Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                            December 12, 1949
    Hon. James H. fsoom               0pinlon   Ho* v-961.
    Couut$ Attorney
    Allgalf.aa county                 Ben The aatborlty    of a sub-
    m.fkin,9 !&%9s                        division  of a county to
    hold an election    to m-
    peal In that subdlviariou
    a stook law prevlollrrly
    voted by the oomaty as
    Dear sir:                             B whole.
    Beferfmoe is made to yollp remeat request           wh+h
    ruwus in part aa r01>0w8:
    “This County reoently held an eleotlo&
    under.the provlelon   of mtiale 6954 whlah re-
    malted in favor of the stook law, prohibiting
    ip rtmting et large of the aattfle ,namyi there-
    :“The qwetion     now arises   a8 to whether
    any 8ubdLvlsion of the aounty la entitled           to
    call an election      to re’ al the Uiw in that
    siibdltision.      Article i!?963 prov#es~for    the
    repeal OS the law throughout the whble County,
    but the statute la vague and indefinite          a8 to
    wlpther only one of the subdivision          o? the
    !$dunm~~y vote to repeal the ~I@? In-that sub-
    f         0 Therefore our qwatibh       td this:
    "After 8 County; ‘6~ 8 wkzuh, has voted
    ’ in favor of prohibiting  @took from run-
    ning sf large under the term8 of Arti-
    ale 6954, oan one aubditir~on   of the
    County hold an eleatlon  to repeal the
    law in that subdivision  under the terms
    of Artiale 6963.’
    The stock law reiative  to pPohibZtfng horses,
    mules, jaoka, jennets and oattle   fran running at lame
    in oertaiu aountlea was paaaed originally    a8 House Bill
    595, Rota 26th Leg., R.S., 1899, Gh.128, p.220, and in-
    oluded both Artiales 6954 and 6963, Vernonfa Civfl Stat-
    utee.   However there was no provision  in the orfginal
    .   .
    Hon. YatmS If. Bloore, page 2     (v-%1)
    Act whereby the stock     law might be repealed in a aubdl-
    vision of’ a county    once It had been adopted in the entire
    0 ountg a
    Once the stock law     has been adopted in a ooun-
    ty  pursuant to Artlole  
    6954, supra
    , there was no auth-
    ority to hold an election    to   repeal the law in any aub-
    division  of such county until     1903 when the original    Act
    was amended by Senate Bill 8,      Acts 28th Leg., R.S., 1903,
    Ch.71, p.97, so as to provide      for such an eleation.   This
    provlslon   la found in Artiale    6963, V.C.S.,  wZllch pro-
    tides :
    “Upon the written petition     of two hundred
    freeholders    of any of the above named counties,
    or upon the written petition       of fifty  freehold-
    era of any subdivision     of the above named ooun-
    ties,   if the law be In force in that aubdlvlalon
    only, the commissioners court shall be authorlz-
    ed and required to order an eleotion        on the date
    therein named to determine whether or not said
    law be repealed;    provided,  suoh petition      be elgn-
    ed by at least twenty-four     l’meholdera     from eaah
    justioe   prealnot in suoh oounty.       $ut If this
    Iaw beaomes omrative      over any of the above nam-
    ed oounties,    as Pmsorlbed.    it can in no ease ba
    repealed bs any sUbdlVlsion,       exaeRt bs a two-
    birds laajorlty of the votes cast by the free-
    holders of auoh aountles,.    at an eleatLon held In
    acoordanoe wlth the protis~ons       oi this ahepter.”
    (Emphasis added)
    Slnae the County of Angelina has adopted the
    8tOOk law under the provisions     of Artiole 6954, It Is our
    opinion that the only way it may be repealed in a subdl-
    vision of suoh oounty is by holding an eleotion         In ooin-
    plianoe with Article     6963. ‘
    That  Artiale   provldea   that
    in no oaae oan it be repealed in any subdivision         exoept
    by a two-thirds    majority of the votea caet by the Sree-
    holders o? the oounty . Therefore it ia our opinion that
    under the i’aota presented an eleation      may not be held by
    a subdlvlslon    of the couqty to repeal the stook law in
    said aubdlvision    of the oounty.
    After     a oounty as a whole haa adopted
    the stock     law under Article  699,  Vernon18
    Hon. James R. Moom,    page 3    (V-961)
    Civil Statutes, an election      iuay not ba oall-
    ed in a subdivision    alone to repeal the law
    in that subdivision.      Art.6963,   V. C. 3.
    Pours very truly,
    Bykk&       Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-961

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017