Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1952 )

  •                              AUSTINXU.TEXAS
    February   25,     1952
    Hon. Austin F. Anderson         Opinion No. V-1414
    Criminal District Attorney
    Bexar County Courthouse         Re:    Proper procedure for
    San Antonio 5, Texas                   a sanity hearing for
    a person who has been
    placed on adult proba-
    tion following convlc-
    tion of a felony and
    who has subsequently
    been arrested for an-
    Dear Sir:                              other crime.
    Your request for our opinion reads in part
    as follows:
    "On September 15, 1951, Subject was
    convicted of burglary, on a plea of guilty,
    by the Criminal District Court of Bexar
    County, Texas. No issue was raised as to
    his sanity. Subject was sentenced to serve
    four years on probation. Subsequently on
    October 19, 1951, Subject committed forgery
    and was arrested. While lodged in the
    county jail, and on the 7th day of Novem-
    ber 1951, he was examined b the County
    Health Officer, and on the 6 th day of
    November 1951, by a psychiatrist in pri-
    vate practice; both of whom found Subject
    to be psychotic, I.e. insane. Both the
    County Judge of Bexar County and the Judge
    of the Criminal District Court of Bexar
    County were cognizant of the facts and were
    amenable to a trial in either court.
    "On December 12, 1951, after expira-
    tion of t,heterm at which Subject was con-
    victed, the questions arose:
    n1. Should Subject be committedto
    the State Hospital by following the proce-
    dure outlined in Art. 5561a, V.C.S., or by
    following Art. 921 et seq. V.C.C.P.? and
    Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 2   (V-1414)
    "2. Could Subject be committed to
    the State Hospital for a period not to ex-
    ceed ninety days for observation and/or
    treatment by virtue of Art. 31930-l V.C.S.?
    "3. Is either the civil or the crim-
    inal procedure set out above exclusive of
    the other?
    "4 , Would the County Court have juris-
    diction to try the defendant for insanity if
    he had not committed a crime while on proba-
    Subsequent to your request you advised us
    that the complaint in the foregoing case is still
    pending and no indictment has been returned.
    Article 5561a, V.C.S., provides in part:
    "If information in writing under oath
    be given to any county judge that any person
    in his county, not charged with a criminal
    offense, is a person of unsound mind, and
    that the welfare of either such person or
    any other person orpersons requires that
    he be placed under restraint, and such coun-
    ty judge shall believe such information to
    be true, he shall forthwith issue a warrant
    for the apprehension of such person, or, if
    such like information be given to any justice
    of the peace in such county, said justice may
    issue a warrant for the apprehension of said
    person, making said complaint and warrant
    returnable to the county court of said coun-
    ty, and said county judge in either event
    shall fix a time and place for the hearing
    and determination of the matter, either in
    term time or in vacation, which place shall
    be either at the court house of the county,
    or at the residence of the person named, or
    at any other place in the county, as the
    county judge may deem best for such hearing.
    . . .
    Article 31930-1, V.C.S., authorizes the
    county judge to commit mentally ill patients to      -
    ,-    Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 3   (V-1414)
    State Hospitals for ninety days for observation and
    Article 921, V.C.C.P., provides:
    "If at any time after conviction
    and by the manner and method as herein-
    after provided, it be made known to the
    Judge of the Court in which the indict-
    ment has been returned, that the defend-
    ant has become insane, since his convic-
    tion, a jury shall be empaneled as in
    ordinary Criminal cases to try the ques-
    tion of insanity.'
    Article 932a, V.C.C.P., provides in part:
    "Section 1. In any case where inaan-
    ity is interposed as a defense and the de-
    fendant is tried on that issue alone, before
    the main charge, and the jury shall find
    the defendant insane, or to have been fn-
    sane at the time the act is alleged to have
    been committed, and shall so state in their
    verdict, and further find the defendant:
    "a. To have been insane at the time
    the act is alleged to have been committed,
    but sane at the time of the trial, he shall
    be immediately discharged;
    "b. To have been insane at the time
    the act is alleged to have been committed
    and insane at the time of trial, or sane
    at the time the act is alleged to have been
    committed and insane at the time of trial,
    the Court shall thereupon make and have
    entered on the minutes of the Court an or-
    der committing the defendant to the custody
    of the sheriff, to be kept subject to the
    further order of the County Judge of the
    county, and the proceedings shall forthwith
    be certified to the County Judge who shall
    at once take the necessary steps to have
    the defendant committed to and confined in
    a State hospital for the insane until he
    becomes sane.
    Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 4   (V-1414)
    'Sec. 2. When the defense on the
    trial of the main charge is the Insanity
    of the defendant the jury shall be instruct-
    ed, if they acquit him on that ground, to
    state that fact with their verdict, and if
    they further find the defendant:
    'a. To have been insane at the time
    the act is alleged to have been committed,
    but sane at the time of the trial, he shall
    be immeddately discharged;
    'b. To have been insane at the time
    the act is alleged to have been committed
    and insane at the time of trial, or sane at
    the time the act is alleged to have been com-
    mitted and insane at the time of the trial,
    the Court shall thereupon make and have
    entered on the minutes of the Court an order
    committing the defendant to the custody of
    the sheriff, to be kept subject to the furth-
    er order of the County Judge of the county
    and the proceedings shall forthwith be cer-
    tified to the County Judge who shall at once
    take the necessary steps to have the defend-
    ant committed to and confined in a State hos-
    pital for the insane until he becomes sane.
    In Rx  arte
    44y,    is ,ta;~;z'JhxeGrim. 110, 178
    it Knox
    S.W.2d 661 (1.9
    "Relator was under the accusation of
    felony theft, as evidenced by certain com-
    plaints filed in a justice court of Hidalgo
    County, and was held thereunder by virtue
    of a warrant issued out of such court on
    December 20, 1943; that while held in jail
    on such warrant by the sheriff of such
    county, on February 9, 1944, relator's wife
    filed an affidavit in lunacy in the county
    court, alleging that relator was a person
    of unsound mind, etc., and requesting that
    he be !;r:;ed
    thereunder in the county court
    of'such county. On February 23, 1944, the
    grand jury of Hidalgo County indicted re-
    lator for felony theft in three cases, and
    Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page   5   (v-1414)
    returned same into the district court of
    that county, they being the aame cases under
    which he was held by virtue of the justice
    court warrants.
    “Relator now makes application to this
    court requesting that we issue our writ of
    habeas corpus herein, and that we also issue
    writ of mandamus to the county judge of
    Hidalgo County, directing him to forthwith
    try relator in such county court under the
    affidapit in lunacy in order to determine
    his sanity thereunder.
    "It appears from the record that prose-
    cution had begun in the matter of the felony
    thefts by a filing of complaints in the prop-
    er court prior to the attempt to have the
    question of relator's sanity inquired into
    by the county court, and that at the time
    of such filing of the insanity affidavit pro-
    secution was pending in the felony cases.
    See 5 Words and Phrases, Perm. Ed., p. 281.
    Therefore relator was at such time charged
    with a criminal offense, and the statute re-
    lative to the determination of his sanity
    is found in Art. 932a; Vernon's Ann. C.C.P.,
    and not in Art. 5561a, Vernon's Texas Stat-
    utes 1939, Cumulative Supplement. . . ."
    In view of the foregoing, it is our opin-
    ion that the county court has no jurisdiction to com-
    mit the defendant to the State hospital under the
    provisions of either Article 5561a, V.C.S., or 31930-1,
    In McKibben v. State, 
    140 Tex. Crim. 1
    148 S.W.2d 423
    (1940), it is stated:
    "Appellant was convicted in Comanche
    County of robbery and his punishment as-
    sessed at five years in the penitentiary.
    "Appellant gave notice of appeal to
    this court and the record was filed here on
    the 26th day of February, 1940. It is now
    shown by proper certified copies of orders
    and judgments that on May 3, 1940, there
    was pending in Eastland County, Texas, a
    Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 6   (V-1414)
    prosecution against appellant in which he
    was charged with a felony, to-wit, forgery.
    "On the date last mentioned an affi-
    davit was filed in the District Court of
    Rastland County where the forgery charge
    was pending averring that appellant was
    then insane, and requesting that he be first
    tried on that issue before putting him to
    trial upon the forgery charge. A jury was
    impaneled and it returned a verdict find-
    ing that appellant was then insane. Said
    judgment was certified to the County Judge
    of Eastland County, who by proper orders
    committed appellant to the asylum at Wichita
    Falls, where he is now confined.
    "Art. 925, C.C.P., provides: 'Upon
    the trial of an issue of insanity, If the
    defendant is found to be insane, all fur-
    ther proceedings in the case against him
    shall be suspended until he becomes sane.'
    *Counsel for appellant has filed a
    motion asking that under the provision of
    the article quoted further proceedings in
    the present cause be suspended until this
    court is properly advised that appellant has
    become sane. The article in question ap-
    plies to proceedings in the Court of Crim-
    inal Appeals as well as to the trial court.
    See Williams v. State, 135 Tex. Cr. R. 585,
    124 S.W.2d 990
    ; Jones v. State, 137 Tex.
