Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1982 )

  •                                            The Attorney General of Texas
    December    31,   1982
    Attorney General
    Mr. Philip   D. Creer, FAIA                            opinion     No. W-568
    Supreme      Court Building             Executive   Director
    P. 0. Box 12546                                                                                Re:                               title,
    Texas Board of Architectural                                    Use       of     the
    Austin,    TX. 76711. 2546
    Examiners                                          “Architectural          Engineer”
    Telex    9101674-1367                   5555 N. Lamar Boulevard
    Telecopier     512/475-0266             Building   H-117
    Austin,   Texas      78751
    1607 Main St., Suite 1400
    Dear Mr. Creer:
    Dallas,   TX. 75201-4709
    On behalf    of the Texas Board of Architectural          Examiners you have
    asked about      the use of the title         “Architectural      Engineer”     by one
    4624 Alberta       Ave., Suite    160
    licensed    under article    3721a, V.T.C.S.,     the Texas Engineering       Practice
    El Paso, TX.       79905.2793
    Act, but not under article        249a. V.T.C.S.,     the Architects     Registration
    Law.     You advise     that the individual       currently   “is   holding    himself
    out” as an “Architectural          Engineer,”     but do not state        that he is
    1220 Dallas Ave., Suite          202    practicing     architecture.      Thus, the issue       is whether     a person      who
    Houston.   TX. 77002.6966
    holds himself      out as an “Architectural        Engineer”  must be licensed        as
    an architect.
    606 Broadway,        Suite 312                  The first      section     of article      249a commands only that “no person
    Lubbock.  TX.       79401.3479          shall      practice     architecture,        as herein       defined...     unless    he be a
    6061747.5236                                                               as provided       by this      Act.”
    registered        architect,                                                 Prior   to    1969,
    section       10(b)     specified,       “[nlothing       in    this    Act    shall    prevent
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite 6                  qualified      professional       engineers     from planning       and supervising     work...
    McAHen,  TX. 76501.1665                 but such engineers             shall   not employ the title             ‘architect’      in any
    5121662.4547                            w.    . . .”    That language         no longer        appears     in the act.        Instead,
    section      10 now reads in pertinent           part:
    200 Main Plaza. Suite 400
    San Antonio.  TX. 76205.2797                                10(a).     ‘Practice      of Architecture’        shall mean
    5121225.4191                                         any service       or creative         work,    either     public     or
    private,       wlying          the     art    and      science       of
    developing         design        concepts.         planning        for
    An Equal       Opportunity/
    Affirmative      Action     Employer
    functional      relationships         and intended        uses,    and
    establishing      the form, appearance,           aesthetics,      and
    construction         details,        for     any     building        or
    buildings,       or     environs,        to    be     constructed.
    enlarged      or altered,        the proper       application        of
    which requires        architectural         education.      training
    and     experience.           ‘Practice       architecture’          or
    ‘practicing     architecture’         shall mean performing         or
    p.    2091
    Mr. Philip    D. Creer     - Page 2       (MW-568)
    doing,  or offering    or attempting             to do or perform
    any service,    work, act or thing               within the scope
    of the practice     of architecture.
    (b).    Notwithstanding           any other provision          of
    this Act or any rule or regulation                   of the Board of
    Architectural        Examiners,       it is the intent          of this
    Act to acknowledge            the necessity         of urofessional
    inter-relations         -and        cooperation         detween       the
    professions       for the benefit           of the public        and to
    achieve     the highest       standards       in design,     planning,
    and building.         Therefore,        nothing      in this Act or
    any     such     rule      or     regulation,         heretofore       or
    hereafter      adopted,        shall     be construed         or given
    effect     in any manner whatsoever              so as to prevent,
    limit      or    restrict         any     professional         engineer
    licensed      under       the     laws     of    this     State     from
    performing      any act,         service      or work within          the
    definition        of     the       practice       of     professional
    engineering       as defined         by the Texas Engineering
    Practice     Act.
    (h) .      A firm,      partnership,        association       or
    corporation,            including        firms,       partnerships,
    corporations        and joint      stock associations         carrying
    on the practice          of engineering       under Section       17 of
    the Texas Engineering             Practice     Act, may engage in
    the practice         of architecture         and may hold itself
    out     to     the     public     as    offering      architectural
    SXViCl?S,        provided      that    the actual       practice      of
    architecture        on behalf      of such firms,       partnerships
    or    corporations          is   carried      on,    conducted       and
    performed         only     by    architects       registered,        and
    licensed      in this State.
