Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

  • .”   ‘.   .
    Honorab~ L.lbrganYill.iame
    'Dl~txlct AWnmy
    Jourdanton, Texas
    Dear Sir8                                 &nion Ro. o-2888
    Ret !&hefiling of canplalnta
    where eemraloffen8er  arise
    out of~one traMMatlM.
    Your request for opinion ti been recelreb. ma ~aremlly
    ~0n~iaerba    by this aepadicmt.   We qaote from your request M followsl
    "I have been requested to write to your aepwhaent for
    amling   on the ro1loTlngmattem
    "In a county *iah operate8 under iPle fee bssls,,what
    la the test as tohowmny ocanplainta can be filed against a
    aefenaadi for aote oomtituting ~arioua violation8 of the
    arioinal Law. In other rorde, where a pexty, fox lllmtration,
    is drunk, disturbs the peace and fights, can three 0claplsinte
    be filed againat the defendant, and upq Oonriction     in om~~~aaq,
    will such oonviction be a bar to the p.iW&i&n      of the r&dug
    came. Allaots     growing out of the ati tranmo~lon.
    "In this ooaneetion, Vol. 4, Texas Jurlspm&mce, page 891,
    1 5'3, it la held: 'Of course, *en the prerioue oonviction ma
    for an entirely eeparata ana aiatinct offem3e, 0u0h a8 affray,
    It is no bar whatmer to a subsequent proaecutlou for aseault.'
    Citing, &Craw ve. State, 73 Texae-CrlminalReporta 45, and
    Decker VB. State, 58 Criminal Reports 159.
    *Aiao, ' . . ..where'the defendant has been acquitted of the
    oh@,, ofunlawfullyo~yingbraee          lmuokB,and IE then
    proaeeuted for an aa~aultwith euob weapona.’ Citing Cbiecm 7.i
    va. State, 77 Crlm. Rep. 397.
    Vol. 12, Tar. JUT., page 566, $ 246, laya down the
    followillgrule,  %e may be aonvioted   for rutma a bawdy,
    home, and also for ragranoy, becauee the traneaetlome M
    not iaentioal in point of tima.' Also, 'the playing of the
    m     of aioe 16 a ooqtlnuous offense, e&h bet le distinct
    and separate riolatlon of the law ana a conviction of cme
    offense aoee not bar a trial for another.’   Citing, Parlm
    vs. State, l23 S.U. llC9.
    Honorable L. Morgan William,    Page 2 (O-2888)
    "It ie lyr opinion that the test M to the nuaber of oaaee
    that may be prooeouted againat a defend&     aepsnbs upon
    whether or not the points of time are identloalor    whether
    a coutiuuoue trmmotion,and      the faote lu eaoh ouenuat
    be airclosed.*
    Sectiom 241, 242, 245, aud 246, pager 56&561-5Q-565-566-
    567, 12 Texao Jurfiprudenoe, read M follower
    "241. Several Offenres Arim-          Out of One Tran8aotion. -
    The mametruuaotion may oonntltute eemral diiatinot and eeparate
    offensea, in whlah 0uIe the defendant may be separately pro-
    moated and pmatahed for eaoh, and a conviction or acquittal
    for one will not eonmtitute a bar to a trial for the other.
    And the faot tbat'two diatinot offenrres are committed oontem-
    porancouely, or that one is omnitted in aid of the other,
    doaa not lMke thest m       the lees dlst5nct.       Thus if the acoused
    slays two persoum with the intent or volition to kill both
    they are eepsr4t.9 offenree althOu&        aoourrlrq    at the 84me time,
    aud a oonvlohion or aaquittal for oue offenee does not bar 4
    prosecution for the other; an assault with intent to murder
    an8 carrying 4 piatolunlavfUly        are different offeneeo, thou@
    growingout of the eama tmffitionj           and a eonvic$ion ou a oh-e,+
    of drirlng an autaoblla without llghte does not,bar a proeeoutlon
    for transportlag     liquor in the automobile, thou& +A6 defedant
    put cwthia lights to aid in couoealh            hie transportitioz~of
    the liaor.     FurtheJr 111uatratioue will be fouud in the artic1elr
    dealingwitlr speolfio
    _,,       erlmes.
