Danny Clement v. State ( 2005 )

  •                                    NO. 07-04-0381-CR
    JANUARY 25, 2005
    Before JOHNSON, C.J., and QUINN and CAMPBELL, JJ.
    Appellant, Danny Lee Clement, appeals his conviction for possessing a controlled
    substance. He pled guilty to the charge after the trial court overruled his motion to
    suppress evidence. The latter decision underlies the four issues appellant urges before us.
    In effect, he contends that both his federal and state constitutional rights against being
    searched without a warrant were violated. We affirm the judgment, even though the State
    did not favor us with an appellee’s brief.
    On June 29, 2003, Officer Billy Yates was patrolling near the American Inn motel
    which was known to be an area where drugs were traded. He saw a car in the parking lot
    with the engine running and a passenger sitting in the back seat. Because he knew that
    drug purchasers often leave their engines running while they pick up drugs, he stopped and
    asked the passenger where the driver was. The passenger pointed to a man knocking on
    a motel room door. Yates then approached and spoke to the man at the door. The man
    said he was there to see his friend “Danny” and a woman named “DeeDee.” The latter was
    allegedly the girlfriend of the man with whom the officer spoke. Furthermore, the officer
    knew a prostitute named DeeDee; so, he told the man to continue knocking to see if she
    would come out. At that point, the man yelled to DeeDee through the door informing her
    that an officer was present.
    DeeDee opened the door, but she was not the prostitute that the officer knew. At
    that point the officer began to ask her miscellaneous questions. So too did he see
    appellant (Danny) in the room and began to ask him questions. Through this period the
    officer remained outside the room. Eventually, he asked appellant if he had rented the
    room and, when appellant answered in the affirmative, for permission to “look” in it.
    Appellant again replied in the affirmative.
    Upon receiving appellant’s consent, the officer requested back-up. When it arrived
    he proceeded to perform the search. While doing so, he looked under an up-turned ice
    bucket and found what he believed to be crack cocaine. He also opened an eyeglass case
    near the bed and found a razor blade, a push rod, and a metal crack pipe. Appellant was
    arrested for possession of a controlled substance.
    Warrantless Search
    In his four issues, appellant argues that the search of his room, the ice bucket, and
    his eyeglass case violated the United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution and
    that the search of the ice bucket and his eyeglass case also violated article 38.23 of the
    Code of Criminal Procedure.1 We address each search separately.
    We review the trial court’s ruling on a motion to suppress under the standard
    announced in Johnson v. State, 
    68 S.W.3d 644
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2002) and Guzman v.
    955 S.W.2d 85
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1997). In doing so, we give almost total deference
    to the trial court’s findings of historical fact and review de novo the application of the law
    to the facts. Johnson v. 
    State, 68 S.W.3d at 652-53
    . So too do we consider the totality of
    the circumstances when determining whether consent to search was voluntarily given an
    Id. Issue Three
    - Search of Room
    A search based on consent is an exception to the warrant and probable cause
    requirements of our federal and state constitutions. Balentine v. State, 
    71 S.W.3d 763
    , 772
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2002). However, the State must prove, by clear and convincing evidence,
    that the consent was voluntary. Reasor v. State, 
    12 S.W.3d 813
    , 818 (Tex. Crim. App.
    The Fou rth Am end me nt to the federal con stitution and article I, §9 of the Texas Constitution are the
    same in material aspe cts bu t are to be construed indep endently. Richard son v. State, 
    865 S.W.2d 944
    , 948
    (Tex. Crim . App . 1993); Uresti v. State , 98 S.W .3d 321, 329 (T ex. A pp.--H ous ton [1 st Dist. 2003, no pe t.).
    When a defendant does not separately brief his claims under the federal and state constitutions, however, we
    assume he claim s no grea ter protection und er the state cons titution. Varnes v. State, 
    63 S.W.3d 824
    , 829
    (Tex. App.--Houston [14th Dist.] 2001, no pet.). Appellant does argue here that the Texas constitution provides
    greater protection with respect to the search of closed containers than the federal constitution and relies on
    Autran v. State, 
    887 S.W.2d 31
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1994) to support the prop osition . Yet, Autran was a plurality
    dec ision a nd, as such, does not bind us.
    2000).     And, in determining whether it met that burden, we consider the totality of the
    Id. Here, appellant
    argues that the “central issue of this appeal is . . . whether the officer
    had articulable reasonable suspicion that crime was occurring . . . before he attempted his
    knock and talk maneuver.” Irrespective of how appellant labels his contentions on appeal,
    he simply characterized them below as a dispute involving whether the dialogue between
    the officer and appellant was an investigation or consensual encounter. He said little if
    anything about the voluntariness of the consent given to search the room. Thus, it could
    be said that the issue before us was not preserved for review.