    (0.     No firm,    partnership,        association,       or
    corporation      w      engage      in    the      practice       of
    architecture,     or hold itself       out to the public          as
    being engaged in the practice            of architecture          or
    use the word ‘architect’          or ‘architecture’         in its
    name in       any manner      unless      all     architectural
    services     are rendered     by and through          persons     to
    whom registration        certificates         have    been      duly
    issued,    and which certificates         are in full         force
    and effect.
    p.   2092
    .   .
    Mr. Philip       D. Creer     - Page 3         (MW-568)
    As used above,         in our opinion,            the word "firm"         signifies       a
    business    unit or enterprise.           See Black's      Law Dictionary,       571 (5th Ed.
    1979) ; Webster's       Third New International              Dictionary     of the English
    Language Unabridged          856 (1961).          It is broad       enough to include            a
    business    operated    as a sole proprietorship.              See Kempf V. Joint School
    District    No. 3, Town of Fredonia.               94 N.W.2dT72         (Wis.   1959).      cf.
    Dodson V. Warren Hardware Company, 
    162 S.W. 952
    (Tex.                            Civ.   App. -
    Amarillo     1913,    no writ);        City    of Madison        V. Frank Lloyd          Wright
    122 N.W.2d 409
    (Wis.              1963).     Section     17 of the Texas
    Engineering      Practice     Act,     article      3271a,    V.T.C.S.,     referred      to in
    subsection     (h) above, permits         "firms"     and  other   business    organizations
    to engage in the practice           of engineering         so long as it is carried             on
    only by registered        professional       engineers.
    There is a difference                between furnishing          architectural       services
    and performing          them.      Seaview Hospital          V. Medicenters       of America,      
    570 S.W.2d 35
    (Tex.           Civ. App. - Corpus Christ1                 1978, no writ).          In the
    absence of facts          suggesting        that a person neither          registered      under the
    statute     nor exempt therefrom              is performing       or rendering       architectural
    services     -- that is, practicing                architecture     -- we cannot say the use
    here    of    the term "architectural                  engineer"      violates      article     249a,
    V.T.C.S.       You suggest          that section         13, the penalty        provision,      might
    require     a different          result.       Under section       13, the use alone of the
    title     "architect"          is    not     enough.        To violate        the    provision,        a
    non-exempt       person       must use the title               and pursue       the practice         or
    profession      of architecture           or engage in theprofession               or business       of
    planning,      designing,         or supervising         the construction        of buildings         to
    be erected      for other persons.              Section     13 has been strictly         construed.
    See Herold V. City of Austin,                  
    310 S.W.2d 368
    (Tex. Civ. Aip. - Austin
    1958, writ ref'd          n.r.e.);       Attorney     General Opinion O-3392 (1941).               Cf.
    State    Board of Registration                 fo;    Professional       Engineers‘".        wich'ii;
    Engineering      Company, 
    504 S.W.2d 606
    (Tex. Civ. App. - Fort Worth 1973,
    writ ref'd      n.r.e.)      (use of "engineer").              See generally      7 Tex. Jur. III
    Architects      and Engineers          §5, at 78.
    You advise      that Rule 7.01 promulgated           by the Texas Board of
    Architectural      Examiners     provides   that    firms    or persons        other  than
    those registered      by the board may not "employ the title              'Architect'    or
    constructions     of the word 'architect'        to describe     persons or services"
    and that such persons have no "authority             to solicit,     offer    or execute"
    architectural      services.      However,    a rule    promulgated        by the board
    cannot validly      contradict    the statute,    which specifically         allows firms
    composed of non-registered          persons  to hold themselves         out as offering
    architectural     services.      See 2 Tex. Jur. III Administrstive               Law 816,
    at 209.     Moreover,    section   10(b) expressly     provides    that its terms are
    to apply "[nlotwithstanding           any other    provision     of this Act or any
    rule or regulation         of the Board of Architectural            Examiners."       Rule
    7.01 cannot control       the matter at issue.
    p.   2093
    Mr. Philip     D. Creer    - Page 4        (MW-568)
    Without    more,     the     use     of  the   title
    "Architectural      Engineer"    by one registered     under
    the Texas Engineering         Practice    Act but not under
    the Architects      Registration       Law does not violate
    article     249a, V.T.C.S.
    Very truly     yours,
    -MARK          WHITE
    Attorney     General of   Texas
    First Assistant Attorney         General
    Executive Assistant        Attorney   General
    Prepared     by Bruce Youngblood
    Assistant     Attorney General
    Susan L. Garrison,        Chairman
    Rick Gilpin
    Bruce Youngblood
    p.   2094