Regina Long v. the State of Texas ( 2022 )

    NO. 03-20-00070-CR
    Regina Long, Appellant
    The State of Texas, Appellee
    Regina Long appeals a judgment of conviction for misdemeanor cruelty to non-
    livestock animals. See Tex. Penal Code § 42.092(b)(3), (5). Appellant argues that (1) the trial
    court abused its discretion by admitting photographs of animal remains found on her property as
    well as several of the bones, and (2) error in the jury charge caused her egregious harm. We
    affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    The State alleged that appellant failed “unreasonably to provide necessary food,
    water, care, or shelter” for dogs on her property in Killeen or confined the dogs “in a cruel
    manner.” See id.; see also id. § 42.092(a)(3) (“‘Cruel manner’ includes a manner that causes or
    permits unjustified or unwarranted pain or suffering.”). The case was tried to a jury over
    two days in December of 2019. The jury heard testimony from Bell County sheriff’s deputy
    Joe Ramos; crime scene technician Frankie Martinez; animal control officers Timothy Cook,
    Dustin David Connell, and Brittany Renner; and Dr. Gina Jensen, a veterinarian who consulted
    on the case.
    In July of 2016, Cook and Connell investigated a report of loose dogs in the
    vicinity of appellant’s property at 995 Riverside Drive. They found two dogs lying in the street
    near her property and tried to apprehend them. Cook and Connell chased the animals through an
    open gate and onto appellant’s property, where they found “two or three” dogs on chains and
    several more running lose. Several “containment systems”—essentially outdoor kennels—had
    been combined to allow the dogs to run from one enclosure to the other. There was a large hole
    in the kennels’ exterior fence. The dogs ate from a pile of dog food mixed with dirt and feces
    and drank algae-covered water from buckets. The property, including the kennels, was covered
    in piles of trash, including old dog food bags and rusted cans. Several of the dogs could not
    reach the food pile or the water buckets because their chains had become entangled with debris
    or tree branches. Cook took several photos, which were admitted as State’s Exhibit 4, and
    published to the jury. Connell echoed Cook’s testimony.
    Cook and Connell reported the discovery, and Deputy Ramos began investigating.
    Ramos testified that appellant is listed as the registered owner of the property and that she had
    kept the property taxes current. In August of 2016, Ramos and a group of deputies, accompanied
    by Cook and Connell, executed a search warrant on the property.            The conditions were
    essentially unchanged. Cook found a half-eaten puppy in one of the cages, and Ramos testified
    that they found body parts that indicated the dogs had been eating rats for food. Ramos testified
    that the water in some of the buckets was so old that it had turned brown from dissolved leaves.
    The officers also discovered a significant number of animal skeletons in a wooded area at the
    edge of the property. Ramos testified that the bones were from dogs and that someone must have
    intentionally moved their bodies to that location from other parts of the property because it was
    not accessible to dogs. Cook agreed, testifying that someone piled the bodies at the edge of the
    property.   At Ramos’ direction, Martinez took two hundred and thirty-two pictures of the
    property, the living dogs, and the skeletons. The animal control officers seized fourteen skulls
    and, after obtaining another court order, seized all the living animals.
    At the beginning of Ramos’ testimony, the State moved to admit Martinez’s
    photographs, and appellant objected that the photographs depicting animal remains
    (approximately half of the total) were more prejudicial than probative. See Tex. R. Evid. 403.
    The trial court overruled the objection and admitted the images as State’s Exhibit 2. The
    prosecutor then questioned Ramos about the photographs.
    The State called Dr. Jensen, a veterinarian, to testify regarding her examination of
    the living dogs and the remains. During her testimony, the State moved to admit the skulls, and
    appellant objected that they were more prejudicial than probative. See id. The district court
    overruled the objection and admitted the bones as State’s Exhibit 9. Dr. Jensen testified that she
    identified eleven of the skulls as dogs and three as goats. She opined that one of the skulls had
    been on the ground for a long period of time based on its condition.
