Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                   THEATTORNEY                  GENERAL
    WY 31, 1949
    Hon. Tom MoLeroy                       Opfnion IlO! V-833
    County Attorney
    Shelby Codnty                          He:   Applicability  of’ the
    Center, Texas                                anti-nepotism  rbte-
    tutos to tkm appolnt-
    ment of a policemm
    by the City Counoif
    of 6 @it9 inoorporrted
    under Title 28, Chap-
    tern 140, V.C.S.
    Dear Sir:
    You have requcbe+te&an Irptnlan oD & flouaCLon
    which,    in subkitanoe, is 8~6follows:
    Is the City Oooa 11 of a city iw~-
    porated under Tltll 28 Chsptsre l-10, Q.i?.;s.,
    prohIbIted by ths uv&upot:iiun        p~ovfsiaos
    of V .P .C a ,from appoiablad; a brother of a
    mtmber of the c~ouadil bs, the #ffi~      of city
    polioemad, who will. 8180 cot as oLtg eoave~cc,
    anu comptsnaate hllr fW hfs eervldee Erom pubala
    funde of the olty end fees of offioe?
    A cl     Incorporated   tier    tW Siwt WkI obap-
    ters of title   2
    3 , V.C.S.,    may provfda    bg or6iwrio4     for
    the ap ointment of its police offloers.          art.      99,
    V.C.S. 7 Aseumlng in the in&ant ease that the citg
    council has passed such an ordinance,         the oounoll may
    impose upon a policemau the added drXties of city
    scavenger.    (Apt. 1002, V.C.S.)       APtfcrle 998 provl@Ies
    such police officers     “shall receive a, salarg or fees
    of office,   or both, as shall ba flxed bs the city
    council .”
    Article    432, VePQC.,   re@bss
    ‘I1000ffPcek of %hSs &ate Or any officer
    of any district,      county, city,      reefnot, school
    dlstrfct   ) or  other  munleipal    aui?division of
    this State, or any offfee~         of member, 0% any
    State, district,      countyj city> school dlstMct
    or other munfcipal board,        or judge 0% sag OoutiP
    created by or under auP;borlty of %~y genePa 0~
    Hon. Tom MeLeroy,         page 2        iv-8331
    speefal Paw 0% this State, or any member of
    the Legislature,     shall appoint, or vote for,
    or conffrm the appointment to any office,
    posltlon,   clerkship,    employment OP duty, of
    any person related within the second degree
    by afffnf%g or wfthin &he third degree by
    consanguinity    to the person so erppoln%fng
    OF so voting, or to any o&her member of any
    such board, %&heLegfslatore,      or cotit  OS
    which such persOn 80 appoln%ing op voting
    may be a member, when %he .salary, Sees, or
    compensstfon of such s.ppoin%ee is %o be pafd
    for, directly    or fndi%ee%lg, out OS OF from
    publfe funds or Sees of odfiee OS any kl~nd
    or character whetsoever .*
    Article  433> V.P,C, 9 speei%ieallg  provides
    that the provlsfons    of this law (I@%$. 432 ttiough
    437, V.P.C.)   shall apply to and include mayors, oom-
    missioners,   recordden‘s, and aldermen of fnoorporated
    cltiee  and towns.
    Articles     435    and 437,       V.P,C-,    read respee-
    tlvely     as follows:
    Ar6. 435.   “No o%fioer OP other person
    Ineluded wf%hfn the third pkecedlng &%fole
    shall approve sny aoooun% OP draw op author
    lze the 5sawfng of as-q warrant   OF order tb
    pay any salary, See or compenee.%lon of such
    fnellgible   of%icer QP”pepsoD, knowing him
    to be so fnelfgfble.”
    Art. 437.   “Whoeve violates  any pro-
    vlalon of %he ffive preceding Ap%foles shs.Pl
    be guilty of a misdemeanor involving   of’ffelal
    misconduct,  md shall be Slned not less %hm
    One Hundred nor lhoFe &hamODe Thousand Dollars.”
    Artlole     5906,    V,C.S.,       fn part,    provides:
    “WboeveF violates   e,ny provision of the
    Penal Code relating    to nepotism and the fn-
    hlblted acts connected therewith shall be
    removed from hfs okifeej    elerPkshipL employ-
    ment or duty, as therein provided.
    Hon. Tom McLeroy,    page 3       (‘J-833)
    These and other statutes   evidence the meti-
    culous care taken by the Legislature      to prohibit  pub-
    lic officers    of this State, including mayors e,nd el-
    dermen of cfties,     from eppolntfng their near relatives
    to public office    or employing them fn any other public
    capacity,    when their compensetfon Pa to be pald, direct-
    ly or Indirectly,     out of public funds or fees of offlce
    of eng kind or character whatsoever.
    A policemen of a city Is a public offfcer.
    uparte--   Preston, 72 Tex. Crfm. 77, 
    161 S.W. 115
    Yett v. Coo~lg        Tex. 205, 
    281 S.W. 837
    (1926).         The
    mi6itions      set forth in Article    432 BDD~Yto mayors
    end aldermen of cftfes     Incorporated    under-Tftle   $8,
    Chapters l-10, V.C.S.      Brothers are related to eech~
    other with the first     degree of consanguinity,      and, as
    stated by you, come within the prohibited         degree of
    relationship    deflzned In Article   432.   The brother of
    an alderman, If appointed to the office        of city police-
    men by the city council,      wlll.be  compensated for his
    services   from public funds end fees of office.
    In view of the facts recited   and the plain
    provisions   of the statutes cited,  it Is the opinion
    of this office   that such en appointment cannot law-
    fully be made.
    The city council of e cltr fncoppor-
    eted under Title 28, Chapters l-10, V,C.S.,
    cannot lawfully appoint a brother of en
    alderman of the city to the office     of oitg
    polioemen and compensate him for his ser-
    vices from public funds of the city or fees
    of office    of any kind or character whatso-
    ever.    Arts. 432-437,  V,P.C.;  Art. 5906,
    Very truly        yours
    RPROVEDt              ATTORNEY

Document Info

Docket Number: V-833

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017