Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                    AUSTIN.     TEXAS
    Ap~ll 27* 1949
    Hon. W. J. Murray, Jr., Chairman
    Railroad Commission of Texas
    Austin, Texas
    Opinion Ho0 V-814
    Re: The authority of the
    Railroad Commleslon to
    set an application for
    a oertiflcateof con-
    venlenoe and necessity
    for hearing during a
    legialatfvesession, an
    interested party hav-
    ing requested postpon-
    ment because his attor-
    neg Is a member of the
    Dear Sir:                        Legislature.
    Your Petter requeatfng the opinion of the
    Attorney General on the above question sets forth
    certain facts which, for brevitg, ue have condensed
    as followas
    On January 29, 194gp there was flled with
    the Motor Transportation~Dlvlsfonof the Railroad
    Commlaslon,an applicationfor a certificateof con-
    venience and necessity to opeP&te a motor bus com-
    pany between certain cltlee, The applfcatlonwas
    filed by a firm of attorneys, one of whom 1~ a mem-
    ber of the slat Legfslature,now fn session, On the
    call of the do&et on February 1, 1949, a protesting
    motor bus company filed ba amd through Its Qenersl
    Manager and lta attorney, also a member of the Slat
    Legislature,a motion that the appllcatlonnot be
    set for hearing until ten days after adjournmentof
    the 51st Leglslattwe,on the grounds that its attor-
    ney was a member of the 51et Legislatureand raa pres-
    ently In actual attendance on fts regular seaefoa. A
    notation was then made by the Commission on the dock-
    et sheet to "Paas fop duration of Legislature." On
    March 25* 1949, the applicant, bjrand thcough its at-
    torneys, filed a motion that the order or notation on
    Eon. ii.J. Murray, Jr., Page 2 (v-814)
    the docket sheet passing the applicationuntil ad&mm-
    rant of the 5lst legislature be set aside and said ap-
    pllcaat be given an early hearing,
    Your speclflc question Is as follows:
    ‘Wndec the above fasts does the Rall-
    road Commlsslon of Texas have authority to
    set said applicationfor hearing prior to
    ten days after the adjournmentof the slat
    mder the provisions of Article glla, V.C.S.,
    the Railroad Corlsslon Is given authority to set and
    hold hearings on applleatlonsfor oertlfleatesof coa-
    venlence and neoemlty for bus routes. Hothing Is coa-
    talned In Its provisions which llmlts the authority of
    the Railroad Comslsslomto set hearings.
    It Is erident that the applicationfor con-
    tinuance In this Instance was made pursuant to the
    provIsIona of Article 21680, B.C.&, which reads as
    "In all suits, either clvll or crlm-
    Inal, or ln matters of probate, pending in
    any court of thin State at any time within
    ten (10) days of a date when the Leglsla-
    ture is to be In sessloa, or at ay time
    the LegislatureIs In se8slon, It shall
    be mandatory that the court continue 6ueh
    cause if It shall appear to the court, by
    affidavit,   that an7 party appljing for
    such aontinuaace,or sny attorney for w
    party to such cause, is a member of elth-
    er branch of the Legislature,and till be
    or Is in actual atteadanae on a sesslo~
    of the ssme. Where a party to amy cause
    is a member of the Leglerlature,  his affl-
    davlt need not be corroborated. On the
    filing of such affidavit,the oourt shall
    continue the cause until ten (10) days af-
    ter the adJournrent   of the Legislature and
    such affidavit shall be proof of the nec-
    essity for such continuance,and such con-
    tinuance shall be deemed one of right and
    shall not be charged against the party re-
    celvlng such continuanceupon any aubse-
    quent applicationfor contInuame. :ItIs
    Hon. W. J. Murray, JP~, Page 3 (~-814)
    hereby declared to be the intention of
    the Legfalatupethat the provlsfons of
    this section shall be deemed mandatory
    and not dlscretlonary,*
    It wifp1be noted that the above Statute
    is expressed In clear and unambiguous language and
    Its meaning Is clear and obvious.. It Is well set-
