Shagufta Khan v. Salim Valliani and Agha Juice and Cafe , 439 S.W.3d 528 ( 2014 )

  • Affirmed in Part, Reversed and Remanded in Part, and Opinion filed July 24,
    In The
    Fourteenth Court of Appeals
    NO. 14-13-00582-CV
    SHAGUFTA KHAN, Appellant
    On Appeal from the 400th District Court
    Fort Bend County, Texas
    Trial Court Cause No. 10-DCV-185357
    Shagufta Khan filed this personal injury action, claiming that Salim Valliani
    had sexually assaulted her when she was fifteen years old. The trial court
    dismissed the suit with prejudice based on a finding that Khan had “failed to
    follow the Court’s Orders on several occasions.” We consider two issues on
    appeal: (1) whether the trial court abused its discretion by assessing a $400
    sanction for discovery abuse against Khan, and (2) whether the court acted within
    its authority by dismissing the suit with prejudice when Khan failed to pay the
    $400. We conclude that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by assessing the
    discovery sanction because there is evidence that Khan had abused the discovery
    process. However, we also conclude that the trial court had no authority, inherent
    or statutory, to dismiss the suit with prejudice upon Khan’s failure to pay the
    sanction. We affirm the discovery sanction, but we reverse the trial court’s order
    dismissing Khan’s suit and remand for additional proceedings consistent with this
    This appeal focuses on a contentious discovery dispute over one of Khan’s
    personal journals. Khan testified during a deposition that she had a journal in her
    possession and that it contained writings about her alleged sexual assault. After the
    deposition, Valliani served a request for production, asking for the journal because
    it was relevant to the suit. In response to the request, Khan’s attorney, Alphonsus
    Ezeoke, filed the following equivocal objection: “Plaintiff objects to this request
    because the information is intrusive and irrelevant. Plaintiff does not have the
    document responsive to this request.”
    Defense counsel responded to Ezeoke by written letter, asking his client to
    comply with the discovery request because the response “is in direct conflict with
    our understanding.” Defense counsel stated, “It is our understanding that the
    Plaintiff is in possession of her journals.” Defense counsel warned that he would
    file a motion to compel if the journal was not produced. Ezeoke responded to the
    warning as follows: “You may have to file the motion with the court because my
    client does not have the requested information. Furthermore, the diary contains
    other personal information that cannot and will not be provided to your perverted
    Defense counsel accepted Ezeoke’s invitation and filed the motion to
    compel, asserting that Khan was making inconsistent representations regarding the
    existence of the journal. The motion was brought under Rule 215 and requested an
    award of attorney’s fees. Ezeoke filed another equivocal response, reciting
    simultaneously that the journal “does not exist” and that its contents are
    The trial court conducted a hearing on January 28, 2013, which only the
    attorneys attended. Ezeoke asserted that the request for production was overbroad
    because defense counsel was seeking all of Khan’s journals, including those that
    predated the assault. The trial court rejected this characterization, stating that the
    discovery request was specifically tailored to “any journals, diaries, and/or writings
    reflecting the incident made the basis of this lawsuit and/or the injuries for which
    Plaintiff seeks recovery.”
    Ezeoke then responded that his client had lost the one journal that described
    the alleged assault. Ezeoke claimed that Khan had shown him another journal, but
    that it did not describe the assault. When asked to account for her deposition
    testimony, Ezeoke explained that Khan was confused. The trial court instructed
    Ezeoke that he needed to either “produce the diary that she’s talking about in the
    deposition, or you can bring her down here, and I’ll put her on the stand and let
    [defense counsel] question her about why she answered the question the way she
    did.” The court then granted the motion to compel and ordered Khan to comply
    with the discovery request in a month’s time. To compensate Valliani for the time
    spent prosecuting the motion to compel, the court also ordered Khan to pay $400 in
    attorney’s fees to opposing counsel. The order did not specify the payment of the
    fees by any set time.
    When Khan did not comply with the trial court’s order, Valliani moved the
    court to hold her in contempt. The motion was brought under Rule 215, just as
    before. Valliani also requested a show cause order, and asked the court to sanction
    Khan by assessing additional attorney’s fees against her. Ezeoke filed a response to
    the motion saying that Khan had searched for her journals but could not find them.
