John Arthur Newman v. State ( 2011 )

  •                                  NO. 07-10-00016-CR
    FEBRUARY 28, 2011
    Before QUINN, C.J., and CAMPBELL and HANCOCK, JJ.
    Appellant, John Arthur Newman, pleaded guilty to one count of indecency with a
    child.1 Consistent with the plea agreement, appellant was granted deferred adjudication
    community supervision for a period of ten years. Subsequently, the State filed a motion
    to adjudicate appellant’s deferred adjudication. The original motion to adjudicate was
    ultimately dismissed.     Thereafter, the State filed a second motion to adjudicate
    appellant’s deferred adjudication. After a contested hearing on the State’s motion to
    adjudicate, appellant was adjudicated guilty of the original offense of indecency with a
    See TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 21.11(a)(1) (West Supp. 2010).
    child. After a hearing on the issue of punishment, the trial court assessed appellant’s
    punishment at 12 years confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas
    Department of Criminal Justice (ID-TDCJ). Through two issues, appellant contends that
    the trial court abused its discretion in adjudicating appellant’s deferred adjudication and
    that the trial court committed error in admitting evidence of a failed polygraph
    examination. We will affirm.
    Factual and Procedural Background
    As stated above, appellant initially pleaded guilty to one count of indecency with
    a child. Pursuant to the plea agreement, appellant was placed on deferred adjudication
    community supervision for a period of 10 years. The terms and conditions of appellant’s
    community supervision were lengthy. The terms involved in the hearing on the State’s
    second motion to adjudicate involved condition 12 (payment of a monthly supervision
    fee of $50 and payment of a Crime Stoppers fee in the total amount of $50 at the rate of
    $5 per month) and condition 16(f) (required appellant to remain in the sexual abuse
    treatment program until successfully completed, as determined by the treatment
    specialists, or his probation had expired). The State alleged that appellant had failed to
    pay $433 of his probation fees and $45 of his Crime Stoppers fees. Further, the State
    alleged that appellant was unsuccessfully discharged from the program because of
    three factors: 1) appellant denied committing the offense to which he pleaded guilty; 2)
    appellant refused to cooperate with group treatment; and 3) appellant failed a polygraph
    On October 16, 2009, the trial court conducted a hearing on the State’s motion to
    adjudicate.    After hearing the evidence regarding the allegations of the State and
    testimony from appellant, the trial court recessed the hearing until October 23, 2009.
    On that day, the trial court found that appellant was financially unable to make the
    payments required by condition 12; however, it found the allegations that appellant had
    violated condition 16(f) to be true. Accordingly, the trial court adjudicated appellant
    guilty of the offense of indecency with a child.
    On October 30, 2009, the trial court heard both sides on the issue of the proper
    punishment to be assessed.        After hearing the evidence, the trial court assessed
    appellant’s punishment at confinement in the ID-TDCJ for a period of 12 years.
    Appellant perfected his appeal and filed his brief with this Court. Appellant’s
    issues attack the sufficiency of the evidence to support the trial court’s decision to
    adjudicate appellant guilty and the trial court’s admission of evidence concerning
    appellant’s failure of a polygraph examination given as part of the sexual abuse
    treatment program. We disagree with appellant and will affirm the judgment of the trial
    Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Standard of Review
    On violation of a condition of community supervision imposed under an order of
    deferred adjudication, the defendant is entitled to a hearing limited to the determination
    by the court of whether it proceeds with an adjudication of guilt on the original charge.
    TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. ANN. art. 42.12, § 5(b) (West Supp. 2010). This determination is
    reviewable in the same manner used to determine whether sufficient evidence
    supported the trial court’s decision to revoke community supervision. Id.; Antwine v.
    268 S.W.3d 634
    , 636 (Tex.App.—Eastland 2008, pet. ref’d). In an adjudication
    hearing, the State must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that a defendant
    violated the terms of his community supervision. Rickels v. State, 
    202 S.W.3d 759
    763–64 (Tex.Crim.App. 2006); 
    Antwine, 268 S.W.3d at 636
    . A preponderance of the
    evidence means “that greater weight of the credible evidence which would create a
    reasonable belief that the defendant has violated a condition of his probation.” 