    Dr. Jensen also examined the dogs that were seized from appellant’s property.
    Echoing statements from Ramos and the other animal control officers, she described the dogs as
    feral—meaning they were completely unaccustomed to human contact—and suffering from
    significant health problems: all were covered in fleas and other insects, and all but one tested
    positive for intestinal parasites. The dogs’ living conditions would have made it difficult for
    them to recover from the parasites because they would have been reinfected with the parasites
    from their feces. More seriously, eight dogs tested “high positive” for heartworms, meaning the
    infections were advanced and could start interfering with the animals’ breathing.
    Connell and Renner also testified regarding the condition of the dogs. During
    Connell’s testimony, the district court admitted nineteen photographs of the dogs taken during
    the examination. The photographs were published to the jury, and Connell described the health
    conditions depicted there: several animals had “fly strikes,” which is where flies “attack the tips
    of the ears” and “eat away at it and lay eggs.” Other images showed an open wound on a dog
    and another with a skin infection resulting from neglect. Connell testified that these conditions
    developed “over a long period of time.” Renner, who worked with the dogs at the animal shelter
    after the seizure, testified that the animals’ behavior problems were so significant that eventually
    all but one were euthanized.
    The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the trial court assessed her punishment
    at imprisonment for one year, suspended the sentence, and placed her on community supervision
    for two years. This appeal followed.
    Appellant argues that the trial court erred by overruling her objection that the
    photographs depicting the animal bones and the animal skulls themselves were more prejudicial
    than probative. We review a trial court’s decision to admit or exclude evidence for an abuse of
    discretion. Colone v. State, 
    573 S.W.3d 249
    , 263–64 (Tex. Crim. App. 2019). A “trial court
    abuses its discretion when it acts without reference to any guiding rules and principles or acts
    arbitrarily or unreasonably.” Rhomer v. State, 
    569 S.W.3d 664
    , 669 (Tex. Crim. App. 2019);
    see also Casey v. State, 
    215 S.W.3d 870
    , 879 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007) (“A trial court abuses its
    discretion when its decision lies outside the zone of reasonable disagreement.”).
    Rule 403 allows for the exclusion of relevant evidence when its “probative value
    is substantially outweighed by a danger of . . . unfair prejudice.” Tex. R. Evid. 403. Evidence is
    unfairly prejudicial when it has an “undue tendency to suggest decision on an improper basis,
    commonly, though not necessarily, an emotional one.” Foyt v. State, 
    602 S.W.3d 23
    , 48 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2020, pet. ref’d) (citing Montgomery v. State, 
    810 S.W.2d 372
    , 378
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1990)). Rule 403 favors admissibility, “and the presumption is that relevant
    evidence will be more probative than prejudicial.” Cox v. State, 
    495 S.W.3d 898
    , 903 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2016, pet. ref’d).         Courts conducting a Rule 403 analysis must
    balance (1) the probative value of the evidence; (2) the potential to impress the jury in some
    irrational, yet indelible, way; (3) the time needed to develop the evidence; and (4) the
    proponent’s need for the evidence.       Jenkins v. State, 
    493 S.W.3d 583
    , 608 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2016).
    We begin with the probative value of the items and the State’s need for the
    evidence. “Probative value refers to the inherent probative force of an item of evidence—that is,
    how strongly it serves to make more or less probable the existence of a fact of consequence to
    the litigation—coupled with the proponent’s need for that item of evidence.” Gigliobianco
    v. State, 
    210 S.W.3d 637
    , 641 (Tex. Crim. App. 2006). The State had the burden to prove that
    appellant knowingly or recklessly committed the offense by either failing unreasonably to
    provide the dogs with necessary food, water, care, or shelter or by confining them in a cruel
    manner. See Tex. Penal Code § 42.092(b)(3), (5). The State argued that appellant was aware of
    the dogs’ living conditions because she moved a large number of deceased dogs to the wooded
    area where the skulls were found. The photographs and skulls have probative value because
    they, along with the testimony of Ramos and Dr. Jensen, help establish that many dogs died on
    the property over a long period of time and that someone moved the remains to that location.