    Ezeoke did not explain why the $400 had not been paid or make any argument that
    the trial court’s order was unclear as to the date of payment.
    The trial court conducted a contempt hearing on April 8, 2013. During the
    hearing, Khan personally testified that she no longer writes in journals and that she
    could not comply with the court’s order because all of her journals have been lost.
    Khan suggested that her younger sister might have taken the journals and
    irretrievably misplaced them.
    Khan also testified that she could not pay the $400 in attorney’s fees because
    of other financial obligations. Khan stated that she is currently paying off a car
    note and college tuition, and that any extra money she gets from her job is sent to
    her mother because her father is in the hospital and unable to work. The trial court
    suggested that Khan should give up her cell phone and use the money from that bill
    to pay the attorney’s fees. Khan testified that her cell phone bill was approximately
    fifty dollars per month.
    Ezeoke argued during the hearing that the court should not have sanctioned
    Khan because her discovery response was true. The court refused to reconsider the
    sanction, saying that defense counsel was “entitled on behalf of his client to get to
    the bottom of [Khan’s deposition testimony] and find out what happened to those
    diaries.” Ezeoke then argued that the $400 award was a judgment of the court, and
    that Valliani should attempt to collect it himself. Ezeoke objected that the court
    was “trying to enforce his attorney’s fee for him.” The court responded that “these
    are attorney’s fees for contempt of court,” and that Khan is “either going to pay the
    $400 or I’m going to dismiss her lawsuit.” The court ordered payment by June 7,
    2013, affording Khan roughly two months to collect the money.
    The court did not assess any additional sanctions against Khan, citing her
    testimony that she did not have the journals and her inability to comply with the
    motion to compel. Valliani requested a spoliation instruction for the destruction of
    the journals, which the court refused. The court ruled orally, however, that it would
    exclude any testimony regarding the journals when the case proceeded to trial. This
    ruling was noted on the court’s docket sheet but it was not included in the order.
    The order also contained no warning that Khan’s suit would be dismissed for
    failing to pay the fee.
    When Khan did not pay the $400 by the required date, Valliani filed a
    motion to dismiss the lawsuit. Valliani referenced the previous order and the
    court’s oral admonishment that the case would be dismissed if Khan did not pay
    the fee. Valliani did not cite any specific authority for the dismissal.
    Ezeoke moved for a continuance, claiming that he needed to make an
    emergency trip to Africa. Ezeoke did not explain Khan’s failure to pay. Instead, he
    repeated his argument that the sanction of $400 was unfair when Khan never had
    the journal. Ezeoke’s law partner appeared at the dismissal hearing and argued the
    continuance, but the court never made a ruling. When it determined that Khan had
    not paid the $400 in attorney’s fees, the court dismissed her suit with prejudice.
    The only finding recited in the order is that Khan “failed to follow the Court’s
    Orders on several occasions.”
    Khan presents three issues on appeal. In her first issue, Khan asserts that the
    trial court’s dismissal order was an impermissible “death penalty” sanction. In her
    second issue, Khan asserts that the trial court erred by failing to consider the
    motion for continuance. In her third issue, she asserts that the trial court abused its
    discretion by ordering her to pay $400 as a discovery sanction. We begin with the
    third issue.
    We review a trial court’s decision to impose sanctions for an abuse of
    discretion. See Am. Flood Research, Inc. v. Jones, 
    192 S.W.3d 581
    , 583 (Tex.
    2006) (per curiam). A trial court abuses its discretion when it acts arbitrarily,
    unreasonably, or without reference to guiding rules or principles. See Downer v.
    Aquamarine Operators, Inc., 
    701 S.W.2d 238
    , 241 (Tex. 1985).
    A trial court may impose sanctions on any party that abuses the discovery
    process. See Tex. R. Civ. P. 215. If a party fails to comply with proper discovery
    requests, the court may enter orders “as are just,” including an order for attorney’s
    fees. See Tex. R. Civ. P. 215.2(b)(8). For a sanction to be just, it must bear a direct
    relationship to the offensive conduct, and it must not be excessive. See
    TransAmerican Natural Gas Corp. v. Powell, 
    811 S.W.2d 913
    , 917 (Tex. 1991)
    (orig. proceeding).
