Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1987 )

  •                   THE        ATTO~~NEP   GENERAL
    Nwder      la, 1987
    Mr. Curtis Tunnel1                     Opinion   No.   JM%!2
    Executive  Director
    Texas Historical    Commission         Re: Whether the 180-day wait-
    P. 0. Box 12276                        ing   period     set forth     in
    Austin, Texas    78711                 section    442.008,  Government
    Code, may be waived    (RQ-1282)
    Dear   Mr.   Tunnell:
    Section 442.008     of the   Government   Code  sets    forth
    the provisions     governing   the   preservation    of   historic
    courthouses.     You ask whether    the 180-day waiting      period
    prescribed   in section 442.008 of the code, during which          a'
    courthouse   designated   by  the Texas Historical      Commission
    -    may not be sold or damaged,      may be waived by the      commis-
    sion.   We conclude that it may not.
    Chapter 442 of the recently-codified          Government       Code
    sets   forth    the    duties      and   authority    of   the      Texas
    Historical   Commission     [hereinafter     the commission].        Acts
    1987, 70th Leg.,       ch. 147, §l,      p. 1010-19    (formerly     cod-
    ified as    V.T.C.S.     article     6145).    The   purpose     of   the
    commission     is   to    "provide     leadership    and     coordinate
    services   in the    field of     historic preservation."           Gov't
    Code !j442;003.     Section 442.005 of the code sets forth the
    various powers and duties of the commission,             which
    shall furnish leadership,     coordination,     and
    services to    county historical     commissions,
    historical   societies,   and the organizations,
    agencies,     institutions,      museums,       and
    individuals   of this state interested      in  the
    preservation    of   historical    heritage     and
    shall act as a clearinghouse      and information
    center for that work in this state.
    ,-   Gov't Code   §442.005(a).    The   commission  is  required     to
    "give direction   and coordination    to the state    historical
    marker program,"    
    id. at 5442.006(a),
       and  to    '*install
    markers recognizing   districts,   sites, individuals,    events,
    structures,  and objects significant      in Texas or   American
    p. 3910
    Mr.   Curtis   Tunnel1   - Page   2    cm-822)
    history,   architecture,      archeology,    or    culture and      shall
    keep a register      of   those markers,"       &     at   5442.006(b).
    The commission,     together with the state archeologist,            must
    direct the state archeological          program, 
    id. at 5442.007,
    encourage   the preservation      of historic     courthouses,    
    id. at 5442.008,
      and prepare information       of consumer      interest and
    accept and act upon consumer complaints,            
    id. at 9442.009.
    Section 442.011      of   the   code provides:         "A   person    who
    violates   this chapter is subject to-a civil penalty of not
    less than     $50   nor   more    than $1,000      for    each   day    of
    violation."     And    section    442.012 empowers        the   attorney
    general or     any resident     of this     state to      file suit     in
    district   court    to   restrain     and enjoin      a violation       or
    threatened   violation    of the act.
    Section   442.008   of the    code   sets   forth   the   following:
    Sec.   442.008.       HISTORIC     COURTHOUSES.
    (a) A county may not demolish,        sell,   lease,
    or damage     the historical      or  architectural
    integrity    of any building that serves or has
    served    as   a    county    courthouse     without
    notifying    the  commission      of  the   intended
    action at least six       months before the      date
    on which it acts.
    (b) If the commission       determines    that    a
    courthouse      has    historical       significance
    worthy of preservation,      the commission      shall
    notify the commissioners       court of the county
    of the    fact not    later    than the     30th    day
    after   the    date   on   which    the   commission
    received notice from       the county.     A    countv
    mav not demolish,     sell. lease, or damaae the
    historical   or architectural       intearitv    of   a
    courthouse   before    the 180th     dav after      the
    date on which      it received     notice from      the
    commission.     The commission     shall    coooerate
    with   anv    interested     verson     durina      the
    JSO-dav veriod      to vresenre     the   historical
    intearitv   of the courthouse.
    (c) A county may carry out ordinary main-
    tenance   of   and repairs    to  a courthouse
    without notifying  the commission.    (V.A.C.S.
