Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                 The Attorney            General              of Texas
    JIM MAlTOX                                          April   9,   1985
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building         Arthur G. Ransen, Ph.D.                               Opinion     No. JM-305
    P. 0. Box 1254S                Chancellor
    A”lll”. TX. 7871 I- 2545       Texas A 6 H Universj.tp System                        Re: Whether the sale of “gin
    College Station. Tems     77843                       trash” by a gin is exempt under
    Telex 91018711357
    Telecopier 51214750286                                                               section     141.002(c)(4) of the
    Agriculture    Code
    714 Jackson. Suite 799         Dear Dr. Eansen:
    Dallas, TX. 75202-4508
    You ask us the following         two questions:
    4s2, AlbermAve..suite 160                    Can a cotton gin be             considered    s representative
    El Paso. TX. 7S9C52793                    or agent of the farmer               In disposal    of the cotton
    915/5353.(84                              plant by-product      ‘gin           trash’ under the circum-
    stances   outlined    and           thus be exempt from the
    1091 Texas. Suile 700                     economic provisions      of          the statute    under section
    Hou,,~“. TX. 77902-3111                   141.002(~:11:4)?   Does it          make any difference      if the
    713/223-5886                              gin is a cooperative      of         farmers?
    We conclude that the answer to your first        question will depend upon
    905 Broadway. Suits 312
    Lubbock. TX. 794013479         the facts in each :.ustance.   If title    to the produce passes from the
    Sm-747.5235                    farmer to the ginner, the subsection     (c)(4)   exemption from the code’s
    registration,   1abe:lKng and inspection      requirements   for   commercial
    agricultural  feed, does not follov    the produce in a subsequent sale.
    4309 N. Tenlh. Suite B
    McAllen. TX. 78541-1885
    If.   on the other hand, title    does not paw.       the subsection   (c)(4)
    512mS2.4547                   exemption remains operable.    We answer your second question         in the
    200 Main Phza. Suite 400
    Chapter 141 of the Agriculture     Code governs the registration,
    !3m Antonio. TX. 782052797
    labeling.   and Inspection   of commercial agricultural     feed.  Section
    141.002(c)   restricts the definition of “commercial    feed” for purposes
    of this chapter:
    An Equal Opportunity/
    Affirmalive Acllon Employer                 The foAlowing        sre    not     conunarcial     feeds   subject
    to this chapter:
    (1)    unground hay;
    co    uhole grain or whole seed not                    containing
    torrins or chemical adulterants;
    (3)    unadulterated           cottonseed,       peanut,   or   rice
    p.    1385
    Arthur G. Nansen - Page 2 (~i+f-:)()5)
    (4)    a feed    product   produced     and   sold   by   a
    farmer;       -
    (5)   an individual  mineral     substance    not mixed
    with another inaterial;    or
    (6)   a material    furnished     by a purchaser     for
    use in s customer-formula          feed that was
    produced by the purchaser or acquired by
    the purchaser from a source other than the
    person whose! services       are engaged in the
    milling.    m:.r:iag ,   or   processing    of    a
    customer-formula      feed.   (Emphasis added).
    Under the following  subm:tssion of facts,  you essentially wish to
    know under what circumstances   .the sale of “gin trash” can be held to
    be the sale of “a feed product produced and sold by a farmer.”
    Fanners produce the cotton plant,       harvest    it
    and deliver   the harrested mixture to a cotton gin
    which, for a charge or fee, performs a processing
    service.    The cotton mixture is divided into three
    basic fractions    dur%rlg the ginning process:    lint,
    cottonseed,   and gin trash.
    The lint,    which 1s formed into bales,      is care-
    fully   identified     such that each farmer is paid
    exactly according to the amount generated from his
    cotton and the grade quality of same. The ginner
    may either buy the cotton bales directly          from the
    farmer on behalf 01: a third party, act as broker
    for the farmer, or merely transfer         the bales to a
    warehouse for       storage    pending later   sale.   The
    ginner charges a f’!e for the transport           to ware-
    house.     Upon warehousing,        the farmer is issued
    negotiable    receipts    :for his cotton.