    A sanction that relates directly to the offensive conduct is one that is directed
    against the abuse and toward remedying the prejudice caused to the innocent party.
    See Spohn Hosp. v. Mayer, 
    104 S.W.3d 878
    , 882 (Tex. 2003) (per curiam). The
    sanction, in other words, must be visited upon the offender, and the court must
    attempt to determine whether the offensive conduct is attributable to counsel only,
    to the party only, or to both counsel and the party together. 
    When assessing excessiveness, the punishment should always fit the crime,
    and sanctions should be no more severe than necessary to further the purposes of
    sanctions generally. See Cire v. Cummings, 
    134 S.W.3d 835
    , 839 (Tex. 2004). A
    court must consider the availability of appropriate lesser sanctions, and, in all but
    the most egregious and exceptional cases, the court must first assess lesser
    sanctions before resorting to case-determinative or death penalty sanctions. Id. at
    The trial court imposed the discovery sanction when it granted the motion to
    compel. When deciding whether the trial court abused its discretion by imposing
    the discovery sanction, we consider only the record at the time of the trial court’s
    ruling, and not the evidence that was produced thereafter.
    The evidence attached to the motion to compel consisted of an excerpt from
    Khan’s deposition, in which Khan had testified that she had “a couple journals,”
    including one where she had written about the alleged assault. The evidence also
    consisted of Khan’s discovery responses, which contained equivocal statements
    regarding the existence of the requested journal. In a single letter, Khan’s attorney,
    Ezeoke, ambiguously represented that Khan did not have the journal, and that she
    would not produce the journal absent a court order because it contained personal
    Khan herself did not appear at the motion to compel hearing. Ezeoke
    asserted at various times during the hearing that Khan had lost her journal, and
    that, during her deposition, she was mistakenly referring to another journal that
    discussed the litigation but not the facts of the assault. Normally, an attorney must
    be under oath for his statements to be considered testimonial. See Banda v. Garcia,
    955 S.W.2d 270
    , 272 (Tex. 1997) (per curiam). However, the opponent of the
    testimony can waive the oath requirement by failing to object when the opponent
    knows or should have known that an objection is necessary. See Approximately
    $30,400 v. State, No. 14-07-00342-CV, 
    2008 WL 4472931
    , at *3 (Tex. App.—
    Houston [14th Dist.] Oct. 7, 2008, no pet.) (mem. op.). Even if Ezeoke’s
    statements could have been taken as testimonial in this case, the trial court was free
    to believe, based on Khan’s deposition testimony and Ezeoke’s equivocal
    responses to discovery, that Khan actually possessed the requested journal and was
    refusing to produce it. Because the record supports a finding that Khan had
    violated the rules of discovery, we conclude that there is a direct nexus between the
    offensive conduct and the sanction imposed.1
    The purposes of discovery sanctions are threefold: (1) to secure compliance
    with the discovery rules, (2) to deter other litigants from similar misconduct, and
    (3) to punish violators. See Chrysler Corp. v. Blackmon, 
    841 S.W.2d 844
    , 849
    (Tex. 1992) (orig. proceeding); Cognata v. Down Hole Injection, Inc., 
    375 S.W.3d 370
    , 379 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2012, pet. denied). The sanctions here
    satisfy all three purposes. Khan testified that she had the requested journal, but
    then she failed to produce it. Ezeoke also claimed that he had a seen a journal, and
    yet he too produced nothing to opposing counsel.2 The trial court could have
    The trial court appeared to struggle with sorting out the facts of this case. After reciting
    Khan’s deposition testimony, the court openly questioned why she claimed to have a journal that
    she would not produce. The court also expressed difficulty with comprehending Ezeoke, who
    claimed that he had personally reviewed one journal, yet repeatedly asserted that Khan did not
    have any journals. Many of the problems in this case seem to be attributable to Ezeoke rather
    than Khan. Had Ezeoke refrained from his aggressive rhetoric and stated, professionally and
    without ambiguity, that Khan had lost the journal discussed in the deposition, there is a
    likelihood that sanctions could have been avoided altogether. Nevertheless, the trial court was
    free to find, based on this record, that Khan was responsible and deserving of sanctions.
