Farbod Ayati-Ghaffari v. Farmers Insurance Exchange ( 2018 )

  • AFFIRM; and Opinion Filed December 11, 2018.
    In The
    Court of Appeals
    Fifth District of Texas at Dallas
    No. 05-17-00864-CV
    On Appeal from the 401st Judicial District Court
    Collin County, Texas
    Trial Court Cause No. 401-05091-2013
    Before Justices Myers, Evans, and Brown
    Opinion by Justice Brown
    The issue in this appeal is whether the trial court abused its discretion in imposing death
    penalty sanctions against appellant Farbod Ayati-Ghaffari (Ayati) for his abuse of the discovery
    process. Ayati does not dispute his offensive conduct, but contends there was no direct relationship
    between the conduct and the sanctions and asserts the trial court failed to first consider or impose
    lesser sanctions. We affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    Ayati made a claim on a homeowners insurance policy issued by appellee Farmers
    Insurance Exchange for more than $600,000 worth of property allegedly stolen in December 2011
    from his second-floor condominium. Among the items Ayati reported stolen were bricks or
    bundles of Zimbabwean currency, a 103” TV, an antique King-size bed, and several Persian rugs.
    After an investigation, which included multiple examination under oaths (EUO) of Ayati, Farmers
    informed Ayati in a detailed letter that it was denying coverage based on his misrepresentation of
    material facts during presentation of the claim. Farmers’ reasons for its decision included: (1)
    Ayati’s testimony in an EUO that he acquired the TV from his brother before the brother’s death
    in 2006 when Farmers’ research showed the model was not available until 2008; (2) Ayati’s
    inconsistent statements about the $20,000 worth of Zimbabwean currency and his inability to recall
    any details about the 2011 shipment and exchange of the currency; and (3) Ayati’s claim that a
    King-size bed was stolen, when, according to the officer who responded to the burglary, there was
    no room in the residence for a bed of that size. In December 2013, Ayati sued Farmers for breach
    of contract and extra-contractual claims. Farmers answered with a general denial as well as various
    affirmative defenses, including that the insurance policy was void due to Ayati’s
    misrepresentations and fraud.
    The trial court held five hearings on discovery matters between March 2016 and May 2017,
    when it ultimately struck Ayati’s pleadings. Farmers served its first requests for production and
    first set of interrogatories in June 2014. Ayati’s response included various objections. Farmers
    served a second set of requests for production in September 2014 asking Ayati to produce his tax
    returns for 2006-2012. Ayati did not respond to this request at all until June 2016, when he
    supplemented his responses to indicate he did not recall filing federal tax returns for most, if not
    all, of these years.
    In February 2016, Farmers filed a motion to compel discovery. Farmers asserted Ayati’s
    responses to five of the interrogatories were incomplete. Farmers also complained of Ayati’s
    refusal to provide documents in response to four of its first requests for production and to all of its
    second set of requests for production regarding tax returns. The information Farmers sought
    involved prior insurance claims made by Ayati, how Ayati obtained the currency at issue, Ayati’s
    arrest and conviction record, his litigation history, and his financial condition. Farmers noted that
    Ayati had an extensive history of currency trading on eBay, yet had provided vague and incomplete
    information about his purchase of the currency at issue. Farmers asked Ayati to state in detail how
    he obtained the currency at issue in the lawsuit. Ayati answered only that he “purchased them
    through a friend in Germany.” Farmers asked the court to overrule Ayati’s objections and require
    him to fully answer the interrogatories and to produce the requested documents.
    Neither Ayati nor his counsel was present at a March 15, 2016 hearing on the motion to
    compel. The following day, Ayati’s attorney filed a motion to withdraw, citing “irreconcilable
    differences.” On March 21, 2016, the trial court granted the motion to withdraw. It also overruled
    Ayati’s objections to the discovery at issue, granted Farmers’ motion to compel in its entirety, and
    ordered Ayati to provide complete answers to the interrogatories and to produce all responsive
    documents within twenty-one days, which was April 11, 2016.
    Ayati did not comply with the court’s order granting the motion to compel by the April 11
    deadline. New counsel for Ayati filed a notice of appearance on May 6, 2016. Farmers advised
    new counsel it would seek sanctions if Ayati did not supplement his discovery responses by May
    18. On May 19, Farmers filed a motion to enforce the court’s earlier order. Farmers also asked
    the court to require Ayati to show cause why he should not be sanctioned for his failure to comply.
