Javan P. Smith v. DC Civil Construction, LLC ( 2015 )

  •                                 NO. 04-15-00362-CV
    JAVAN SMITH,                                 § IN THE COURT OF APPEALS
    Appellant                                §
    §§ FOR
    _ ___     i iS
    DC CIVIL CONSTRUCTION, LLC, §                                      ri
    Appellee.                              § SAN ANTONIO, TEX:^             3 §7°
    <-i         ♦»   rr>-:3
    COMES the Defendant/ Appellant, Pro Se, in the above styled case, and
    respectfully submits this response to attorney Robert N. Ray's objections to the
    Appellants Affidavit of Indigence, file on behalf of his clients, DC CIVIL
    CONSTRUCTION, LLC, and Court Reporter RAY COUNSELLOR and states;
    1. Appellant continues to object to the Courts subject matter jurisdiction in that
    a forcible detainer action cannot be commenced by the appellee, prior to
    the alleged landlord giving adequate notice of eviction to the alleged tenant.
    2. The Court lacks jurisdiction in this matter in that:
    a. There    is   no    lease   or   rental   agreement, between DC      CIVIL
    b. There is evidence on the record, that DC CIVIL CONSTRUCTION may
    have purchased a Deed of Trust, extinguishing an alleged lenders first
    mortgage priority interest in the property in question.
    c. Said purchase of Deed of trust is subject to, and inferior to the
    Appellants properly filed and recorded Lis Pendens.
    Long Beach Mortage Company v. Evans, 
    284 S.W.3d 406
    Dallas 2009, petpending
    "Evansfiled this suit in state court to resolve
    the competing claims between the Lis Pendens
    and the deed oftrust lien. The trial court held
    that the lis pendens was superior to the deed of
    d. There is no evidence submitted on the record to indicate that the
    appellant is in violation of any lease or purchase contract prior to the
    alleged foreclosure sale.
    e. There is no evidence on the record to suggest that DC CIVIL
    CONSTRUCTION has assumed any contract prior to their alleged
    purchase of said deed of trust.
    3. Section 24.005 of the Texas property code specifically states:
    (b) If the occupant is a tenant at will or by sufferance, the landlord must
    give the tenant at least three days* written notice to vacate before the
    landlord files a forcible detainer suit unless the parties have contracted for a
    shorter or longer notice period in a written lease or agreement. Ifa buildine
    is purchased at a tax foreclosure sale or a trustee's foreclosure sale under a
    Hen superior to the tenant's lease and the tenant timely pays rent and is not
    otherwise in default under the tenant's lease after foreclosure, the purchaser
    must give a residential tenant of the buildine at least 30 davs' written
    notice to vacate if the purchaser chooses not to continue the lease.        The
    tenant is considered to timely pay the rent under this subsection if, during
    the month of the foreclosure sale, the tenant pays the rent for that month to
    the landlord before receiving any notice that a foreclosure sale is scheduled
    duringthe month or pays the rent for that month to the foreclosing lienholder
    or the purchaser at foreclosure not later than the fifth day after the date of
    receipt of a written notice of the name and address of the purchaser that
    requests payment. Before a foreclosure sale, a foreclosing lienholder may
    give written notice to a tenant stating that a foreclosure notice has been
    given to the landlord or owner of the property and specifying the date of the
    The Justice Court, and subsequently, the county statutory appellate court, both lack
    jurisdiction in this matter in that:
    There is no landlord/tenant relationship between the parties.
    There is no notice of eviction that is legally sufficient to allow DC CIVIL
    CONSTRUCTION, LLC to commence a forcible detainer action.
    DC CIVIL CONSTRUCTION, LLC received both constructive and actual notice
    of the Appellants properly filed and recorded Lis Pendens, PRIOR to obtaining
    their alleged deed of trust, and said deed of trust is inferior to the appellants claim
    to possession and ownership of the property.
    Appellant OBJECTS as follows, to:
    4. An apparent secret agreement, betweenAttorneyRobert N. Ray and Court
    Recorder Kay Counsellor, involving representation of both the Appellee
    and the Court Recorder, an obvious conflict of interest, that compromises
    the Court's impartiality in this case.
    Appellant requests the Court TAKE NOTICE, that Court Recorder Kay
    Counsellor has not filed a timely objection to the affidavit of indigence, and
    that there must be an attorney- client relationship between Robert N Ray and
    Kay Counsellor, in order for him to represent her interest in this case.
    5. The Appellant filed his Notice of Appeal, Request for Records
    Transmission, and Affidavit ofIndigence, with the 4*^ Appellate court on
    June '5^ 2015.
    On that SAME DAY, Appellant HAND Delivered to the County Court
    Clerk and the Court Recorder, and exact copy of all three documents.
    6. Appellant request the court TAKE NOTICE that in addition to the timely
    filing of the affidavit of indigence, the request for records transmission also
    states that the affidavit of indigence had been filed.
