in Re Richard W. Jackson and Lisa C. Jackson ( 2018 )

  •                                                                                      ACCEPTED
    1/2/2018 9:48 AM
    No. 03-17-00849-CV
    1/2/2018 9:48:29 AM
    In re Richard W. Jackson and Lisa C. Jackson,
    From the County Court at Law No. 1, Travis County, Texas
    Trial Court Cause No. C-1-CV-17-001833
    Michael L. Navarre
    State Bar No. 00792711
    400 West 15th Street, Suite 1450
    Austin, Texas 78701
    (512) 879-5050 Telephone
    (512) 879-5040 Facsimile
    TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... i
    INDEX OF AUTHORITIES................................................................................. ii
    INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
    ARGUMENT AND AUTHORITIES ................................................................... 2
    I.      This Mandamus Is Moot Because There Is Only One Amendment
    And It Has Been Recorded ......................................................................... 2
    II.     Ms. Cox And Ms. Ramsey Correctly Stated The Status Of Relators’
    Claims ......................................................................................................... 3
    III.    Relators Failed To Respond To The Existence Of Two Changed
    Circumstances ............................................................................................. 4
    IV.     Relators’ Filing Of Their Sixth Amended Petition Is Not A Proper
    Basis For Mandamus Relief ....................................................................... 5
    V.      Relators Attempt To Reargue The Motion For Partial Summary Is
    Not A Proper Ground For Mandamus ........................................................ 7
    CONCLUSION AND PRAYER .......................................................................... 8
    RULE 52.3(j) CERTIFICATION ......................................................................... 9
    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ............................................................................. 10
    CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE .................................................................... 10
    F.D.I.C. v. Nueces Co.,
    886 S.W.2d 766
    (Tex. 1994) ...................................................................... 3
    In Re Uresti,
    377 S.W.3d 696
    (Tex. 2012) ...................................................................... 3
    Relators’ Reply is most noteworthy for what it does not contain. In their
    Petition, Relators claimed that there was no changed circumstance. Cox and Ramsey
    responded by identifying two changed circumstances.1 First, recent discovery
    showed that Plaintiffs misled the trial court to obtain the temporary injunction.
    Second, as Relators previously admitted, there was a change in the law because, as
    Relators previously admitted, “the trial court reversed itself on the law.” 2 Relators’
    Reply does not respond to the existence of these two changed circumstances.
    While tacitly admitting the existence of changed circumstances that support
    the dissolution of the temporary injunction, Relators make several arguments that
    are either erroneous or self-inflicted. Cox and Ramsey respond as follows:
    • Relators, not Cox and Ramsey, filed an amended petition with numerous
    new causes of action based on the recorded amendment.
    • Relators are in this position because they misled the trial court and began
    harassing property owners to rescind their signatures.
    • Contrary to Relators’ Reply, Cox and Ramsey did not state that Relators’
    claims were not “live.”
    • Contrary to Relators’ Reply, the Restrictive Covenants expressly prohibit
    renting “without the prior written consent of Developer.”3
    Response to Mandamus at 3-5; 7-9.
    Relators’ Emergency Motion for Relief at 2.
    Tab J, Restrictive Covenants at Art. IV.5.
    Furthermore, as Relators’ pleadings make clear, there is only one amendment at
    issue – the amendment that was recorded before Relators filed this mandamus action.
    There are no other amendments and Cox and Ramsey have agreed not to record any
    additional amendments. Therefore, the Court should dismiss this mandamus action
    and deny Relators’ request for emergency relief.
    I.        This Mandamus Is Moot Because There Is Only One Amendment And It
    Has Been Recorded.
    This mandamus is moot because the amendment has been recorded. Even a
    cursory review of the transcript of the temporary injunction hearing and related
    pleadings shows that there was only one amendment at issue: the amendment to
    prohibit rentals for less than ninety days. 4 The injunction prohibited the recording
    of that and any other amendment by Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey. 5 After the temporary
    injunction was dissolved, it is undisputed that the amendment was recorded. 6
    Furthermore, Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey have agreed not to record any
    amendments to the Restrictive Covenants between now and the end of the
    proceedings in the trial court. 7 There is no evidence to the contrary and Relators do
    Tab E to Amended Petition for Mandamus, Transcript of TI Hearing.
    Tab A to Amended Petition for Mandamus, Temporary Injunction.
    Tab D to Amended Petition for Mandamus, Recorded Amendment.
    Tab A to Response, Letter Agreement to Relators.
    not even try to claim that Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey may somehow try to file another
    amendment in the meantime. Therefore, this mandamus is moot because the request
    to reinstate the injunction cannot “unrecord” the amendment. F.D.I.C. v. Nueces
    886 S.W.2d 766
    , 767 (Tex. 1994); In re Uresti, 
    377 S.W.3d 696
    (Tex. 2012).
    In their Reply, Relators argue that a controversy exists because their “DJ claim
    requests a determination of the meaning of the restrictive covenants as concerns all
    amendments.”8 Relators miss the point. The question is not whether Relators’
    underlying DJ claim is moot, the question is whether the relief sought in Relators’
    Petition for Writ of Mandamus is moot. The relief sought in Relators’ Petition for
    Mandamus is moot because it is undisputed that Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey recorded
    the amendment prior to Relators filing their Petition for Writ of Mandamus.
    II.       Ms. Cox And Ms. Ramsey Correctly Stated The Status Of Relators’
    In a related argument, Relators take Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey to task for
    supposedly stating that Relators “have no live claim supporting their temporary
    injunction.”9 However, Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey did not make such a statement.
    Instead, Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey correctly stated the status of Relators’ claims in
    the following manner: 10
    Relators’ Reply at 6.
    Relators’ Reply at 5.
    Response to Mandamus at 9.
    The claims that served as the basis for the request for the temporary
    injunction were either (1) non-suited by Relators or (2) dismissed by
    the trial court in its summary judgment orders.
    The claims that Relators non-suited included their claim for breach or attempted
    breach of restrictive covenant.
    III.     Relators Failed To Respond To The Existence Of Two Changed
    Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey identified two changed circumstances that support
    the trial court’s dissolution of the temporary injunction. First, recent discovery
    showed that Relators had misled the trial court concerning due process and notice
    when they convinced the court to grant the temporary injunction. Specifically,
    Plaintiffs themselves sent a letter and flyer opposing the proposed change to all lot
    owners more than a month before the temporary injunction hearing. 11 The trial court
    explained its reversal by referencing Relators’ prior false statements:12
    “Probably because there were things that were said in that
    [temporary injunction] hearing that may not necessarily [] be true
    Relators failed to respond to this changed circumstance or somehow explain why
    they misled the trial court.