    Appellant argues the photographs and skulls do not prove that she moved them. Even if the
    disputed items do not alone prove appellant’s awareness, that does not deprive the photographs
    and skulls of probative force. Cf. Hammack v. State, 
    622 S.W.3d 910
    , 914 (Tex. Crim. App.
    2021) (“Each fact need not point directly and independently to the guilt of the appellant, as
    long as the cumulative force of all the incriminating circumstances is sufficient to support
    the conviction.”).
    Nevertheless, appellant contends that the State had little or no need for the
    disputed items. In evaluating this factor, we consider the availability of other evidence to
    establish the fact in question; the strength of that evidence, if any; and whether the fact in
    question is “related to an issue that is in dispute.” See Erazo v. State, 
    144 S.W.3d 487
    , 495–96
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2004). Appellant argues the State had ample other evidence to show that she
    should have known of the poor conditions on her property: Cook’s photographs from the initial
    visit, Ramos’ testimony that appellant is the registered owner and kept the taxes current, Cook’s
    testimony that the conditions on the property were essentially unchanged from 2012, Connell’s
    testimony that the dogs’ various health conditions would have taken months to develop, and the
    photographs of the dogs from Dr. Jensen’s examination. But the State’s witnesses used the
    disputed items to illustrate their testimony—Ramos used these photographs to explain his theory
    that the bodies were intentionally moved to that location, and Dr. Jensen identified specific
    features of one of the skulls that indicated it had been exposed to the elements for a long time,
    while other skulls were newer. Thus, the disputed evidence corroborates the State’s witnesses on
    an essential element of the charged offense—appellant’s mental state—and was therefore
    necessary to the State’s case. See Gallo v. State, 
    239 S.W.3d 757
    , 763 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007)
    (holding no abuse of discretion in admission of autopsy photographs where photographs
    demonstrated extent of victim’s injuries and medical examiner used them to explain her
    testimony); Desormeaux v. State, 
    362 S.W.3d 233
    , 237 (Tex. App.—Beaumont 2012, no pet.)
    (holding no abuse of discretion in admitting autopsy photographs because “[t]hough gruesome,”
    the photographs “show each individual injury and help explain the medical testimony describing
    the child’s various injuries”).
    Appellant argues that the potential to impress the jury in some irrational way is
    exceedingly high because evidence of dead animals is inherently inflammatory. She invites us to
    follow the lead of the supreme court in Heddin v. Delhi Gas Pipeline Co., 
    522 S.W.2d 886
    , 890
    (Tex. 1975). Heddin was an eminent domain dispute about the diminished value of land caused
    by laying a gas pipeline. Id. at 887. The landowners argued that public fear of a pipeline breach
    diminished the value of their land and, as an illustration, offered photographs of animals who
    died in the rupture of a different pipeline eight months after the taking. Id. The supreme court
    reversed the judgment in favor of the landowners because the photographs were “highly
    inflammatory” and irrelevant to the disputed issues. See id. at 890 (stating that photographs
    “were shown not for the purpose of establishing the dangerousness of the pipeline but rather for
    their shock value” and “must be construed as an attempt to appeal to the prejudice and passion of
    the jury”).   We agree that images of dead dogs carry heightened emotional weight.           See
    Strickland v. Medlen, 
    397 S.W.3d 184
    , 185 (Tex. 2013) (“Texans love their dogs.”). Moreover,
    the photographs were in color and projected on a screen in front of a jury.          See Erazo,
    144 S.W.3d at 489
     (explaining that in considering the admission of photographs, courts also
    consider “the number of photographs, the size, [and] whether they are in color or are black and
    white”). However, unlike the photos in Heddin, the disputed evidence here is relevant to an
    essential element of the charged offense, and the size and color of the images helped the jury
    discern the animal bones among the debris. Although the evidence might be termed gruesome, it
    reflects the reality of the dogs’ living conditions on appellant’s property. Cf. Paredes v. State,
    129 S.W.3d 530
    , 540 (Tex. Crim. App. 2004) (holding that “while the photos are indeed
    prejudicial, they depict the condition of the victims’ bodies when recovered” and so were not
    more prejudicial than probative).