    "24a. tro8~iMon      for Part of Single Crima. - The State'
    may not split up one orlme and proseoute it in parts, ena 4 .'
    proeeoutiou for any part of 4 ehgle mine Barr any farther
    proeeoution for the whole or 4 p4rt ,of the nime orlae.      Where
    the sot ahar@d conntltutee     but one orbe,    thud% It lr dirl-
    eible into different  parts or dogrem,     the hata w    out or
    carve out of It but one offense, amX"hrring proreonted and
    conrioted the defendant of this offense,     -7   not pmeeoute
    fbrtimr the tram+-         out of vhieh thS +fgnm VM oarved.
    As lar@,> an offenoe-may be oarvea out of,@       'y+wxmotion as
    po@~lp&, yet the state may out only on+ Bo There several
    artlclee of property are etolm at the eametiae ati plaoa
    a oouvia~     for otealinS par% of them will bar a subnepuent
    proseoutWh for otealing any of the other artlclem.       This
    dootriae of oarvjps applies withmom force to a fomer
    oon~lotion than to an aaguitt.41.
    "245. ~3lhez-e
    Several Offenses &m t?haYgedor Pro*.     -
    Where a defendanthaa beeu tried on eeretrr~ cormCa an&
    oonviated under oue hr is thereby aaquitu   of the others,
    Honorable L. Morgan Willlape,   Page 3   (O-2888)
    and rsj not later be tried upon the one4 for whioh ho wa4
    40 acquitted.    @tie where there are 4evenal oouube in 4n ludiot-
    mnt and only one is subPitted to the jury, thie amount4 to
    ~ZIaoquittsl upon the abanboned oowts, and the defsndaut my
    not upon a eubbsequenttrial be proseouted on the ab4ndomd wwt,a.
    Moreover, where two or more ekilar but repantr, 4otcl oomtitu-
    tlng nqarate offewes are plaoed In evldenoe anbar an lndiat-
    memt or infoxmation under vhicrh 4 oonvlotion of either offenee
    04u be had, and neither the state nor tie oourt d.eota one
    particular tbot on whloh oonvlotlon 16 eou@t, 4 plea of former
    oonviotlon will be good upon 4 eubeequent pro4eouticm bared on
    MY Of the w&m or offennee~    proved, It be*    uuoertaln for
    which one the oonvlctlon v4a had. But the rule la otheniee
    where 44 eleotion   io made and the jury rentrioted to one
    particulsr a4t.
    “246. Continnow Offmses. - where an 0ffMee la 4
    oontlnuoue one, 4 oonviotion bare all further or other
    proeeoatione up to the time of the conviotion, unless the
    indIaWent or infoneatlon oarvee out the time of the
    ocpnissim of the offenee, and l&e evidence, ae well ae the
    plead-,    U oonfined to the time 80 oarved out, The trans-
    notlou 4 ,a oantlnuoua one where there ie one design, one
    impulse, and oue purpoee upon the part of the aoouaebj but is
    not oontlnuoua if it oontaieCs of a elngle act, or a seriee
    of aote, or where, in order to coneummateit, an interval of
    tire Is require&. Thw one ray be 00d0tda~~or nming a
    baw+hotue and also fe vagrancy beoawe ,the transaotiom
    are not identical in point of time. And while the playing
    of the &ape of dice 16 a cantinuoue offeo8e, esoh bet ie
    a distinct and separate violation of the law, and 4 oonvlotiou
    of one offenee doee not bar a trial for another. But one
    conviction for tile statutory offense of opening plsaee of
    bueineee on Suaday is a bar to proeeautione for opening at
    other thee QIIthe mameday; in order for the state to oarve
    proeeoutlona in oaeea of this oharaoter, the statute muet
    prescribe or the l.egiB&tive intent muet be o.l.ear that It
    ME the purpoae to make eaoh sot or performanae pnniehable.”