    Tab F to Response, Woodall Depo. Excerpts at 64:1-7; 65:1-15; Tab G to Response, Plaintiffs’
    Letter and Flyer.
    Tab I to Response, Transcript of December 8, 2017 Hearing at 7:3-5 (emphasis added).
    Second, as Relators acknowledged, “the trial court reversed itself on the
    law.” 13 This change of circumstance resulted from the trial court interpreting the
    restrictive covenants as a matter of law in favor of Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey.
    However, Relators failed to respond to this changed circumstance. Therefore, the
    trial court did not abuse its discretion in dissolving the temporary injunction.
    IV.      Relators’ Filing Of Their Sixth Amended Petition Is Not A Proper Basis
    For Mandamus Relief.
    Relators spend an inordinate amount of time complaining that the dissolution
    of the temporary injunction and subsequent recording of the amendment has changed
    the nature of the underlying lawsuit.14 However, any harm to Relators is self-
    inflicted and not a proper basis for mandamus relief.
    First, Relators – not Ms. Cox or Ms. Jackson – chose to file a Sixth Amended
    Petition with numerous new causes of action concerning the amendment. 15 After
    the parties passed the trial setting because they would not be reached, counsel for
    Ms. Cox and Ms. Jackson proposed several new trial dates in early 2018. Relators’
    counsel initially responded that they were checking on availability for trial. Instead,
    Relators filed their Sixth Amended Petition that includes new claims of tortious
    interference with existing contracts, tortious interference with prospective relations,
    Relators’ Emergency Motion for Relief at 2.
    Relators’ Reply at 9-13.
    Tab I to Relators’ Reply, Plaintiffs’ Sixth Amended Petition.
    conspiracy, suit to quiet title, and slander of title. Relators, not Ms. Cox or Ms.
    Jackson, chose to inject those issues into this case. Relators should not be allowed
    to now complain about the result of their own actions.
    Second, contrary to Relators’ claim, the existing Restrictive Covenants – prior
    to any amendment – prohibited their rental of their property. Relators failed to
    inform the Court that the existing Restrictive Covenants prohibit renting or leasing
    “without the prior written consent of Developer.”16 The trial court denied the
    parties’ motions for partial summary judgment concerning this prohibition and
    whether it has been waived. This prohibition against rental has been present in this
    case since Relators filed their lawsuit.
    Third, Relators are in this position because they misled the trial court. As
    discussed previously, Relators told the trial court that there had been a lack of notice
    and due process. But, as Relators knew, they were aware of the amendment and had
    actively campaigned against it. In fact, Ms. Woodall had sent a letter and flyer to
    every lot owner (except perhaps Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey) opposing the
    amendment. After being caught misleading the trial court, Relators complaints that
    they have been out in a bad position should fall on deaf ears.
    Tab J, Restrictive Covenants at Art. IV.5.
    V.         Relators Attempt To Reargue The Motion For Partial Summary Is Not
    A Proper Ground For Mandamus.
    Relators also argue that Ms. Cox and Ms. Ramsey did not follow the alleged
    requirement of a recommendation from the Architectural Control Authority.17
    However, this is merely an attempt by Relators to reargue the trial court’s order
    granting Defendants’ Motion For Partial Summary Judgment As To Claims And
    Counterclaims Concerning Section 4 Of Article I Of The Restrictive Covenants
    (“MPSJ”). 18
    As explained in the MPSJ, there were two “separate” and “standalone”
    provisions that permitted changes to the Restrictive Covenants. Ms. Cox and Ms.
    Ramsey followed the provision in Section 4 of Article I that required the following:
    (1) the owners of a majority of lots must execute and record an instrument changing
    the provisions and (2) it “become[s] operative at the expiration of the particular
    period in which such instrument is executed and recorded, whether such particular
    period to be the aforesaid thirty-five (35) year period or any successive ten (10) year
    period thereafter.”19 It does not require (1) notice and (2) a recommendation from
    the architectural control authority. 20
    Relators’ Reply at 8-9.
    Tab H, Order on Defendants’ Motions for Summary Judgment at 2; Tab D, Defendants’ Motion
    For Partial Summary Judgment As To Claims And Counterclaims Concerning Section 4 Of Article
    I Of The Restrictive Covenants (without exhibits).
    Tab J, Restrictive Covenants at Art. I.4.
    Id. 7 The
    other provision, Article IX, contains a different voting requirement, does
    not contain a ten-year period requirement, and contains both requirements of (1)
    notice and (2) a recommendation from the architectural control authority. 21 The trial
    court rejected Relators request that it do violence to the Restrictive Covenants by
    copying and pasting requirements from one Article IX into Section 4 of Article I of
    the Restrictive Covenants. Relators made this request even though they admitted
    that the provision in Section 4 of Article I is a “separate” provision and Article IX is
    a “standalone” provision. Relators attempt to reargue the trial court’s partial
    summary judgment order should be rejected and, more importantly, is not a basis for
    mandamus relief.
    Conclusion and Prayer
    WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Defendants respectfully request
    that the Court dismiss Relators’ Petition for Mandamus, deny Relators’ Emergency
    Motion for Relief, and grant them such other relief as the Court deems proper.
    Id. at Article
    Respectfully submitted,
    /s/ Michael L. Navarre
    Michael L. Navarre
    State Bar No. 00792711
    400 West 15th Street, Suite 1450
    Austin, Texas 78701
    (512) 879-5050 Telephone
    (512) 879-5040 Facsimile
    I have reviewed the response to the petition and concluded that every factual
    statement in the petition is supported by competent evidence included in the
    appendix or record.
    /s/ Michael L. Navarre
    Michael L. Navarre
    I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument was
    electronically served on counsel of record by electronic transmission on this 2nd day
    of January, 2018:
    James Patrick Sutton – via
    The Law Office of J. Patrick Sutton
    1706 W. 10th St.
    Austin, Texas 78701
    Mr. David M. Gottfried – via
    The Gottfried Firm
    West Sixth Place
    1505 West Sixth Street
    Austin, Texas 78703
    /s/ Michael L. Navarre
    Michael L. Navarre
    Real Parties in Interest’s Surreply in Response to Amended Petition for Writ
    of Mandamus and Emergency Motion to Stay (1) Trial and (2) Trial Court Order
    Dissolving Injunction complies with the type-volume limitation of Tex. R. App. P.
    9.4(i)(2)(B) because it contains 1,708 words, excluding the parts of the reply
    exempted by Tex. R. App. P. 9.4(i)(1). The undersigned relied on the word count of
    MS Word, the computer program used to prepare the brief.