    Finally, we consider the time needed to develop the evidence.            Appellant
    estimates that the time devoted to the photographs and skulls comprises approximately
    twenty-three pages of the trial record, or about 13%, and concedes that this was not excessive.
    As appellant concedes, the time devoted to this evidence was not excessive. See Lane v. State,
    933 S.W.2d 504
    , 520 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996) (holding that evidence taking up less than 25% of
    State’s case-in-chief was not excessive).
    Balancing these factors, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse its
    discretion by concluding that the probative value of the evidence outweighed the potential of
    unfair prejudice. We overrule appellant’s first issue.
    Appellant argues in her second issue that the trial court erred by failing to
    properly tailor the definition of the culpable mental states in the jury charge to the applicable
    conduct elements of the offense. We review alleged jury-charge error through a two-step
    process, first determining whether the charge was erroneous and, if so, whether the error
    caused sufficient harm to require reversal. Cortez v. State, 
    469 S.W.3d 593
    , 598 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2015).
    A trial court is statutorily obligated to “deliver to the jury . . . a written charge
    distinctly setting forth the law applicable to the case.” See Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 36.14;
    Mendez v. State, 
    545 S.W.3d 548
    , 552 (Tex. Crim. App. 2018). The Penal Code sets out three
    possible conduct elements that may be involved in the offense: (1) the nature of the conduct,
    (2) the result of the conduct; and (3) the circumstances surrounding the conduct. Price v. State,
    457 S.W.3d 437
    , 441 (Tex. Crim. App. 2015). “In a jury charge, the language in regard to the
    culpable mental state must be tailored to the conduct elements of the offense.” Id.; see also Tex.
    Penal Code § 6.03 (defining four culpable mental states).
    The definition of “knowingly” in the abstract section of the charge includes
    language as to all three conduct elements, and the definition of “recklessly” omits the
    nature-of-the-conduct but includes the other elements. Appellant argues that this was error
    because cruelty to non-livestock animals is a nature-of-conduct offense. See Robinson v. State,
    466 S.W.3d 166
    , 170 (Tex. Crim. App. 2015) (“Nature-of-conduct offenses are defined by the
    act or conduct that is punished, regardless of any result that might occur.”). Even if we assume
    that appellant is correct—and that the jury charge is erroneous—we nevertheless conclude that
    appellant did not suffer egregious harm from the error.
    If a claim of jury charge error is not properly preserved in the trial court, as it was
    not here, reversal is required only upon a showing of “egregious harm,” which occurs “when the
    error created such harm that the appellant was deprived of a fair and impartial trial.” Chambers
    v. State, 
    580 S.W.3d 149
    , 154 (Tex. Crim. App. 2019). More specifically, charge error “is
    egregiously harmful if it affects the very basis of the case, deprives the defendant of a valuable
    right, or vitally affects a defensive theory.” Villarreal v. State, 
    453 S.W.3d 429
    , 433 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2015). In examining the record for egregious harm, we consider: (1) the entirety of the
    jury charge; (2) the state of the evidence, including the contested issues and weight of probative
    evidence; (3) the arguments of counsel; and (4) any other relevant information revealed by the
    trial record as a whole. Marshall v. State, 
    479 S.W.3d 840
    , 843 (Tex. Crim. App. 2016).
