Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Honorable     0. IL Carron,       pagr   2
    chaar tha park alta.        A group or inairiauala
    known as the Baarball        Association      of Odaaaa
    owns a baseball    park In tha olty or Odessa
    and owoa an lndabtabnaaa         In the aua of
    $1,800 upon qaia park.        Thay have raquaatad
    tha eommisalonara~      eourt or Rotor County to
    aaauma and pay orr such lndabtadnaaa             ana to
    take said baaaball      park ror a part ot tha
    oounty park . Tha baaaball         park would be a
    oounty-oity   park, thr oounty paying the
    $1,600 lndabtrdneaa      against     said baaaball
    park, and theraaftar       tha ram@ would be tha
    problam or thr oitf or Oaraaa.             or OOWS~,
    the baarball    park would not br aajaoant           to
    or naar the orUlna        county park alta ror
    whioh the bonds wara orlg%nally            votad, and
    tha or&lnal     park is a county project and
    tha oity will not ba obligatad           in any way
    ror tha purohaaa or aamo or tha upkaap. W
    The bond record,   as submittad  to        tha Attornay
    Ctnaral’a    da9artmant   for approval or the88         bonds, which
    racord is now on flla in tha Comptrollar*a              ortfoa,  bears
    tha notation     that tta bonds wara votab for          the purpoaa
    or wpurohaalng lands’- to be uaatl ior publio            parka wlth-
    in the boundary llmi$a oi’ county.”
    Under theaa filets, tha cosmiaalonara~      oourt
    la not raquirrd     to purohaso any partloular     site,    nor
    ;;,iha    oommlaslonars~   court bound to purohaar      only ona
    city 0r Beaumont v. ‘“llatthaw Cartwrlght      Land
    .fr I&oramant     Com9any (Cl*, App. , Ssaumont, 1920) 221,
    SW 589.
    In aaaltlon  to Artlola-6078,    tiloh you hara
    olted   in your latter,   wa wish to 0811 your attantlon        to
    Artlola   6080 and saotlons   1, 2 and 3 of Article      6081a.
    Sinoa tha two atatuhs     ald the thraa aaotlons    of thr third
    are ralatlraly     short, wa are quetlng   thorn in full.
    “Artlola    6078.     Taxable   parka
    “Etaoh eomm1881onsrs~ oourt is authorlzad
    to iryy sod oourot   a tax not to axorrd    iire
    cants on rach $100 or aaaaaaed    valuation  Or
    th0 county r0r tha purohaaa and lmprovamant
    Honorablr    0.   X. Oarron,   page 3
    or   lands ror uaa as bounty parka whioh
    ahsll oonalat or not mora than ona hundred
    aoraa, ma shall not 0xc0ea 80ra than tcur
    In say ona oamty.          l?o auoh tax ahall ba
    latiad    an4 ooilaotad      until    tha proposition
    IS aubmlttrd     to and ratfriad         by thr propsr-
    tY tax-paying     roterr     or the county at a
    ganaral    or aprolal    llootion       eallad for
    that purpoaa,     priMdad      a two-thirds        salor-
    lty of the property tax-paying              voters    of auoh
    OaUnty, at an alaotlon         hald for such purpose,
    shall aetarmlna       In favor or aal4 tax.             Ii
    raid oourt aaSlr88 to latabllah               two or amrr
    of auoh oounty parka they shall loeata                  thala
    In widely aaparatrd       portions       oi tha oounty.