    /s/ Michael L. Navarre
    Michael L. Navarre
    Description                                                                                             Tab
    Restrictive Covenants ..................................................................................... J
    TAB J
    Restrictive Covenants
    ~.,   .   ·"·
    _I, '•
    TH!l: STATE OP TEHS        §
    COUNTY   OF    TRAVIS      §
    'fhat Venture Development Company, a Partnership composed - of Can-
    field Land Company, Inc., Cummings Land Company, Inc. and Gaylord
    Land Company, Inc., each such corporation he.ving itc prin~ipal .
    place or business in lfouston·i; Harris County, Texas, and Smith
    Land Company, Inc. , having its principal place of business in Aus-
    tin, Travis County, '.l'exas, each a Te:.:as corporation, being all of -
    the Partners in Venture Development Company (hereinafte1' called
    the "Developer"), being the owner of all of that certain tract of
    land situated in Travis Coun~y, Te,:as, and known as Point -venture,
    Section Three-1 accor(ling to. the plat of said subdivision recorded .·
    in the jff1oe of t:ttCo~ty Clerk of Travis County, Texa$, on
    the gz:: d~y of          ~ro        ·,
    1972, after having been approveq as
    provided by law, an being recorded in Volume           ~8 Page 4'-3
    of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, to whch plat and the
    record thereof reference is here made for a full and particular
    deecription of said land; and the Developer desiring to create and
    carry out a unlform plan and scheme for the improvement, develop-
    ment and sale of property iri said Point Ve~.ture, . Section Three-1
    (hl:!rein referred to as "the Sut>C!ivision"), uo~::1 hc,reby adopt, es'":
    tabl tsh, promulgate and impress the followi.n,:,; Reservations 1 Resti•ic-
    tions and Covenants 2 which shall be and are hereby made applicable
    to the Subdivisions:
    1.   Each Contract, Deed or D~ed. of Trust which may be here-
    after executed with respect. to any property in the Subdivision shall
    be deemed and held to have been executed, delivered and accepted
    subject to all of the provisions of thi:s instrument, including,
    without limitation. the Reservations, Restrictions and Covenants
    herein set forth, regardless. · of whether or not any of such provi-
    sions are set forth in said .. Contract, Deed or- Deed of Trust, and
    whether or not referred to in any such instrument,
    2.   The streets and roads shown, on said recorded plats are
    dedicated to the use of the ·.public. The utility ea-sements shown
    the:reon are dedicated subject to the reservations hereinafter
    set forth.                     ·
    3.a. No interest in th¢ oil, gas:, or other minerals in, on or
    under the Property will be ¢onveyed by Developer; all interest in
    the !" being expressly reserved by Developer.
    b. The utility ease~6~t$ 'shown on the recorded plats are:
    ,;, ed1,;:ated with the reservation that such utilit~· easements are: for
    the ,ise and benefit of any p'u tilic. utHity operating in Travis
    County, Texas, as well as for .t h.e benefit ot: the Developer and . the
    property owners 1n the SubdivH{ion to allow for the construction,
    repair, maintenance and operaticin            ot
    a system o:- s·ystems of electric
    light and_ power, telephone J,tnes, gas, watel', sanitary ~ewe:rs, storm
    .                           ' MAR o 7 -2017
    ·1291 1452
    EXHIBIT 1, page 1                 TAB J - page 1
    .   ···--   ----·-·- -   - ---------------
    sewers and any other utility or service which the Developer may
    find necessary or proper.
    c. The t-1 tle conveyed to any property in the Subdi visicn
    shall not be held or conot:f'Ueci to incluc.i~                 i,i1<::: .   LHlt' Lv Lho;; . wiii,i::i',
    gas, electricity, telephone, storm sewer or sanitary ie~e~ lin~s,
    poles, pipes, conduits or other appu:r·t ~nances or facilities con-
    structed by the Developer or public utility companies 1,1pon,- under,
    along, across or through such public utility easements; and the .
    right (but no obligation) _to construct, maintain, repair 11nd ··operate
    such systems, utilities, appurtenances and facilities is reserved
    to the Developer, its success~rs and assigns.          ·
    d. The r,ight to sell or lease such lines, ut1Ht1es·, appur-
    tenances or 0;,11er facilities to any municipality, governmental
    agency, public service corporation or other party 1s hereby ex-
    pressly reserved to the Developer.                ·
    e. The Developer reserves the right to make minor changes in
    unc. miner addition& to such utility easements for the purpose . of
    more e:fficiently·serving the Subdivision or any property therein .
    f. Neither the Developer, nor its successors or assigns,
    using said utility easements shall be liable for any damage done
    by any 01· .such parties or any of their agent::. oii· ~niyluy.,,1::s to sh:t-ut,-
    be~y, trees, flowers or other property of the land owner situated
    on the land covered uy said utility easements .
    g. The Developer reserves the right to construct one or more
    esplanades in the ar>eas where esplan~des are shown on .the recorded
    plat. The Developer further reserves the right to improve, · land-
    scape, alter, modify and eliminate any cne or more of :me~ cspla;..
    nades (or reinstall one or more of such esplanades) at any time,·
    and , .-:·om time to time, hereafter.
    h. The Developer :r~serves the right at any time, and from
    time to time, hereafter to promulgate and impose restrictions (as
    .W'ell as va:ry and amend any · such restrictions) as to all or any por-
    ;. ti-on of the unplatted. reserve or unrestricted areas of . the Subdi-
    .. v:i,sion identified on the aforesaid plat. Any s·u ch action by the
    · Developer shall not, in order to . be fully binding; require the
    . , j oinder of any other person• whether such person be an owner of
    · , property in the SUbdiv1sion, cL lienhvlder-, a mortgagee, a Deed of
    _Trust beneficiary or any otner person.
    ·· Duration
    4.   The provisions het'.eof~ including the f(eservations, Re~
    . strictions and Covenant~ herein set forth, shall run with the land
    ·. and shall be binding upon the Developer, 1 ts euccessors and assigr_s ,
    · and all persons or parties cla1m;tng under itor· them for a period
    of 'thirty-five (35) years from the date hereof, ;1t which time all
    ·of . such provisions shall be automatically extendein whole or in part, the provisions of said instr:ument to become
    · ~p~1·ative at the expiration of the particular period in which such
    . 'ir.strUJ:Jent is executed and reco:rd,ed > whether s-qch. particular i:,eriod
    i te- the aforesaid thirty-fi\i;e 05) year period cir any successive
    . .ten (l O) year period thereafte~ ~ ·                  .