    During the contempt hearing, Ezeoke changed his story and claimed that he never saw a
    determined that Khan was flouting the rules of discovery, and that she needed to be
    sanctioned to punish her violation and to deter others from following her example.
    Defense counsel requested $750 in attorney’s fees, claiming that he had
    spent approximately three hours prosecuting the motion to compel. This time
    included the preparation of the motion itself, as well as other efforts spent in
    arranging a hearing because Ezeoke was out of the country. The trial court reduced
    defense counsel’s request to $400. Ezeoke produced no evidence contradicting the
    court’s assessment of the appropriateness of these fees. Based on the record as a
    whole, we conclude that the assessment was not excessive and that the trial court
    did not abuse its discretion by imposing the discovery sanction. Cf. Stromberger v.
    Turley Law Firm, 
    315 S.W.3d 921
    , 924–25 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2010, no pet.)
    (reduced discovery sanction of $5,300 was not excessive where evidence showed
    that sanctioned party ignored a subpoena and delayed efforts to take a deposition,
    causing more than twenty-six hours of attorney’s fees).
    Khan’s third issue is overruled.
    We turn now to Khan’s first issue, which challenges the trial court’s
    dismissal order. Valliani’s motion to dismiss did not cite any legal rule for
    dismissing Khan’s suit with prejudice. The trial court’s final order is also silent on
    the source of its dismissal power. Because the record is unclear as to the legal
    theory for dismissal, we review whether the trial court had the power to dismiss
    under Rule 215, under its general contempt power, or under its inherent authority
    to manage its own docket. The court’s order will be affirmed if it was proper under
    any legal theory supported by the record. See Bilnoski v. Pizza Inn, Inc., 
    858 S.W.2d 55
    , 58 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 1993, no writ).
    Rule 215
    If a party disobeys an order to compel, the trial court may enter an order
    “striking out the pleadings or parts thereof . . . or dismissing with or without
    prejudice the action or proceedings.” See Tex. R. Civ. P. 215.2(b)(5). As with other
    discovery sanctions, the court’s dismissal order must be “just” under the
    Khan asserts that the dismissal order runs afoul of TransAmerican because it
    is excessive, and therefore unjust. In TransAmerican, the Texas Supreme Court
    held that death penalty sanctions are warranted only if a party’s hindrance of the
    discovery process justifies a presumption that its claims or defenses lack merit. Id.
    at 919.
    Generally, courts will uphold the use of death penalty sanctions if a party
    acts in flagrant bad faith, such as by destroying or fabricating evidence that is
    material to the case. See, e.g., Cire, 134 S.W.3d at 841 (party destroyed important
    audio tapes); JNS Enter., Inc. v. Dixie Demolition, LLC, 
    430 S.W.3d 444
    , 456
    (Tex. App.—Austin 2013, no pet.) (parties produced false contract documents).
    Actions that callously disregard the rules of discovery warrant a presumption that
    the actor’s claims are meritless because the very purpose of discovery is “to seek
    the truth, so that disputes may be decided by what the facts reveal, not by what
    facts are concealed.” See Jampole v. Touchy, 
    673 S.W.2d 569
    , 573 (Tex. 1984)
    (orig. proceeding), overruled on other grounds by Walker v. Packer, 
    827 S.W.2d 833
     (Tex. 1992) (orig. proceeding).
    Here, Khan’s failure to pay $400 in attorney’s fees reveals nothing about the
    truth or merit of her claims. Cf. Hamill v. Level, 
    917 S.W.2d 15
    , 17 (Tex. 1996)
    (per curiam) (death penalty sanctions not justified where plaintiff made an
    untimely discovery response and failed to pay $200 in attorney’s fees). Although
    Khan had several months to pay the fee and she had been warned at least once
    about the failure to do so, we cannot say that her behavior, even if done in flagrant
    bad faith, warrants the severest of civil sanctions. See Fletcher v. Blair, 
    874 S.W.2d 83
    , 85–86 (Tex. App.—Austin 1994, writ denied) (death penalty sanctions
    not justified, even though plaintiff had lied about her education and income, where
    lies did not directly relate to the underlying claim for personal injuries).
