Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1978 )

  •                        The Attorney                 General         of Texas
    Ju&    19,.   1978
    Attorney General
    ,Ijonorable, Leslie .$Z Acker                    Opinion No. Ii- 118 S
    Midland County Attorney
    Midland, Texas 79701 ”                          Re: Whether a city may, trans-
    fer, a .street right-of-way to a
    county without publication    of
    notice. and bids as required in
    article 5421c-12, V.T.C.S.
    Dear Mr. Acker:
    You have requested our opinion regarding whether a city may transfer a
    street .right-of-way to a county ‘with&t publication of notice and bids. You
    state that Midland County’ has purchased property in Mldland on both sides of
    Baird Street between Texas Avenue and Illinois Avenue.        The county has
    requested the City of Midland, as owner .of the right-of-way of Baird Street,
    to cl-e the street in the block between Texas and RlinoiS Avenues and
    transfer the land therein to the county.
    Se&ion 1,bf article 5421c-12, V.T.C.S., states:
    NO land owned by a political subdivision of the State
    of ‘Texas. may ‘be sold or exchanged for other ,‘land
    without first publishing in a newspaper of general
    circulation in the county where the land is located or
    in an adjoining Wunty, if there is no such ,newspaper, a
    notice’ that the land is to ,be offered for stile or
    exchange to the general public, its description,       its
    ‘location and the procedures under which sealed bids to’
    purchase the land or offers to trade for the land may
    be submitted. Notice shall be so given at least on two
    separate occasions and no sale pr exchange shall be
    held less than 14 days. after the last notice.
    In Bowling v. City of El Paso,‘525 S.W.2d 539 (Tex. Civ. App. - Rl Paso), writ
    refld n.r.e. per curiam, 
    529 S.W.2d 509
    (Tex. 1975), the court held that art%%
    54210-12. ‘should be construed to Eover disposal of land by any means.
    p.    4785,
    Honorable Leslie C. Acker    -   Page 2    (R-1199)
    Although article 5421c-12 has thus been .held applicable to various types of transfers
    of land by a political subdivision, we believe that an exception created by section 2
    is applicable to the ~facts you describe. Section 2 provides, in pertinent part:
    [bl id procedures and publication requirements as set .forth in
    Section 1 of this Article shall not be applicable in the sale or
    disposition of real property interests belonging to a political
    subdivision in the following circumstances:
    (b) Streets or alleys, whether owned in fee or used by
    easement, in which event such land or interest may be sold
    to the abutting owner or owners in proportion to their
    abutting ownership, such division -between owners to be
    made in an equitable manner.
    In the present instance, a street owned by the City of Midland will be transferred
    to the “abutting owner,” Midland County. ln our opinion, therefore, the City of
    Midland may, in the situation you pose, give to Midland County a street right-f-
    way without publication of notice and bids.    Since your question is specifically
    limited to the effect of article 5421c, V.T.C.S., we do not address the problems
    which might arise under article 3, section 52 of the Constitution or article 1019,
    In the circumstances .described, the City of Midland may
    transfer to Midland County a street right-of-way. without
    publication of notice and bids.
    ’ jOIiN L. HILL
    Attorney General of Texas
    DAVID M. KENDALL, First Assistant
    p.   4706
    Honorable Leslie C. Acker   -   Page3        (H-1188)
    C. ROBERT HEATH, Chairman
    Opinion Committee
    p.    4707~

Document Info

Docket Number: H-1188

Judges: John Hill

Filed Date: 7/2/1978

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017