    -1:!!H     1.1!i1
    EXHIBIT 1, page 2                                         TAB J - page 2
    5,    In th~ event or any violation or attempted violation of
    1:my   or the p1•uvlsiona hereof, including any or tf?e Reservations,
    ne .. t1•ictlom1 or Covenants herein contained, enforcement Bhall be
    authorized by any proce·edings at law or in equity against any
    person or persons violating or att:e mpti!'lg to violate any ot . such
    provisions; ·in::t'iH,9~ ~;v,; ·;_~JµP.!lt,,j,,Qg, ,"J?~ther pr9hibitive · ,
    in nature or ~~~~-~!"Y _;!J,··;".'?~,:,~d!ng compliance with such ·provisions;
    an~ it shal_l llf)f.P~ \' P.!~~f~qµi-~H~- t _c., the u~pUng ot any such in-
    junction to show 11:l8.4,~:qµ _o r leg~l remedy or irreparable harm.
    Likewise, any p~r~oij entttled 't o enforce the provisions hereor may
    recover such ust presently or hereafter placed ot' record or otherwise affect
    the rights of the Mortgagee under any such Mortgage, holder of
    any such lien or bene:ficj,ary of any such Deed of Trtust; and any ._ · -_
    such Mortgage, lien or Deed of Trust may, nevertheless, be enforced
    in accordance with its tef-ms, sµbject, nevertheless, . to the proy-1-
    sions herein contained· 1nclud1ng said Reservations, Restrictions · -.
    and Covena,1ts •
    ,·,·   ,   ,    .    I.
    Basic Rule
    1.   No building or-: _othe"r- 1-mprovement of any character shall
    be erected or placed, or- ·th_e e;rection or placing thereof · c011111enced,
    or changes made in the deaign .th~reof or any addition .made thereto
    or exterior aiteration made "ther.e1n after orig1nal ·constru.ct1on» -
    on any property 1n the-Sql)db1s1on until the obtaining of -the neces-:-
    sary approval (as hereiria._:rter provided) or tbe constructio:: plans -
    and specitications and a -plat s~owing the location or suet. bu.11.;llng ·
    or other 1.mpro7e5ii:nts. ' 'Approval shall be granted or withheld based
    on aatters ot coapliance;.~ith·· tt:te provisions or th1.a instrwaent,
    quality or uterial1f, h~llY'-."t)t e·,:ternal design and enat1ng ~
    proposed atructurea and -lo.c aUo:i ·with reapect to topography and
    finished grade elevation.>       · ·                   ·
    EXHIBIT 1, page 3                      TAB J - page 3
    Control Authority
    ~.a. T~e authority to ~rant or withhold arc hitectural control
    app,r oval as referred to above. ls vested 1n the Developer; ex:::ei:,t,
    however, thit such authority of the Developer shalr cease and ter~
    minate upon the election .of the Point Venture Arch1tect.u:ral Control
    Committee,, in which: event such authority shall be vested in and ·
    eoc.erciseci by the Point Venture A1"chitectural Control· Committee (as . .
    provided 1n b·. · below), hereinafter r•eferrecl · to; except as t o p lans .
    and. specifica:t ions and. plats theretofore . sul)mi tted to the . Developer
    which. shall . continue to exercise such authoI' ity uv.e r.all such plan s ,
    specifications . and plats.                                       ·
    b . . At such. time as 75J of the lots. 1n the Subd1 vision and ir,
    all other Sect:l.on·s of Point Venture (as her.etofore or h-c:reafter~
    platted, from time to time) shall have been sold by the Developer,
    then the Dev.eloper shall a Statement of such circurr.stances to
    be placed of record in the -Deed Records. of Travis , County, Texas.
    Thereupon, the lot owners in Point Venture may by vote, as herein-
    ll   after provided, elect a committee of five {5) members to be known
    as the Point Venture Archltectural Control Committee (herein re-
    ferred to a.s tne "Committee 11 ) . :-ach member of the Committee must
    x.·   \    be an owner of property in some Section of Point Venture. Each lot
    f    owner shall be entitled to one (1) vcte fo~ each whole lot or build-
    i    ing .site owned by that owner. In the case of any building s~te' ·
    composed of more thll.n one (1) whole lot, such building site owner
    shall be ent.itled to one (1) vote for each ,.,hole lot contained
    within such building site.•
    The Dev.e loper shall be obligated to arrange for the hold-
    ing of such election within sixty (60) days following the filing of
    the aforesaid Statement by the Developer 1n the Deed Records of
    Travis County, Texas, ar,d si ve notice of the time and place of such
    election (which shall be in Travis County, Te:x:as) not less than five
    {5) days prior to the holding thereof. Nothing herein shall be 1n-
    t¢~preted to require that the Developer actually ,i'ile any ·such
    St~tement so long as 1 t has not subdivided and sold the entire_ty
    of the property, nor to affect the · ti:me at which the Developer might
    take _such action if, in fact, the Developer does take such action.
    The results of each such election shall promptly . be
    detei-mined on the basis of the majority of those . o:i,,ners then voting
    1n ::such ele·ct-ion. ·
    After the first· such election shall have been held, there-
    after the Committee shali be obligated to arrange .. i'or elections ( in
    the and after noti<.:e as set forth above) for the removal
    apd/or repl,acement of Committee members when so :r'cquested in writing
    by', thirty (30) or more lot owners in the Subdivision. Members of
    tne ' committee may, at any time, be relieved of .their position and
    sui;)stitute members therefor designated by vote as. set forth . above •
    . Upon the death, resignation, refusal or inability .of any
    meml).~r of th.e Committee to . .servej .the remainir,g·members of. the Com-
    m1tt·ee · shall fill the vacancy by. appointment, pending an election
    as> h_e reinabove provided for.                          .   ..