    7. Appellant requests the court take notice that:
    a. No notice of counsel has been filed on the record by Robert n. ray stating
    he is representing Kay Counsellor.
    b. That an objection to the affidavit of indigence by the court recorder is not
    in evidence on the record.
    8. Appellant objects to the timeliness of the objection to the affidavit of
    indigence in that:
    a. Itwas accepted by the 4"* court of appeals as sufficient, and filing fees
    were waved.
    b. That upon inquiry, the 4*** appellate court confirmed tojudge Jason Wolf,
    that the appellants appeal was properly and timely filed.
    C. That the Fourth Appellate Court has not served appellant with notice to
    correct any alleged deficiency in the affidavit of indigence in accordance
    with Tex. R. of App Proc. Rule 20.1 (c) (3).
    9. Appellant objects to the hearing for contest of affidavit of indigence, in
    a. The appellate and trial court clerks fail in their duty to promptly serve
    parties with a copy of the affidavit of indigence, as required in Tex. R. App.
    Proc. Rule 20.1 (d) (1) and (2)
    b. That the parties received actual notice of the affidavit of indigence on
    June 15,2015, and did not timely file an objection in accordance with Tex.
    R. of App. Proc. rule 20.1 (e)
    Defendant Appellant requests the court take notice that no motion to withdraw
    has been filed by Antonio Pedraza, and that there is no notice of substitution of
    counsel filed by Robert N Ray, therefore, it appears that both attorneys
    collaborate, and are aware of and approve of the others actions as a
    collaborative effort.
    Defendant/appellant continues to complain to the court the following:
    10 That on June, 04,2015, Defendant, a plaintiff in another case related to the
    property in question in this case, appeared for a hearing in Cause No.
    384445 in the County Court at Law No. 10 which was filed on March 04,
    2013, and that Daniel Campo, of DC CIVIL CONTRUCTION, LLC also
    appeared, with his attorney Antonio Pedraza.
    11. At an impromptu hearing on June 4*^, before Judge Rodriguez, Antonio
    Pedraza, and his client Daniel Campo were informed that the Defendant,
    Javan smith had posted a $10,000 deposit in lieu of bond to supersede the
    judgment in this case.
    12. That shortly thereafter, Daniel Campo began using expletives, making
    threats, and acting in an aggressive manner towards Javan Smith, in an
    effort to alarm, intimidate, hinder, and delay Javan Smiths, attendance and
    testimony in cause no 384445, so much so, that the bailiffs for both County
    Courts were sufficiently concerned for the safety of the judges, as to evict
    Daniel Campo from the premises, and the hearing was postponed.
    13. On June 12,2015, a hearing was held, on a motion to dismiss this suit
    filed by the appellant. Immediately following this hearing was an off the
    record hearing, at which time Robert N Ray requested that judge Rodriguez
    issue a Writ ofPossession, despite the courts order granting Supersedeas.
    This was denied.
    14. On June 12"*, immediately after having his request for the writ of
    possession be issued, informed Judge Rodriguez he would seek issuance of
    the writ ofpossession in spite of the denial by Judge Rodriguez, and the
    courts ORDER superseding the final order in this case.
    15. Apparently, on June 26''*, 2015, at an ex parte hearing with Judge
    Martha Tanner, for which no record was made, Robert n Ray, mislead
    Visiting Judge Martha Tanner, and drafted his own "work order" directing
    the Court clerk to issue the writ of possession, contrary to the courts order.
    16. On July       2015, Judge Jason Wolf, granted Appellants ex parte
    extraordinary motion for stay of the writ of possession after inquiry into the
    status of the appeal, of which Robert N ray was given notice of immediately
    thereafter in accordance with the directions of Judge Wolfe.
    17. This Case was initially filed by DC Civil Construction, LLC through
    their attorney Antonio Pedraza.
    18. The original complaint for forcible detainer was filed in bad faith, and
    DC CIVIL Construction, LLC, and their attorney had full knowledge of the
    Lis Pendens, filed on this property. The original complaint was filed in bad
    faith, because:
    a. Tex. Pr. Code section 12.008 specifically states that a party interested in
    this property must first petition the court to cancel the Lis Pendens, and post
    a cash or undertaking in an amount to adequately protect the plaintiff, javan
    smith, in that case.
    b. DC Civil Construction, LLC and their attorney were fiilly aware that
    appellant was not a tenant, but was a purchaser with equity in the property.
    c. Appellants equity interest in this property can only be secured in the
    following ways:
    (1) continued possession and control of the property
    (2) the deposit or undertaking as determined by the court having
    d. DC civil Construction, LLC, and their attorneys have a conspired to
    defraud the appellant of his property, or adequate security thereof, by
    filing a forcible detainer action, and refusing to abide by the courts orders
    made in it, through a pattern ofdeception, under color of law, abuse of
    their positions as court officers, to avoid paying a deposit or undertaking
    to the court.