    Valliani contends that this is an exceptional case where sanctions should be
    upheld. Valliani relies primarily on Gonzales v. Conoco, Inc., 
    722 S.W.2d 247
    (Tex. App.—San Antonio 1986, no writ), a case that was decided under very
    similar facts. There, the court of appeals affirmed the use of death penalty
    sanctions when the plaintiffs failed to timely pay more than $2,500 in attorney’s
    fees, which had previously been assessed as a sanction for discovery abuse. Id. at
    250. Gonzales was issued several years before the Texas Supreme Court’s decision
    in TransAmerican, and it contains no discussion of the limits on a trial court’s
    power to dismiss a suit. Likewise, there is no analysis that explains, or concludes,
    that a party’s failure to pay attorney’s fees justifies a presumption that the party’s
    claims lack merit. We decline to follow Gonzales to the extent it relies on
    standards that predate TransAmerican and its progeny, which are binding on this
    If the trial court exercised its statutory power under Rule 215 by dismissing
    Khan’s suit, then the dismissal order is unjust. Khan’s failure to pay a fee of $400
    does not justify a presumption that her claims lack merit. The trial court should
    have considered lesser sanctions, such as abating the case until the fee was paid, or
    including payment of the fee in a final judgment. The dismissal cannot be
    supported under Rule 215.
    Contempt Power
    Because it is unclear whether the trial court actually intended to dismiss
    Khan’s suit under Rule 215, we next consider whether dismissal was proper as an
    order in contempt. Generally, decisions in contempt proceedings may not be
    reviewed by an appellate court, even where a party seeks to appeal the contempt
    order along with an appealable judgment. See Metzger v. Sebek, 
    892 S.W.2d 20
    , 54
    (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1994, writ denied). However, if the trial court’s
    judgment does not come within the confines of a true contempt order, then it
    should be recharacterized. See Galtex Prop. Investors, Inc. v. City of Galveston,
    113 S.W.3d 922
    , 927 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2003, no pet.). It is not the
    form of the court’s order, but the character and function of the order that
    determines its classification. See Del Valle Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Lopez, 
    845 S.W.2d 808
    , 809 (Tex. 1992).
    A court has the inherent power to enforce its orders through contempt
    proceedings. See Ex parte Gorena, 
    595 S.W.2d 841
    , 845 n.2 (Tex. 1979) (orig.
    proceeding). A court can exert its contempt power through two types of contempt
    orders—civil and criminal. See Ex parte Hawkins, 
    885 S.W.2d 586
    , 588 (Tex.
    App.—El Paso 1994, orig. proceeding). Criminal contempt orders and civil
    contempt orders serve distinct purposes. A criminal contempt order is used to
    punish a party for disobedience of a court order. 
     The maximum punishment that
    a district court can assess under its criminal contempt power is a fine of not more
    than $500, or confinement in the county jail for not more than six months, or both.
    See Tex. Gov’t Code § 21.002(b).
    A civil contempt order is used to coerce a party to comply with an order of
    the court, usually through a conditional penalty. See Hawkins, 885 S.W.2d at 588.
    There is no express statutory limit to the fine that a court can impose through a
    civil contempt order. See Cadle Co. v. Lobingier, 
    50 S.W.3d 662
    , 667–68 (Tex.
    App.—Fort Worth 2001, pet. denied) (holding that civil contempt is not governed
    by Section 21.002 of the Government Code, citing Ex parte Shaklee, 
    939 S.W.2d 144
    , 145 n.2 (Tex. 1997) (orig. proceeding)). If a fine is assessed in a civil
    contempt order, the court cannot order it to be paid to a private litigant. See
    Cannan v. Green Oaks Apartments, Ltd., 
    758 S.W.2d 753
    , 754 (Tex. 1998) (per
    curiam) (“[I]n a contempt proceeding a private party cannot recover damages for a
    violation of a court order.”); Cadle, 
    50 S.W.3d at 669
    The trial court’s dismissal order does not resemble either a criminal
    contempt order or a civil contempt order because it does not send Khan to jail or
    assess a fine against her. Instead, the dismissal order adjudicates the merits of
    Khan’s claims and precludes her from bringing suit again. To the extent the trial
    court exercised its contempt power by issuing the order to dismiss, we conclude
    that the court exceeded its authority.
