Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1977 )

    Arrs~mr.   ~EKAS     78711
    April 5, 1977
    The Honorable Ronald L. Wilson           Opinion No. H-971
    Criminal District Attorney
    405 County Courthouse                    Re: Constitutionality
    Galveston, Texas 77550                   of sections 12.109 and
    77.025, Parks and Wildlife
    Code, relating to the
    confiscation of shrimp.
    Dear Mr. Wilson:
    You have requested our opinion regarding two provisions
    of the Parks and Wildlife Code. Section 77.025 provides:
    When an enforcement officer of the
    department believes that a person has
    unlawful possession of any shrimp taken in
    violation of this chapter, all shrimp
    aboard any vessel involved or in the trawl,
    whether in storage, on deck, and whether
    alive or dead, whole or headed, frozen or
    fresh, shall be deemed to have been taken
    in violation of the chapter and shall be
    confiscated by the arresting officer. The
    cargo of shrimp shall be sold to the highest
    of three bidders by the officer. The proceeds
    of the sale shall be deposited in the state
    treasury to the credit of suspense fund
    number 900, pending the outcome of the action
    taken against the person charged with the
    illegal possession.  Unless the person is
    found guilty, all the proceeds shall be paid
    to the defendant.
    Section 12.109 is to the same effect, except that its applica-
    tion extends to "fish, oysters . . . or other marine life,"
    as well as shrimp. You ask whether either of these statutes
    might deprive a person of due process of law in violation of
    the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
    p. 4043
    I   .
    The Honorable Ronald L. Wilson - page 2   (H-971)
    First, it is our opinion that the statute's standard of
    seizure by an enforcement officer when he "believes" that an
    individual has unlawful possession of shrimp will be inter-
    preted by the courts of this state as requiring~the consti-
    tutional standard of probable cause. See Carroll v. United
    267 U.S. 132
    (1925). For exam=.     a Parksynd
    Wildlife Department enforcement officer has reasonable or
    probable cause to believe that a Gulf operator is unlawfully
    in possession of marine life if he has in fact observed him
    shrimping in closed waters; therefore, there is no denial of
    due process when an individual is arrested and his shrimp is
    confiscated under these circumstances.    Second, we believe
    that the sale of the confiscated shrimp pursuant to the
    statutory provisions in section 77.025 and 12.109 of the
    Parks and Wildlife Code is not violative of the due process
    clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States
    Constitution.   To begin with, the Submerged Lands Act of
    1953, 43 U.S.C. 5 1301 et. seq. (19701, declares that title
    to the natural resources within "navigable waters within the
    boundaries of the respective States" is vested in the re-
    spective States. 
    Id. 9 1311(a).
    Furthermore, the Act
    defines natural re=rces    to include shrimp. Sec. 1301(e).
    The recently enacted Texas Parks and Wildlife Code specifi-
    cally states that ' [a]11 the beds and bottons.and the
    products of the beds and bottoms . . . of that partof the
    Gulf of MEicwithinthe      jurisdiction of this state are
    property of this state." sec. 1.011(c). See generally
    McCready v.            
    94 U.S. 391
    (1876). Section   1.011
    also stat= %=+2
    t at t e Parks and Wildlife Department "shall
    regulate the taking and conservation of . . . shrimp.. . ."
    Sec. 1.011(d). Thus, title to game and fish or at least the
    reaulation of their takina remains in the state until all
    requirements for their legal taking have been met. See Geer
    v. Connecticut, 161.U.S. 519, 533 (1896); Sterrett vxibson,
    if?8 S.W. 16, 19 (Tex. Civ. App. -- San Antonio 1914,no
    writ); Attorney General Opinion WW-672 (1959). We are
    advised that the two statutes in question were enacted for
    the conservation and protection of shrimp as they migrate
    from nursery areas to the Gulf of Mexico,   and we believe
    that the Legislature balanced the necessity of conserving
    these natural resources for the benefit of all the people
    as against the inconvenience caused by confiscation of
    illegally taken shrimp held by some operators.
    In an earlier attack on similar shrimping regulations,
    a South Carolina statute "providing a closed season for
    catching . . . shrimps" was upheld as a valid exercise of
    legislative power. Shipnan v2 DuPre, 
    88 F. Supp. 482
    , 488
    p. 4044
    .   .
    The Honorable Ronald L. Wilson - page 3   (H-971)
    (E. D. S.C. 1950), 
    339 U.S. 321
    (1950), on remand 
    73 S.E.2d 716
    (S.C. 1952). On remand from the Sunreme Court for stat-
    utory interpretation, the South Carolina Supreme Court held:
    The State has a wide latitude of dis-
    cretion in the matter of the amount of
    the penalty. . . . This discretion is
    governed by the interests of the pub-
    lic, the normal opportunities for com-
    mitting the offense and the amount
    necessary to secure a prompt compliance
    with the statutory enactment. Shipman
    v. DuPre, 
    73 S.E.2d 716
    , 718 (S.C.