    Four days before a scheduled June 2016 hearing on Farmers’ motion, Ayati supplemented
    his discovery responses. At the hearing, Farmers claimed Ayati’s responses were still incomplete
    and the case should be dismissed due to his failure to comply with discovery. The judge did not
    impose sanctions at that time; he declined to do so because it was only Ayati’s second strike. The
    parties agreed to amend the scheduling order, setting an October 20, 2016 deadline for completing
    all discovery.
    In September 2016, Farmers took Ayati’s deposition and also served him with a second set
    of interrogatories and third request for production. Ayati was asked to list all banking and credit
    card accounts for the last eight years and also produce bank statements for those years. Ayati
    objected that these requests were overly broad. Subject to his objection, he answered that his bank
    accounts include “Chase (closed), Midsouth, and Compass.” No further information to identify
    the accounts was provided.
    In November 2016, Farmers sought sanctions and an order compelling the additional
    requested discovery. Farmers asserted that Ayati’s late discovery responses in June 2016 were
    inadequate. It also asserted that a supplemental interrogatory response conflicted with Ayati’s
    deposition testimony. Ayati’s interrogatory response identified two prior insurance claims, but his
    deposition testimony indicated he had filed at least ten prior insurance claims. Farmers also alleged
    Ayati committed perjury during his deposition. Ayati testified he never had an eBay account.
    According to Farmers, there was “overwhelming evidence to the contrary.” Farmers subpoenaed
    eBay accounts linked to Ayati or his current address. eBay produced records of an account in the
    name of Farbod Ayati with a user ID of “Farbod*” and tied to Ayati’s home address. Farbod*
    sold numerous items on eBay in 2011, including a great deal of Zimbabwean currency. The eBay
    transactions dated back to 2006. Farmers attached the eBay account information to its motion. In
    addition, Farmers asserted that Ayati refused to provide information regarding his financial
    condition and that such was relevant to a motive to commit fraud and to his ability to obtain the
    expensive items he claimed were stolen. Farmers maintained that Ayati’s pattern of discovery
    abuse and perjury justified death penalty sanctions and asked the court to strike his pleadings.
    In his response, Ayati reasserted his position that the request for his bank information was
    overly broad. Regarding the contention that he had an eBay account, Ayati stated that “numerous
    years ago an individual whom Plaintiff knew apparently set-up an online account in Plaintiff’s
    name and address without his permission.” Ayati said he had previously advised Farmers of that
    Later that month, Farmers filed a separate motion to compel the production of Ayati’s
    financial records. Farmers tried to get information directly from Ayati’s banks by noticing
    depositions on written questions and subpoenas from Chase and BBVA Compass. Ayati objected
    to the notices and subpoenas on various grounds, and Chase would not produce the requested
    documents due to Ayati’s objections. Farmers asked the trial court to overrule the objections and
    allow Farmers to conduct discovery regarding Ayati’s financial condition.
    The trial court held a hearing on these motions in December 2016. Farmers again argued
    Ayati’s case should be thrown out due to his inadequate discovery responses and refusal to provide
    answers on his financial condition and sources of income. Farmers also referred to Ayati’s
    deposition testimony denying the validity of the eBay account documents. Farmers played
    excerpts of Ayati’s video deposition for the judge. The excerpts included Ayati’s denial that he
    had done online sales or had an eBay account and testimony about his prior insurance claims.
    Ayati had said he would provide information on the person who stole his identity, but he had not.
    Regarding his previous insurance claims, Ayati argued they were all Farmers’ claims and
    thus Farmers had the files. Ayati maintained the eBay account was not his. “Ali,” a friend of
    Ayati’s ex-wife, was the one conducting the online sales. The trial judge did not rule on Farmers’
    request for sanctions, but ordered Ayati to produce his bank records for the years 2010 and 2011
    by December 17.
    On December 20, 2016, Farmers, through a letter from its counsel, informed the trial judge
    that Ayati had produced his bank records for Chase and BBVA Compass. However, Farmers was
    aware he had accounts with PlainsCapital Bank and Jefferson Bank and he had not produced any
    records for those accounts. Ayati responded with a letter from a manager of a Dallas MidSouth
    Bank branch that stated Jefferson and MidSouth merged in September 2011 and “we do not have
    access to any other accounts that Mr. Ayati would have had prior to MidSouth bank acquiring
    Jefferson Bank.” The following day, Farmers served notices of its intent to take depositions upon
    written questions and subpoenas on PlainsCapital and Jefferson. Ayati objected on grounds that
    Farmers sought more years of his bank records than the court allowed.