    Inherent Authority
    Because the court warned Khan, sua sponte, that her case would be
    dismissed if she failed to pay the $400 sanction, we also examine a trial court’s
    inherent authority to dismiss a case.
    A trial court has the inherent authority to manage its own docket and dismiss
    a case for want of prosecution. See Villarreal v. San Antonio Truck & Equip., 
    994 S.W.2d 628
    , 630 (Tex. 1999); Kadi v. New Tech Eng’g, LP, No. 14-12-00872-CV,
    2013 WL 2386654
    , *2 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] May 30, 2013, pet.
    denied) (mem. op.). Here, however, there is no indication that Khan had abandoned
    her claims. The trial court specifically found that dismissal was warranted because
    Khan had failed to obey the court’s orders. Based on the court’s oral statements at
    the hearing on the motion to dismiss, the court’s ruling seems to have been
    motivated entirely by Khan’s failure to pay a fee. Thus, if the trial court correctly
    dismissed the case through its inherent authority, its ruling cannot be supported by
    a failure to prosecute. See also Frazier v. Progressive Cos., 
    27 S.W.3d 592
    , 594
    (Tex. App.—Dallas 2000, pet. dism’d) (generally, a dismissal for want of
    prosecution is done without prejudice, not with prejudice).
    A trial court also has the inherent authority to impose sanctions on its own
    motion. See In re Bennett, 
    960 S.W.2d 35
    , 40 (Tex. 1997) (orig. proceeding). We
    normally afford a trial court wide discretion when assessing appropriate sanctions.
    See Chrysler Corp., 841 S.W.2d at 852–53; Daniel v. Kelley Oil Corp., 
    981 S.W.2d 230
    , 234 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1998, pet. denied). Sanctions,
    including orders providing for dismissal, can be appropriate when a party fails to
    comply with discovery requests or fails to provide or permit discovery. See Saxton
    v. Daggett, 
    864 S.W.2d 729
    , 733–34 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1993, no
    writ) (citing Tex. R. Civ. P. 215).
    This court has previously recognized that there are limits to a trial court’s
    inherent authority to dismiss a case. In Stubblefield v. Stubblefield, we held that a
    trial court had no inherent authority to dismiss a case when a party failed to pay the
    opposing side $672 as a reimbursement for travel expenses. See 
    818 S.W.2d 221
    222 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 1991, no writ). Similarly, in In re N.R.C.,
    we held that a trial court abused its discretion by striking all of a party’s witnesses
    in a parental-termination suit when the party failed to pay interim attorney’s fees to
    an attorney ad litem. See 
    94 S.W.3d 799
    , 808–09 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th
    Dist.] 2002, pet. denied). Although the sanctions in N.R.C. did not technically
    result in a dismissal order, we concluded that the sanctions were case-
    determinative because they effectively “eviscerated” the party’s ability to present
    the merits of her defense. 
    Id. at 810
    . We also held that the sanctions were
    inappropriate because they were imposed “for behavior wholly unrelated to
    Id. at 809
    Consistent with Stubblefield and N.R.C., we conclude that the trial court had
    no inherent authority to dismiss Khan’s suit for failing to pay the $400 discovery
    sanction. The court abused its discretion by doing otherwise.
    We need not address Khan’s remaining issue regarding the motion for
    continuance. We sustain Khan’s first issue, and hold that the trial court exceeded
    its statutory authority and its inherent authority by dismissing Khan’s suit with
    prejudice. The trial court’s dismissal order is reversed, and the cause is remanded
    for additional proceedings consistent with this opinion. In all other respects, the
    trial court’s judgment is affirmed.
    /s/    Tracy Christopher
    Panel consists of Justices Christopher, Jamison, and McCally.