    Effect of
    :,, c 3. , ·A:ppi;•oval or- disa.p proval as to archit.::ctural control matti=rs
    af! ': forth h the preceding ..provisions shali tie -- 1-r: writing. In
    the, ·~·,ent ~hat the author.Hy exercising the pre"rogative of appr-cval
    -11-                                         7 ·2017
    EXHIBIT 1, page 4                   TAB J - page 4
    . ·········-····-···- ·- -·-   ·--··----·-··- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    or disapproval (~hether the. Developer or the Committee) fails to
    ,_.: ,   approve or disapprove in writing any plans and. spec1f1cat1Qns and
    plat submitted t~ it in thirty (30} days following suuh submisi1on,
    s.uch plans and spec:1 ricat:!ons and plat shall be deemed. .approved . and
    I    the construction or any such building and other · impro.vements may
    be commenced and proce.eded . wi:th 1n compliance with all such plans
    and specifications and plat and all of the other term.s ,an<;t pr-ovi-
    sions hereof. ·
    Effect of
    4.   The granting of the aforesaid approval shall constitute
    only an expression of opinion, whether by the Developer or.the
    Committee, that the te:rms and provisions hereof shull be complied .
    with if the building and/or other improvements are erected in · •·
    accorda,~ce with said plans and specifications and.plat; and such
    approval shall not ·constitute any nature of waiver or· estoppel either
    as to the -persons expressing such approvals or any other person in
    the event that such buildlhg and/or improvements are not const~uct~d                       t
    .'..n accordance w,tth such plans and specifications and plat. . Further,              ·   f
    no person exerc!sing any preroga.tive of approval or dlsapproval ·
    shall incur any liability by reason of the good faith exercise there-                      j
    of. Exercise of any such prerogative by one (l) or more members                            J
    ..·._'.             of the Ce;mmittee in their ~apacit:r nr; :11::-:'h ~h~ll net con:3titut::·· ..action       •
    . ;:-.t               by the Developer after the ' eleotion of such Committee memebers,not~
    _.,.. ·.
    withstand:i,.ng that any such Committee member may be a Dlrector of the
    1.   -All lots in the Subdivision as shown on the rE:corded plat
    as I-ots 463 thru 553 , inclusive, are hereby designated as "View
    2. · All lots in the Subdivision as shown on the .recorded plat
    as Lots 554 thru 570, inclusive, are hereby designated as ."Cluster
    Cottage Lots" . .
    3.    The "General Restrictions" set forth 1n IV. below shall
    be api;,Ucable .to all types of lots in the Subdivision here:i,naboye
    enumerated and designated •.. The "Special Hestricti.ons" set fortn
    in V. below shall, in addition to the General Restrictions, apply
    to the particular . type of lots in the Subdivision so-indicated.
    IV .
    1.    None of the lots · or the iinproveme,1ts thereon shall be
    used for anything other than slngle:-ramily, private res-1dential
    p;i.rposes. Af'ter the construction of such residences• it :l;s under-
    stood that - there may also ,be constructed a garage, . servants' quarters
    and/or guest I s quarters, , so long as the same are connect.e d · (by . .. ,
    co,c:red breezeway or other·w 1se), and used in conjunction with·
    such single-fainily. private reside.nee. For purposes of ~h:ts instru-
    ment, the word "lot" shall not be deemed to include ar,.y portion of
    the following areas shown on the r .ecorded plat: tbe golf course,
    any· esplanade, the · club . a!'.ea, and any unrestricted or rese1".re. areas
    shown ~n the plat.
    2.   · The living area of tiie·:~,a:in residential .structurt'! (ex-
    clusive   or porc~e5, whether open . or screened, garage or other car
    ps.rki~ facility, tel'races=,. ttriveway3 and servar.ts ! quarters) shaL.
    be r,ut less thar, the !'ollow:!.ng respective ~u.nts f-:,r each of the
    designated pa:.'t:!cular typ,iog .er lots:
    EXHIBIT 1, page 5                      TAB J - page 5
    View i:.ots: l, 200 sq.. ft. ror a one-story building;
    1,500 sci. rt. 1".or a two-etory building; and
    Cluster Cottage Lot!!:        800 :,q, rt.
    3. a. .No building shall be located on any lot nearer to the .
    rront street line.- or nearer to the :street side line than the mini-.
    mum building set-back lines shown ori the aforeaaj,d pla:t (-designate:d ·
    thereon as "Bldg. line"). Subject .t o the provision;i _o f Paz•agraph
    4., no bt.11lding shall be located nearer than sev!?n a,nd :one-half
    (7-1/2) feet to an interior side lo~ line. For the_ purpose oftb1s
    covenant, eaves, steps and unroofed .. terraces shall riot be considered
    as part of a bu!lding_. provided, however, that tl')is shall not pe:
    construed to permit any portion of the construction on a lot to
    encroach upon another lot. Variations from these requirements as
    to building location may be granted :by the Architectural. Contro.l
    Authority. if the above requi~ements are not feasible, considering
    the terrain of the lot.             ·
    b. No structure shall be placed on any lot which (by reason
    of high walls or fence::1, excessive height, specially peaked roof'
    design, etc.) unreasonably will ob~cure the view o.f' Lake Travis from
    a dwelling located or reasonably to be located upon an abut~ing lot
    (and, for this purpose "abutting lot" includes a lot sepa~ted only
    by a street) • . The decision of the Architectural Control Authority
    in this matter shall be final.
    4.a. Any owner o:t one o:r more adjoining lots (or portions,
    thereof)     ~:r ccn::io11date .such lots. v:l' po:i:tlum, lnto one buildlng
    site, with . the privilege of' placing or constructing improvements
    on such resulting s!te, in which case side set-back lines shall
    be measured fron; the resulting side property lines rather than
    f'rom the lot lines as indicated on the recorded plat. Any such
    composite building site must-have a frontage at the build~ng set-
    back line of not less than the min1mum frontage of lots in. the sam~
    block. Any such composite building site (or building site result~ .
    ing from the remainder of one or more lots having been consolidated
    into a composite building site) must be of not less than nine thousand.
    (9,000) square l'eet in area (Cluster Cottage Lots ,e xcepted - See ·
    Special Restrictions V.) and this shall supersede any con.t rary pro-
    vision in the Subdivision p:l,at. Any modification of a building site.
    (changing such building dte from either a single lot building
    site or .from a multiple whole lot building site), w:hether as _to
    size or configuration, mat be made only with the p;r,ior written ap-
    proval of the Developer until the CommHtee is selected and there-
    after, only. with the prior written approval of th!? C:ornmittee _., Upon
    any such required approval- having. been obtained, such composite ·
    building site shall thereupon-be :regarded as a "lot" for all. pur.-
    poses hereunder, however, ,tpat_· for ·purposes or voting for the Com-.
    m1 ttee ( as provided under Paragraph -II. 2. b. above), an 9wner shall
    be entitled to one (l) vote: for each whole lot within such owner's
    buildi.~g site. ·                  ··
    b. Cl_u ster Co.ttage I;ots may have buildings nearer than ~even
    and one-half. (7-l/2) f'eet . to an _interior side lot_ line, subject. ;;o
    prior· writ.ten approval of the Developer until the Committee is
    selected and therea!'ter, on,l y _with' :~he prior Written approval Of the
    CoillI!littee •. (See Special Re~tr1ct1ors V)                ·      ..       .