    In March 2017, the trial court overruled Ayati’s objections to the notices and subpoenas
    issued by Farmers as to all documents related to any checking or savings account at PlainsCapital
    Bank, Jefferson Bank, Chase Bank, and BBVA Compass from January 1, 2008, to present. A short
    time later, Ayati’s counsel moved to withdraw from the case due to Ayati’s failure to fulfill his
    obligations under their agreement and to adequately communicate. At the end of April 2017,
    Ayati’s third attorney gave notice of appearance.
    The case was set for trial on May 15, 2017. On April 28, 2017, Farmers filed an amended
    motion for sanctions in which it again alleged Ayati perjured himself when he testified he never
    had an eBay account. After it received Ayati’s Jefferson Bank records, Farmers supplemented its
    amended motion for sanctions. Farmers asserted the records further established Ayati lied in his
    deposition. Jefferson Bank records show Ayati had an account from January 2010 to August 2011.
    He was identified by social security number, address, and date of birth. The records showed
    numerous transfers of money, totaling more than $150,000, into the account from a PayPal account
    which was connected to the eBay account in Ayati’s name. Ayati also wrote many checks for
    large amounts of cash on the account.
    Ayati’s May 10, 2017 response contained new information about his relationship with Ali.
    Ayati continued to maintain that Ali set up an eBay account using Ayati’s information. Ayati
    knew Ali was having items shipped to Ayati’s residence, but claimed he had no reason to know
    Ali had set up an eBay account in his name. Ayati further claimed, for the first time, that he agreed
    for the money from Ali’s transactions to go into Ayati’s bank account and that he in turn gave the
    money to Ali.
    The trial court held a hearing on the motion for sanctions on May 11, 2017. In connection
    with a discussion of Ali and the eBay account, the trial judge admonished Ayati on his Fifth
    Amendment right to remain silent and cautioned that false statements under oath are crimes. The
    court found that Ayati’s inability to identify Ali beyond providing his first name “strains
    credibility.” At the conclusion of the hearing, the trial court granted Farmers’ motion.
    In a thirteen-page “Sanctions Order and Final Judgment,” the trial court struck Ayati’s
    pleadings, dismissed his claims with prejudice, and ordered that Farmers recover its court costs
    from Ayati. The document includes a chronology of the pertinent facts. Among other things, the
    trial court determined that Ayati’s testimony in his EUO conflicted with his deposition testimony;
    Ayati failed to respond to the request for his tax returns; Ayati violated the court’s March 21, 2016
    order granting Farmers’ motion to compel; after Farmers gave Ayati an extension of time to
    comply, Ayati still failed to provide the discovery responses; Ayati never disclosed two bank
    accounts, one with PlainsCapital and one with Jefferson Bank; Ayati failed to comply with the
    court’s December 2016 order to produce all bank records for 2010 and 2011; and Ayati failed to
    disclose several individuals, including Ali, with knowledge of relevant facts.1 The court found
    that Ayati’s “inconsistent testimony throughout the investigation of his claim and course of this
    litigation and his failure to produce his bank records, disclose individuals with knowledge of
    relevant facts, and provide responsive documents to Famers’ discovery requests hindered Farmers’
    ability to show” that it is not liable for Ayati’s claims. The trial court concluded the sanctions bore
    a direct relationship to Ayati’s abuse and misconduct in the prosecution of the lawsuit. In addition,
    the trial court recognized that although it had not previously imposed a lesser sanction, it had
    admonished Ayati directly for his failure to comply with the court’s orders and warned of the
    The court found that Farmers was prejudiced by Ayati’s failure to disclose the identity of Khalil Damver as a fact witness. In his deposition,
    Ayati claimed he never had anyone over to his condominium, but later swore in a May 2017 affidavit that Damver had been there on many occasions
    to inspect and clean his Persian rugs.
    possibility the court would strike his pleadings. Ayati’s misconduct continued. Because of Ayati’s
    disregard for the court’s prior orders, the court found that less stringent sanctions would be
    In this appeal, Ayati contends the trial court abused its discretion in imposing death penalty
    sanctions because (1) there was no direct relationship between Ayati’s offensive conduct and the
    sanctions, and (2) the trial court failed to impose or consider lesser sanctions.