    While the quantity of cottonseed       generated from
    a particular      lot 0:: cotton is recorded,    the seed
    from one lot are co,-mingled in bulk with that of
    other lots and marketed as such by the gin.            The
    proceeds     from sale     of   seed extracted     from a
    particular     l.ot of cotton     are prorated   directly
    back to the gin service charges made to a farmer.
    Specific    records of the quantity of gin trash
    from s particular        lot of cotton    are not main-
    tained.      While the farmer has the option           of
    receiving    the gin trash from his lot of cotton,
    the impracticality      c#f handling the gin trash most
    frequently     results   in its disposal     by the gin.
    Any proceeds       are applied    against  gin operating
    p.   1386
    Arthur G. Hansen - Page 3 (311-305)
    costs and assist   In keeping ginner service   costs
    down to a minimum level.    In many cases the cotton
    gin is a cooperative   of farmers who jointly    sell
    the gin trash to lower their costs of production.
    Gin trash is Irimarlly   being sold to cattle
    feedlot  operations to be used in finished rations
    for animals owned by their clientele.
    Gin trash is a low density nutrient          which is
    not utilized    as a ~?rimsry source of protein or fat
    in an animal ratica as are most feed ingredients,
    but more for its ",ulk'       or fiber content.   In this
    respect    gin trash     is similar    to unadulterated
    cottonseed    hulls,   peanut hulls     and rice   hulls,
    which are currently        exempted from the act under
    section   141.002(c) (,4).
    The Ginners Association       maintains   that cotton
    gins act on beha,lf of the farmer,             offering   a
    service    which is an extension        of the harvesting
    process.      It is further maintained that a farmer
    relinquishes      ownership only when the disposition
    of lint,    seed and gin trash is completed.        The gin
    management actsf#>:c      the grower in delivering      gin
    trash. to the point of its disposal,         whether that
    disposal     be I to channels of the feed trade.         in
    distribution      across  farmland,    to s landfill.~   or
    otherwise.      This disposal    service   is provided   as
    part and parcel of' the ginning service and in many
    cases may provide a. return to the farmers in lower
    fees or charges.
    The guiding principle             of statutory     construction      is to ascertain
    legislative      intent.       Jessem
    --          Associates,    Inc.   v.    Bullock,     
    531 S.W.2d 593
    (Tex. 1975).           From     reading     chapter   141   as   a  whole,    It   is clear
    that the legislature          intendocl to set up a comprehensive scheme for the
    registration,        labeling,        ar.d. inspection     of commercial          agricultural
    feed.     Section 141.002 sets forth certain specific                    exceptions      to such
    requirements.        The subsection         (c)(4)   exemption applies only to "a feed
    product produced and sold by a farmer."                        (Emphasis added).           It is
    clear that the exemption:,                 intended to reach a farmer only when he
    sells his product;         he is then removed from the ambit of the rezra-
    tion.    labeling,      and inspection          requirements.       Once ownership of the
    giu trash passes           from thf! farmer, however,              the subsection          (c) (4)
    exemption ceases to operet~r.                 It is unclear in your letter              whether,
    and if so when. such title                passes.      The determination        of your first
    question will finally             deperdi on the facts involved           in each instance.
    If title      passes     from the farmer to the ginner.                   then     clearly     the
    subsection      (c)(b)    exemptlot. does not extend to the ginner when there
    is a subsequent          sale by the ginner.             The ginner would perforce              be
    required to comply with th'c provisions                  of chapter 141.          On the other
    p.   1387
    Arthur G. Eansen - Page 4 (m-305)
    hand, if the ginner acts as a broker pursuant to some form of agency
    contract   or accepts    the cotton    unde!: some form of    consignment
    agreement, the subsection   (c)(4)  exemption may still be operable.
