Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1948 )

  • Hon.~Russel A. Moran       Opinion No. v-590
    Palo pinto County          Re:   Result to be certified by
    Palo Pinto, Texas    '           C6mmissioners1 Courtin a
    local option election in:
    which two issues were sub-
    Dear ~Slr:
    Your letter requesting an opinion of this department
    reads aS follows:
    "Will you please advise wha'i'resultsthe Corn-:
    mi.%ioners Cow% of.Palo Pinto County, Texas, should
    declare nrider.thefollowingstaterpent of facts:    :
    ~.FACTS ~.
    "On the date of the election Palo Pinto County
    had legalized s.+leof beverages dontaining aLcoho1
    not In excess of fourteen (14%) peF.centum by voluni6,- .I
    and those of higher alcoholic.content were prohibited.
    On May 8, 1948, an election was held which submit&d"
    .to %he voters the following isiues as set forth in:-
    "Art. 666-40 (g).'For prohibitiri&the dale .of    .;
    ialcoholicbeverages that contain .,.
    alcohol In excess of PO& (4s)     ',~
    per'~centumby weight' and
    'Against prohibiting the sale of
    alcoholic beverages that contain
    alcohol in excess of foyr (4%)
    per centum by weight':
    (h) 'For prohibiting the sale of
    all'alcohollo beverages' atid
    'Against prohibiting the sale of
    all alcoholic beverages'.
    Bon. Russ81 A. Moran, page 2, V-5gi1
    "On the first Issue (g) the voters by eight votes
    voted against prohibiting the sale of alcoholic bever-
    ages that contain alcohol in excess of four (4%) per
    oentum by weight, but on the second Issue by four
    votes voted for prohibiting the sale of all alcoholic
    "In view of the fact that the Commissioners
    Court is required on the fifth day after the election
    (Thursday, May 13) or as soon'thereafter as praotlca+ :,
    ble to canvas the returns and deqlsxe the result.of
    the election; your opinion on this matter at the
    earliest possible time will be greatly appreciated."
    Subdivision '(b)of Section 20 of Article XVI of the
    Texas Constitution, as adopted in 1935, provides:
    'The Legislature shall enact a law or laws where-
    by the qualified voters of~any county, justlce,tspre-
    cinct or inoorporated'town~or city; may, by a majority ,~
    vote of those voting, determfne from time to time
    whether.the sale,~f.,Jntoxicatingliquors for beverage
    purposes~shall bef'prohiblted.or~legalised'vithin~the
    prescribed llmits~;::ai&suchlaws shall contain provi-
    sions for voting dn'the sale of intoxicatingliquors
    of various t es and various alcoholic content.
    (Rmphasis is%.zpplied':throughout)
    Pursua&tothis     coni titutional mandate,'the hegisla-
    ture In 1935 setforththe    varlons~issues which might be sub-
    mitted ata.local',option electlon~.'These issues were,framed so
    as to submit',to~'the~votersthe ques~tionof whether or not alco-
    holic beversges~of the various types and alcoholic content
    should be legalized or Ijl;ohibited.As finally amended in 1937,
    'thevarious lssnes which may be voted upon in any local option
    election are. found in Section40 of Article I of the Texas
    Liquor Control Act;"hodlfied as Article 666-40 of Vernon's Penal
    Code. Since you have stated that Palo~:PlntoCounty; on the date
    of the election, 'had legallted'the sale'of beverages contalnlng
    alcohol no,tin excess of.fourteen per Oent by volume only the
    following 'portionof Articles666-40, V&non's Penal Code, Is
    pertinent to the facts submitted:
    ‘\ \,
    XI. Russel A. Moran, page 3, V-590
    "Iti'~a&aqxl&$    the.sale of.beveragea'con~sin~ 1~
    i&k&3+A-t+        in ek&s,g of f&x+&q      (14%):p&p :. :..Y
    centum ~by volume has:been legali.kd, and those of.~,:"'
    higher~'alcoholic'content:are proh,lbdt,ed,~.one
    or : t;
    .I 1
    m    of'.the~followi&igiesues 'sharrbe,..submltted.ln .~.
    any prohlb$tory election:
    .;.'. ~- ..,
    "(8'):~!For'prohibiting the sale of slcohulic~ '.
    beverages that~centairi.~alpohol'in tixcessof four    ,.
    (4%) per-centum by,i&@t'    .and 'Against prohib~fting
    the'sale df,alc.oh?lio:beverag~s 'that Oontainalqo- ~~
    ho1 inex+ss~ of ,.four ,(4$)--per,
    +ntum ~byYeight;l
    "(h):'tFor prohibiting Ethel