    Opinion Ho. O-71 of this depcrrtrmentholde at  where ULO
    emue treneaotion may oonetitute several aletlnot and reparate offeneua,
    the defandart my be separately proseoutad for 4aoh 4nd 4 fee may
    be oolleoteb 4 eaoh oaee. The opinion aleo hold4 thatvhere the
    aot ohargsd,&nmtltutm but one crime, thou& ‘i%~is :divlaibl.e Into
    different pbs      or degreor, the State may txkor oarve out of it
    butane offen       and; havinS proseouted and oouvloted the defendant
    of .tdrsl offenee, the Stat.8 may not prosecute further the traneffitidn
    or act out of which the offenee was carved. We enoloee herewith         :
    a copy of said opinion.
    Bonomble L.MorganWilUs~,Page               4(   o-2888)
    The illtwtration 00nt4in4a in your letterwhere  crm
    1s drunk  (in 4 public plaoe we assume), dieturba the peace rrrrdfQhta,
    ia apparently covered by the following srtiolee of our Texae Penal
    Code, to-wit:
    Article   473,   Vernon's Annotated Texae Penal Code:
    any two ormom permne ehallflght
    "If                                  tqether                    in
    apublic  plaoe they ehallbe fined not exxpeedlng one
    hundred dollars."
    Artiole   474,   Vemon’r    AnnotaWd    Tosam   Penal   Code:
    "Whoever shall go into or near any public plaoe or hat.0
    or mar any private houee an& ahall use loua end voolfenms,
    or obaoene, vu-,     or lndeoent language or 8wear or mrm,
    or yell or ehrlek, or expoee hia persan, or rudely djqG&
    w p~st.b~~op   other deadly weapon, in a,nmnner oalmlated to
    dieturb thd lnhabltaqti $ euoh ulaoe or home, akmll be f'iued
    not tm weed oue hundred dollara."
    Article   475, Vernon’sAnnotated Texas Penal Coder
    “A 'pnbllo JODCV,' ae ueed.in the two preoediug ei-tields,
    iq any public road, street or alloy of 4 town or olty, W
    any atore or work ehop or any place at which people af-6 aaambled
    or to which people ommonly resort for purposes of buefnsee,
    amusementor Other lawful purpomt.D
    Artlole    477, Vernon's Annotated Texas Penaldode:              .~   ~~
    "Whoever ahall get drunk or be found in a,state of intox-
    icatiou in any public place, or at any private house enmpt hia
    own, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollare."
    You are reapeotfully         advised that it is the opiufou of this
    1. That where the mme tramaction may ooustitute several
    dietLot and eeparate offenses, the defendmtllay'be ~eparetely
    proeecuted (under separate fr&~t      or qlaIn$s)  end mehad
    for each and a fee may be collected in dash case.‘
    2. That the offense6 of affrw (denoumed by A&i&e 473,
    V.A.T.P.C., supra) dieturbance (denounced by Article 47$ V.A.T.P.C.,
    supra) aud public drunkenesa (denounced by Article 477, V.A.T.P.C.,
    aupra) given in your illustration, are eeparate and distinct
    oriminaloffenaes  in law, and may be separatel$ proeeoutsd under
    eeparate complaints and legal oonvicrtions had theimn-even @ougb
    arialng outofaud   iu the same t+nsaction.
    . -.
    Honorable L. Nor&auUillicum,   Page 5 (O-2888)
    3. Tad vhere the rot oharg4d oo~tikrter, but cse orbe,
    though it la divimlbb in&~ different    part4 or degreee, the state
    may out or oame out of it but one offeme snd, having prooeonted
    and comic*     the defendant Of tbie offeuse, the st4t4 may not
    prosecute further the tranmoticm or aot out of whiah the offenee
    VM carved.
    That where ah offense la a oontinuoue one, (4uc.h a6
    keep-     4dl4orilerlJ home - See Corey v4. St4te, I.38 SW Up) 4
    ocnvidtion b4m 4ll3urther    or &her proseontlon4 up to the tIsn4 of
    oonviotlm, unl4m the indiotdmt      or information oarve4 out the
    the of the cxmmiwion of the offenae,     ard the evldenae, 44 well ae
    the plsadlug, ie confined to the time 80 oarved out.
    By /a/ Wa. J. Fanning
    Wm.J. Panning
    nov 20, 1940
    /a/ Gerald C. Mann                               BY /4L B.W.B.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2888

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017