Lindsey Ford Jr. v. State ( 2008 )

  •                                    NO. 07-07-0224-CR
    JUNE 24, 2008
    Before QUINN, C.J., and HANCOCK and PIRTLE, JJ.
    Appellant, Lindsey Ford Jr., was convicted of the first degree felony offense of
    burglary of a habitation,1 enhanced by two prior felony convictions. Although the underlying
    indictment contained three separate counts, the judgment, as drafted, constitutes only one
    Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 30.02 (Vernon 2003).
    conviction and one sentence. Punishment was assessed at life imprisonment to run
    concurrent with four separate sentences arising from four additional indictments.2
    Appellant contends (1) the State’s evidence presented during his plea proceeding was
    factually insufficient and (2) the life sentence for this offense to run concurrently with three
    other life sentences for similar offenses is disproportionate, i.e. his punishment was cruel
    and unusual. However, because we find a fundamental error in the plea proceedings
    below that renders the trial court’s judgment void, its judgment is reversed and the cause
    On October 2, 2006, a Lubbock County Grand Jury returned the indictment which
    is the subject of this appeal charging Appellant with three counts of burglary of a habitation,
    enhanced by two prior felony convictions.3 Count I alleges Appellant intentionally, without
    In a single proceeding, Appellant was also convicted of: (1) Cause No. 2006-
    413,889, burglary of a habitation, enhanced; (2) Cause No. 2006-413,895, burglary of a
    habitation, enhanced; (3) Cause No. 2006-414,532, burglary of a habitation, enhanced;
    and, (4) Cause No. 2006-413,878, forgery of a financial instrument. Appellant was
    sentenced to life on each of the burglary charges and twenty years on the forgery charge.
    Again, although the indictment in Cause No. 2006-413,878 contained multiple counts, the
    judgment, as drafted, constitutes only one conviction and one sentence.
    The indictment also alleges that, prior to the commission of the alleged burglary,
    Appellant had been convicted for the felonies of burglary and credit card abuse. The
    indictment alleged Appellant had been convicted for the felony of burglary on September
    9, 1992 in the 237th District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, in Cause No. 92-414,991
    and, on August 31, 1990, he was convicted of the felony of credit card abuse in the 137th
    District Court of Lubbock County, Texas, in Cause No. 89-409,763.
    the effective consent of the owner, Brenda McCrory,4 entered her habitation with the intent
    to commit theft on August 31, 2006. Count II alleges Appellant intentionally, without the
    effective consent of the owner, Timothy Key, entered his habitation with the intent to
    commit theft on August 4, 2006. Count III alleges Appellant intentionally, without the
    effective consent of the owner, Timothy Key, entered his habitation a second time with the
    intent to commit theft on September 2, 2006.
    On May 10, 2007, Appellant appeared in open court, with counsel, and
    acknowledged to the court that it was his “intent to enter an open plea to each of the cases
    that are pending against [him] here today.”5 Appellant further acknowledged there was no
    plea agreement with the State, his plea was freely and voluntarily given and he was
    waiving certain rights including his right to a trial by jury, as well as his right to confront and
    cross-examine witnesses in open court. The record further reflects Appellant filed his
    Written Admonishments,6 wherein he indicated he was “desiring to enter a plea of guilty.”
    The reporter’s record reflects “Brenda” McCrory while the indictment refers to
    “Brinda” McCrory.
    See fn. 3. Appellant’s four other convictions are the subject of appeals filed in this
    Court in Cause Nos. 07-07-0222-CR, 07-07-0223-CR, 07-07-0225-CR, and 07-07-0226-
    CR. Opinions in these appeals are also being issued simultaneously.
    The Written Admonishments were signed by Appellant, his attorney and the trial
    judge. The admonishments set forth the range of punishment for the offense charged;
    affirmed Appellant’s mental competency; admitted his plea was given freely and voluntarily;
    recognized no one made any promises to him to induce his plea; admitted his
    understanding regarding his constitutional rights to trial by jury, right to confront witnesses
    and the right to not be compelled to testify against himself at trial; acknowledged that if he
    pleads guilty he waives the afore-mentioned rights; acknowledged his understanding as
    Nevertheless, after accepting Appellant’s pleas of guilty to charges in the four other
    indictments, the following exchange occurred:
    THE COURT: I think that covers all of them. Do you have any questions?
    THE DEFENDANT: No, sir.
    THE COURT: Okay. If you’ll have a seat.
    MS. SAY: The State calls Brandye Jordan, your Honor.
    Consequently, Appellant never entered a plea with respect to the underlying
    indictment. Neither the State nor Appellant brought this deficiency to the trial court’s
    attention. The trial court then heard the State’s evidence (including evidence supporting
    the allegations in the underlying indictment) and later reviewed Appellant’s pre-sentence
    report. The trial court then pronounced Appellant’s sentence:
    THE COURT: In Cause No. 2006-413,890, you having pled guilty to the
    charge of burglary of a habitation as to Brenda McCrory and Timothy Key,
    and having pled guilty and having pled true to the enhancement paragraphs
    that were alleged in that indictment, the Court sentences you to life in the
    Texas Department of Corrections.
    We find it unnecessary to consider the issues raised by Appellant because the trial
    court inadvertently committed fundamental error by convicting Appellant in the absence of
    a plea. Accordingly, its judgment rendered in this case is void.
    to restitution; and the contents of the Written Admonishments. (Emphasis added).