    5.    All lots iri the S.ubdivh16n shall be used only for single- residential purposes; ·   No    noxious or offensive activity- of
    any sort shall be permitted, _nor shall anything be done . on any lot
    which may be or become an annoy_,µ)ce ·_or nuisance to _the neighborhood.
    No lot in the Subt.1 vision shall .be used ro~· any commercial. busi-
    ness or professional purpose _·nor       for
    church purposes. Tile renting
    or leasing or any improvements :ther·eon or portion thereof~ without
    thP prior written consent o.f Developer, is prohibited. No -.h oµse
    tra.aer. ca.per tr&J;ler, CIJ.IPer vehicle or lll<>tor vehicle . (i;,r pcr-
    tion thereof) shall be 11..-ed _1rt on any lot.
    ·1291 1457
    EXHIBIT 1, page 6                         TAB J - page 6
    6.   No structure of a temporary ~haracter, trailer, ba~ement,
    . I-      tent, shack, garage, barn o~ other outbuilding shall be used on
    any lot at arry time as a residence, except, however-, that a
    garage may contain !:!.ving quarters for bona fide -servants anct
    I       except also . that a . field ofJice, as hereinafter provided may .be
    . established.
    .      .    .
    Until the Developer has · sold all other iots l~Point
    Veni:ure (and during the progress of construction of residences
    in ~he Subdivision), a temporary f:1,eld office for sales and .
    related purposes may. be located and maintained by the Developer
    (and/or its sales agents). The location of such field office.
    may be changed, from · time to t _ime, as lots are sold. · The
    Developer's right to maintain such f:l.eld of:fica (or permit .such
    field office to be maintained) sha:!.l cease when all lots in ·
    Poiht Venture. except the lot upon which :;uch .field office is.
    located, have· .b een sold.
    7,   No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be
    raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or
    other common household pets may be kept as household :pets pr.9-
    vided they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial pur-
    poses and provided they do not constitute a nuisance and do
    not• in the s9le judgment cf the. Developer constitute a danger
    or. potential pr actual disruption of other lot owners, their
    families or guests.
    8.   Where a wall, fence, planter or hedge is not spec1.fically
    prQhibited under the Special Restrictio!:'ls set ' forth in v. below,
    the . following (as to any permitted wall, fence, planter or-hedge)
    shall apply:. N,o wall, fence, planter or hedge in excess er two ( 2)
    feet higp shali be erected or maintained nearer to the front lot
    line than the . front bu:l.lding set-back line, nor on corner lots
    . nearer to th~ side lot line than the building set-back line pa1•allel
    · · to ·,t)'ie s1o.e street. No r•ear .fence, wall or hedge and no side
    . _fel1\!e, wall or hedge iocate_d between the side building line and
    . th~ .1nt~r1or lot line (or located on the interior _·1 ot line) shall
    , , be_ m_o re .than . six· (6) . feet high: · (Cluster Cottage Lots excepted -
    .· see. Special Restrictions V) .                                              .    ..
    No :object or thing which obstructs sight lines at eleva-
    · "ti:ons.between two (2) and six (6} feet above the roadways -wit.Mn
    ·. '.t;fie :triangular area formed by intersecting stre~t .property lines
    atj,~l, ,a line connecting them         'points twenty-five :(25) ·feet :rrom
    the ·J.ntersectiqn of the street . lines ( or extensions thereof) shall
    . : be/ placed, planted or permitted
    · .. •. ,.. .                            ;-; ..
    to' remain on corner
    :· ..
    , , . · 9.      The drying of clothes in public view 1s . prohibited, and
    th\'! : owners or occupants 6r·any lots at the intersection of streets
    :o.r adjacent to parks, playgrounds or other facilities where tlie
    .re.a)? Y!,ird Ol' portion of the .· lot is visible to the public, shall
    c:onstruct and maintain a drying yard or other suitable enclosure ·
    t~. screen drying clothes fr'9.II' public view.
    10. All lots sl1all be k,ept at all times in a sanitary, health-
    ful and attractive oonditio_n, .· and the owner or occupants of all lots
    :shall keep ' all weeds and grass thereon cut and s·hall · in no event
    us·e any lot for storage of material or equipment· except fo:r normal
    residential requirements Ol' incident to construction of improve-
    llli:1nts thereon a.,; herein perrr,itted, or p~rrnit the accumulation of
    . garbage, trash or rubbish of any kind thereon, Any inciner;-;tor
    or., ·other equipment for the ~tor~e .or disposal of such material
    .. -.. ~_h,jl.i be kept in a clean, S'q.h~:tary, and sightly condition. : During
    , the Construction. of improve'm·e nts :no. trash Shall .. be: burned Ori at:y
    EXHIBIT 1, page 7                      TAB J - page 7
    lot except in a safe rnanner, and, unless so burned, sh.111 be removed
    by the lot owner. Boats, trailers and other park.:;d vehicles are to
    be stored in a location n6- c·1 oser to the street than the fl"ont
    l:!ullding set-back line, or in the case 01· a corner lot the side
    building line facing the street.
    In the event of' ·default on the part of the owner or
    occupant· of any lot in observing the above requirements or an~
    of them, such default continuing after ten (10) days written
    notice thereof, the DP.veloper (until the Committee is selected,
    and thereafter, the Committee) may, . without liability to the
    owner or occupant in trespa11.s or otherwise, enter upon (or
    authorize one or more othe~s to enter upon) said lot, and
    cuase to be cut> such weeds and grass, and remove or cause to be
    removed such gwbage, trash and rubb1ah or do any other thing
    necessary to secure compliance with · these restrictions• so as t ·o
    place said lot in a neat, attractlve, healthful and sanitary zon-
    dition, and may charge the:_owner or occupant of such lot for the
    reasonable cost of such work and associated materials. The owner
    or occupant, .as the case ma.y be, agrees by purchase or occu,pation
    of the property·to pay such statement immediately upon recelpt
    thereof; howeveL', the payment of such charge is not secured by any
    nature of lie~ on the property.
    11. Before initial r;esidenc!al occupancy, no sign, advertise-
    ment, billboard or advertising structure of any kind may be erected
    or maintained on any lot    in  the Subdivision without the p:-ior approval ·
    of the Developer; and any ·such approval which is granted by the · De-'.
    veloper may be withdrawn at any time by the Developer, tn which
    event, the party granted such permission shall, within the period
    designated by the Developer (which iri no event shall be less than
    five {5) days),· th~N::upon ~,;,m,)v.e same. Arter 1r.it1al residential
    occupancy of improvements on any particular lot in the Subdivision-;
    no sign, advertisement, billboard or advertising structure of any
    kind other than a normal f'pr~sale sign approved by the Developer
    as to design, not exceeditrg· two feet by three f'eet {2' x 3') erected
    on a post in the ground, a.pd applicable to such lot -alone, may be
    erected or maintained on such lot.
