Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                   TEZEATTORNEY                      GENERAL
    OF      TEXAS
    AuLust    9,   1949
    Han. c. H. cPvnes8                        Opinion v-878
    State Auditor
    Austin, Texas                             Re:    Present ownership and
    custody of 6.46 acrea
    of lands, Travis County,
    Dear sir:
    The question raised by you Is stated In your
    letter      as follows:
    “We respectfully  request your opinion
    as to the present status of a six and forty-
    six one hundredths (6.46) acre tract of land
    deeded ,to the State of Texas by one Joeeph
    A. Megle on December llth,  1883.
    “During the course of our current audit
    of the accounts of the (fame, Fish end Oyster
    Co~lss1on,    we learned of a deed recorded in
    the County Clerk’s offloe- of Travis County,
    Texas, Vol. 58, page 276, oonveylng the above
    mentioned tract of lead for the consideration
    or Nine Hundred end Sixty-nine ($969.00)
    “In our attempt to eroerteln the rlght-
    fail ourtodlen or this land, we reed the ep-
    proprlatlon   bill ror the year ended February
    2gth, 1884 (II     asred by the 18th Imgi8l&ture,
    Regular Searion 7 and round for the drprrt-
    rent or Fiuh Conl~~~lonec en appropriation
    ror One Thourmd ()l,OOOiOO) Dollars which
    reed ~Conat~otiea of eddltlonel Fish Ponds
    and puroheae or ,lmd, to be approved by the
    Oovernor .I .A.sswl     that the lend waft bought
    ror the tme or the Y lsh Commissioner we reed
    hla report for the year8 1883 end 1864, end
    found mention of the purchase of the land In
    question, to be used by the Fish Commlsrloner
    a6 ‘Carp Ponds, t
    Hon. C. H. Cavness       - Page 2 -V-878
    “The office     of the Fish Commissioner
    was abolished       by the 19th Legislature         and
    its property     transferred     to the Superin-
    tendent    of Public Buildln        s and Grounds.
    (Gamel’s,    Vol. 9, page 65 &).       We found In
    the report      of the Superintendent        of Pub-
    lic Buildin      s and Grounds for the years
    1885 and 18 8 6 that he had taken charge             of
    the 6.46 acre tract         In question    and had
    offered    It for sale or lease as authorized
    by the 19th Legislature,         but apparently
    It was not sold - In the 1888 report              from
    the same officer        we again found the land
    mentioned     as property     of the State     of
    Texas,     Since that report,        however,   we
    have been unable to find any further              men-
    tion of It.
    “Does the State      still   own this land
    and,   If so, In whose      custody   does it belong?”
    We have read the above referred           to deed es the
    same appears       of record     in Volume 58, page 276 of the Deed
    Records of Travis        County and find that it is the ordinary
    form of general        warranty    deed, containing     no words of lim-
    ltation,     condition     or reservation    which mighti cause a re-
    version    of the title.         The deed does, however,       contain   a
    statement     that the 6.46 acre tract         is to Include     the
    “State    Fish Ponds, ” thus indicating          the existence     of State
    ponds on the tract         prior   to the date of the conveyance.
    We are advised     by a local   abstracter      that there
    is no evidence      in the records    of Travis    County that the
    State has ever conveyed or otherwise           disposed    of the traot
    in question.      Although we have not been furnished            with ab-
    atrects    and therefore    have not examined the title          and do
    not pass on its validity        into Nagle, nevertheless,         it
    would appear from the investigation          made by us and by your
    office   that whatever    title    was conveyed by Nagle to the
    State   has not been conveyed or otherwise          disposed     of by
    the State of Texas.
    The State’s    title     is not affected by the lapse
    of time, lathes,       adverse      possessldn  or the dereliction
    or failure      to act of its officers.         Humble 011 & Reflglng
    Company v. State,        
    162 S.W.2d 119
    , 134 (Tex. Clv. App. 1942,
    error   ref.).
    Hon. C. H. Cavness         - Page 3 -v-878