    Although this issue was not raised below or on appeal, fundamental constitutional
    implications regarding due process in this particular case require our attention. See
    Boutwell v. State, 
    719 S.W.2d 164
    , 173 (Tex.Crim.App. 1985); Carter v. State, 
    656 S.W.2d 468
    , 468-69 (Tex.Crim.App. 1983). Under these circumstances, we have jurisdiction and
    authority to review unassigned error. Bigon v. State, ___ S.W.3d ___, Nos. Pd-1768-06,
    2008 WL 141929
    , at *7 (Tex.Crim.App. Jan. 16, 2008); Sanchez v. State, 
    209 S.W.3d 117
    , 120 (Tex.Crim.App. 2006).
    Appellant’s conviction, in the absence of a plea, deprived him of numerous,
    fundamental due process rights intended to assure that an accused receives a fair trial.
    As previously noted, Appellant’s waiver of rights was conditional upon a plea of guilty. In
    the absence of a plea of guilty there was no waiver of rights. Consequently, as to the
    allegations contained in the underlying indictment, Appellant was deprived of his right to
    a trial by jury. This is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Sixth and Fourteenth
    Amendments to the United States Constitution and by the Texas Constitution. See U.S.
    Const. amends. VI, XIV; Tex. Const. art. I, § 15.
    Neither was his conviction in conformance with the applicable statutory scheme.
    In this State, a person cannot be convicted of a felony “except upon the verdict of a jury
    duly rendered and recorded, unless the defendant, upon entering a plea, has in open court
    in person waived his right of trial by jury in writing in accordance with articles 1.13 and 1.14
    [of the Code of Criminal Procedure].” Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 1.15 (Vernon 2005)
    (emphasis added). Here neither occurred–Appellant did not receive a jury trial and he did
    not enter a plea in open court. A plea of “guilty” or a plea of “nolo contendere” in a felony
    case must be made in open court by the defendant in person and the proceedings must
    comport with the requirements of articles 1.13 and 1.15 when the plea is before a judge
    alone. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 27.13 (Vernon 2005). Again, Appellant did not plea
    in open court and the trial court failed to follow mandatory statutory procedures. Taking
    a plea, guilty or not guilty, is mandatory and, if the defendant refuses to plea, the trial court
    must enter a plea of not guilty for the defendant. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 26.12
    (Vernon 1989). The trial court neither received nor entered a plea for Appellant. In short,
    Appellant was denied numerous procedural protections, both constitutional and statutory.
    See Mendez v. State, 
    138 S.W.3d 334
    , 344 (Tex.Crim.App. 2004).
    “It is well settled in this state that a plea must be entered in every criminal case and
    if no plea is entered, the trial is a nullity since there is no issue for the jury or the court.
    Lumsden v. State, 
    384 S.W.2d 143
    , 143-44 (Tex.Crim.App. 1964) (collected cases cited
    therein); White v. State, 
    932 S.W.2d 593
    , 596-97 (Tex.App.–Tyler 1995, no pet.). Without
    a plea, no issue is joined; Johnson v. State, 
    118 Tex. Crim. 291
    42 S.W.2d 782
    , 783
    (1931); Jefferson v. State, 
    24 White & W. 535
    7 S.W. 244
    , 245 (1888); Pate v. State, 
    21 White & W. 191
    17 S.W. 461
    , 462-63 (1886), and a trial would be “absolutely without result.”
    Mays v. State, 
    51 Tex. Crim. 32
    101 S.W. 233
    , 234 (1907). Moreover, where there is no
    plea, jeopardy has not attached. See Seale v. State, 
    158 Tex. Crim. 440
    256 S.W.2d 86
    88 (1953); 
    Mays, 101 S.W. at 234
    ; State v. Harkins, 
    705 S.W.2d 788
    , 790
    (Tex.App.–Dallas 1986, no pet.). If a person has neither pleaded guilty to a crime nor been
    tried for the crime, he has not been convicted of the crime. Willis v. State, 
    389 S.W.2d 464
    , 464-65 (Tex.Crim.App. 1965); 
    Lumsden, 384 S.W.2d at 144
    Here, the record contains no statutory admonishments from the bench or plea in
    open court related to the indictment upon which Appellant stands convicted.           That
    Appellant may have intended to plea to the indictment or the trial court mistakenly thought
    a plea had taken place is insufficient to support the conviction. Finding a plea of guilty
    where none has occurred violates a myriad of due process rights owing to Appellant in the
    absence of a trial.
    Convicting Appellant without a plea is fundamental error; 
    Jefferson, 7 S.W. at 245
    or “structural” error representing a “defect affecting the framework within which the trial
    proceeds, rather than simply an error in the trial process itself.” Mendez v. 
    State, 138 S.W.3d at 340
    , quoting, Arizona v. Fulminante, 
    499 U.S. 279
    , 310, 
    111 S. Ct. 1246
    113 L. Ed. 2d 302
    (1991). Thus, the trial court committed fundamental error in violation of
    Appellant’s due process rights and issued a judgment that is void. As such, we need not
    undertake a harmless error analysis. 
    Mendez, 138 S.W.3d at 339-340
    White, 932 S.W.2d at 597
    Moreover, the trial court’s judgment is void because the court lacked authority or
    power to render the judgment in question in the absence of a plea or jury verdict. See Nix
    v. State, 
    65 S.W.3d 664
    , 667-68 (Tex.Crim.App. 2001) (“A void judgment is a ‘nullity’ and
    can be attacked at any time.”); 
    Lumsden, 384 S.W.2d at 143
    (in the absence of a plea in
    a criminal case, the trial is a nullity); 
    White, 929 S.W.2d at 505
    (conviction void).
    Because the judgment entered in Cause No. 2006-413,890 is a nullity, Appellant’s
    issues are pretermitted.
    The trial court’s judgment is reversed and the cause remanded.
    Patrick A. Pirtle
    Do not publish.