    19. Attorney Robert Ray continues to file fiivolous and groundless motions and
    objections in an effort to hinder and delay the appellate process of this case,
    apparently, his purpose is to derail the appellate process so his client can gain
    possession of the property, and deny appellant due process.
    This is evident in this pleading, as he refuses to acknowledge this court's
    orders, both the Supersedeas deposit, and judge wolfs order to STAY pending
    appeal in section "I" he states that appellant deposited $10,000.00 in an
    ATTEMPT to supersede the final order.
    Appellant requests the Court TAKE NOTICE that the record shows that
    the cashier's check for 10,000.00 was from the account of Dorothy A.
    Montgomery, and is a loan for the purpose ofthis supersedeas bond.
    20. DC Civil Construction attempts to thwart the authority of the Court
    having jurisdiction, by attempting to gain possession of the property
    without providing adequate security to the appellant, as required by law
    in the aforementioned Lis Pendens.
    Defendant/appellants Affidavit of indigence was timely filed, and served
    upon the Court Clerk, The Court Recorder, and the plaintiffs attorney,
    onJune 15'*', 2015.
    The 4*** appellate court accepted and acknowledged it, and did not give
    appellant any notice of deficiency to correct it.
    Appellee and Court Recorders objection to the Affidavit of indigence is
    untimely, in that they were required to file their objection within 10 days
    of actual notice. The time to object has been exceeded by more than 150
    Appellant states the following in regards to his financial Circumstances:
    20. Appellant is a 100% rated permanent and total disabled veteran, who
    receives compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs and
    Social security disability, both of which are not attachable, either directly
    or indirectly in this matter.
    21. A detailed review of appellants finances will show a negative net
    worth in excess of 2,000,000.00 (two million ) dollars.
    Respondent requests the Court review invoices for which the appellant is
    liable to pay as, filed on cause number 200CI00854 in the 166*^ district
    22. Appellant alleges that the requirement to post cash or bonds in this
    case is unconscionable, because the appellee is required to post a
    substantial amount of cash or undertaking in the above mentioned Lis
    23. Appellant states that the requirement for these bonds has caused
    significant economic harm to the appellant.
    24. Appellant Specifically, and generally reserves right to pursue action
    in appropriate state or federal jurisdiction in matters related to this case in
    which the federal district court have extraterritorial or original
    jurisdiction thereof.
    Specifically including, but not limited to;
    a. Any acts by The Appellees and/ or their Attorneys that may amount
    to violation of 18 USC sec. 1512, for which the united stated district
    courts have extraterritorial jurisdiction over in accordance with 18
    USC 1512 (h)
    b. Any Acts affecting the appellants business or property that may be
    violations of 18 USC Sec 1962 et seq., for which there is no adequate
    state remedy.
    Appellant requests the following findings of fact, and for relief:
    24. That the Court finds that this Objection to the Affidavit of indigence
    is untimely, and it's contents to be deemed true, in accordance with Tex
    R. of App. Proc. 20.1 (f)
    25. That the Court find that the Ex Parte communication with judge
    Tanner on or about June 26*^, 2015, resulting in a Writ ofPossession to
    be issued, contrary to this Courts orders, resulted in prejudice and harm
    to the Appellant.
    26. That the Court find that the Representation of the Court Recorder
    Kay Counsellor, By Robert N Ray, amounts to an ex parte
    communication with the Court, and a conflict of interest that sufficiently
    prejudices the case against the Appellant.
    27. That the Court find that the deposits made to date, have caused the
    appellant economic harm, and the Court MUST reduce the amount of
    the deposit to 50% or less of the appellants current net worth, while still
    superseding the Final Order of this Court, in accordance with Tex. R.
    of App. Proc. 24.2 (f).
    28. That the Court find that the issues relating to title and possession of
    the property are sufficiently intertwined, such that it deprives the court of
    29. For an ORDER the court clerk to issue a check in the amount of
    11,200.00 to the appellant, for return of his deposit.
    30 For an ORDER directing DC Civil Construction, LLC and it's
    attorneys, to pay the appellants reasonable costs, fees, and expenses, to
    the appellant.
    31. For an ORDER barring a hearing on this untimely objection to the
    affidavit of indigence.
    32. For an ORDER dismissing the underlying suit with prejudice but
    NOT the appeal associated with it.
    33 . And for such other relief as the court may find appropriate.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Javan P. Smith, Pro Se,
    8806 Shoshoni Trl
    San Antonio, TX, 78255
    I certify that on November 19, 2015, a true and correct copy of the above
    Attorney of Record for PlaintifiC' Appellee DC CIVIL CONSTRUCTION, Robert
    N. Ray of 7272 Wurzbach Road, Suite I40I, San Antonio Texas 78240, in The
    Bexar County Courthouse.
    Javan Smith, Pro Se Defendant/ Appellant
    8806 Shoshoni TrI
    San Antonio, TX, 78255

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-15-00362-CV

Filed Date: 11/19/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016