    tled la this State that such a statute must be ap-
    plied and enforced as it reads, regardless of fts
    poller or purpose or the Justice of its effect. 39
    Tex. Jur. 161, Statutes, See0 88, By its express
    provlslons,the Statute applies only to "suftsB
    either cfvll or criminal, or In matters of probate,
    pending In any court of this State.*
    Sectfon 1, Article V, Conatltutionof Tex-
    as, provides In part8
    -he Judfclal power of this State
    shall be vested In one Supreme Court, fn
    Courts of ClvfP Appeals, in a Court of
    CrlmlnaP Appeals, In Dlstrfet Courts, in
    County Court8, fn CoaosfsaloneraCourts, In
    Courts of Justfoes of the Peace, and In
    ;zzh other courts as may be provided by
    4 . 0 0
    "The LegPsla%uremay establish guch
    other courts 88 ft may deem necessary and
    prescribe the Qurfsdfctfonand opganfza-
    tlon thereof, and may eonfo~m the .+~fs-
    diction of the Distrfct and other fnferfor
    courts thereto,'
    It till be noted that.the Raflroad Comm%s-
    slon Is not named fn the above provfalons. IncaPr
    v. Strl ep 171 S,W,2d 920 (Tex, Mr. App. 194-r-
    &iOrne)          the court stateda
    %e have observed that the @gudfcial
    power of the Sta%e” fs vested by the Con-
    stltutfon fn named courts and such other
    courts as the Legfslature shall oreate and
    prescribe their Jurlsdlctlon8.  CePtalnly
    la the creation of the Railroad Commission
    Hon. W. J, Murray, Jr,, Page 4 (v-814)
    the Legislaturedid not attempt to create
    any other court than those named ln the
    ConstltutloaO O O O
    "We think the Rallroad Commlsslon
    la an administrativebody OP board, and
    although It Is empowered to summon witnes-
    ses and hear evidence before passing upon
    admlnlstratlvematters, such acts are not
    'In the exercise of the judicial power".'
    That case further held that a layman was
    not guilty of Illegally practicing law (practicing
    without a license) because appearing before the Com-
    mlaslon did not constitute the practice of law wlth-
    la the meaning of those statutes relating to the prac-
    tice of law,
    It la recognized that the Railroad Commls-
    slon, In acting upon appllcatlonsfor certlflcatesof
    eoavenlenceand necessity "exercisesfta powers and
    authority merely as an arm of the Legislatureand as
    an admlnlstratlvebody!. Railroad Colllnisslon  of Texas
    v. Winkle, 57 S.W,2d 285 (Tex. clv, App. 1933) e In
    SouthwesternQreyhouna Lines v. Railroad Coksnlsslon,
    08 S W 26 593 (T     Cl   A    1948           f.n,r.e.)
    It was kpressiy h%    th% t~~ORallr~a~,"&p,"slonof
    Texas Is not a court.
    In view of the above decisions It fs clear
    that the provisions of Article 2P68a do not apply to
    hearings before the Railroad Commlsslonupon appll-
    cations for certlflcatesof eonvenlenceand necessity,
    We have been able to find no statute flmltlng the auth-
    ority of the Railroad Commlsslon to set such hearlngs
    during a leglslatlvesessfon. Therefore, an interested
    party having made appfleatlon for a contlnuaneeupon
    the grounds that its attorney la a member of the Leg-
    islature, It Is wlthfn the sound dlacretion of the Rall-
    road Commlsslon to determine whether the hearing will be
    thus continued or set at an earlier date.,
    The Railroad Commlsslon of Texas Is
    not a court0 Carp v, Str@gerP 17l S,' W,2a
    LPP.1 3 I error ref, wOo,m,),
    920 (Tex. Cfv.T__
    SouthwesternGreyhound Lines vO Railroad
    Hon. W. J. J&ray, Page 5 (v-814)
    Commlasion, 208 S.w.2d  93 (Tex, Clv. App.
    'IIJsaerror ref. n.r.e.7   Acoordlnglythe
    pro&Ions of Artlole 2$8a,    V.C,S*, do
    not apply to~hearlngsbefore It.
    The question of uhether a Railroad
    Cosmlaslon hearing shall be set during OP
    after a LegislativeSession, an interested
    party having requested postponmentbecause
    Its attorney is a member of the Leglsla-
    ture, is a matter wholly within the sound
    dlaaretlon of the Comalsslon.
    Yours very truly,

Document Info

Docket Number: V-814

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017