    Nonetheless, we note that under both federal and state law, an officer may approach
    a citizen in a public place or knock on a door to ask questions or seek consent to search.
    State v. Perez, 
    85 S.W.3d 817
    , 819 (Tex. Crim. App. 2002); James v. State, 
    102 S.W.3d 162
    , 173 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2003, pet. ref’d). He need not have reasonable suspicion
    or probable cause to do so as long as the officer does not indicate that compliance is
    required. Hunter v. State, 
    955 S.W.2d 102
    , 104 (Tex. Crim. App. 1997); Middleton v. State,
    9 S.W.3d 428
    , 431 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 1999, no pet.). Therefore, the officer
    at bar was entitled to 1) knock on the motel room door, 2) ask questions of those who
    responded to his knock, and 3) request consent to search the room as long as he did not
    lead appellant to believe he had no right to refuse.
    Next, appellant argues his consent was involuntary because 1) DeeDee felt
    compelled to open the door after she was told that there was a police officer outside the
    door, 2) the couple was sharing an intimate evening and would not have opened the door
    unless they felt they had to, 3) the officer was in uniform and armed, 4) the officer called
    for back-up prior to searching the room, and 5) the officer failed to tell appellant that he
    could refuse the request. The fact that a person is in custody, handcuffed, or simply not
    free to go does not necessarily mean consent to a warrantless search is involuntary. See
    Johnson v. State, 
    68 S.W.3d 644
    , 653-54 (Tex. Crim. App. 2002); Reasor v. 
    State, 12 S.W.3d at 818-19
    ; Strauss v. State, 
    121 S.W.3d 486
    , 493 (Tex. App.—Amarillo 2003, pet.
    ref’d); Goldberg v. State, 
    95 S.W.3d 345
    , 361 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2002, pet.
    ref’d), cert. denied, 
    540 U.S. 1190
    124 S. Ct. 1436
    158 L. Ed. 2d 99
    (2004). Given this, we
    are hard-pressed to say that the presence of a police officer in uniform and armed ipso
    facto renders consent involuntary, as appellant suggests. Nor does it when coupled with
    evidence that the officer called for backup after receiving the consent. This is especially
    so in view of the testimony that 1) weapons were not drawn at anytime, 2) the occupants
    of the room had the option not to speak with the officer, 3) the occupants were not under
    detention, and 4) the officer remained outside until receiving consent to search. Moreover,
    whatever DeeDee may have felt when told that an officer was present is mere speculation;
    she did not testify at the hearing. Nor does it logically follow that one’s answering a knock
    on the door must be deemed involuntary when told of an officer’s desire to speak with the
    person and the person is party to an intimate evening in a motel room.
    Additionally, that the officer failed to inform appellant of his right to refuse consent
    or remain silent does not outweigh all other circumstances of record illustrating that
    appellant voluntarily consented to the search of his motel room. See Johnson v. 
    State, 68 S.W.3d at 652-53
    (stating that although an officer’s failure to inform the accused that he
    can refuse consent is a factor to consider, the absence of such information does not
    automatically render the consent involuntary). At the very least, we find sufficient evidence
    of record upon which the trial court could have concluded that appellant’s consent was
    indeed voluntary. Thus, we overrule issue three, involving the initial authority to search the
    room in general.
    Issues One, Two and Four - Search of Ice Bucket and Eyeglass Case
    The remaining three issues deal with the officer’s search of the up-turned ice bucket
    and an eyeglass case once he gained entry into the room via appellant’s consent.
    Appellant argues that searching the bucket and case exceeded the scope of consent
    granted the officer. We overrule the issues.
    During the suppression hearing, appellant did not dissect the officer’s action into
    three different searches, i.e. the initial entry into the room, perusal of the ice bucket, and
    perusal of the eyeglass case, as he does on appeal. Nor did he specifically complain about
    the officer’s action viz the bucket and case. Instead, he told the trial court that the issue
    before it involved whether “this was an investigative detention or a consensual encounter.”
    Nothing was said about the topic of exceeding the scope of consent he gave the officers.
    Consequently, the matter encompassed within issues one, two, and four were not
    preserved for our review. Wilson v. State, 
    71 S.W.3d 346
    , 349 (Tex. Crim. App. 2002) (the
    complaints asserted on appeal must comport with those raised below, otherwise they are
    Accordingly, the judgment of the trial court is affirmed.
    Brian Quinn
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