Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1973 )

  •               TEE      ATTORNEY                 GENEIRAL
    AwrrxN.    TEEXAH vu711
    September    5, 1973
    Honorable David R. White                              Opinion No. H-     97
    County Attorney
    i20 East North St                                     Re:   Effect of county redistricting
    Uvalde, Texan 78801                                         upon unexpired term6 of
    county commi66ionerr      and
    Dear Mr.      White:                                        upon local option 6tatur
    Your  letter of May 17, 1973, advise6 that ‘Uvalde County i6 in the
    proce66 of redirtricting  it6 county Commi66ioner6    PrecinctE”, and make6
    the following inquirier:
    “Que6tion No. 1. Our Commi66ioner6,      of course.
    are elected for a four year term a6 provided in Article
    5-18 of the Texar Con6titution.    I would al60 refer you
    to Attorney General Opinion in 1945. No. o-6905. When
    thi6 redi6tricting  i6 done will our commi66ionerr    6erve
    out their term6, even though 6ome of them do not live
    in their new dirtrict?
    “Quertion No, 2. What happen6 if we included a
    portion of the County which ir dry with a portion of the
    County which i6 wet in there new dirtrictE?”
    Question   No. I i6 controlled   by Article    2351 l/2 (b). V. T. C. S.,   which
    ‘l(b) When boundarier of commi66ionerr     precinct6 are
    changed, the term6 of office of the~commirrioner6     then
    in office 6hall not be affected by ruch change, and each
    commi66ioner    rhall be entitled to 6erve for the remain-
    der of the term to which he wa6 elected even though the
    change in boundarie6 may have placed hi6 rs6idence out-
    ride of the precinct for which he WPE elected.”
    p. 444
    The Honorable   David R. White,   page 2    (H-97)
    The rtatute codified the controlling case law in exi6tence in 1965
    when it wa6 adopted.     In Childrers   County v. Sach6e. 
    310 S.W.2d 414
    (Tex. Civ. App. , Amarillo,   1958, writ ref’d. n. r. e. 1, the Court determined
    that, where the redistricting    of a county placed an incumbent County
    Commi66ioner     outside of hi6 precinct,   the Commi66ioner    had a legal
    right to hold office until hi6 term expired.     The Supreme Court of Texa6,
    in refu6ing the application for writ of error [ChildreEs County v. Sachse,
    158 Tex. 371
    312 S.W.2d 380
    (1958)]. 6pecifically     approved of the Court
    of Civil Appeals’ holding by saying:
    ” . . . We approve the holding of the Court of Civil
    Appeal6 that change6 in precinct boundaries do not
    create a vacancy in the office of County Commi66ioner
    or deprive the incumbent of the right to hold office for
    the remainder of hi6 term, even though by rearon of
    6uch change6 hi6 re6idence i6 not within the precinct
    a6 redefined.  
    310 S.W.2d 414
    . ”
    Accordingly,  the answer to your firat question i6 that, after redia-
    tricting, your present commi66ioner6     may 6erve out their re6pective term6
    of office without relriding in the newly e6tablirhed precincts.
    Your 6econd inquiry involve6 the effect of redistricting    upon wet or
    dry territory e6tabli6hed by previou6 local option election6.
    Article 16 5 20 of the Texa6 Constitution provide6 the authority for
    local option elections.    Article   666-32 of the Texa6 Penal Code implement6
    the con6titutional provision.      The general rule ie that where the voter6. by
    an election, have adopted a local option 6tatu6, 6ubEequent reorganization
    of the area with new boundaries doe6 not affect the local option 6tatu6 within
    the territory  originally encomparred       by the election. Houchins v. Plainor,
    130 Tex. 413
    110 S.W.2d 549
    (1937); Bullington V. Lear, 
    230 S.W.2d 290
    (Tex. Civ. App., El Pa6o, 1950, no writ); Goodie Goodie Sandwich v. State,
    138 S.W.2d 906
    (Tex. Civ.App.,       Daila6, 1940, writ dirm’d.,  jmnt.cor.);
    Ex Parte Pollard,     51 Tex. Grim. 448, 
    103 S.W. 878
    (1907). And ree Attorney
    General Opinion H-59 (19733                                                         \
    p. 445
    The Honorable   David R. White,    page 3    (H-97)
    You are therefore advised that area6 affected by redistricting will
    retain their wet or dry status until changed by a new election called for
    that purpose.
    L. After   the redistricting    of Uvalde County, the
    present county    commissioner6       may serve out their
    term6 of office    without residing in the new precinct6
    established by    such redistricting.
    2. Area6 affected by redistricting will retain
    their wet or dry status enjoyed prior to any redi6tricting
    action of the commissioners   court.
    Very truly yours,
    u    Attorney   General   of Texa6
    DAVID M. KENDALL,        Chairman
    Opinion Committee
    p. 446