Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

    Pear   air. ~.!i?happardl
    Iion. G%o,oIL Sheppard - Paga E
    or pay any parson who Is ap offloer or oom-
    SL~;L~; member of any political party organi-
    . The uonmlaslon my delegate to any
    au& person 80 aapolnted euoh parer and
    authority a8 it damns reasonable and proper
    i0r*ths efre0tive adminlsPetion of this
    Aot, and map In it6 disowtion,    bond any
    person htmdng     monsyo or eignlng ~heoks
    In purmanoe of thi8 authority, the CO~Wstion
    has #et-up (L body of en@lopaer krwm as ,the Hurit Jystem
    Oounoll, designbd to meat the ap roval of tha F&oral
    SaOWity AgcUlOy for loinimun St J aFd4 of a merit mystem.
    This ttetup ia a8 fol.lOwar
    "SMTIC2pI - XSRIT -               aolmcIL
    '?)aragFaph I. A Martt; System Counoil, to be govsra~!
    by the rules harsln prov%dsd, shall be appointed
    by the majority ocsnaont of the Co111mjs#io~s,
    The COMOil 6hrll bi3 OCWQXWJ~~  Or thrO0 (8) SW-
    bar6 who shall be publla-apirfted    oitlseens M
    knfmledge of publio ad-
    8rraOtion 0r ~0wieiw
    intereet' ti lta
    organi%atlon during the year next prsosdlag his
    mppolntment, nor ahall he hold ewh ofticP# &ix'-
    ins his tag.     Bo member or the COwlOil ShlLll be
    othf~dmb 8i~~loysd 85 8~ ofri0itd or
    the GOXQ.MJ:O~                         ~loyee
    during hl8 term a8 a mam er of Oi
    the Corm011 anb,~haLl not have bean an imployoo
    or the C-lserlon    within One gear next prao*aing
    his appointmnt aa a rmnbr or the Oounoll~
    Par., a.       It shall   be the lluty of the Counoll:
    1,   TO dvi5a  On t&Option or general poliaier ror the
    d.miniatration 0r merit exuain&ions,,a~d  to act
    as appsal board for applioants wh0 have been ra-
    Hon. Ceo. B. Sheppard - Page 3
    joated for oxadnation,   as provided in titlole
    2. To hear appeals of employees &lsahargod or de-
    3. To advise in the formulationof prooedures ln per-
    sonnel adminlstratlonto insure conformitywith
    rules and pollales.
    4. To 3dvlse~nithfad racommend.rorseleotlon and 3).
    polntment,by the C~nmlssl~n,  a Merit System Super-
    vioor; to advise with the Merit System Supervisor
    ln formulationof prooedures ror the conduot ol'
    merit examinations;and to lnspeot and review tbs
    aotfvitiesor the Supervisor to.lnsure oonformlty
    with this Rule and the poliolee, ala8slfioatlOn
    end objeotlve etandards of the ~ommlsslon~
    5. To review the olassltlaotlonand eompansatlonplans
    and to advise on their adoptions and subsequentre-
    0. To promote publlo unberstandlngof the purpoaea,
    poliales and prsotloes of the merit system. As a
    meens thereto, the Sounoll shall make a report to
    the Commissionatleast semi-annuallyon the opera-
    tion of the marit system, inoluding the oondact of
    examinationa,the establishmentof're&vters, aer-
    tlfloatlon~fromregisters, promotions, salary ad-
    vanoements;dismissale,demotions, transrers,
    separationa,end the maintenance of elaeelfloatlon
    and aompensationplans. A oopy of this rsport
    shall be open to publla inspeatlon.
    7. To recommend to the Commission amendments or &a~&58
    in ths msrlt system, whlah, in their opinion, are
    deemed neoessary and advisable and whloh, in their
    opinion,will promote a more errlclent and oaonom-
    loal operritionof tha merit plan.