    We review a trial court’s ruling on a motion for sanctions for an abuse of discretion. Altesse
    Healthcare Sols., Inc. v. Wilson, 
    540 S.W.3d 570
    , 574 (Tex. 2018). The discovery rules promote
    a full disclosure of evidence to resolve the case by trial or settlement. Lopez v. La Madeleine of
    Tex., Inc., 
    200 S.W.3d 854
    , 865 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2006, no pet.). Sanctions for abuse of the
    discovery process are authorized by Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 215.2. Shops at Legacy
    (Inland) Ltd. P’ship v. Fine Autographs & Memorabilia Retail Stores Inc., 
    418 S.W.3d 229
    , 232
    (Tex. App.—Dallas 2013, pet. denied); see TEX. R. CIV. P. 215.2. If a trial court finds a party is
    abusing the discovery process in seeking, making, or resisting discovery, then the trial court may,
    after notice and hearing, impose any appropriate sanction authorized by rule 215.2(b)(1)-(5) and
    (8). Shops at Legacy, 418 S.W.3d at 232; see TEX. R. CIV. P. 215.3. Among the sanctions available
    under rule 215.2 are orders “striking out pleadings or parts thereof” and “dismissing with or
    without prejudice the actions or proceedings or any part thereof.” TEX. R. CIV. P. 215.2(b)(5);
    Shops at Legacy, 418 S.W.3d at 232. These sanctions, that adjudicate a claim and preclude
    presentation of the merits of the case, are often referred to as “death penalty sanctions.” Shops at
    Legacy, 418 S.W.3d at 232.
    Discovery sanctions serve three purposes: (1) to secure the parties’ compliance with the
    discovery rules; (2) to deter other litigants from violating the discovery rules; and (3) to punish
    parties who violate the discovery rules. Id. Although the choice of sanctions is left to the sound
    discretion of the trial judge, the sanctions imposed must be just. Id.; see TEX. R. CIV. P. 215.2(b).
    When determining whether a trial court’s imposition of sanctions was just, an appellate court
    considers the following two standards: (1) whether there is a direct relationship between the
    abusive conduct and the sanction imposed; and (2) whether the sanction is excessive. Shops at
    Legacy, 418 S.W.3d at 232 (citing TransAmerican Nat. Gas Corp. v. Powell, 
    811 S.W.2d 913
    , 917
    (Tex. 1991)).
    We first address Ayati’s complaint that there was no direct relationship between his
    conduct and the sanction. For there to be a direct relationship between the offensive conduct and
    the sanction imposed, a just sanction must be directed against the abuse and toward remedying the
    prejudice caused the innocent party. TransAmerican, 811 S.W.2d at 917. In other words, the
    punishment must fit the crime. Altesse, 540 S.W.3d at 572. Death penalty sanctions, under which
    the offending party essentially loses the case because of the sanctions, are generally reserved for
    the most egregious cases in which the offending party’s conduct justified a presumption that his
    claims lack merit. Altesse, 540 S.W.3d at 572. Sanctions so severe that they prevent a decision
    on the merits are not justified except in the most severe cases of flagrant bad faith. Id. at 575. A
    pattern of discovery abuse, including a party’s refusal to comply with a trial court’s discovery
    orders to produce material evidence, can give rise to a presumption that the party’s claims lack
    merit. NRG & Assocs., LLC v. Serv. Transfer, Inc., No. 05-16-01375-CV, 
    2017 WL 6523396
    , at
    *5 (Tex. App.—Dallas Dec. 21, 2017, no pet.) (mem. op.).
    Ayati argues the sanction is unjust because there is no evidence he purposefully omitted
    information and Farmers was not hindered in defending the case as a result of his conduct. To
    show Farmers was not hindered, Ayati asserts he was always insured by Farmers so it had
    knowledge of any insurance claims he failed to disclose. Also, Farmers knew about a previous
    Canadian lawsuit he failed to disclose, and Farmers had the eBay records by May 2016.
    Ayati engaged in a pattern of discovery abuse that began with his insufficient responses to
    Farmers’ first requests for production and interrogatories in 2014 and continued throughout the
    course of the proceedings. The record supports a conclusion that Ayati intentionally violated the
    court’s orders on multiple occasions. See Hernandez v. Sovereign Cherokee Nation Tejas, 
    343 S.W.3d 162
    , 170 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2011, pet. denied). Ayati did not comply with the court’s
    March 2016 and December 2016 orders. Although the prejudice resulting from some of the
    violations was comparatively minor, there were more serious violations. Despite the trial court’s
    orders, Ayati never disclosed he had an account with Jefferson Bank or produced those records,
    which were tied to the eBay account in his name. Farmers received them directly from the bank
    less than two weeks before trial.2 And on the eve of trial, new information about a financial
    arrangement between Ayati and Ali came to light. We are not persuaded by Ayati’s argument that
    the issues related to Ali and the eBay account were fact issues for the jury rather than a reason to
    dismiss the case. While these issues impacted the merits of Ayati’s claims, they also bore on the
    adequacy of his discovery responses and his continuing pattern of nondisclosure. As the trial court
    noted, it strained credibility for Ayati to allow Ali to ship many items to his residence and deposit
    substantial amounts of money into his bank account, which Ayati then turned over to Ali, but claim
    he did not have enough information about Ali to identify him beyond his first name. We note that
    in addition to observing Ayati in the courtroom, the trial judge saw portions of Ayati’s video
    deposition and could judge firsthand his credibility.
