Donald Garland Roberts v. State ( 2011 )

  •                         COURT OF APPEALS
    NO. 02-10-00266-CR
    DONALD GARLAND ROBERTS                                             APPELLANT
    THE STATE OF TEXAS                                                      STATE
    I.    Introduction
    In two points, Appellant Donald Garland Roberts appeals his conviction for
    aggravated sexual assault of a child. We affirm.
    See Tex. R. App. P. 47.4.
    II.   Factual and Procedural Background
    Cynthia Roberts, a bipolar diabetic, married Roberts when her daughter
    Jane (a pseudonym) was around ten years old.              Roberts began to control
    Cynthia‘s medications; while she was sedated, he began molesting Jane in the
    summer of 2005, when Jane was thirteen years old. Jane testified that over a six
    month period, Roberts penetrated her sexual organ with his penis on multiple
    occasions—around four times a week—and forced Jane to perform oral sex on
    him around five times and that he performed oral sex on her around five times.
    During the same time period, Jane‘s friend Susan (a pseudonym) lived
    with the family. While both were clothed, Roberts had Susan get on top of him
    and wiggle around with her ―crotch area . . . touching his crotch area‖2 to make
    Jane jealous.3 He also had her pretend to give him oral sex to make Jane
    jealous. Roberts received a limiting instruction before Susan was allowed to give
    this testimony and the trial court included a limiting instruction in the jury charge.
    Jane testified that she had been afraid of Roberts and felt compelled to
    remain quiet about what happened because he hit her and her mother and they
    Susan clarified that by ―crotch area,‖ she meant the areas where
    Roberts‘s penis and her female sexual organ were located.
    Jane testified about a similar incident during which her mother walked in
    while Jane was straddling Roberts.
    were completely dependent upon him.4 Cynthia and Jane moved out in January
    2006 and obtained a protective order against Roberts. Jane made an outcry
    statement in June 2006, around six months after the last assault.
    A jury convicted Roberts of nine counts of aggravated sexual assault of a
    child and assessed punishment at seventy years‘ confinement and a $10,000
    fine for each count. This appeal followed.
    III. Extraneous Offenses
    In both points, Roberts argues that the trial court abused its discretion by
    admitting extraneous offense evidence during the guilt-innocence phase of trial of
    an assault on Cynthia and his molestation of Susan.
    A. Standard of Review
    We review a trial court‘s decision to admit evidence for an abuse of
    discretion, and the decision should be reversed on appeal only if there is a
    showing of a clear abuse of discretion. Green v. State, 
    934 S.W.2d 92
    , 101–02,
    104 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996), cert. denied, 
    520 U.S. 1200
    (1997); Miller v. State,
    196 S.W.3d 256
    , 267 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2006, pet ref‘d). Only if the court‘s
    decision falls outside the ―zone of reasonable disagreement‖ has it abused its
    discretion. Montgomery v. State, 
    810 S.W.2d 372
    , 391 (Tex. Crim. App. 1991)
    (op. on reh‘g).
    Roberts received limiting instructions during Jane‘s testimony regarding
    Roberts hitting her mother and during Cynthia‘s testimony regarding Roberts
    hitting her.
    B. Extraneous Offense Evidence
    During the guilt-innocence phase of trial and outside the jury‘s presence,
    the State argued that its offer of evidence that Roberts had hit Cynthia was to
    show that part of Roberts‘s plan was to scare Jane into keeping quiet about the
    sexual abuse. That is, as set forth by the prosecutor,
    He would not only strike [Jane], he would strike her mother Cynthia
    and he would throw objects and he would break objects and all of
    this put the victim in fear of him such that she delayed a long, long
    time before she told anybody. So it was part off [sic] his overall plan
    of violence and intimidation to keep her from reporting and it was
    After discussion, the trial court stated,
    With regard to what the State has anticipated in its proffering the
    evidence is for the purpose of showing to the jury that there was an
    ongoing systematic pattern of behavior involving violence towards
    the family members within the household so that he could
    manipulate the child into a sexual abuse situation. That seems
    reasonable to the Court.
    The trial court also overruled Roberts‘s subsequent rule 403 objection.
    Before the jury, the State asked Jane if she had ever seen Roberts hit her
    mother, Roberts renewed his rule 404(b) and 403 objections, and the trial court
    overruled these objections again but gave a limiting instruction to the jury before
    Jane answered.