    Rickels, 202 S.W.3d at 763
    Given the unique nature of a revocation hearing and the trial court’s broad
    discretion in the proceedings, the general standards for reviewing sufficiency of the
    evidence do not apply. Pierce v. State, 
    113 S.W.3d 431
    , 436 (Tex.App.—Texarkana
    2003, pet. ref’d). Instead, we review the trial court’s decision regarding community
    supervision revocation for an abuse of discretion and examine the evidence in a light
    most favorable to the trial court’s order.       Garrett v. State, 
    619 S.W.2d 172
    , 174
    (Tex.Crim.App. 1981). When the standard of review is abuse of discretion, the record
    must simply contain some evidence to support the trial court’s decision. Herald v. State,
    67 S.W.3d 292
    , 293 (Tex.App.—Amarillo 2001, no pet.). The trial judge is the trier of
    fact and the arbiter of the credibility of the testimony during a hearing on a motion to
    adjudicate. See 
    Garrett, 619 S.W.2d at 174
    At the hearing on the motion to adjudicate, Ron Burks, a licensed sex offender
    treatment provider, with whom appellant had been placed, testified about appellant’s
    progress and efforts at completing the program. The sum of Burks’s testimony was that
    appellant had regressed regarding the issue of accepting responsibility for the offense
    to which he had pleaded guilty. This was shown, according to Burks, because appellant
    initially stated that he had inappropriately touched the victim 25-50 times but later
    changed that statement to touching the victim only once. Additionally, Burks testified
    about how appellant did not complete the homework assignments required to progress
    through the program.     According to the testimony, there were some 42 homework
    assignments contained in the workbook that each participant received. Further, Burks
    testified that, in his experience, the assignments should be completed within 12 to 24
    months.     Appellant had completed three assignments in eleven months.              Burks
    acknowledged that appellant had several medical conditions and testified about the
    efforts that the program took to accommodate those issues.          However, in the final
    analysis, it was Burks’s opinion that appellant was malingering and using his medical
    conditions as an excuse. Burks also testified that appellant appeared to choose not to
    participate in the group sessions as he never seemed to have anything to say or offer.
    This was, according to Burks, counterproductive to the treatment plan because this type
    of therapy is confrontational in nature and requires the participants to be active in their
    participation.   Appellant also missed some sessions according to Burks’s records.
    Appellant failed a polygraph examination that he was required to take as part of the
    treatment plan. Burks testified that he believed that appellant had the capacity to do the
    work required.    This was demonstrated, according to Burks, when appellant did
    complete one of the homework assignments requiring a presentation during a group
    session. Burks testified that appellant’s presentation was much better than had been
    expected. However, it was Burks’s opinion that appellant was not trying and, therefore,
    not getting benefit from the plan.     As a result of appellant’s lack of effort, he was
    discharged from the plan as an unsuccessful participant.
    In the face of this evidence regarding appellant’s adjudication for failure to
    comply with condition 16(f), appellant presents the issue as the failure of the State to
    prove that appellant intentionally, knowingly, or voluntarily failed to remain in the sex
    offender program. Thus, according to appellant, the trial court abused its discretion
    when it adjudicated appellant.
    Initially, we point out that appellant’s assertion that the State was required to
    prove that his removal from the sexual abuse treatment program had to be because of
    an intentional, knowing or voluntary act is not supported by any citations to any authority
    so holding. That issue aside, appellant pins his contentions on the testimony of Burks
    cited in his brief. According to appellant, two of the three allegations were proven to be
    false by these excerpts from Burks’s testimony. As we read the testimony, such might
    be the case if we limit our review to only the portions cited in appellant’s brief. However,
    when the total of Burks’s testimony is read, it is clear that appellant had substantial
    difficulty in completing the treatment program and that much of his difficulty appeared to
    be due to his lack of effort. The record certainly supports that proposition.
    Understanding that the trial court is the final arbiter of the facts and the weight
    and credibility of the evidence, 
    Garrett, 619 S.W.2d at 174
    , and that the State need only
    prove its allegations by a preponderance of the evidence, 
    Rickels, 202 S.W.3d at 763
    64, we are convinced that the trial court did not abuse its discretion when it adjudicated
    appellant guilty of indecency with a child. See 
    Herald, 67 S.W.3d at 293
    . Accordingly,
    appellant’s first issue is overruled.
    Admission of Polygraph Evidence
    Proof of a violation of a single term and condition of community supervision is a
    sufficient basis upon which to adjudicate a deferred adjudication. 
    Antwine, 268 S.W.3d at 636
    . Therefore, we need not address appellant’s second contention. See TEX. R.
    APP. P. 47.1.
    Having overruled appellant’s first issue, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    Mackey K. Hancock
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