease-purchase contract. It
    has been suggested that article 2368a.2. V.T.C.S., the Public Property
    Finance Act, authorizes this methbd of acquiring a jail. Rowever,
    article 2368a.2, V.T.C.S.. applies to personal property and not real
    property. V.T.C.S. art. 2368a.2, 53(11) (definition of "property").
    Moreover, the Act also states:
    Notwithstanding any contrary provision, this
    Act does not apply to a contract solely for the
    construction of improvements to real property.
    V.T.C.S. art.       23688.2.     59.
    Counties have express authority to finance the acquisition of a
    jail by issuing bonds.     &   V.T.C.S. arts. 718; 23720; see also
    Lasater V. Lopez. 
    217 S.W. 373
    (Tex. 1919) (county may issue bonds
    only if it has express legislative authority). Cf. Attorney General
    Opinion a-642 (1987) (authority of a joint city-county hospital is
    inapplicable because that opinion relied on the power of the home rule
    city in question to' borrow funds).       Article 2368a.l. V.T.C.S.,
    authorizes counties to issue certificates of obligation to pay for the
    construction of public works, including jails. V.T.C.S. art. 2368a.l.
    SS3, 7A.
    Counties  also  have implied  power to issue interest bearing
    warrants payable over a period of years to finance jails, courthouses,
    roads, and other public improvements. Adams v. McGill, 
    146 S.W.2d 332
    (Tax. Civ. App. - El Paso 1940, writ raf’d);    see Lasater v. Lopez.
    217 S.W. 373
    (Tax. 1919); Stratton V. Comissio~'s     Court of Kinney
    137 S.W. 1170
    (Tex. Civ. App. - San Antonio 1911. writ
    $y$' . The power to issue warrants has been implied from the
    statutory authority to make such improvements. Adam        v. 
    McGill, supra
    . In Lasater V. 
    Lopez. supra
    , the Texas Supreme Court discussed
    the reasons for implying the power to issue warrants in payment of
    public works.
    p, 3229
    Honorable Kent A. Caperton - Page 3    (JM-697)
    In Lasater. the supreme court considered whether a county had
    authority to pay for road construction by issuing interest bearing
    warrants maturing over 16 l/2 years without an election. The Act of
    April 28, 1903, authorized the commissioners court to issue bonds for
    public road consrruction upon prior authorization by vote of property
    tax paying residents. Acts 1903, 28th Leg., 1st C.S., ch. II, at 9
    (now codified as V.T.C.S. art. 718). A taxpayer argued that the
    commissioners court was attempting to issue bonds without holding the
    elecrion required by statute.
    The supreme court rejected the argument. It pointed out that
    bonds were negotiable 'instrumentsand therefore differed significanrly
    from warrants, which could sot be negotiated. It also noted that a
    county had express statutory authority to build roads and other
    permanent improvements, and to levy a tax to pay for those projects.
    V.T.C.S. arts. 2351, $3; 2352 (formerly codified as T.ex. Rev. Civ.
    Stat. arts. 2241 and 2242 (1911)). The court held that counties had
    implied authority to issue warrants in payment for public works as a
    necessary means of implementing the express statutory authority to
    build them and tax for that purpose. The authority to pay for roads
    by issuing warrants p.redated the 1903 act and was not ImpLiedly
    repealed by that act. The court stated as follows:
    [T]he use of bonds for the construction of county
    public improvements was unknowo in the laws of the
    State under the present Constitution until 1881.
    and in respect to county roads was not authorized
    until 1903. At the time of the passage of the Act
    of April 28, 1903. granting authority for their
    use for county road purposes, Commissioner's
    Courts bad the &doubted power, within the limits
    of lawful taxation and by observance of the
    constitutional requirement     relative   to   the
    creation of county indebtedness, to provide for
    the building of such roads by the issuance of
    interest bearing county warrants.       They had
    possessed it since the original Act       of 1876
    providing for their organization. This authority,
    where it was necessary for the county to use its
    credit for the purpose, was but a part of the
    power reposed in those courts to lay out and
    establish the roads, and proceeded, as well, from
    their duty to establish them by:constructing them
    as durably as poSsible within the county's
    resources or limits of taxation. It was a means
    for executing the general power expressly granted.
    a lawful means because appropriate to that end.
    added). 217 S.W. at 376
    p. 3230
    Honorable Kent   A. Caperton - Page 4     (JM-697)
    Thus, in Lasater v. Lopez, the supreme court found that counties
    had implied authdrity to use their credit to finance public works.
