Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1970 )

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    HonorableTed Butler              OpinionNO. M- 702
    San Antonio,Texas 78204          Re: Whether oertalntiilltm
    personnelare qualified
    to serve as jurors.
    Dear Hr. Butler:
    Your recent letter to thie offioe requestaour opinion
    a8 to the qualiflcatlone
    of milltary’pereonnel
    to serve as
    The Texas ConstitiM.on,ArticleXVI, Sectlon.19,relating
    to the qualificationsof Jurors, providesthat ?uoh qualifl-
    eationsshall be preaorlbedby the Legislature. Artiole2133,
    Vernon’sCivil Statutes,as last amendedin 1969, reads, In
    part, a0 followe:
    “All personaboth male and female over twenty-one
    (21) years of age are oompetentjurors,unleee dis-
    qualifiedunder some provisionof thie chapter. No
    person shall be qualifiedto serve a8 a jurop who doea
    not poeiess the followingqualiflcatlons:
    1. He mu& be a oltlzenbf the etate and of the
    oounty,,Snwhich he Is to serve,and qualified,under
    the Constitutionand lane to vote in said county;
    provided,that hla failureto registerto vote a8
    requiredby law ehall not be held to diequalifyhim
    for jury eeyice In any instance.
    . . .
    It shouldbe noted that the 1969 amendmentof Artiole
    2133, aupra, deletedthe requirementthat a prospective
    juror be a freeholderin the State of Texas or a houeeholder
    In the County.
    Artiole 35.12,Vernon86Code of CriminalProcedure,as
    laat amendedin 1969, ,aontaine
    the followingteet of quallfl-
    cationsof a prorpeotivejuror:
    “3. Exoept for paymentof poll tax or regletratlon,
    are you a qualifiedvoter In this county and state under
    the Constitutionand lawa of thle state?”
    HonorableTed Butler,page 2        (M-702)
    The 1969 amendment also deletedfrom this Artlolethe teet
    relatingto the prospeativejuror’8 statusas a freeholder
    In the State or a householderIn the County.
    A "qualifiedvoter" or "quallfledelector"as definedIn
    the Texas EleotlonCode, Article1.018, %eanz a person who
    meet8 all qualiflcatlon8and requirement8for votinga8 pre-
    scrib&dIn (Article5.02) of this oode." The Texas Election
    Code, Article 5.02,Vernon*8Civil Statutes,sets out these
    qualifications and requirement8as follows:
    “Every pereon subjectto none of the foregoing
    dl8quallflcatlone who 8hall have attainedthe age
    of twenty-oneyear8 and who shall be a oltlzenof
    the United State8 and who shallhave residedIn this
    state one year next preoedlngan electionand the
    .laat~six month8 within the districtor county In which
    suob,personoffers to vote, and.whoahall have
    registereda8 a voter, shall be deemed a qualified
    Article5.02, aupra,was enactedpursuantto the Texas
    Constitution,  Artlale6, Se&Ion 2, and from 1963 until
    1965 providedthat membersof the Armed Force8 stationedin
    Texas were to vote only In the oountyof their residenceat
    the time of their entry Into the service. This requirement
    had long been part of the aforementioned Constitutional
    provision. The effeot of auoh a provisionwas that a
    servlcemanwho moved his home to Texas, while In the aervlce,
    could be preventedfrom ever voting in Texas 80 long as he
    remainedIn the aervloe. AttorneyGeneral'sOpinion
    No. C-173 (1963).