    Cr. R. 150, 
    128 S.W.2d 815
    "Under the provision of Article 921,
    C.C.P., as amended in 1931, Acts 42nd
    Legislature, page 82, Chapter 54, Vernon's
    Ann. Tex. C.C.P. art. 921, it is contemplated
    that the issue of insanity after conviction
    should be tried and determined by the Dis-
    trict Court in which the conviction oc-
    curred. Rx parte Milliken, 108 Tex. Cr. R.
    299 S.W. 433
    ; Rx parte Davenport, 110
    Tex. Cr. R. 326, 
    7 S.W.2d 589
    60 A.L.R. 1403
    ; Escue v. State, 88 Tex. Cr. R. 447,
    227 S.W. 483
    ; Bland v. State, 137 Tex. Cr.
    R. 486, 132 S.W.28 274, 
    130 S.W.2d 292
    Mone of the cases mentioned presents a
    BOII.       Austin F. Anderson, page 7   (V-1414)
    situation similar to that here present and
    in enacting the statute referred to the
    Legislature apparently did not foresee nor
    contemplate a situation as bas arisen here.
    The judgment of present insanity of appel-
    lant was not in the District Court where
    the instant conviction occurred, but was
    in a District Court where another felony
    charge was pending against appellant. There
    can be no question, therefore, of the juris-
    diction of the Mstrict Court of Eastland
    County to determine the issue of present ln-
    sanity of appellant as it related to the
    charge of forgery pending against him in
    that county. . . .
    "The question is not free from dlffi-
    cultg. However, without going into a fur-
    ther discussion of the matter at this time we
    have concluded that no harm can ultimately
    result to either the State or appellant to
    direct the retirement of this case from the
    docket, and the stay of further proceedings
    therein until this Court is advised by
    proper orders and judgments that appellant
    has been restored to sanity, and it Is so
    In view of the foregoing lt Is our opinion
    that the Issue of insanity could be tried in the Ms-
    trict Court to which the Indictment is returned under
    the provisions of Artich  932a, V.C.C.P., or in the
    District Court wNch placed the defendant on probation
    under the provisions of Article 921 et seq., V.C.C.P.
    Passing now to your fourth~question it
    T?.s&heldin Attorney General's Opinion V-712 f1948)
    "A convict, who becomes insane while
    out of the penitentiary on parole, condl-
    tional pardon, or reprieve, is within the
    purview of Article 921, and the issue of
    his insanity can be tried and determined
    only in the District Court in which he was
    convicted, and then only when his applica-
    tion for a trial as to his Insanity, ac-
    .-               companied by one or more of the affidavits
    Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page    8    (V-1414)
    required by Article 922, is presented to
    the Judge of the Court- Dotson v. State,
    195 S.W.2d 372
    "The fact that a convict becomes in-
    sane wNle out of the penitentiary on parole,
    conditional pardon, or reprieve does not
    deprive the District Court in which he was
    convicted of its exclusive jurisdiction to
    try and determine the Issue of Ns insanity."
    If a defendant is still serving Ns sentence
    under probation (Art. 781b, V.C,C.P.), and has not sub-
    sequently committed another crime, the rule announced
    in the above Attorney General's Opinion is applicable
    and the MstrLct Court which placed the defendant on
    probation has exclusive jurisdiction to try the issue
    of defendant's insanity.
    Where a person who Is convicted of
    burglary and is placed on probation, sub-
    sequently commits forgery the County Court
    has no authority to commit such person to
    a State Hospital for insanity under the pro-
    visions of either Article 5561a OF 31930-1,
    The issue of insanity should be tried
    in the Mstrict Court wNch placed Nm on
    probation under Article 921, V.C.C.P., or
    in the District Court in which the indict-
    ment is returned for forgery under the pro-
    visions of Article g32a, V.C.C.P.
    Knox 147 Tex. Grim. 110, 178 S.W.2d
    fi~;$;K;1;""';,v~l;tate, 140 Tex. Crim.
    ,     a 0             .
    The   County   Court
    would not have juris-
    diction to try such person for insanity
    Hon. Austin F. Anderson, page 9   (V-1414)
    during the period of probation, even If he
    had not committed a crime during such period,
    since the District Court which placed him on
    probation has exclusive jurisdiction to try
    the issue of Insanity under Article 921,
    V.C.C.P. Att'y Gen. Op. V-712 (1948).
    Yours very truly,
    APPROVED:                           PRICE DARIEL
    Attorney Genera.1
    J. C. Davis, Jr.
    County Affairs Division
    E: Jacobson
    Reviewing Assistant
    Charles D. Mathews
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1414

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1952

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017