    Roberts acknowledged prior to his cross-examination of Susan that the
    defense‘s theory was that Jane had fabricated her sexual abuse accusation. The
    State argued that the defense‘s cross-examination of Jane and Cynthia, that
    demonstrated this theory, opened the door to Roberts‘s extraneous sexual abuse
    of Susan. Roberts disagreed, but the trial court overruled his rule 404(b) and 403
    objections and allowed the State to develop the evidence concerning Susan after
    giving the jury a limiting instruction.
    C. Applicable Law
    Rule 404(b), ―Other Crimes, Wrongs or Acts,‖ provides,
    Evidence of other crimes, wrongs or acts is not admissible to prove
    the character of a person in order to show action in conformity
    therewith. It may, however, be admissible for other purposes, such
    as proof of motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge,
    identity, or absence of mistake or accident, provided that upon timely
    request by the accused in a criminal case, reasonable notice is given
    in advance of trial of intent to introduce in the State‘s case-in-chief
    such evidence other than that arising in the same transaction.
    Tex. R. Evid. 404(b). As noted by the court of criminal appeals, rule 404(b)‘s
    purpose is to see that a defendant is ―tried only for the offense for which he is
    charged and not for being a criminal generally.‖ Rogers v. State, 
    853 S.W.2d 29
    32 n.3 (Tex. Crim. App. 1993); see also Davis v. State, 
    955 S.W.2d 340
    , 348
    (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 1997, pet. ref‘d) (―If evidence is relevant to any issue in a
    case ‗apart from or beyond‘ its tendency to prove the defendant‘s character to
    show that he acted in conformity with it, rule 404(b) does not bar its admission.‖).
    If a trial court determines that evidence of other crimes or extraneous misconduct
    has relevance aside from character conformity, and a timely, proper rule 403
    objection is made, the trial court must make a balancing determination under rule
    403. Karnes v. State, 
    127 S.W.3d 184
    , 191 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2003, pet.
    ref‘d) (citing 
    Montgomery, 810 S.W.2d at 388
    Rule 403, ―Exclusion of Relevant Evidence on Special Grounds,‖ provides
    that ―[a]lthough relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is
    substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the
    issues, or misleading the jury, or by considerations of undue delay, or needless
    presentation of cumulative evidence.‖ Tex. R. Evid. 403. The relevant criteria in
    determining whether the prejudice of an extraneous offense substantially
    outweighs its probative value include
    (1) how compellingly the extraneous offense evidence serves to
    make a fact of consequence more or less probable—a factor which
    is related to the strength of the evidence presented by the proponent
    to show the defendant in fact committed the extraneous offense; (2)
    the potential the other offense evidence has to impress the jury ‗in
    some irrational but nevertheless indelible way‘; (3) the time the
    proponent will need to develop the evidence, during which the jury
    will be distracted from consideration of the indicted offense; and (4)
    the force of the proponent‘s need for this evidence to prove a fact of
    consequence, that is, does the proponent have other probative
    evidence available to him to help establish this fact, and is this fact
    related to an issue in dispute.
    Sanders v. State, 
    255 S.W.3d 754
    , 760 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2008, pet. ref‘d)
    (citing Mozon v. State, 
    991 S.W.2d 841
    , 847 (Tex. Crim. App. 1999).
    D. Analysis
    1. Extraneous Offense Evidence—Cynthia
    With regard to Roberts‘s rule 404(b) objection to the extraneous offense
    evidence pertaining to Roberts hitting Cynthia, ―[a]n extraneous offense is
    admissible to explain why a victim of sexual assault did not make a prompt
    outcry.‖ Wilson v. State, 
    90 S.W.3d 391
    , 394 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2002, no pet.)
    (citing Brown v. State, 
    657 S.W.2d 117
    , 119 (Tex. Crim. App. 1983)). In Wilson,
    the complainant did not tell the police for two years that she had been sexually
    assaulted because she was scared the assailant would hurt her mother if she
    told anyone about the sexual abuse. 
    Id. The court
    held that ―[b]ecause the State
    is allowed to present evidence on why [the minor complainant] did not promptly
    report the abuse, the trial court did not err by admitting [her] testimony that [the
    assailant] had assaulted her mother.‖ 
    Id. Here, on
    similar facts, we hold that the
    trial court did not abuse its discretion by overruling Roberts‘s rule 404(b)
    objection to the extraneous offense evidence about Roberts hitting his wife.