    sale of all altio-           X‘
    ~'holic beverages: -ann~tllgainst,~prohlbiting
    of all alcoholic beverages;'".'~
    ~. ~'i
    contained-in both sub-
    aragraphs                               the~'voters.of Palo
    IntoCounty;. The eXeectlon.'result&,d
    ln:a majority voting fin
    svor of the;'fo~lowIng:Fo Xssn0s.l,~ z:.~,,
    "Agaihst'prohibiting the sale of*alcohoiic.i"'~':,   ..
    beverages ;tliatcontain'alcohol in'excess~of f&r        G ::-1
    '.(4%) ,per.centuin~~y~weigh~." .., .'...~"'
    .,,~ .' ,'.;cz'~'2
    I. I'..,,.
    -.                         ,, .'~"
    : "::    ':._
    "For~prkbiting the saie'of"ail a~llcoho&?
    be.y?yzes .n                     .,:;:        ; ,,~
    ?I!& .que.stion~for 'ourdec'lsion-is,what result'shoulb .:
    ne Conrmfsdoners' Court now cer~tifgi A,thoro$@ search'.of:
    very available."authqr~tyrelating to looal~opti,~n-~~~c'tlons
    ss revealed:no ease similar to,the.fact sltuation:before I&           ~.:
    or has'any~'enllghtenment,been secured,from textbooFVriters:
    ther.than general~statements-conqe~ing:e~e$t,$o~ns;;,'._
    'The.foilow~~',~Catement:of j&~'gener&l,,,ru~e    Is.found
    a 29 C. 'J. Si, .Ble.ct~ons.,,~ge'~~
    17$:; ~.
    :~": :~
    .a..    and'exbeptln &o.se.,casesin ,whSah
    'statutes pres&ibing rules to'be obsb$erved   by,a %            .~
    voter lnthe preparation of~his baalot are shown'
    to be mandatory by prohibitive ~terms;~'InhIbiting
    the counting of a ballot in case of deviation from
    Hoii.Russel A. Moran, page 4, V-590
    Fourauthority InTexas supporting the proposition
    that the ballot should be~.glveneffect if the Intent of the
    voter maybe ascertained from it, see the cases of Wright.v.
    Marquis, 255 S. w. 637; Johnston'v. Peters, 
    260 S.W. 911
    Hooker v. Foster, 19 S. W. (2d) 911.
    Another statement of the. eneral rulesappears   in
    16 Tex. Jur. 114, Elections, Sed. 9%
    ?In order to secure.the purposes for which
    elections are held, the lirle'ls~that a ballot;
    like any other writtelllnstrumenti'should be ex-
    &mined in the light of the attendant circumstances
    with a view to ,ascertain&ngthe intention of the
    voter."                  .~
    We have examined the eledtion results In the light
    of the authorities.quo,ted,aboveand Inan effort,to ~ascertasn
    fiotithem the .int&it'of'the'votersof P&lo Pinto County. Our
    effort has ~met with failure. The results disclose that the
    voters on ~the.
    one~hand~expressed a desire to favor the sale
    of beverages,'of..a'~&eater'alcohollc'
    content.than four per oent
    by weightarid dh.,theotherhand expressed a kontrary.deslre to
    prohibit the,s,ale:o'fall,aloohollc beverages.
    ' "We'b6~iev~, the &aion for the conflicting vote may
    inlarge measure be attributed to the unfortunate phrasidg'of.
    various issues'contained in Article 666-40, Vernon's Penal Code.
    So&s of 'theissues are couched in such language asto be mis-
    leading to ~the average voter. For'lnstance, the two"lssues snb-
    mltted In this election beginning with the words "Against pro-
    hibiting" undoubtedly tisled~~someof the voters. The results of
    the election in Palo Pinto County clearly indicate the neeU for
    a revision of Article 66>F40 of Vernon's 'Penal Code.
    Eon. Russell A. Moran, page 5, V-590
    '&~.is:&ir opinionthat the result of .the,localoption
    election under~-consid~~a~~Son,,.is
    election is therefore voidi~~andthe.Commiss%oners' Court should
    so certtfy.
    The iocal option elec.t$on,inPalo Pinto County
    Inwhich two.lssues~were submitted to the voters;~.
    one resultQ@.dn~the majority votltug.agalnstpro-~'     ,,_'
    hlbiting the&le,of.aldoholic'~beverages containing ', ,.:.,,
    alcohol in excess of fourper cent by weIght,,andthe
    other resulting in the majority voting for prohibiting' '
    the sale of all alcohollo-,~beverageq.-~is
    Yours'very truly
    ,.!       :
    ATT&IR$Y @3n6F        TRY@
    ,AssBtant         ,i.._
    /                        .~                    :.j..
    .! ~.
    .       ,.. ~.

Document Info

Docket Number: V-590

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1948

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017