    The Developer until tbe .Committee is selected, and there-.
    a.rter the Committee, shall .have the .right to remove and dispose
    of any prohibited sig~, advertisement, billboard, or adver.tising
    structure which is placed c;m any lot, and in so doing shall not be
    subject to any liability fort;respa:ss or other tort· in connection
    therewith or arising from ·such removal nor -in anyway be liable
    for.any accounting or other ·claim · by reason of the "'di:sposition
    thereof.                     · ··    ·
    . 12. -The digging of dirt or the removal of any dirt from any
    1o·t is expressly prohibited. ·except ·_a s necessary in conjunction
    with the -landscaping of or i construction on such _lot.
    13. No lot or other portion . of Point Venture shall be used or
    pe:'t'mi tted for hunting or f61". .the · discharge or any pistol, rifle,
    shotgun, ::>r any other firea.i:'rn; or any bow and arrow .:ir any other
    deyice capal.Jle of killing or· inJurihg.
    14. No outside toilete ~111 -be permitted, and no installation
    of any type of device for i:Usposai ,.of sewage shall be allowed which
    would re.s-ult 1n ra-w or untreate.d or.unsanitary sewage being carried
    ln;t;o a.!1y water body . No . sep 1;,1c tank or ot!'.cr mean:; of :;~wage dis-
    posal may b~ installed unl~s-s ~api:,r·o:ved by the pr.op-er government3l ·
    authorities having jurisdictio1'( ~itn respect thereto and tl,e ~veloper.
    EXHIBIT 1, page 8                   TAB J - page 8
    15, No oil drilling, oil development operatlons, olJ. refin+ng,
    or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted upon any lot,
    nor .;;hall any wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or ic.haf"!:R
    be per.mi tted upon any lot. No derrick or other structure designed
    for use in boring for . oil er natural gas, shall be erected-, main- . .
    tained or permitted on any building site. . At no time shall the
    dri111·n g, usage or operation of' any wab:,r well be pern;itted on any
    lot.              ·
    16. Drainage· .structures under private dz\iveways shal.1 al\'.f_ays
    have a net dra1nag.e opening ~rea or sui'fi :ient size to permit the.·
    free now of. water without b:ackwater.                                ·          /· .
    17. All property owne:r:s , members of their families and their
    guests, shall have the right of ingress and egress to the. lake •
    through the park areas as shown on the Point Venture Section Two
    Subdivision plat. Such right shall extend to and include. the owners
    of lots within Section Three~l of the Point Venture Subdivision as
    well as subsequent sections developed by the Developer from lands
    contiguo.:s to .or 1n· the v.lc1n1ty of the said Point Venture Subdi-.
    vision. All parks and impro.v ements shall be avai16ble for . USE,! by
    such property owners, their families and guests, at their own risk.
    When 75 J of the lots in all sections of Point Venture Subdivision
    hr:tve bei=n sold, or sooner at the election of the Developer, Devel-
    oper may tr~nsfer title to all parks and other community areas to,
    the Venture Yacht and Country Club or other civic organizaticn
    active in the area, a1·ter which the operation uf iil.nd maint:anancn
    ~nd payment of taxe~ on such parks and other comm~nity areas shall
    ;be the respons1b11.i ty of such transf'.eree.
    18. The Developers or any person, firm or corporation ope~ating
    the golf course in the Subdivision shall not be held liable for any
    damages t .o any lot owner, their guests,. or their ·heirs, acuninistra-
    ·tors or assigns resulting from operation of said golr course.
    · · 19. · The :property incluqed in the Subdivision is si;.bject to .
    all easements or l'ecord, and- to include thos.e certain
    easements in favor of Lower Colorado R:tver Authority of· record in
    Vol. 587, page 440,Vol. 601, page 536, Vol. 676, ·page 428, and
    Yoli.. 678,page 12.7 of the Travis County Deed Record.s, to which ease-
    men'!;s: and their record thereof :rei'erence · is hereby made for all
    pµr~oses ~ . The property is also subj·ect to that. ce~ta:l,~ 011 an_d Gas
    Lease, dated January 6 • i967, · as recorded in VolUJ!!e 32.45:, page.
    1J2·?, Deed . Re 9ords of Travis County, Texas.
    ·:. 20. ·. Where underground utility services · shall. be available for
    ifaid ··1ots; no ·above surface utility wires will be · insta:lled outside
    qf an~· structure. Underground utili. ty service lines. shal,l extend
    t~r.o ugh and under said lots -in order to serve ariy .st'r~ctµre thereon,
    a~d . the aiea above said underground lines and eJ,1:tend:fng · 2,-1/2 feet
    to  .:each sid:e of said underg:r'ioum;l line shall be . sul)jeet 1:o excava-
    t,io'l); refilling and ingress and egress for the installation, 1n-·
    spection, repair, replacing and removing of said underground faci-
    11~i¢s by .such utility company;. and owners of said .· lots shall .
    a,scertain :the locatlcn o!' said linel;; and keep tr.e a:-,::a over tne
    route of Said :Ines free of excavat1.on and clear of structures;· trees
    or· other obstructions.                                         . .     .
    1.    In add1 tior, to th,/ Ge-n erai Restrictions set fc,:i;-th in IV.
    atiov:e' t:he following re;;:1tribtions shall appl.y:
    EXHIBIT 1, page 9                     TAB J - page 9
    a. Ne pier, dock, or other structure shall be permitted ' w!th-
    out prior approval   er t he Architectural Control Authority as set forth
    in II. above.
    b. Any garage muHt be attached to the ~ain residence and must
    bi:: not nearer to the lake sl!ore than the main residence itself.