    There was a compelling case in favor of such implied authority because
    the county would otherwise have no means of allocating the cost of
    essential public works beyond the current budget year. Prior to 1903,
    the commissioners courts
    were empowered to establish the roads . . . they
    could create a lawful interest bearing debt for
    the purpose; they had no power to issue negotiable
    securities in the name of the county; therefore,
    thiy were remitted to the issuance of instruments
    such as warrants, of nonnegotiable character, as
    proper evidence of the 
    debt. 217 S.W. at 376
    . The supreme court also characterized the county's
    power to issue warrants as "an important public power of long
    existence and continued legislative sanction. . . ." 
    Id. In summary.
        it was not merely useful, but essential for countiesto    have this
    implied power, and there was strong evidence that the legislature
    intended counties to have it. The court's dicta, however, indicated
    that the county's implied power to contract on its credit was not
    limited io the issuance of warrants.
    In San Antonio River Authority v. Sheppard. 
    299 S.W.2d 920
    1957) the supreme court again discussed a county's implied authority
    to contract OKI its general credit, this time for flood control.
    Article VIII, section l-a, of the Texas Constitution authorizes the
    counties to levy ad valorem taxes for flood control. Article   7048a.
    V.T.C.S., now section 4.103 of article 6702-1, V.T.C.S., was enacted
    in 1949 as an &abling act under article VIII, section l-a, of the
    constitution. Section  7 of the act stated that before the coastitu-
    tionally authorized tax could be levied, it must be "submitted to a
    vote of the qualified property taxpaying voters of such county." See
    V.T.C.S. art. 6702-l. 54.103(h). The maximum rate of the tax G
    subject to approval by the voters, and the tax rate could be changed
    by future elections. except that it could not be reduced to aa extent
    that would impair any bonds or warrants issued by the commissioners
    court. 299 S.W.Zd at 922 (discussing sections 7 and 10 of former
    article 7048a. V.T.C.S.). Bexar County approved a tax of 15~ on each
    $100 valuation. The commissioners court of Bexar County contracted
    with the San Antonio River Authority to carry out flood control work
    OII the San Antonio River in Bexar County. As consideration. the
    county agreed to pay over to the river authority the proceeds of its
    fifteen cent flood control tax for the next 30 years. The river
    authority sought to issue bonds secured by the Bexar County tax but
    the Attorney General declined to approve 
    them. 299 S.W.2d at 923
    The Attorney General argued that Bexar County's contract with the
    river authority attempted to deprive the voters of their statutory
    right to change the amount of the tax by future elections. Only bonds
    p. 3231
    Honorable Kent A.-Caperton - Page 5       (JM-697)
    and warrants issued by the county were expressly protected from
    impairment caused by reducing the tax. 299 S.W.Zd at 924.
    The court determined that the county had implied authority to
    incur the future obligations embodied in the 
    contract. 299 S.W.2d at 925
    . It construed the express authority to issue bonds and warrants
    as "an additional power and not the exclusive method of creating an
    obligation." citing Lasater v. Lopez for this 
    construction. 299 S.W.2d at 925
    . The opinion in San Antonio River Authority v. Sheppard
    quotes the following language from Lasater v. Lopez:
    [I]n the absence of express declaration the Legis-
    lature is uot to be credited with the purpose of
    forcing a bond issue upon the people of a county
    every time it is necessary for the county to
    create an interest bearing debt of deferred
    maturity, however small.,for road improvement.
    299 S.W.2d at.925, quoting Lasater v. Lopes, 
    217 S.W. 373
    . 377 (Tex.
    1919). The court in San Antonio River Authority v. Shepperd also
    stated as follows:
    Prom the powers   thus expressly given to engage
    in flood control     programs and to expend mosey
    therefor, the law    Implies the power to use the
    general credit of     the county to accomplish the
    desired end. . . .
    299 S.W.Zd at 925. It distinguished between borrowing money and
    obtaining property or labor ou credit, in that borrowed money could be
    diverted from its legitimate purpose, but there was no such danger
    where authorized services or improvemeats were obtained on credit.
    Id. (citing Adams
    McGill, 146 S.W.2d at 332
    ). The court concluded
    that the commissioners court could contract ou the general credit of
    the county to carry out flood control, and that such contract might
    legally involve the county's credit for a number of years. Since the
    commissioners court had legal authority to make the contract at the
    time of the tax election, the voters’ right to change the rate could
    be limited by the contract.
    The court in San Antonio River Authority v. Shepperd did uot
    base the couuty's implied authority to obligate its tax revenues on
    necessity or on St&g      evidence -of legislative approval of this
    authority. It refers to au implied power to use the general credit of
    the county to carry out its express power to engage in flood control
    programs. See also State v. Texas Municipal Power Agency. 
