Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1987 )

  • Mrs. Bobbye Ferris                Opinion No. JM-650
    Executive Director
    Texas Board of Chiropractic       Re: Whether an applicant who is blind
    Examiners                      may be prohibited     from taking  the
    1300 E. Anderson Lane             state   licensing examination to be a
    Building C, Suite 245             chiropractor
    Austin, Texas    70752
    Dear Mrs. Ferris:
    You ask whether au applicant who is blind cau be prohibited     from
    taking the examination   to obtain a license to practice chiropractic    in
    the State of Texas.    We answer your question in the negative.
    Article 4512b. V.T.C.S., creates the Texas Board of Chiropractic
    Examiners and governs the licensure   and regulation    of chiropractors.
    Section 10(a) of the licensing  act specifically  provides,  in pertinent
    part, that
    [a]11 applicants.  for license    to practice    chiro-
    practic    in this  state,   not otherwise    licensed
    under the provisions     of this law, xust success-
    fully   pass an examination   by the Texas Board of
    Chiropractic   Examiners established   by this law.
    The Board is authorized to adopt and enforce rules
    of procedure not inconsistent     with the statutory
    V.T.C.S. art. 4512b. 510(a).   It is suggested that the board's refusal
    to permit a blind applicant    to take the licensing    examination is a
    violation of federal law, specifically   29 U.S.C. section 794 [section
    504 of the Rehabilitation  Act of 19731. which provides that
    [n]o otherwise qualified   handicapped individual     in
    the United States,    as defined in section      706(7)
    of this   title, shall.   solely     by reason of his
    handicap, be excluded from the participation        in,
    be denied the benefits      of,   or be subjected     to
    discrimination   under any program or activity
    receiving Federal financial     assistance.  . . .
    p. 2953
    Mrs. Bobbye Ferris     - Page 2      (JM-650)
    On the other hand, it is argued, that under the authority            of South-
    eastern Community College v. Davis, 
    442 U.S. 397
    (19791, the board’s
    refusal  does not constitute      a violation   of either   29 U.S.C. section
    794 or the equal protection      and due process clauses of the Fourteenth
    Amendment‘to the United States Constitution.            In e,      the United
    States Supreme Court held, inter alia.        that there was no violation     of
    29 U.S.C. section      794 or of the equal protection         and due process
    clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment in an instance in which an educa-
    tional  institution     refused   to admit an individual       with a severe
    hearing disability    to a nursing program.      We need not address whether
    federal  law or the Davis case is apposite          to the instant     request,
    because we conclude thathe        board’s refusal   to permit a blind person
    to take the licensing     examination is a violation    of state law.
    Section   10(a)   of article    4512b further      provides     that
    all applicants      shall be eligible          for examination
    who present      satisfactory       evidence       to the Board
    that they are more than eighteen                  (18) years of
    age, of good moral character,           have completed sixty
    (60) sexaster hours of college           courses, other than
    a chiropractic      school,     and are graduates of bona
    fide     reputable      chiropractic          schools        (whose
    entrance requirements          and course of Instruction
    are as high as those of the better                      class    of
    chiropractic      schools     in the United States);              a
    reputable     chiropractic       school     shall     maintain    a
    resident    course of instruction           equivalent      to not
    less than four (4) terms of eight (8) months each,
    ‘or a resident      course of not less than the number
    of semester hours required by The University                     of
    Texas for the granting             of a Bachelor          of Arts
    degree: shall give a course of instruction                  in the
    fundamental subjects        named in Section 12 of this
    Act; and shall have the necessary                teaching force
    and facilities      for proper instruction             in all of
    said subjects.       Applications       for examination must
    be made in writing,          verified      by affidavit,        and
    filed   with the secretary         of the Board, on forms
    prescribed     by the Board, accompanied by a fee.
    All   applicants    shall be given due notice               of the
    date and place of such examination.
