Bryan Alex Maes v. State ( 2008 )

  • i          i      i                                                                 i       i      i
    No. 04-07-00576-CR
    Bryan MAES,
    The STATE of Texas,
    From the 144th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas
    Trial Court No. 2006-CR-0226
    Honorable Catherine Torres-Stahl, Judge Presiding
    Opinion by:       Sandee Bryan Marion, Justice
    Sitting:          Catherine Stone, Justice
    Sandee Bryan Marion, Justice
    Rebecca Simmons, Justice
    Delivered and Filed: July 30, 2008
    A jury found defendant, Bryan Maes, guilty of second degree robbery, and the trial court
    assessed punishment at sixty-five years’ confinement and ordered restitution in the amount of
    $4,858.19. In ten issues on appeal, defendant complains: (1) the trial court denied him effective
    assistance of counsel; (2) the court admitted improper testimony from witnesses regarding the
    complainant’s credibility; (3) the court admitted improper testimony from witnesses regarding
    defendant’s post-arrest silence; (4) the court permitted the State to comment upon defendant’s refusal
    to testify; (5) the State failed to prove the amount of restitution owed to the complainant; and (6) the
    cumulative impact of the errors requires reversal. We affirm.
    On October 24, 2005, two men forced Amanda Kazerouni from her silver Mercedes C230
    and demanded money. According to Kazerouni’s testimony at trial, defendant faced her and pointed
    a gun at her while the other man stood behind her. When Kazerouni told the men she had no money,
    they patted her down and took her cell phone. Defendant drove away in Kazerouni’s car with the
    other assailant in the front passenger seat. When police arrived, Kazerouni told them she thought
    she would be able to identify the defendant, but not the other assailant.
    On October 29, 2005, a San Antonio police officer observed defendant, his brother, and a
    young woman standing near a silver Mercedes, which the officer determined had been reported
    stolen. Before the officer could make contact with them, the three jumped into the Mercedes and
    fled from police, resulting in a car chase that reached speeds of ninety miles per hour. When
    defendant lost control of the car, the occupants leapt out and hid in nearby bushes. All three were
    arrested for evading arrest. Defendant’s brother had Kazerouni’s identification in his pocket.
    On November 1, 2005, police showed Kazerouni two photo arrays. One contained the image
    of defendant, whom she identified. She did not identify defendant’s brother, whose image was in
    the second array. On November 2, 2005, defendant confessed to stealing Kazerouni’s car, but he
    claimed to have acted alone while intoxicated, and that he was unarmed. Defendant’s statement was
    read into evidence during his trial, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty on the lesser-included
    offense of robbery.
    In his first issue on appeal, defendant complains he was prejudiced when the trial court
    denied his pro se motion to dismiss his court-appointed trial counsel without a hearing, thus denying
    him the right to effective assistance of counsel as guaranteed under the Sixth Amendment of the
    United States Constitution. Defendant contends he should have received new counsel because he
    and appointed counsel disagreed on trial strategy. Defendant also claims the court erred when it
    failed to conduct “a deeper factual inquiry into Mr. Maes’[s] motions,” and instead overruled his
    We review the trial court’s ruling whether to grant a motion to dismiss appointed counsel
    under an abuse of discretion standard. King v. State, 
    29 S.W.3d 556
    , 566 (Tex. Crim. App. 2000).
    A trial court has no duty to search for counsel agreeable to a defendant. 
    Id. Generally, personality
    conflicts and disagreements concerning trial strategy are typically not valid grounds for withdrawal.
    Id. A defendant
    does not have the right to choose appointed counsel, and unless he waives his right
    to counsel and chooses to represent himself, or shows adequate reasons for the appointment of new
    counsel, he must accept court-appointed counsel. Burks v. State, 
    792 S.W.2d 835
    , 838 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1990, pet. ref’d).
    Defendant filed pro se a pretrial motion seeking the dismissal of appointed counsel, citing
    the “irreparable, antagonistic relationship between [d]efendant and appointed counsel . . . .”
    Defendant’s motion also asked the court to appoint new counsel. On appeal, defendant complains
    the court did not duly consider the motion. However, the record makes clear the trial court did, in
    fact, consider the motion. Defendant’s counsel announced, prior to the beginning of voir dire, that
    defendant wished to address the court. Defendant explained he had filed his motion previously and
    had told his appointed counsel he no longer wanted his representation. However, defendant’s only
    explanation to the court in support of his motion was that “I just don’t — I don’t want him to [be my]
    lawyer if I’m going to go to trial.” The trial court noted the case was already on its eighth setting and
    overruled defendant’s motion.
    A defendant bears the burden of making the trial court aware of his dissatisfaction with
    counsel, stating his grounds for his dissatisfaction, and offering evidence in support of his complaint.
    Hill v. State, 
    686 S.W.2d 184
    , 187 (Tex. Crim. App. 1985). Here, defendant admitted he had been
    able to confer with his counsel to discuss his case. However, when the court directed its attention
    to defendant’s motion, he only offered a vague expression of dissatisfaction with his court-appointed
    counsel. On this record, we cannot conclude the trial court abused its discretion by denying
    defendant’s motion to dismiss court-appointed counsel.
    In his second issue, defendant complains the court erred when it permitted the State to
    introduce improper lay witness testimony for the purpose of bolstering its witnesses’ testimony.