    You inform us that in many instar,ces,              a gin is operated as a
    cooperative     of farmers.         Therefore,    you    further   ask whether the
    subsection    (c)(4)    exemption would extend to gin trash processed               at a
    gin so operated.           In section     51.004    of the Agriculture         Code, a
    farmers’ cooperative        society   is empowered to “act as an egent for its
    members in        selling      the    members’ agricul.tural        products.     . . ."
    (Emphasis added).         Agric.    Code 151.004(a)(3).        In such an instance,
    courts will     look to the intention         of the parties     to the contract       at
    issue and examine the contract as a wholr rather than rely on the mere
    form of the contract.           In Texas Certified      Cottonseed Brieders’ Ass’n
    v. Aldridge.      
    61 S.W.2d 79
    (Tex. 1933). ,the Texas Supreme Court held
    that a marketing          contract    by which a cotton          producer     delivered
    cottonseed    for resale to a co-bperstive          marketing &sociation        did not
    effect    an absolute        sale,   even though the agreement specifically
    provided    that the association          “buys” snd the producer         “sells      and
    agrees to deliver”       the produce.     The cour't declared:
    The members of the association.                 in order to
    promote their welfare,          delivere,d their seed to the
    association.         They constitutejd         the association
    their    agent with broad and ~rxclusive powers to
    handle      end sell        their     commodity.        This     was
    necessary      to accomplish         the very purposes           for
    which     it    wss     created.       It    being     the    clear
    intention       of    the    members to         create      a true
    co-operative        marketing      association,        under     the
    powers enumerated by law and by the contracts,                     to
    perform      certain      services      exclusivelv       for    Its
    members, and to hold in the face of this intention
    that the delivery         of the seei; to the association
    was an absolute            sale    would destroy         it   as a
    co-operative       marketing asso&%.                 The members
    have conferred          on this       association,       as their
    selling     agent,    such title      to the cottonseed        with
    plenary powers to handle and dzlspose of same. but
    the a&&.ation           handles the proceeds thereoi for
    the benefit       of itself     and its%mbers.           (Emphesis
    -Id.   at 83.
    In another context,      this office   has previously     determined that
    farm products held by a farm co-operative         remain in the hands of the
    producer     for purposes    of article    VIII.   section   19 of the Texas
    Constitution     which    exempts    from   aii valorem      taxation    "(flarm
    products . . . in the hands of the producer.          . . ."   Attorney General
    Opinions R-938 (1977);       M-632 (1970);     O-5404 (1943).      The opinions
    concluded that farm products held by a co-operative             remained in the
    p.   1388
    Arthur   C. Ransen       - Pago 5 (JM-305)
    hands of the producer becauec! the producers,    in effect,    constituted
    the co-operative  as their agent.  No absolute    title  to such products
    passed from the farmers to ocher parties.      Analogously,   ue conclude
    that “gin trash” held by a gin operated as a farmers’ co-operative       may
    still  receive the benefit of the subsection   (c)(4)   exemption because
    title  to such product remeinn with the farmer with the co-operative
    acting merely as the producere’ agent.
    “Gin trash” In the control         of a cotton ginner
    falls      within    thlz    ambit      of   the   section
    141.002(c)(4)      Agriculture      Code exemption     from
    registration.     labeling,      and inspection   require-
    ments for commerci;%:l agricultural          feed only If
    title   to such feed product has not passed from the
    farmer to another         party.     “Gin trash”   in the
    control of a cotton &inner which is operated as a
    farmers’ co-operative       does fall within the examp-
    tion provisions.
    JIM     M ANT T 0 X
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant          Attorney   Gene,cal
    .                                     .
    Executive Assistant Attorney            General
    Chairman, Opinion Conunittee
    Prepared by Jim Moellinger
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Cilpin.   Chairman
    Jon Bible
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garrison
    Tony Guillory
    Jim Moellinger
    Jennifer Riggs
    Nancy Sutton

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-305

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017