    Turning to Roberts‘s rule 403 objection, the State argued that the evidence
    tended to show that Roberts used violence to silence Jane and that it
    corroborated her testimony that Roberts had used violence against her too. The
    testimony was clear, direct, and tied Roberts‘s physical abuse of Cynthia to his
    physical abuse of Jane both as a plan and as to the reason for the plan. Further,
    a class A misdemeanor assault on Cynthia pales in comparison to the six months
    of sexual abuse testified about by Jane and therefore would not indelibly and
    irrationally impress the jury. And the overall time spent on the incident was slight
    in comparison to the State‘s overall case; therefore, any distraction of the jury
    from the State‘s case in chief was minimal. Finally, the State‘s need for the
    evidence was great in order to rebut Roberts‘s theory that Jane‘s accusation was
    fabricated and to provide a reason—physical abuse and fear—for the delayed
    outcry about the sexual abuse. See 
    Sanders, 991 S.W.2d at 847
    . We hold that
    the trial court did not abuse its discretion by overruling Roberts‘s rule 403
    objection with regard to the extraneous offense evidence pertaining to hitting
    2. Extraneous Offense Evidence—Susan
    Rebuttal of a defensive theory is one of the ―other purposes‖ for which
    extraneous offense evidence may be admitted under rule 404(b). Williams v.
    301 S.W.3d 675
    , 687 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009), cert. denied, 
    130 S. Ct. 3411
    (2010); see also Isenhower v. State, 
    261 S.W.3d 168
    , 181 (Tex. App.—Houston
    [14th Dist.] 2008, no pet.) (―A trial court does not abuse its discretion in admitting
    extraneous offense evidence to rebut a defensive theory of frame-up or
    For example, in Bass v. State, a jury convicted the appellant of two counts
    of indecency with a child, primarily based on the complainant‘s testimony and
    extraneous offense evidence of two other cases of child molestation.             
    270 S.W.3d 557
    , 557 (Tex. Crim. App. 2008). The court of appeals reversed, holding
    that the trial court abused its discretion by admitting the extraneous offense
    evidence, which resulted in harmful error. 
    Id. In reversing
    the court of appeals‘s
    decision, the court of criminal appeals noted that in his opening statement, Bass
    presented a fabrication defense. 
    Id. at 557–58.
    The State argued, and the court
    of criminal appeals agreed, that as to the extraneous offense evidence
    concerning the two other instances of child molestation,
    if the State can show that a defendant has committed similar sexual
    assaults against unrelated and unconnected children, an affirmative
    defense allegation that the victim [of the charged offense] fabricated
    her claims is less likely to be true. By showing that the victim‘s
    allegations are less likely to be fabricated, the evidence directly
    rebuts the defensive claims and has logical relevance aside from
    character conformity.
    Id. at 562–63
    (holding that such a defense opening statement opened the door to
    the admission of extraneous-offense evidence to rebut the defensive theory).
    Further, the court noted that the case law makes no categorical distinctions
    between a ―fabrication‖ defense and a ―retaliation‖ defense.      See 
    id. at 563.
    Roberts relied on both theories at trial—that Cynthia and Jane had made up the
    sexual abuse accusation to retaliate for Roberts‘s refusal to share with Cynthia
    the proceeds of his personal injury lawsuit.
    Here, although Roberts delayed making his opening statement until after
    Jane and Cynthia had testified, his cross-examination of both Jane and Cynthia
    and the discussions outside the jury‘s presence revealed that fabrication and
    retaliation were his defensive theories. We conclude that the trial court properly
    overruled Roberts‘s rule 404(b) objection and admitted the extraneous offense
    evidence of Roberts molesting Susan to rebut his defensive theories of
    fabrication by Jane and retaliation by Cynthia.     See 
    id. at 562–63;
    see also
    Bargas v. State, 
    252 S.W.3d 876
    , 892 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2008, no
    pet.) (stating that extraneous-offense evidence was probative to rebut defense‘s
    fabrication and retaliation theory because it consisted of testimony that appellant
    had sexually touched another pre-teen girl living in appellant‘s residence at the
    time he touched the pre-teen complainant in a similar manner).
    And as to Roberts‘s rule 403 objection, Susan‘s testimony was clear and
    direct and addressed the probability of Jane fabricating her allegations; its
    potential for impressing the jury in some irrational and indelible way was minimal
    since Susan‘s allegations were significantly less egregious than Jane‘s; Susan‘s
    testimony was not lengthy or of such nature as to distract the jury from Jane‘s
    allegations; and the State‘s need for Susan‘s testimony was great in that it
    addressed the probability of fabrication by Jane, Roberts‘s defensive theory. See
    Sanders, 991 S.W.2d at 847
    . We conclude that the trial court did not abuse its
    discretion by overruling Roberts‘s rule 403 objection.
    IV. Conclusion
    Having overruled Roberts‘s two points, we affirm the trial court‘s judgment.
    Tex. R. App. P. 47.2(b)
    DELIVERED: November 17, 2011