    Based upon the foregoing,            it   would appear      that
    whatever    title   the State  got to the          6.46   acre tract      is
    still   vested    In the State  of Texas.
    Subject     to constitutional        limitations,       the
    power of the State with respect              to Its lands and the
    property    rights    therein     is vested     in the Legislature
    and the Legislature         alone can exercise          the power ne-
    cessary   to the enjoyment          and protection        of such rights
    by enactment       of statutes      for that purpose.
    Daughters     of the Republic,         
    106 Tex. 80
    , 156 %+%-%7
    157 S.W. 937
    (1913).           Although apparently          purihased     in’
    1883 for an already         exfstfng     fish pond or hatchery,           the
    land in question       has at all times since and Is now sub-
    ject to such use and disposition              as the Legislature
    may determfne 0
    In abolishing     the offfce    of Ffsh Commfssfoner,
    the   19th   Legfslature,   lr.s.1885,    ch. 36, provided:
    “Be ft er,acted   by the Legislature        of
    the State of Texas:        That the office       of Fish
    Commfssiorzer shall     be and the same is hereby
    abolished;    and the fish ponds now belonging
    to the State    of Texas,     together     with all other
    property   connected   with said department,          shall
    be taken charge of by the Superintendent              of
    Public Buildings     and Grounds,      and shall     be
    sold OP’leased     by dfrectfon      of the Governor
    at his discretion,     at such time and In such
    manner as! may be considered         mast advantageous
    to the State,    and the proceeds        arfsfng   from
    aaid sale to be paid       +nto the Treasury       as a
    part 0r the general      revenue, I9
    It is OUP opinion       that; this Act conferred       upon
    the Superintendent      of Publfo BuUdings         and Grounds not only
    the duty of selling       or leasing      the property    but, in addition,
    the general     custody   of all fish ponds and other properties
    belongfng    to the State    at that time under the supervision
    of the Fish Commlssfoner.          The tPact in question        clearly
    was Included     within   the propertles,9      the custody    of which
    was transferred      by said Act.
    @he office  of Superintendent   of Public Bulld-
    fngs and Grounds was created    in 1874 (Acts 14th Leg.,
    Ch. 98, ~~165) and continued    to exist until  January  1,
    1920, when ft was abolished   end the authority    of the Super-
    Han,   C, H, Cavness     - Page 4 - V-878
    fntendent     conferred     upon him by the provfsions  of
    Chapter     1, Title    113, A.C,S. of 1911, was trane-
    ftrred    to the Stat,& Board of Control,      which came Into
    existence     on that day,      (Acts 1919, 36th Leg. R.S,,
    ~h.167,    Set, 7, ~~323; Acts 1919, 36th Leg,lst       C.S.,
    Ch. '+> pm 7).
    We conclude      therefore    that the title     to the
    land in question      is in the State      of Texas,   that custody,
    fn the sense of ultimate        control   and disposition,     is
    in the Legis;ature,      and that custody,      in the sense of
    protective   aupervisfon     and control     and present    manage-
    ment, is in the BoaPd of Control.
    T:he ,tft,.le to certafn      land in Travis
    County,      acquired      by the State    for the of-
    fice of Fish Commfssfoner              in 1883, which
    office     was abolished        and the properties
    thereof      t,ransferred     to the charge of the
    Office     of State Superintendent           of Public
    Buildinns        and Grounds in 1885, absent a
    conveyance        by the State,     and none is of
    recorl     in Travfs County,        title    is still    In
    the State0          Custody of the land as regards
    ui%imste       control     and dfsposPtion     fs   in the
    Legislature,           Custody as regards      present
    management and ~'~pervfsfon             is in the Board
    of Control,         ~uc3essor    to the Office      of
    State Superfntendent           of Public Buildings
    anJ Groun,3s o
    Yours   very    t.ruly

Document Info

Docket Number: V-878

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017