Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                                     EXAS
    April 8; 1949
    Senator A. M. Aikin, Jr., Chairman
    &mete ~&ate Affairs Committee
    Austin, Texas
    Opinion No. V-806
    Be: The constitutionality
    of 9. B. 147 providing
    that coo eratives and
    fraternaE associations
    or corporationsshall
    pay the same liden
    fees and taxes as oth-
    er associationsor cor-
    porations engaged in
    the some or similar
    You have.requeated tha opinion of the At-
    tornsyQeneral wdWlve tomthe constitutionalityof
    Seaate Bill I& 147 with ~particularreference as to
    whether or not it vjo.late,s
    Se&ion 33 of Article III
    of the Texas Constitution,which provides:
    "All bills for raising revenue shall
    .originatein ~theHouse of Representatives
    but.the Senate may amend or reject them as
    other bills.”
    Seuate Bill No, 147 reads in part as fol-
    “Section 10 Every co-operativeor
    fraternal associationor ,corporationauth-
    orised to do any business of any kind or
    ,mture whatsoever chartered by or having
    a~pendt. OF ~mrtih.icateof authority to do
    business, or.doing business, in the State
    Senator A. M, Aikin,~Jr.~,Page 2   (V-806)
    of Texas.,shall~,bes,ubjectto the payment
    of~the same license~~fees'andtaxes as any
    other associationor..corporation,either
    dome.sticorforeign, engaged in doing the
    same or simi1a.rbusines~sin and under the
    laws of,,thisState. The license fees and
    taxes herein referred to shall include all
    fees and taxes,of any ~kindor description
    whatsosver,which are now or may hereafter
    be, impose.d,.
    lev,ied.or provided for by
    and under the.Co.ns&ution and laws of
    this State in behalf of the State or any
    political.subdivision thereof.
    " * . .
    "Section 4. The fact that there are
    many co-operativeand fraternal associations
    engaged.in various kinds
    of business in..Texas.andwhich pay no State
    orlocal taxes, and which are in direct
    competitionswith private.individualsand
    corporations,engaged in the same or simi-
    lar ~bu.siness
    in this-State,and paying tax-
    es fors.uch.privilege,and as a result such
    tax-exempt.associationsor corporationsare
    not.bearingtheirsshare,of the cost of gov-
    ernment, creates an emergency and an impera-
    tive~public.necessitythat the constitution-
    al.rule requiring bills ta be read on three
    several~daysin ea~chHouse be suspended,
    and said.rule~ishereby suspended,and
    that ~thisAct ~shall.,take:effect
    and be in
    force,from and aft.eritspassage, and it
    is so enaoted."
    law will unquea-
    This bill if .enacted~,into
    ~tionably raise-revenue. However, since the early
    case ofDay.Land &Cattle Company v. State, 
    68 Tex. 526
    ~.41 S W 865 it has been settled that the pro-
    visIona o).~ecti& 33, Article III of our Constitu-
    tion,,should be..confinedto bills.to levy taxes in
    not to bills for
    the strict sense of,,thewords,~and.
    purposes which may incidentallycreate reve-
    Senator A. M, Aikin, Jr,, Page 3    (V-806)
    The purpose of.Senate Bill No. 147 is set
    forth in Section b,.thereof,wherein it states, "there
    are many co-operative and,fraternalassociations or
    corporationsnow ,engagad ..in
    various kinds of business
    in Texas and.which pay~na State or local taxes and
    which are findirect competitionwith private indivi-
    duals landcorporationsengaged,in the same or similar
    business in this State. and Davine taxes for such Dri-
    and as a result
    i;ernalassociationsorMcorporations'tobe subject to
    the payment of the same license fees and taxes as any
    motherassociationor corporatl,on doing the same or
    similar business,andthus..beartheir share of the
    cast of gavernment, ~The.bill~.leviestaxes in the
    strictsense of the words and shavingoriginated in
    the.SenaW is inviolat~ionof Se.ction33, Article III,
    Constitutionof Texas,
    V-860,~dated March 31, 1949,
    the Attorney General held that Senate Bill No. 376,
    relative to retaliatoryreserve and tax requirements
    on foreign insurancescompanies,, was not a bill for
    raising revenue within the meaning of Article III,
    Section3,3of~.theTexas Constitution,and can there-
    fore originate in...the..,Senate,
    The primary purpose of
    Senate Bill Ko.:.376~~isto~.retaliateagainst the laws
    of other .States...if~
    a greater regula-
    tory,andtax 'burden, oninsuranoe.companies domiciled
    inthis.State and.doingbusinesain such other States,
    than waehare heretofore put on insurance companies
    domiciled in such other St.at.es,and doing business
    in this .State. In~..carryingout its primary purpose
    of retaliation., the bill may incidentallycreate rev-
    enueQ It 1.stherefore clearly distinguishablefrom
    ..SenateBill No..ll+'?,~which~..has
    for its primary pur-
    .pose..thelevy.of,taxes,in order that CO-O erat,iveor
    fraternalasso.ciatione  or co,rporations~
    wiE1 bear their
    shareeof the.cost of government.
    Senator A..M. Aikin, Jr., Page 4   (V-806)
    Senate Bill No. 147 providingthat
    cooperativesand fraternal associat1on.s
    .,orcorporationsshall pay the same li-
    tense ~fees.and~taxasas other associa-
    tionssor corporationsengaged in the same
    or similar.businessis unconstitutional
    as it is a Billsfor.raising revenue orig-
    inatinginthe Se,nate. Section 33, Arti-
    cle III,,.
    of Texas.
    Yours very truly,

Document Info

Docket Number: V-806

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017