    Par. 3. Xembers or the counoll.shall serve for a term or
    one (1) year, beginning with the date 011whleh these
    rules are apgrovod, or until suaemsora  have been ap-
    pointed. A member appointed to fl.lZa vacanay oaour-
    ring prior to the expiration of the term shall be ap-
    pointed for the remainder of suoh t8rm.~
    ITon. 040.   B.   Sheppard - page 4
    Par. 4. The Council shall eleot a Chairman f’rom
    its membership. It shell also deelgnete
    the Merit System Supervisor or other em-
    ployee as its Rsoordlng Seoretary, whose
    duty It shall be to keep a reoord of the
    prooaedlngs of meetings.   Eleetings OS the
    Counofl ahall be held aa often a8 neceseary
    and preotleeble upon oall or the Chairman.
    The Commission shall have the right to be
    represented at all meetings, but suoh
    repreeentation shall be without voting
    power, The Counoll shall adopt prooedures
    for the oonduot or Its activities.
    Par. 6.    Member6of the Counoil shell reoelve no
    eelarg  or wage, exaept that they laay be oom-
    pensated on a per diem basis ot not to ex-
    oeed Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day ror eeoh
    day that they are in attendanoe at meetings
    of the Counoil and enga ed in the perrorm-
    anue or their dutlee.   hl ey may also be re-
    imbursed for ex$ense,s lnourred while engaged
    In the performanoe ot their duties    ineluding
    traveling expenses, wlthln the limits or the
    biennial appropriation aat .*
    Pour lnqulry raiess at once the fundamental ques-
    tion or whether or not the oooupanoy of the position of
    faoulty member to the .A. a I. College, and or membership
    in the writ System Counoil ie in anywise in violation 0r
    Seotione 5;1 or 40 or &rtials xvi of the constitution,   or
    otherwise illegal  beoawe   or inoompatibfl.lty or the two
    Seation 40 or iZrtiole XVI or tha coastltution
    forbids any person to hold or exerolse, at the same time,
    more than one =olvil orfloe oi emolumentn, with certain
    exoeptions not pertinent to this inquiry.
    The position or a raoulty member or the A. k M.
    College Is not a civil offloe.   Suoh a member Is an em-
    ployee rather than a air11 offloer,  although, of eourae
    his poeition Is one or emolument, The poslti.on of taouity
    member Is not oreated ,by law but by oontraot between the
    employing Board and the IndirldualJ and, furthezmors, the
    Eon. Oeo. EL Sheppard - page 5
    duties of such faoulty member are not created by law,
    but, on the contrary, by oontraoti again, &oh facdty
    memb6rdoes not exercise any of the runotions of saver-
    eignty whatsoever, and this ia an Indispensable funo-
    tion to a civil orrioer.
    W8 have reoognlsod fheoe a6 ts%tr  in our ap$nlon
    Elo. O-490, in which we cited with approval the ceae of
    State 0r r8ontana vs. Hawkins, aeoretary  0r State; 88'1 pao.
    33 A. I
    ,. SZ. 685, and annotation thereto upon the sub-
    jeot of "DtitinOtiOn between ofrioe and ~loymentr~       800,
    &1so, our Opinion No. O-ES&RI,and .34 Tex. Jlur. p. St3.
    Seotlon 33 of &tlole   XpI or the Constitution
    1.s mora restrlctivs.  l% provldee a8 rollorrsr
    *The a&UtUIg     olfloers  ot thie State
    shall   neither draw nor pay a ~raat     upon
    the Txeesury In rater or any pertboa, for
    salary or aomporuation aa agent, orrioer or
    appoints0 who hold6 at the oam tti       any
    other offloe or oeftlon or honor, trust or
    prorlt, under t h! K State or the United a,tatea*,
    vririt g$ln     enmaer~t8d eroeption.6 not porti-
    Thls seotlan extends the disqualifioation   of a penon be-
    yond the holding or exeroielng or ~a wolvi.1 offioe   or e-
    molumont,* 80 se to inoluds the holding of any other
    wofrlce or poeition of honor, trust or prolit*,     under thl8
    state op: the united Stataa,.axcept  a8 p-or&bed     ia the
    The question recrurn‘than, whether or not the
    poeltion of a faoulty member in the A. 6 11. College i#
    an *offioe or position or honor, truet or proriW,      under
    this State.   Dndoubtedly, a.proreanoPship i.n the A. t Y.
