Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

  • I
    A- 81”RU
    Y           HonorabLe Albert J. Eutron
    County Attomoy
    Trinity County
    Orotaton, Tata8
    rpemdsnt sohool
    more than
    to (3ez-m aa
    Of the    board of
    u of aaid   distrfot.
    opinion on th0         ram
    Board or Trusteea
    wiool Dfatriot
    B on 3eptuab.r
    bank the dr-
    the board with
    re   pase   intrrest
    by the &~apository, Are suoh
    ees eligible to aarve on the
    It not, o&n they be raBioveh
    w   u have also   edvi6ea UBthatr
    *The lest saholastio oemaua of the
    Trtiity IndepamIsnt Sohool Dlatriot totalsd
    one thousaM three hundred four (X,904)."
    Eonorablo   Albert
    J. Eutron, Fa$,
    having more than one hundrod nnd fifty (DO) rohola8tio8
    is selected by the board Of trU8toes og,suoh distrfot.
    such depository, or treasurer iau8t give bon& EQplWO$ by
    ths board of trustees.
    Tho 0091ponlaw has alwayrooognitod the Pangor
    to the pubLl0 welfare arlring ~&an a publio 0ff10ial  tit-
    lrq in hi8 offlolal oapaoitp, m8kor a oontraot in w&h    ha
    ~;$tsrertsd                              on aol¶traotr, mo.
    lndivitlually. 6 Wi.ll.iStoa
    . The Texas oourte applied thi8 rule at an early aato
    Md dOOiaT@d 8UOh OOIItIXOt8t0 bs Wld.    A8 8tated b
    tico Llproomb, in Flanlklnw. Yokos (l&36), 16 TO%.
    “A oontraot 'whidh wouldIgin him
    (the publio 0rri00r) an ill$oSwt in an
    0rrfOig sot to be dona by him would bo
    ,o,ugny   to law and aouna Aorelltyc
    Thi8 ooam0n law rub   a8 It arrootr oorbin   oirfoarm
    and certain typos 0r oontraot8 ha8 boon oneotod into a pond
    8tatuta; miolo $73, Penal Godo of Texas, wi~Uh readmt
    *If any orrioor    or any oouuty, or oi
    My of8y or town shall bmoAa In any man-
    aer pomniarily lntonsted in any cumtraotr
    made by suoh oounty, dlty or torn, through
    its!egonte, or othsrwi8e ror the oonotru+
    tion or ropakor      any b&r,    rosa,, rtmet,
    alley or house, or an$ otbr work Tudor-
    takon by euoh county, oitp or town, or W
    bsooma lntoreetodin any bid or~proporPl      for
    such work or in the puroh80 ox rale of any-
    thing A&O for or on aooount or ouch oountiy,
    oity or town, or who shall oontraat     ror Or
    reooltvsany money or propor8y, or tho npn-
    Mntative or either, or any ozoololasnt    or
    advantags whatsoever    in-Oonsldoratlon of suoh
    bid, proposal, ootitraot,purchase or ~10, ho
    shall be fined not loos than arty nor more
    than flvo hundred dollar8.w
    This statute has been oonnoientiou8ly oniorood by
    the Oourtar IYeyeraP. walker S76 8. W. 006t alty    or EdIn-
    burg f. Ellle, 69 S. \v* (a) 40. In the la8tor 6080, JuUm
    Be+srablo Albert J..Hutuon, Pago I
    sharp,     opeaklng   for'the Gommlealon of Appeals, doolarod:
    The rule prohlbltlng ublta oSSlOore
    from being intereBt#d    in QUt ti0 0Ont~OtB
    should   be sorupulouely  8nfoFOed.m
    we believe, however, that the situation outllnad
    In your letter does not eon18within tho purvlow OS Art&b
    373, BUpFCi. It 18 tXU0 that tlXl8tOi38  Of #Oh001 di8triOtr
    have been held to be oounty ofl’leetrs wlthln tho mu&g
    of civil statutes, Sohorz v. Tolfor, 74 S. iR. (2d) 329;
    Hendricks v. &t&e, 
    49 S.W. 705
    ; FOwlOX 1. '2hOBW8 275,
    S. W. 253; Walbr  v. K’alkar, f34li 8. WI 624. But tha T0xar
    Gouti of Criainal Appeals has nSuaeQ to adopt 110llfrral
    a coaatruotlon in oonetr       a penal ltatuto. Sa W      t4
    Stato, 80 Tex. trim.           , 188 9. Vi,1.002that oouxt
    held that a treasurer or M    indopsrrdont88hsoi &iBtXiOt
    was not lncludod within tho $o%!m"auy oounty troamror*
    a8 rOWid i!ttiiOi4t m%    Or B&~ROti8Ob,C~iEi~      s~tUtO8
    0r mu.    See our Oplnlon IOU.&Ui6@, oo@y,ar uhioh 18 on-
    01080& horowlth.