    Ayati’s conduct served to obfuscate the eBay transactions, many of which involved
    Zimbabwean currency such as that allegedly stolen from Ayati, and the money moving in and out
    of Ayati’s Jefferson Bank account. Ayati’s failure to produce bank records and identify Ali as a
    Ayati suggests that because he disclosed that he had an account with MidSouth Bank and Jefferson Bank merged with MidSouth in
    September 2011, he adequately identified the Jefferson Bank account and could not have produced the statements. We disagree. Farmers was able
    to get the Jefferson Bank statements directly from MidSouth after Ayati failed to produce them.
    person with knowledge of relevant facts had a direct relationship to Farmers’ claim that the policy
    was void due to Ayati’s fraud. Further, Ayati’s overall pattern of discovery abuse justifies a
    presumption that his claims lack merit. The record shows there was a direct relationship between
    the conduct and the sanctions.
    Next, we turn to whether the sanction striking Ayati’s pleadings was excessive. Ayati
    maintains the trial court failed to impose or consider lesser sanctions.
    “A sanction imposed for discovery abuse should be no more severe than necessary to
    satisfy its legitimate purposes. It follows that a court must consider the availability of less stringent
    sanctions and whether such lesser sanctions would fully promote compliance.” Shops at Legacy,
    418 S.W.3d at 232–33 (quoting TransAmerican, 811 S.W.2d at 918). Under this standard, the trial
    court need not test the effectiveness of each available lesser sanction by actually imposing the
    lesser sanction before issuing the death penalty. Id. at 233. Rather, the trial court must analyze
    the available sanctions and offer a reasoned explanation as to the appropriateness of the sanction
    imposed. Id. Death penalty sanctions are harsh and may be imposed as an initial sanction only in
    the most egregious and exceptional cases when they are clearly justified and it is fully apparent
    that no lesser sanctions would promote compliance with the rules. Id. The record must include
    some explanation to justify the granting of death penalty sanctions. Id.
    Farmers first urged death penalty sanctions in June 2016. The trial judge refused the
    request, but stressed that he was “not amused” and expected Ayati to play by the rules. Ayati’s
    abuse of the discovery process continued long after this initial warning, culminating in the trial
    court’s having to raise the Fifth Amendment with him in May 2017. The abuses here were
    numerous and continued in disregard of the trial court’s orders.            Ayati’s repeated conduct
    demonstrated bad faith in the litigation process as a whole. See Imagine Auto. Grp. v. Boardwalk
    Motor Cars, Ltd., 
    430 S.W.3d 620
    , 634 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2014, pet. denied) (citing Paradigm
    Oil, Inc. v. Retamco Operating, Inc., 
    161 S.W.3d 531
    , 539 (Tex. App.—San Antonio 2004, pet.
    denied)). Under these circumstances, the record supports the trial court’s determination that
    because of Ayati’s flagrant disregard for its orders, no lesser sanction would have promoted
    compliance with the rules.
    In sum, we conclude the sanction imposed by the trial court had a direct relationship to
    Ayati’s improper conduct and was not excessive. See Hernandez, 
    343 S.W.3d at 172
    . The trial
    court did not abuse its discretion in entering the sanctions order. We overrule Ayati’s sole issue.
    We affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    /Ada Brown/
    Court of Appeals
    Fifth District of Texas at Dallas
    FARBOD AYATI-GHAFFARI, Appellant                   On Appeal from the 401st Judicial District
    Court, Collin County, Texas
    No. 05-17-00864-CV        V.                       Trial Court Cause No. 401-05091-2013.
    Opinion delivered by Justice Brown,
    FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE,                        Justices Myers and Evans participating.
    In accordance with this Court’s opinion of this date, the judgment of the trial court is
    It is ORDERED that appellee FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE recover its costs
    of this appeal from appellant FARBOD AYATI-GHAFFARI.
    Judgment entered this 11th day of December, 2018.