    This requirementof the Texas Constitutionwas declared
    to be In violationof rights secured by the,XqualProteotion
    Clause or the FourteenthAmendmentof the United State8
    ConstitutionIn the oa8e or Carringtonv. Rash,a85sSiC;t.  ; g*
    .Sd.2d675 9691            d              z
    v. Davis 2$ P.&p; %?1964       , afkrmed
    '         '
    us   255 13 L.Ed.2dala I 1965
    ‘7    These
    cases promptedthe &d&t      of Texas Constltutlo~, Article6,
    Seatlon2, supra, ln 1966 and a consequentohange in the
    Texas ElectionCode, Artlole 5.02, aupra, that 8amc Year,
    making it clear that a eervlo&aiwho~lniendedto move his
    home to Texas, and did, could-qualifyto vote. After this
    seriesof events,Artlole 5.W, Vernon'sCivil Statutes,was
    amendedin 1967 to provide,in part, a8 follows:
    .       .
    HonorableTed Butler,page       3    ' (M-762)
    "(j) No person tn the nili&aryaervloeof the
    United States shall acquirba residenaeih this state
    while he is livltigonea milit@Py    post in quarters
    whlah he Is requiredto,ocaupy. A peeson ln mllltary
    servicewho is permittedto choosehis place of abode
    shallngt be consideredto have acquireda residence
    merely In cogeequenceof hi8 preeenae&t the plaoe
    where he l$vti'e
    while performinghis n+lltaryduties;
    and such person shall not be~conelderedto &we acquired
    a residenceunless he Intend8to reaialn the* ind tb
    make that plaoe his home indefinitely,    both during the
    remainderof hls militaryeervlqe~whenever~     military
    duties db not requlre,hisprese,nce    elsewhere,and
    afte~.~hie.mlli~ary'~etivlce  18 tbrminated.".
    This Offgce held in Attorney"QenetiaiL'8
    W-1322,($962) that."any~memb@r  of ,theArmed~Force.8
    legallycldima a homesteadexemptibnfrom Tetis ad'valorem
    taxes 18 a lcitl!&en~,,of
    this State for all purpoBeBof ad,'
    valoremtqes . . .       That Opinionstatesthat whetheror
    not a'se~illceman~eho16eIs legallyestablished,inTexas $8
    a queetin to.be determinedfrom all~reievantfiats.
    It was Suitherheld In Attorney&nertillaOpinion
    No. C-712 (1966):
    There Is a rebuttablepresumptionthat euch a
    person In the military serviceretained his doplloll,ln
    the State from which .hewas lnducted,untll such time as
    he i'eshown by olear and unequivocalproof.to have
    effective1 b d d It d          t blishdd a domicll
    i' a(~p~~ls adgd)? a
    That Opinionfizthersays 'Itliit
    ~nohartiind 'fastrule
    can be formulatedwith respedt.tothe servlaeq's domlcil
    or residenceetatus. Each case muet be 'dealdedupon ttya
    peoullarfaOtB~preBented with referenceto objective,evidence
    to eupportthe servlcemsn~aIntention." In fact, the
    ordinaryrules of domiclloreate a presumptionthat the
    p&ace where a person aotually.llvea
    Is his danioil,althou@
    it Is clear that SomethIngbeyondmere residence.%aneeded., ~'
    thl.~~J". 2d.65,Domlcll,Section5, and cases olted
    Artlole5.08(j),supra, attempt8In It8 flret sentence
    to make it Impossiblefor a servicemanunder those olroupa-
    HonorableTed Butler;page 4      (M-702)
    t0 acquirea residencein Texas no matter What he
    may Intend to do and no matter what he does to evidence
    that73%iitlon! Such a provision16 unreaBonableand
    dlacrlmlnatory.It wa8 stated In CarrlngtOnv. Rash,
    supra,at page 96:
    "By forbiddinga soldierever to oontrovtirt
    preawnptlbnof non-reeldenoethe Texas Constitution
    in ViO18tiOnOf
    iaDpOSe8 an lnVidiOU8dlacri.mination
    the FourteenthAmendment."
    It la, therefore,the opinionof 'thisOffice that the
    Texas EleatlonCode, Article 5.08(j),Vernon'sCivil
    Statutes,inaoraras it prevent8a servicemanfrom ever
    establl8hlnga residenceIn Texas, Is 8,nunaonstltutiona1
    deprivationOf equal protectionof the laws to those
    servicemen. The remainder of Article 5,08(j),  Bupra,
    eStab1iSheSpre8WnptlOnSagainsta serviceman    aOqUiring a
    resldenoeln Texas.