    2.    In addition to the General Restrictions set forth in IV.abOve,
    the fellowing rP.strictions shaH 11pply to Cluster Cottage Lots:
    a. No wall, fence; planter hedge (or other 1mprove:nents or ob:..,
    ject serving a _like or :,imilar purpose) shall be const-ructed or' permitted
    without t he written consent of the Developer.                 -
    b. Each person a~qu1ring a Cluster Cottage lot mu3_t be a member
    of Point Venture, Inc. -, and must relllain e. member in good. standing -as
    long as .they own property · 1n the Cluster Cot1;age Lot section.
    c. Since zero lot line a,nd/or common wall concepts are . anti- .
    cipated, the ·Developer, untj,1 the Coir)mittee is se.iected and thereafter
    the Committee, .s hall be the sole and prevailing authority re~arding -
    wall, fence and building set-ba:ck requil"ements. Such authority shall
    at all times . be .con:s1stai1t and in the best interest for all parties
    concerned in ·the Cluster Cottage Area.                              -   ·
    E~ch person acquiring property in the Subdivision (whether
    acquiring same initially or upon resale) must first apply c.nd be
    accepted for membership in the Venture Yacht and Country ·club; and
    must remain a membe.r ih good standing as long as t}:ley own property'
    1n tne Subdi visiun.     ·            ·             ·       ·
    1.   Each lot _(or residential · building site} in the Subdivision
    shall be and is hereby made subject to an annual Venture' Yac~t and
    Country Club . charge (hereafter - referred to as the "Club Fund"),
    except as otherwise hereinafter provided.                     ·
    2.   The Venture Ya-cht and - Country Club Fund referred to .s hail
    be u:,ed to create a _fund to be ' known as the "Club Fund"; and ea;h
    such "Club Fund" charge shall ("except as otherwis e hereinafter pro-
    vided) be paid by the owner of each lot (or residential building
    sJ.te) annually, in ·advance, on· or before September 1st of each
    year, beginning 197 2.         · -·                    · '    · -
    3,   The exact .amount of each Club Fund charge will be deter~
    mined by the Developer during -the · nionth preceding the . due date of
    said Club Fund. All other matters relating to the. assessment,
    collection, expenditure and administration of t]Je Club Ful'id shall
    be determined by the Develope~.
    ll..  The , Club Fund charge_ shalJ not, without the consent of
    the Developer, apply to lots 6wned',_by · the Developer or owned by
    any person, firm, association· or corporation engaged pri~ar1ly i _n
    the building and construction '. bus1n~ss which has acquired title to
    any such lots for the -sole purpo1;1e .o'f constructing itnprovements
    thereon and thereafter selling slJ{!b).ots; however, upon: any such
    sale of' such l .ots _by .such person, -_ firm, association· or• corporation
    to a purchaser whose primary pu,:>poi:ie is to occupy and/or rent·
    aP.d/or lease such lc,t (and improveme.r its thereon, if any} ·to some
    uther occupant, then the Club Fung charge shall thereupon be appli-
    cable to such lot ; and the De_vel!;h .   ·
    .      . .       The Devel.aper may at· ahy time hereaf:ter·· cause one or ·rnf"ll' P.
    non~profit corporations to be organized under ' the. _:Laws of the Sta_te
    o:!' ;Texas for the purpose of exercising a.11_ or any ._of the d,uties an4
    · .pi·erogatives .of .t he Developer'. her~under (1nclud1ng·the matte.r s r:e- ._
    lating, to "Club Fur'~d 11 charges _aqd the Venture Yacht" and Country . .
    Glub Fund). Any such delegati_on of l:lU.tho1•1tf a.n_d duties shall =,erve
    to· automatically release the Developer from further' liability with
    respect thereto and ve s t such duties and preroga:~ 1yes in such non-
    . it corporations. Any suet( 9elegations shall .te · evidenced by
    .an' ':instrument amending this ins,trument, placed .o:t rE?_co.rd 1n. the Deed
    · R.ecqrds cf Travis Cou;nty, T~x;a,~., al'\d joined by: Jh_e· '. ·Developer and .
    ·· • u·,e . aroresafo non-profit corporations but not, . fio~ever ·, requiring ·
    . the joinder of _any other persQri : in order to l'e f'u, binding, whether·
    1_ Dana  DeBeauvoit, County Clerll, Tra~is County.
    Te •as. do hereby certify that this is a true ,md
    correct copy as same appears of record in my office .
    -11-         Witne_ss my hand and sea _offi
    (!;~~      Dana DeBe      voir  R O7 ·2017
    \~         Hy Deputy. .A'XJ.l~~~LES
    -t!9l 1-tG2
    EXHIBIT 1, page 11                          TAB J - page 11
    '                                                                 56-1404
    such other person be an owner· of property in the Subd.ivlsion, a
    l:1enholder, mortgagee Deed of. Trust beneficiary or any other pe-rson.
    ~x.                                         .i;Ji   <:1
    AMENDMENTS                                                ;)i
    Any or all of the covenants herein may be annulled, amended
    or modified at any time at the recommendation of the Architectural
    Control Authority, or its successors• and ratified .t-;r a vot.e . of.
    two-th1l"ds of the lot owners .frf the Subdivision. Al:t. such lot owners
    shall be given thirty (30) daj,s notice in writing o.f any proposed
    amendment before same is adopted. There· shall be- no annullment,
    amendment or mod1f1cation of :these covenants without the prior recom-
    mendation of the Architectural . Control Authority.
    All of the provis:!.ons hereof shall oe covenants running
    with the land thereby affected. The provisions hereof shall be bind-
    ing upon and inur•e to the benefit of the owners of' the land affected
    and the Developer and their respective heirs, executors, adminis-
    trators, successors ~nd assigns.
    ·· XI,
    Tlte captions inserted .at the beginning of any paragraph o-f:
    these Rest1•ictions are intended for convenience or reference only
    and shall not be deemed to c6-n stitute a part of these Restrictions
    nor be used in the constructi~n or interpretation of this instrument
    nor shall such captions be de-~med indicative of the intent of any
    party hereto.          ·      ·
    ~    ~TNES·s_. my   hand at Houston,Texas, on this the    /.;;,   .day
    of   t:Mr<"                  .· j :· ~972.
    A Partnership
    . BY Smith Land Company, Inc . ,
    · · Partner, Agent and Attorney-in-Fact
    -1291     1-163
    EXHIBIT 1, page 12               TAB J - page 12
    THE STATE OF TEXAS                                            §
    COUNTY O F ~                                                  §
    BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and f-0r
    s id County and State. on this day personally appeared ·             .
    -1n ~~                , Vice President of SMITH LAND . .COMPANY, ,
    .NC., saidCorporaon being , a P!l-:rtner in and agent ~lid attorney-in'-
    fact for Venture Developmen~ Company, a partnership, . known to me to
    be the person and officer whose name is subscribed· to the foregoing
    instrument and acknowledged>to me that the same was the act of a-aid
    Sm1 th Land Company, Inc. t a, Texas corporation. a.rid.: that he· executed
    the same as the act and deed of such Corp-oration ·-as · a partner in
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Document Info

Docket Number: 03-17-00849-CV

Filed Date: 1/2/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/10/2018