    Art. 6145, Sec. 14.)    (Emphasis added.)
    The commission was first created            as a state agency      in
    1957.     Acts 1957, 55th Leg., ch. 500,            at 1460 (codified      as
    p. 3911
    Mr.   Curtis   Tunnel1   - Page    3   (JM-822)
    V.T.C.S.     article    6145).    The   predecessor   statute   to
    section 442.008      of the    code was   added by   amendment  in
    1971.    Acts 1971,     62d Leg.,   ch. 496, 51,    at 1718.   The
    Bill Analysis     accompanying   the bill sets forth the follow-
    ing as
    Recently,   several    county  courthouses       of
    historic value    have been   destroyed.      This
    has come   to   the attention    of  and    caused
    concern in    not only   the Historical     Survey
    Committee,  but also the Speaker's      Committee
    on Historical   Preservation.
    The Bill Analysis     succinctly   set forth the purpose of         the
    bill:   "To   provide for     the preservation       of   courthouses
    with historic value."       Bill Analysis      to H.B. No. 22,      62d
    Leg. (1971) (on     file in     Legislative    Reference     Library).
    The commission    cannot ultimately      prevent or proscribe       the
    destruction   of historic    courthouses,     but it is clear      that
    the statute was designed to delay such destruction,             giving
    the commission     the time     to   work with     interested     local
    officials   and private persons to promote the           preservation
    of such structures.
    Generally,    the powers of an administrative.agency             are
    derived entirely       from   legislative     enactment.       State    v.
    30 S.W.2d 292
    (Tex. 1930): Railroad           Commission     v.
    Fort Worth & D. C. RY. Co., 
    161 S.W.2d 560
    (Tex. Civ. App.
    - Austin 1942,      writ ref'd     w.0.m.).     An   agency has       only
    those powers that are expressly           granted to it by        statute
    together with those necessarily         implied from the authority
    conferred   or duties imposed.        State v. Jackson,       
    376 S.W.2d 341
    (Tex.    1964); Stauffer       v. Citv     of San    Antonio,      
    344 S.W.2d 158
    (Tex. 1961).        If    the statutes do not grant          an
    agency the power to do a thing, then it has no such power.
    Nieces Countv Water Conservation          & Imorovement      District v.
    Texas Water Riahts Commission,          
    481 S.W.2d 924
    (Tex.          Civ.
    ADD.   - Austin       1972,   writ    ref'd    n.r.e.).       When     the
    legislature    acts with'respect      to a particular      matter;     the
    administrative     agency may not so       act with respect to         the
    matter so as to nullify the legislative            action even though
    the matter     be   within    the    agency's     general     regulatory
    field.    Cobra Oil & Gas Corvoration         v. Sadler, 
    447 S.W.2d 887
    (Tex. 1968):       State v. Jackson        
    376 S.W.2d 341
    1964).    It may not enlarge       its pobers by its own          orders.
    Railroad   Commission    of   Texas v.     Fort Worth & D. C.          Rv.
    co.,   suvra.       We   have     found    no     authority,       either
    constitutional     or statutory,     which expressly      or    impliedly
    authorizes    the   commission    to   waive the      180-day     waiting
    p. 3912
    Mr.   Curtis   Tunnel1     - Page      4    (JM-822)
    period set forth in section 443.008, Government          Code.     If
    the legislature    had intended    to authorize    the   commission
    to waive the     180-day waiting    period set     out in    section              ?
    442.008,    it could    have  done   so.    S e.    e.a      section
    442.006   (authorizing   the commission    toewaive    th;  waiting
    period with    respect    to  a structure      designated     "Texas
    Historical   Landmark").
    The Texas    Historical   Commission     is   not
    authorized   to   waive    the   180-day    waiting
    period set forth in     section 442.008 of       the
    Government  Code, governing    the    preservation
    of historic  courthouses.
    Very   truly   your   ,
    JIM      MATTOX
    Attorney  General     of Texas
    Executive      Assistant     Attorney        General
    Special Assistant  Attorney                General
    Chairman,  Opinion         Committee
    Prepared by Jim Moellinger
    Assistant Attorney  General
    p. 3913