    During cross-examination of Kazerouni, defendant attempted to highlight differences
    between Kazerouni’s statement to police immediately after the robbery and her account at trial,
    particularly with respect to whether defendant used a gun during the crime. In response, the State
    called San Antonio Police Department Officer Senovia Elizondo to the stand and asked him three
    times whether Kazerouni could accurately remember what had happened to her. Defendant objected
    each time on the ground that Kazerouni’s memory was beyond the officer’s personal knowledge.
    However, the State also asked Elizondo whether Kazerouni was credible, to which the officer replied
    that she was. Defendant did not object. Because Elizondo testified without objection to Kazerouni’s
    credibility, defendant has not preserved error for our review. See Lane v. State, 
    151 S.W.3d 188
    192-93 (Tex. Crim. App. 2004) (“An error [if any] in the admission of evidence is cured where the
    same evidence comes in elsewhere without objection.”).
    Defendant also complains the State asked SAPD Officer Robert Blanton later in the
    proceeding whether, in his experience, “young ladies surrender their Mercedes vehicles to
    individuals who just ask them to, or is it more common that they are, in fact, held at gunpoint and
    threatened with their lives if they don’t give [them] up?” Defendant objected that the question called
    for speculation. Because defendant’s trial objection does not comport with his “bolstering”
    complaint raised on appeal, this issue has not been preserved for review. TEX . R. APP . P. 33.1(a);
    Knox v. State, 
    934 S.W.2d 678
    , 687 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996).
    Defendant’s third, fourth and fifth issues relate to the admission of police testimony regarding
    his initial hesitance to answer questions after he was read his Miranda rights and before he confessed
    to the robbery. During trial, Officer Blanton testified that he read defendant his Miranda rights, and
    explained to defendant why he had been brought downtown to the police station. The State then
    asked Blanton, “how did [defendant] respond at first?” Blanton replied, “[defendant] was a little
    hesitant to talk.” When asked if defendant denied “being involved in the event,” Blanton stated,
    “No, . . . I think he had some concern about his brother, but he wasn’t very forthcoming initially
    about the incident.” Blanton then testified that defendant “[u]ltimately . . . told me that he — he took
    a vehicle that belonged to a girl.” Defendant’s statement was later read to the jury. On appeal,
    defendant characterizes Blanton’s testimony as an improper comment on the exercise of his right to
    remain silent, which he contends is a violation of his rights under our federal and state constitutions,
    as well as the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.
    Issues three, four, and five must be overruled for two reasons. First, the complained-of
    testimony was admitted without objection. Second, the record reflects defendant waived his post-
    arrest right to silence when he agreed to give a written statement to police after being warned of his
    constitutional rights, and he does not claim his waiver was involuntary. See Garcia v. State, 
    126 S.W.3d 921
    , 924 (Tex. Crim. App. 2004) (considering defendant’s “complaint about his right to
    remain silent ‘during the time [between having his rights read to him and when] his statement was
    made’” to be flawed).
    In his sixth, seventh, and eighth issues, defendant complains the trial court erred when it
    permitted the State to comment during voir dire on his refusal to testify. During voir dire, the State
    told the venire-panel: “If a defendant does not testify, his silence is not evidence and you don’t hold
    it against him. You don’t hold it against the State either because, you understand, we can’t call him
    to the stand and make him admit his guilt.”
    When addressing a complaint of improper comments on a defendant’s refusal to testify, we
    review the language from the standpoint of the jury. Goff v. State, 
    931 S.W.2d 537
    , 548 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 1996). The fact that the language might be construed as an implied or indirect allusion to a
    defendant’s refusal to testify is not sufficient. 
    Id. Where the
    statement does not refer to evidence
    that can come only from the defendant, then it is not a direct comment on a defendant’s refusal to
    Id. Here, the
    prosecutor’s comments were not direct comments on defendant’s refusal to
    In his ninth issue, defendant complains the State failed to offer evidence in support of the
    amount of restitution ordered by the court. We review a trial court’s imposition of restitution for an
    abuse of discretion. See Campbell v. State, 
    5 S.W.3d 693
    , 696 (Tex. Crim. App. 1999). The amount
    of restitution ordered must be just and supported by a factual basis within the loss of the
    Id. At the
    punishment phase, Kazerouni testified she reported to the “PSI officer the
    loss was about $4,858.” We conclude this evidence, which was admitted without objection or cross-
    examination, was adequate to support the restitution order. See Burris v. State, 
    172 S.W.3d 75
    , 78
    (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2005, no pet.) (holding that testimony from a victim of the crime with
    personal knowledge of the amount of expenses incurred was adequate to support a restitution order);
    Maloy v. State, 
    990 S.W.2d 442
    , 444-45 (Tex. App.—Waco 1999, no pet.) (same). Therefore, on
    this record we cannot conclude the trial court abused its discretion.
    Finally, in his tenth issue, defendant contends the weight and number of the court’s errors
    were sufficiently prejudicial to require reversal. However, having failed to show the trial court erred
    in any of his complaints, defendant cannot show cumulative error. See Chamberlain v. State, 
    998 S.W.2d 230
    , 238 (Tex. Crim. App. 1999) (holding that non-errors cannot cumulatively cause error).
    We overrule defendant’s issues on appeal and affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    Sandee Bryan Marion, Justice