    Said oourt ahall ha+8 full powar and oontrol
    over any an4 all auoh parka an4 msy lavy and
    oollaot    an anuual tax aurrloiant            in thalr
    judgment to properly maintain              auoh parka and
    build an4 conatxuot       patlllona       an4 such othar
    bulldl~s     as thay may daam naoaaaary,              lay
    out an4 opan drirawaya         an4 walks, pava the
    amao or any cart thareor,           sat out trsaa and
    ahrubbary,    oonatruot     dltchra      or lakes,      an4
    mks auoh other i!nproramahta             as they may
    a600t proper.     Suoh parka shall remain open
    ror tha rraa uaa of tha public undar auoh
    reasonable    mlaa and raguiationa             as said
    court say praacrlba.n
    “Artlola   6080,   City   Parka
    “Tha govarnlng     body or any lnoorporstad
    0ity    lpsy 9urohaao,    lmplrovr and maintain     land
    for uaa as oity parka.          Suoh parka shall not
    axcaad two in nuabrr for lach two thousand
    inhabitants.        Ii auoh bo4y aatabllahea       mora
    than oaa of suoh parka,         it shall   looata t&
    in nidaly loparata4 parts or the olty.
    body la authoriaed        to laty an4 oOllsOt a tax
    not tto oxcard rite oanta on eaoh ona hundred
    dollars     0r  Its aaa~aard valuation       for tha pur-
    ohmsa and fmprotamrnt or lan48 for us0 as auoh
    parks,     an4 may lary and oollaot       a llka~~;ual
    tu to properly        maintain    auoh parka.
    body shall hava ruli powsr an4 authority
    over all. auoh parka,. and may bull4 an4 eon-
    Honorable   0. E.- Gerron,   page I
    atNOt auoh building:     as thry may de-
    necessary,   lay out an4 open driveway* and
    walk*, pate any pert thareor,    construct
    ditOhs8 Or la.ksS, sat out trees and’ shrubs,
    an4 Sake such other lmprorsmenta      as thay
    may deea proper.     Suoh parka shall   reaaia
    open iOr the free use of the pub110 under
    such reasonable   rules as said body may pra-
    aorlbr. n
    “iirtiolo 6081e. Condemnation or purchase
    by the aouaty or lnoorporehd       city or iana for
    parka or playgroun48;   aooperetion    with State
    Parka Board:
    “S40. 1. That any county or any in-
    COrPOmtd Oity Of thla State,             alther  lnde-
    vandently    or in coopention        with eeoh othar,
    or with the Texas Stata Parka Board, may ao-
    qulre by gift or purohasa or by oondemnstlon
    prooee4lngr,    lands to be used for public parka
    and playgrouoda,       such lands to be altuated        in
    any locality    In this Stete and In any sized
    traota   deemad aultabla     by thr governing       body
    of the city or ,oounty acquiring          same; pm-
    vldeb, howerar,      that lands to ba aOqUlrul
    by any such oit y or county for said purposes
    may be, in the dimration          or the governing
    body thereOf,     situated   wlthln thr State,
    aitbar   within or without      the boundary llaiita
    or auoh city,    but within     the boundary     limits
    or said oounty and within         the ltiaita   of said
    oounty wherein said city lies or is ai’tuatad.
    *sec.  2.   To pay ror lan4a ror perk
    an lnoorporate4       city and/or oounty
    zy:iX:r     bonds      and .aay levy a tax not eX-
    0ee4lag Tea (1Oj Cents on the One Hundrad
    Dollars   ($100) valuation       Of texable  Property
    in such oity a&or         eounty to pay tha interest
    an4 provide a slaking        fund to r atlra  such bond*,
    the iasuanoe     or such bonds, -4 the ooii4otion
    or taxes in payment thereor          to be In aooor4anoe
    with the provlalons       of Chepter 1, Title 22, RI-
    rise4   civil    Stetutra    of 1925, 8oreruM       the
    .   ,
    Hoaordbia         0, E. Gerron,    paga 5
    laav.anoe of bonda by oitlea,      towns and/or
    ,countieS in this Statei    this Seotion    ahall
    ba construe4   to author-a     the levying or
    said tax not l   xoeeding Ten (10) Cents on
    the One Hunarra Dollars      ($100) or rdlua-
    tloa notwlthatmling      tha provisiona    of
    Art1016 6080 or the Revised civil       Statutes
    ot 1.925.:
    Y340. 3. All parka aoquired by author-
    ity of this A8t shall be under the oontrol
    and asaagemant  or tha city or oouaty aoquir-
    ing sue8 or by the oity ami aounty jointly,
    where they hate aotd    jointly    In aequlrlag
    same, provided that the Commlaaionera~ Court
    and the City Comalaaloa or City Counoll may,
    by s&reeaent with the ~Statr Parka Board,
    turn the land over to&%he State Farka Boar4
    to be operatea  as a pub110 park, the expenaa
    of the inprovemant   an4 operation    of auoh park
    to ba paid by the oounty sad/Or city,        aOOOrd-
    lng to the agraemont to br mada batwean auoh
    nunlelpalltiea  and the Stat.    P.arka Board.