    “Egregious harm is a ‘high and difficult standard’ to meet, and such a determination must be
    ‘borne out by the trial record.’”    Villarreal, 453 S.W.3d at 433 (quoting Reeves v. State,
    420 S.W.3d 812
    , 816 (Tex. Crim. App. 2013)). The analysis is “fact specific” and “done on a
    “case-by-case basis.” Arrington v. State, 
    451 S.W.3d 834
    , 840 (Tex. Crim. App. 2015).
    Entirety of the Jury Charge
    When the alleged error involves a misstatement of the required culpable mental
    states, we may consider the degree, if any, to which the culpable mental states were limited by
    the application portions of the jury charge. Hughes v. State, 
    897 S.W.2d 285
    , 296 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 1994); Dorsey v. State, No. 03-19-00411-CR, 
    2021 WL 2460636
    , at *7 (Tex. App.—
    Austin June 17, 2021, pet. ref’d) (mem. op., not designated for publication).           Here, the
    application paragraph instructed the jury:
    Now, if you find from the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that on or about
    the 24th day of August, 2016, A.D., in Bell County, Texas, the defendant, Regina
    Arlene Long, did then and there knowingly or recklessly fail unreasonably to
    provide necessary food or water or care or shelter from an animal, namely dogs in
    the defendant’s custody; or transport or confine an animal, to wit: dogs, in a cruel
    manner, then you will find the defendant guilty of the offense of cruelty to non[-
    ]livestock animals as charged in the information. Unless you so find beyond a
    reasonable doubt, or if you have a reasonable doubt thereof, you will acquit the
    defendant and say by your verdict “Not Guilty.”
    Thus, the application paragraph appropriately instructed the jury that it could only convict
    appellant if it found that she knowingly or recklessly engaged in certain conduct, regardless of
    the result of her conduct or the circumstances surrounding it. This is consistent with the essential
    elements of the offense as charged in this case. See Tex. Penal Code § 42.092(b)(3) & (5).
    We generally presume the jury followed the trial court’s instructions. Beltran
    De La Torre v. State, 
    583 S.W.3d 613
    , 620 (Tex. Crim. App. 2019). For that reason, when the
    application paragraph of the jury charge correctly instructs the jury on the law applicable to the
    case, error in the abstract instruction is generally not egregious. See Medina v. State, 
    7 S.W.3d 633
    640 (Tex. Crim. App. 1999); Gilbert v. State, 
    494 S.W.3d 758
    , 768 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th
    Dist.] 2016, pet. ref’d). 1 We conclude that consideration of the entirety of the jury charge
    weighs against a finding of egregious harm because the application paragraph correctly applied
    the culpable mental states to the nature of the conduct of the alleged offense. See Patrick v.
    906 S.W.2d 481
    , 493 (Tex. Crim. App. 1995) (“We conclude that because the facts, as
    applied to the law in the application paragraph, pointed the jury to the appropriate portion of the
    definitions, no harm resulted from the court’s failure to limit the definitions of culpable mental
    1  Relying on Hollander v. State, 
    414 S.W.3d 746
    , 750 (Tex. Crim. App. 2013), appellant
    argues that a “proper application paragraph is not necessarily a cure-all.” We agree that an
    egregious-harm analysis is “a fact specific one which should be done on a case-by-case basis.”
    Gelinas v. State, 
    398 S.W.3d 703
    , 710 (Tex. Crim. App. 2013). However, Hollander does not
    change our analysis. A jury convicted Hollander of the offense of criminal mischief by diverting
    a public service for tampering with an electrical meter to divert electricity to his house.
    414 S.W.3d at 747–48. The statute defining the offense creates a presumption the person who
    received the “economic benefit” of the service engaged in the prohibited conduct. Id. at 748.