    ft la lilcewlseto b& notlood that Artioai SW
    dOff8 no% rsior  to all types of oontraots       in whit&   the pub
    110 oSSloor may bo inter08t8d,,bUt       is limited     to “any 0001
    traodr * l + Sor the oontiruo*lcin     or repair Or,?        pge,
    rod street,    alloy or house, ot say other work *
    any bid or propoqal Sor suoh work-or In tho
    aal0 of anything * * *." A oontraat        dth n
    dO&US81tW3' is flOtmob   a OOIltraOta8 doBOr1bob iCthi8 Btat-
    ute. Apply&      the rule that   penal mttotutss mmt bs 8triot-
    1~ 00nstm8u,      WC) are   of   the   apiaon   that   mioi0   87s   ,0r th0
    Ptm& ~odo is not appllo+blo to the situation horo under
    Tho convorao oS the queetion asked by you was oon-
    siderod by this department in eOnSorenQ oplnlon 80. 2785,
    d&o& Beptembor 16 1929, appoarlng at pago 127 OS "PhoAttor-
    ney Ceneral'o gublhahed report for l928-1980.          iY13
    quot. thlr
    Vionorablo S.L.N. Xfirra   hate   f&ipWiI.itenbat
    of Publlo ~BtTUOt~On,     Auutin, TaxaS.
    qear Str8 This will aokdaw~odgo reoslpt
    of your letter of Septambw     10th. addroasad to
    the Attol'ney Geneml.    By thi.8 mvor,  YOU auk
    the opinion OS the dopartmnt a8 to whether a
    EionorableAlbert J. Hutron, Page 4
    stookholdsr or direotor of a oorporetlon
    sellring,   us   degository   or   treasurer   of   an
    Independent eahool alstrloC would be eli-
    glble Tar appolntmauh and qualification
    a6 trustee or said sohool district.
    Tie a:.e of the opinion that the two
    positions present euoh a aoniliot of lnteroste
    PIG Lo prevent  the holding,or the two relation-
    ships at one end t&e sama tims. The trustees
    of M independent eahool dlatriot have aa part
    of tholr autp the t43ak:   of seeing thdi the
    treasurer or depository properly managea        the
    funa ona moneys or the school district. It
    ie aloo inoumbont upon the truateee to sse
    that thd mohool tunas are properly protooted
    by bonda and that the solvienoyof the bonds
    ana also the 6olvsnoy or the lnstftution
    - should be wat,ohobattnr to the end that the
    nonage eiay always be properly protooted.
    Innumrrablr lnetanoee oould be recounted
    when the peouniary intersala of a stook-
    holder in a oorporatlou would away the trua-
    tea  to an act or ravorltlam, at least     that
    w unbiased and non-lntersstea trustee would
    reeolve against    mob bspository   or treasureri
    without attempting    to enunsrats these various
    obJaotione we oonaludr that upon the grounda
    of public policy the tra positions are Imom-
    pabible and that, thareiors, we met answer
    your qieetlon    by saying  that a atookholder or
    offitmr of a oorporrrtionacting as a depository
    fox sn Independent sohool.dlstrlat would not
    be eligible for apzoiatnent or electicn Gs
    trustee of said sohcol district. 311 PIOr
    opinions of this department to the cOntrP,rY
    are expressly overrulei?.
    Yours very truly
    %. Dandy LawmWWs,
    A$aictant I?ttOrn6y f%mral."
    In oonoluslon, -*(I
    bag t0 fiaViS6 YOU that in OUT
    opinion (1') ths oontraot made by the Board of Trustee8  Or
    the Trinity Indspendent,School Dfstriot deaisnatlng as d*-
    pository the bank, three or whose directors are trdstess$
    ie Told) (8) the trustees are not sub&at to OriPPLns;l.
    Honorable J. Hutiwn,   Page 5
    prtmeoutlon under Artiole 573 or the Penal Code8 (3)   upon
    neoesaary findings of raot by a oourt or jury, the trustees
    may be removed from office by the prooodurs provided by Ar-
    tlola 5, seotlon 24 of ths Constitution or Texas, and Title
    100, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925.
    Youra very truly
    R. Koch

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2656

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017