    Section 14a of article   4512b, V.T.C.S..            details    the grounds   for
    refusing,   revoking, or suspending a license             granted    by the board   and
    provides the following:
    p. 2954
    Mrs. Bobbye Ferris   - Page 3 (JM-650)
    Sec.  14a.    The Texas Board of Chiropractic
    Examiners may refuse       to admit persons     to its
    examinations   and may cancel,    revoke or suspend
    licenses  or place licensees  upon probation for such
    length of tims as may be deemed proper by the Board
    for any one or more of the following    causes:
    1. For failure to comply with, or the violation
    of. any of the provisions of this Act or of a rule
    adopted under this Act;
    2. If it is found that said person or persons
    are in any way guilty of deception or fraud in the
    practice of chiropractic:
    3. The presentation      to the Board or use of
    any license,     certificate     or diploma,  which was
    illegally     or    fraudulently    obtained,   or  the
    presentation    to the Board of any untrue statement
    or any document or testimony which was illegally
    practiced   in passing the examination;
    4. Coqviction   of a crime of the grade of a
    felony,   or one which involves moral turpitude,  or
    the procuring or assisting    in the procuring of an
    5. Grossly   unprofessional    conduct   or   dis-
    honorable conduct of a character likely    to deceive
    or defraud the public,     habits of intemperance or
    drug addiction.  or other habits calculated     in the
    opinion   of the Board to endanger the lives         of
    6. The use of any advertising    statement           of   a
    character to mislead or deceive the public;
    7. Employing or associating    with, directly  or
    indirectly,    any person who, during the period of
    such employment, commits any act constituting     the
    practice    of chiropractic when such person is not
    licensed to do so;
    a. The advertising of professional superiority,
    or the advertisLng     of the performance  of pro-
    fessional services in a superior manner;
    9.   The purchase,    sale,    barter,    use, or    any
    offer    to purchase,     sell,    barter    or use,     any
    p. 2955
    Mrs. Bobbye Ferris     - Page 4    (JM-650)
    chiropractic      degree,  license,   certificate.         or
    diploma, or transcript    of license,   certificate,       or
    diploma in or incident       to an application       to   the
    Board of Chiropractic       Examiners for license          to
    practice   chiropractic;
    10. Altering with fraudulent           intent any chiro-
    practic    license,     certificate        or diploma,     or
    transcript    of chiropractic     license,     certificate or
    11. The impersonation    of, or acting as proxy
    for,      another in any examination required  by this
    Act     for a chirporactic license;
    12. The impersonation      of a licensed    practi-
    tioner,   or the permitting      or allowing another to
    use his license    or certificate    to practice  chiro-
    practic   as defined by statute by a licensed      prac-
    13. Proof of insanity of the holder        of a certi-
    ficate.    as adjudged by the regularly        constituted
    14. Failure    to use proper diligence       in  the
    practice  of chiropractic     by the holder of a certi-
    ficate,  or grossly   inefficient    practice of chiro-
    15.   Failing    to clearly    differentiate a chiro-
    practic office     or clinic   from any other business or
    enterprise;     or
    16. Personally   soliciting  patients, or causing
    patients  to be solicited,      by the use of case
    histories of patients of other chiropractors.
    A general principle    of administrative     law is that' an administra-
    tive agency has no inherent powers; au agency's jurisdiction              and the
    nature and extent      of its powers must be found within the constitu-
    tional    and statutory   provisions    applicable    to the agency.     Board of
    Insurance Commissioners v. Guardian Life Insurance Co., 
    180 S.W.2d 906
    (Tex. 1944); Blount v. Metropolitan        Life Insurance Co., 677 S.W.Zd 565
    (Tex. App. - 2 .ustin 1984). r~ev'd on other grounds sub nom., Employees
    Retirement System of Texas s         Uount. 709 S.W.Zd 646 (Tex. 1986).        An
    aaencv may not exercise authority I  chat      exceeds  the  clear intent  of the
    l;gisiature,    Gulf Coast Water Cd. v. Cartwright,         
    160 S.W.2d 269
    Civ. App. - Galveston     1942, writ ref'd     w.o.m.),  nor may it enlarge its
    p. 2956
    Mrs. Bobbye Ferris    - Page 5     (JM-650)
    powers by its own orders.       Railroad Commission of Texas v. Fort Worth
    6 Denver City Railway Co., 
    161 S.W.2d 560
    (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin
    1942; writ ref'd w.o.m.).        Where a power is granted to an adminis-
    trative     agency and the method of-its             power is prescribed,      the
    prescribed method excludes all others and must be followed.             Cobra Oil
    6 Gas Corporation v. Sadler, 
    447 S.W.2d 887
    (Tex. 1968); Foster v.
    City of Waco, 
    255 S.W. 1104
    (Tex. 1923). Specifically,               a licensing
    agency for a business        or profession      is not empowered to enforce
    standards which are different        from or inconsistent      with those of the
    controlling     statute,  even though they may be reasonable          and may be
    administered reasonably.       Bloomv.     Texas State Board of Examiners of
    492 S.W.2d 460
    (Tex. 1973); Murphy v. Mittelstadt.          
    199 S.W.2d 478
    (Tex. 1947).      See
    -    Attorney   General   Opinion  H-801  (1976).
    We conclude,  therefore,   that the board may refuse to permit an
    applicant,  who is eligible    under section  IOa, to take the licensing
    examination only for those reasons set forth in section 14a of article
    4512b. V.T.C.S.    The fact that an applicant is blind is not one of the
    reasons set forth therein.      Accordingly.  we conclude that the Texas
    Board of Chiropractic    Examiners may not refuse to permit an applicant
    to take the licensing   examination because the applicant is blind.
    The Texas Board of Chiropractic        Examiners may
    not refuse     to permit an applicant          to take the
    licensing    examination  because   the       applicant  is
    Attorney   General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney    General
    Executive Assistant    Attorney   General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Jim Moellinger
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 2957