    The quallfloatlona for votinftas set out In Article 5.02,
    supra,includethat of being one who shall be a oitlzenof
    the United States and who shall have resided in this state
    one year next precedingan electlonand the last elx month8
    within the districtor county In which SUCh person offers to
    A "citizen"is one who, a8 a member 0r a nation or of
    the body politicof the sovereignstate, owes allegianceto
    and may claim reciprooalprotectionfrom Its government:
    Ozbolt v. LwnbermensIndemnityExchange,204 S.W. 252 (Tex.
    clv.A~p.1W3 , no wrltj citi      hi I a statusor
    condition,and le the rtkult o?%h'aot and intent.Residence,
    with respeotto the quallfloatlona of jurors,~ls      chieflya
    questionof Intent. Vaughn v. State, 134 Tex.Cr3.m.97,
    113 s.w.2d895 (1938);Hutson V. State two oases, 106
    Tex.Cr3.m.278, 291 S.W. go3 rm,     &h oitlzenehipand
    residence,therefore,are keyed to'theestablishmentof the
    The eBtab1iBhmentin Article 5,08(j),supra,or
    rebuttablestatutorypree\nnptions againsta serviceman
    acquiringa resldenoeIn TeXa8 muat be viewed In light Of
    what la requiredof ordinaryoltlzenaIn this regard. To
    discriminateagainst servicemenIn order to avoid admlniatratlve
    dlfficultleaIn jury selectionwould not aatl8fythe requirements
    of CarrlngtOnv. Rash, supra,where it was Bald at page 91:
    .     -
    HonorableTed Butler,page 5        (M-702)
    "In other words, the privilegeto vote In a state
    Is wlthln the jurisdictionof the state Itself,to be
    exercisedas the state may direct,and upon suah terns
    as to It may seem proper,~provlded,of oourse,no
    discrimination Is made between lndivlduala,in vf6&atlon
    of the Federal Constitution."(Empha~l~added).
    Consequently, militarypersonnelcan gmiry to serve as
    proapeotlvejurorsunder Article2133, Vernon'sCivil
    Statutes,after 8atlafyingthe other requirementsof the
    Texas ElectionCode. Drovldedtheir Intent to establisha
    reBldenCein TeXaS~ia*boIIa fide. Peacockv.Bradshaw,
    145 Tex. 68
    194 S.W.2d 551
    , 555 (m-1       8 V. ,&I'
    377 S.W.2d 636
    , 637 (Tex.Sup.1964);&&t?a v:Pena, 4Ob
    S.W.2d 769, 776 (Tex.Clv.App. 1966, no writ).
    MilitarypersonnelCM qualifyto serve as
    prospeotivejurorsunder Artlole 2133, Vernon's
    Clvll~Statutes,after satisfyingthe other re-
    quirementsof the Texas ElectionCode, provided
    their Intentto establisha residenceIn Texas
    is bona fide. Article 5.08(j),Vernon'sCivil
    Statutes,insofaras it prevent8a aervlceman
    from ever establishinga residenceIn Texas, or
    insofaras It discriminates against servicemen
    In the estab&lshlngof a r6sidencein Texas, la
    an unconstitutionalvlolatlonof the Equal Pro-
    tectionof the Laws provisionof the Fourteenth
    Amendmentto the United StatesConstltutlon.
    Preparedby James Ii.Quick
    Honorable Ted Butler, page 6   (M-702)
    Kerns Taylor, Chairman
    W; E. Allen, Co-Chairman
    Wayne Rodgers
    Ralph Rash
    J. C. Davis
    Vlnce Taylor
    staff Legal A88istant
    Executive   ASeiBtWIt
    Firat Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-702

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1970

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017