    The trial court failed to instruct the jury that it must find the predicate facts—that the defendant
    received the economic benefit—beyond a reasonable doubt. Id. The application paragraph,
    however, properly instructed the jury that it could convict Hollander only if it found that the
    State proved each essential element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. Id. at 750. The
    court of criminal appeals held that this general instruction did not cure the error. Id. Nothing in
    Hollander undermines our conclusion that consideration of the entire jury charge in this case
    weighs against egregious harm.
    states to proving the conduct element of the underlying offense.”); Hughes, 
    897 S.W.2d at 296
    (“Although the definitions of ‘intentionally’ and ‘knowingly’ indiscriminately set forth the three
    alternative conduct elements, when those terms are viewed in their factual context, it becomes
    apparent which conduct element applies to which element of the offense.”); see also Isreal
    v. State, No. 03-17-00296-CR, 
    2018 WL 5305502
    , at *7 (Tex. App.—Austin Oct. 26, 2018, pet.
    ref’d) (mem. op., not designated for publication) (reaching similar result).
    State of the Evidence
    Under this factor, we examine “the state of the evidence to determine whether the
    evidence made it more or less likely that the jury charge caused appellant actual harm.”
    Arrington, 451 S.W.3d at 841. Appellant argues that this factor weighs in favor of egregious
    harm because she “vigorously disputes the sufficiency of the evidence to prove she committed
    the offense,” but she did not do so at trial. She did not challenge the State’s witnesses beyond
    cross-examining them on defects in the warrant paperwork and their failure to act sooner, and
    she offered no evidence of her own concerning the animals’ living conditions. She also asserts
    that the State relied on “inadmissible and prejudicial evidence” (i.e., the photographs and skulls)
    to secure the conviction, but we have concluded that this evidence was admissible. Moreover,
    the testimony of the animal control officers, Dr. Jensen, and Deputy Ramos, the unchallenged
    photographs of the conditions on the property, and the photographs of the dogs’ condition at the
    animal shelter, all provide substantial evidence of guilt. See Sanchez v. State, 
    376 S.W.3d 767
    775 (Tex. Crim. App. 2012) (“The presence of overwhelming evidence of guilt plays a
    determinative role in resolving the issue and may be considered when assessing jury-charge
    error.”). After reviewing the record, we conclude that the state of the evidence weighs against a
    finding of egregious harm.
    Arguments of Counsel
    Under this factor, we consider whether any statements made during the trial by
    the prosecutor, the defense counsel, or the trial court may have exacerbated or ameliorated the
    alleged error in the jury charge. Arrington, 451 S.W.3d at 844. Appellant argues that the
    prosecutor discussed whether appellant acted knowingly or recklessly in her closing argument
    and inaccurately characterized what constitutes recklessness. The record does not support this
    view of the closing argument. The prosecutor told the jury that they were not required to
    unanimously agree on whether appellant acted knowingly or recklessly.           In doing so, she
    described the difference between the two culpable mental states as “whether [appellant] meant to
    do this, or whether it was just through pure negligence.” Appellant’s counsel objected to the
    prosecutor’s statement that recklessness is equivalent to negligence, and the trial court agreed.
    The prosecutor corrected herself, explaining that a finding that appellant was reckless meant that
    “any reasonable person could see that by doing what she did, it could cause these dogs
    suffering.” Appellant does not argue that this was an incorrect statement of the law. Taken in
    context, the prosecutor’s closing argument did nothing to exacerbate the alleged error. We find
    nothing in the arguments of counsel to indicate that appellant was egregiously harmed.
    Other Relevant Information
    Regarding the fourth factor, our review of the record has disclosed no other
    information relevant to the egregious-harm analysis.
    After considering the entire jury charge, the state of the evidence, and the
    arguments of counsel, we cannot conclude that the alleged error in the jury charge affected the
    very basis of the case, deprived appellant of a valuable right, or vitally affected the defensive
    theory. See Villarreal, 453 S.W.3d at 433. Accordingly, we hold that instructions defining the
    culpable mental states in the abstract portion of the jury charge, if erroneous, did not egregiously
    harm appellant.
    We affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    Edward Smith, Justice
    Before Justices Goodwin, Triana, and Smith
    Filed: January 7, 2022
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