    In short, the regulation of coastal fisheries is "within the
    police power of the individual states." Corsa v. Tawes, 
    149 F. Supp. 771
    , 777-78 (D. Md.), aff'd 355 U.S. 37(195.
    The modern concert contemulatina state control is "founded
    upon the power tb regulate in the state the protection of.
    these resources 'fish1 for all the people." Kake v. Egan,
    174 F. Supp. 500
    , 502-04 (D. Alaska 1959), aff'd 
    369 U.S. 60
            (1962). Accord Glenovich v
    1291-93 (mska),      affrd*Om;            :?~7~~,~~~&,"""
    involved the protection    migrating salmon.        , the
    Legislature, in weighing the public interest in wildlife and
    the ease with which the shrimp may be illegally taken, took
    necessary action to secure compliance with closed seasons
    and provided proper penalties for such violations without
    denying due process to any Gulf operators.
    If, for example, an individual is acquitted of the
    offense of illegal possession, "all the proceeds . . .
    [are] paid to the-defendant," and, in such event, no depri-
    vation of due process occurs. xthzgthedefendzt        is
    deurive~ofis    catch, he receives its equivalent -- pro-
    ceeds from the sale -land courts and legislatures have long
    recognized that perishable property nay be sold pending
    trial. See United Finance Corp. v. Woodruff, 
    112 S.W.2d 219
    , 220(Tex. Civ. App. -- Galveston 1937, no writ); 7
    C.J.S., Attachment 9 319.
    If a defendant is convicted under sections 77.025 or
    12.109 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, the confis-
    cation of the illegally obtained shrimp does not violate due
    process because title remained in the state since the require-
    ments for their legal taking were not met. See Geer v.
    P. 4045
    The Honorable Ronald L. Wilson - page 4   (H-971)
    Connecticut, supra
    . A problem nay develop, however, if the
    defendant hascomingled  legally obtained shrimp with shrimp
    obtained in violation of the Shrimp Conservation Act, Chap-
    ter 77, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code. The statutes do not
    prohibit the court from awarding a convicted individual a
    portion of the proceeds representing his legal catch; how-
    ever, it is our opinion that a convicted defendant is not
    denied due process even if the court refuses to do so since
    the defendant has
    the burden of pointing out his own goods,
    and, if this cannot be done, he must bear
    the loss that results from it. Holloway
    Seed Co. v. City National Bank, 
    47 S.W. 95
    97 (Tex. 1898).
    Legislative discretion has reasonably determined that
    regulations and prohibitions for the taking of shrimp in
    closed season are necessary for the preservation of this
    natural resource of the state, and the public interest
    requires that any individual convicted under these statutes
    bear the burden of proving up the amount of his lawful
    catch. However, a defendant may file a claim under section
    e of article 18.17, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, to
    obtain proceeds from the legally taken portion of the catch.
    Finally, you suggest in your brief that the confisca-
    tion of the shrimp may act as a forfeiture which would oust
    a Justice of the Peace court of jurisdiction in favor of a
    district court under article 1906, V.T.C.S.  However, a
    defendant can forfeit only shrimp that he owns. See 25
    Tex. Jur.2d, Forfeitures 99 1, 20. The Justice court de-
    cides whether a defendant has taken shrimp legally: a de-
    cision that he has not works no forfeiture but only locates
    title in the state, where it has always been. When the
    defendant cannot prove what portion of commingled shrimp he
    took legally, there is again no forfeiture, but merely a
    failure to prove that he acquired title. The defendant nay
    recover the legally taken part of the catch through court
    order or petition under section 18.17 of the Code of Crin-
    inal Procedure.  Thus, a disposition of the proceeds of the
    confiscated shrimp by a justice of the peace does not vio-
    late article 1906. In short, the Justice court decides
    whether the defendant violated the law and the disposal of
    the catch itself is provided for by statute. It is our
    P. 4046
    -   .
    The Honorable Ronald L. Wilson - Page 5, (H-971)
    . .
    oprnron, ,therefore, that neither section 77.025 nor section
    12.109 'of the Parks and Wildlife Code contravenes an indi-
    vidual's due process rights; instead, section,s 77.025 and
    12.109 are a valid exercise of the State's police power in
    the conservation of shrimp for the ~benefit of the people of
    the State of Texas.
    Sections 77.025 and 12.109 of the Parks
    and Wildlife Code, which provide for the
    confiscation of all shrimp aboard a vessel
    upon which any shrimp have been unlawfully
    taken, does not deprive the owner of the
    shrimp of due,process of law.
    ery truly yours,
    Attorney General of Texas
    Opinion Committee
    p. 4047