    college is a *position or honor, trust and proriP.        8uoh
    ponition, we think, further, is held Wander this State*.
    wue lt Is that the raoulty aaabor is not employed dlreat-
    ly by the State, but, on the other hand, is cynployed by
    the Board having control ar the institutioni   but euah
    Board is itself a botly of publlo ef+flOerS, Oonstituting
    a Stat8 governmental agenoy ror the very pl.lrpo89 of oon-
    duoting the arrairs 0r tb, College, and in every just
    sense, thereford, the faoulty member6 employed by tke
    Board, and wh+, or ooursc), am paid Wectly     bg the
    ‘. -‘-”   -
    Hon.    OM.   B. Sheppard   - Pa@   b
    state, are hold&    positions oi honor, trust and profit
    under the State, not lmmdlatrly but mediately.    me
    State oan orily act through ~enololr.
    So that ln the opinion of thiu department,
    Soetlon 33, Artlois  XVI, o? the Constitution dor pxobl-
    bit a member or the faoulty or A. Q M. oouege rrtm m-
    oelving: ralary or 00mpenaation whatsoever out of the
    State Treasury for mrrlou    rendered a8 a member of the
    Merit System Counail or your board.
    we think this uonclu8ufoa f6 supported    ir not
    oompelled, by the o~inlon 0r first wal8tant    Atkrnoy
    cwneral Cureton (Le al opiaio*,   Attorney  Oenerdl, 19l%
    1914, pb 873) whemL he hold am follmmt
    "we, thorerore,   byl to adtie   you   that
    Eonorable   W$U H. May68 while aotlag~aa Limu-
    tenant   Governor of thir Wats,  oould not la&l-
    ly hold the p~rribion 6r~ PJslomont of a profu-
    aor or journeliam   in the unirenity   or pma0.*
    Moreover,  oar 065olorion rind0 isupport and au-
    thiilty  in the opinion of ID. Taylor, Aaslstant Attorney
    cmmral, a aonierenob opinion Qtlr*     General IPonoy’a
    admlnlatlcatlon (opieions, &ok 30, p. 394) wheroln it wa@
    held thatr
    %hould one or the alorb      in a depart-
    msnt be appointed a mcmborof a board of maaa-
    gem 0r an elmmo~ynary la8tltutlon,  then tti
    ofriosrr  of tM6 rtate would be
    $?i%te 3  by the ab~re $eotlon Sr~m drawin,$
    or pay*  any warrant upon the IPrramry ror
    the mlary or rush a e1rrk.n
    It will be obsamed that in the two oa8u &et
    elted   the queetlon propounded and uwwered by the Attorney
    Oensml~s Department was with rempoet to the right8 Of an
    employee or a departnmt to reoelte compensation while at
    t& :a$ tine holding and enJoyif@ a publlo orfloe under
    The preotee qu9stlon whether or sot the pub110
    oiflwr'holdlnS     at the mamatima a pcmltlon of honor and
    trust under the state oould reeelv~ ompenaatlon from the
    *. --.-~   /
    State Trea5ury wa5 not presented or deolded.    That Is,
    however, the precise questlon pmsenteU In this mm.
    That such officer  is denied the right of salary or oom-
    pensatlon we think la clear beyond doubt under the express
    terms of Section 33. The two oases above olted axe also
    authority ior the proposition that the employee ln suoh a
    ease ls llkawlse denied oolapensation from the state.    This
    oonoluslon would appear to be corollary to the main oon-
    elusion that the two positions are incompatible under the
    Constitution and that the person oooupying euoh dual posl-
    tfons would thererore not be entitled to oompensatlon from
    the State with respect to either position, whether of of-
    floor, agent, appointee, or eglgloyee solely.
    However hat my be we are of the o InIon that
    in say event Seotlon 33 of A&le     XVI does pro 1 lblt the
    payment of compensation out of the @ate Treasury to an
    offloor, such aa the one under consideration  here, who at
    %he same time likewise holds or attempts to hold a position
    oi honor or trust uader the state,
    yours very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2601

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017