    “All oountlea    aa  Incorporate4   cities
    are authorize4     to levy a tax of not ucaed-
    ing rive (5) coats on the One Hundred ($100)
    Dollars   property valuation     to oreate 4 ruaa
    for tha lnproveaent      and operation   ot auoh
    parks. o
    Tour first    question   obviously   rerers   to thr   iol-
    lowing        provision    in titiole    60?8t
    *Ii said oourt desires     to eatabliah  two
    or more or suoh ommty perks they shall locate
    thun in tiabiy separate4    portlona   or the ooun-
    The phraaa “in widaly separate4     portiona   of the
    county*  Is aabiguoua ana lupplf4a no rixba standard         ror
    &4tarminirg   just whst alatanoa  shall  seperato     the parka.
    Honorable   0. E. Gerron,    page 6
    The oourta   in the raoa or such ambiguity havr
    bean lnolinad    to rollow the eonatruotlon     placed oa auoh
    4 provlaloa   by the body or otflolal     oharged with eioro-
    ing the atatuta.      39 Tex. Jurla.  235, 840. 126.
    ‘bus, the daterminetlon      of the oormPlaaloaarat
    court aa to just what is a wide aaparatioa,         In the abamoe
    or arbitrary     or oaprloloua    aotlon by that body, will aot
    ordinarily    be disturbed     by the courts.   xoy Y. sohnelabr,
    110 Tex. 369
    , 221 9%' 880.
    yor uanple,      Artioie  333 or the Code of Criminal
    PrOOe4ure   raqulreathat     jury commiaalonara  -be raaidenta  of
    dirrerbnt   portions     0r the 0ounty.a
    In billiema    v. State,   45 Tax. Cr. Rep. 218, 
    75 S.W. 659
    , tha Court of Criminal Appeals pointed out that
    tha statute    does u0t say how far t&4 ecnmiasionera         shall
    live from each other,but       neraly   thet they shall. reside
    In alrrerbnt    portions    0r the oouaty,   and held that it
    was permlaalbla      to aeleot   411 thrae ooaualaafoners   -0x
    the City 0r Houston,       aven though that oity aid not lnoluae
    moat or the tarrltory       or the oounty.
    This provision     was again queatlonrd    In Buchanan
    v. State (Cr. App. 1927) 
    298 S.W. 569
    , and thr court held
    that it was permlaalbl4    to select   two oomisalonera    rrom
    the town or Panhand      ma tha third    rroa the town or
    Pmita Dear in Carson County.
    Thererore,    it assma to us to rest wlthln the
    sound 4laoretlon    of the oomlaaioaara~     ocurt to detb~iue
    whathar the county parks shall be Saparetbd       by 4 diatanoe
    of oaa all4 or ten or aore miles,      so long 4s thr Oom.QiS-
    alonara meke 4 bona ridb effort      to oomply with the atatute
    aud to serve the beat lntareats      of th8 OOUnty.
    Your 8400ud qu4atloa        lnvolv4a   a abrinition   0r
    tha word "park."
    Tt14 aiotlonary    aerlnltlon   of a park is "4 pi404
    or Bmuna in or near a olty or tom kapt ior ornament and
    recreation   and usually     enoloa44.a    Eebatar’a   New Inter-
    natlow     Dlctlonsry,     Seoond Edition,   unabrldgad,   1938.