    565 S.W.2d 258
    (Tex. Civ. App. - Houston [lst Dist.] 1978, uo writ). Nonethe-
    less, we believe it is siguificaut that San Antonio River Authority v.
    Shepperd, like Lasater v. Lopes, involved a constitutional authority
    to tax for a particular kind of public improvement. We need not
    p. 3232
    Honorable Kent A. Caperton - Page 6     (JM-697)
    detenaiue the scope of the county's authority to use its credit co
    carry out authorized functions.
    Based on Lasater v. Lopez and San Antonio River Authority v.
    Shepperd, we believe that the county has implied authority to use its
    credit to finance the'purchase or construction of a jail, a public
    work which the constitution regards as essential. See Tex. Const.
    art. XI, 52; see also Tex. Const. art. VIII, 99. Thexgislacure      has
    moreover enacted statutory requirements for the condition of jails,
    and has established the Coamissioa on Jail Standards with authority to
    promulgate and enforce minimum standards for the construction and
    maintenance of county jails.        V.T.C.S. arts. 5115; 5115.1. 59.
    Counties have also been sued in federal court to compel them to
    operate jails in accord with constitutional requirements. See, e.g.,
    Vest v. Lubbock County Comeissioaers Court, 
    444 F. Supp. 824
    (N. D.
    Tax. 1977). Given the totality of circumstances. we believe a Texas
    court would hold that   a, county has implied authority to finance jail
    acquisition or coastruccion by methods in addition to chose expressly
    authorized by statute and sanctioned by supreme court opinion. In
    particular, we believe a coUuty has implied authority to enter into a
    lease-purchase contract co build or acquire a jail, aesuming
    compliance with     all    applicable coastitutional and      statutory
    provisions. :
    In concluding that a county has implied authority to acquire a
    jail through a lease-purchase contract erteuding beyond the preseat
    budget year, we do not approve or coammnt ou the term          of any
    particular proposed contract. The review of contracts is not an
    appropriate function for the opinion process. Nor will we set out the
    provisioas that such a contract must or may include. The adoption of
    detailed guidelines and limitations ou a county's power to acquire a
    jail by lease-purchase contract is a matterfor the legislature, if it
    wishes to act. See V.T.C.S. art. 2368a.2. We are merely expressing
    the opinioa thatacounty    could enter into a lease-purchase contract
    for a county jail that would pass muster with the Texas courts,
    assmaiug compliance with all relevant constitutional and statutory
    provisions. See, e.g.. Tax. Consc. art. III, 552; Attorney     General
    Opinion Nos. JM-274. JM-220 (1984) (county funds and county credit may
    be used only to accomplish authorized county purpose): Tax. Const.
    art. XI, 57 (if county creates debt, it must establish a sinking
    As previously noted, the legislature has enacted article 2368a.2.
    V.T.C.S., which expressly authorizes counties to acquire personal
    property by lease-purchase. We do not believe the enactment of this
    statute negates a county’s implied authority to acquire a jail by
    lease-purchase contract. Article 2360a.2. V.T.C.S., authorizes various
    political subdivisions, not only counties, to lease or lease-purchase
    personal property. It establishes a procedure whereby the validity of
    a contract may become "incontestable for any cause," and provides
    that contracts entered into pursuant to the statute are legal and
    p. 3233
    Eouorable Kent A. Caperton - Page 7       (JM-697)
    authorized investments for certain enumerated financial institutions
    and sinking funds of governmental bodies. See V.T.C.S. art. 2368a.2.
    516. 7. The legislature may have excludedreal        property and the
    improvement of real property from article 2368a.2 because it did not
    want all of these provisions to apply to contracts for the acquisition
    or improvement of real property. It may uot haye wished to accord all
    political subdivisions the power to lease-purchase real property.
    Article 2368a.2, V.T.C.S., is broad in scope, and the fact chat it is
    inapplicable to contracts for real property does not negate a county's
    implied authority to purchase or construct a jail on a lease-purchase
    contract. See Dancy V. Davidson. 
    183 S.W.2d 195
    . 200 (Tax. Civ.
    APP. - San ~onio    1944. writ ref'd) (legislature did not intend to
    restrict the grant of power under article 2351, section 7, by the
    subsequently enacted article 1605a. which then authorized a county
    with a city other than the county seat with a population of 20,000 to
    provide au office building in a city other than the county seat).
    A Texas county has implied authority to build
    or purchase a. jail by lease-purchase contract.
    All applicable constitutional and statutory pro-
    visions must be complied with.     The review .of
    contracts is uot au appropriate function for the
    opinion process.
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney   General
    Executive Assistant Attorney   General
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Ch&mau,   Opiuion Committee
    Prepared by Susan L. Garrisou
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 3234