    Honorable        0. E. Gerron,   paga 7
    -In tha gOnerO aooeptanoo of the t6=,        a pub-
    110 park    ia sold to br a traot of land, great or amall,
    dadlaatad     and malntalnad   ror the purpose of pleasure,
    exerciaa,    amusement or ornarent;     a plaoa to which tha
    pub110 at     large may resort    to ror raarcatlon,  air and
    light. *     Wieslna v. city of Fort Worth, 
    299 S.W. 468
    The right of pub110 authorftira         charged with
    administration   of parka to plaoa on the park ground oer-
    taln aeahanclal    oontrlvanoaa   whlah contribute      to tha
    amusement and raoreatlon      0r the pub*   rho rrrquant      tha
    perk8 la generally    reoognlaed.     Ramona v, City or Vir-
    ginia,  152 Ulnn. 295, 
    188 N.W. 561
    , 29 UR, 860.
    The Callrornla     court point8 out that the davo-
    tlon of a reaaonabla      portion of a public park to tennis
    courts,   oroquat ground8 and childran’s        playgrounda,     with
    aultabla   appllanoaa    ror there forma of pub110 ueuaement
    and reoraatlon     oomea atrlotly     within the proper and lqlt-
    lmata uae for whlah pablla parka are areatad.             caulrleld
    v. Berwlck (1915) 
    27 Cal. App. 493
    150 P. 646
    With regard to lrpprovaaantaIn oounty parka
    Article 6078 lmpcmsra tha oomlsalonsra~      oourt to “build
    and oonatruot pavlllona   and auoh other buildings   aa they
    may dram neoeaaary,   lay out sad open drirawapa   and Walks,
    pave tha aama OT any part thsraot,    art out traaa and
    shrubbery,  oonatruot   dltahea   and lakaa,   and make auah
    other ifUprOVO5enta aa they ‘pay deem proper* * The gov-
    arnlag body of an Incorporated      aity or town ia glvaa
    the same authorlty    In conneotlon    with It8 parka by Article
    It ram8 to ua that the aommlaaloaera * oourt
    undoubtedly   would be authorized   under Article  6078 to
    davote a portion   of It8 park ground8 to a baaeball
    park.   I? it may purohaae ground md lay out a baaaball
    atadlum, no aurrlolant    reason oooura to ua why lt may
    not purahaaa a baseball     atadlum aa part of tha county’s
    park ayatam.
    Tour statement   0r raota  ralasa a third   qusstlon,
    rblah we deem lt advlaable    to aonaldar    alao in aonnaation
    with thla opinion;   that la, whether tha aounty would ba
    authorized  to purohaae thla baaaball     park and turn it over
    Honorable         0. II. Oarron,    page 8
    to   the   olty     to operate     and maintain.
    wCountlaa being aomponent parts           of the
    state,      have no powers or duties         except those
    olearly      ret forth   and darlned In the Oonatltu-
    tlon and atetutaa.          Tha statutes       ot Texas have
    clearly      defined the powers, praaarlbed           the
    duties     and imposed the llabilltlea           of the
    Commlaalonera~ Court, the medium through whloh
    the different       aountlea     act, and from those
    statutes      must oome all      the authorities     vested    In
    the oountlea.”         Edwards County v. Jennings,          33
    ;;).&     586 (Cir.    App.1896);     arrlnaed,    35 3. W.
    Artlolo   6070 refer8    exolualvely    to parka bought
    and malntalaed        by a aounty, and Artlale       6080 refers  ex-
    olualvely      to parks bought and melntalned         by a alty.    Any
    authority      for the purohase of a park by the oounty to be
    ~ai&lned        by the oity must oome lr at all from Art1010
    Section    3 of this latter     artlole   provides,  speol-
    iloaliy,     that park land aoqulred under its provlalons            shall
    be meas ed and oontrolled         by the olty or county aoqulrlng
    same.     f f the park Is aoqulred       jointly    by the city and
    oounty, they must jointly         oontrol    it.    No authority  la to
    be found hare ror aoqulaltlon           by the county end management
    and oontrol       by the olty,   or vloe versa.          .
    Yours very   bruly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-905

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017