Savanna Lee Bible v. State ( 2019 )

  •                                        In The
    Court of Appeals
    Seventh District of Texas at Amarillo
    No. 07-17-00348-CR
    On Appeal from the 316th District Court
    Hutchinson County, Texas
    Trial Court No. 11,562, Honorable James M. Mosley, Presiding
    January 10, 2019
    Before CAMPBELL and PIRTLE and PARKER, JJ.
    A jury found appellant, Savanna Lee Bible, guilty of aggravated assault with a
    deadly weapon and assessed her punishment at two years’ confinement in the Texas
    Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division.1 On the jury’s recommendation, the
    trial court suspended imposition of the sentence and placed appellant on community
    supervision for a period of two years. In a single issue, appellant contends the trial court
    1   See TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 22.02(a)(2) (West 2011).
    committed reversible error when it refused to allow her to present evidence of the victim’s
    alleged affiliation with gangs, thus denying her fundamental right to a fair trial. We affirm.
    In September of 2015, appellant was dating Destiny Laiche, whom she had met
    that summer. The two women were inside a gas station in Stinnett, Texas, when Laiche’s
    father, Brian Larson, entered the store. According to Laiche and appellant, Larson had
    followed them and harassed them earlier in the day, but Larson stated he could not recall
    seeing them prior to the run-in at the gas station. Laiche had recently moved out of her
    father’s home and their relationship was strained. While appellant was in the restroom,
    Laiche and her father got into an argument. The store clerk told them to “take it outside.”
    Appellant and Laiche left the store first, and appellant sat in the driver’s seat of Laiche’s
    truck. Laiche was “half in, half out” of the vehicle when Larson exited the store.
    According to Larson, Laiche began yelling at him and calling him names. He
    testified that he told Laiche, “[I]f she wanted to kick my butt, to come . . . see how it worked
    out.” Laiche testified that Larson walked toward her in an aggressive manner and they
    were cursing at each other. At some point during this verbal confrontation, appellant got
    out of the truck with a gun in her hand. She pointed the gun at Larson and told him to
    back up, saying, “Brian, you’re not going to hit [Laiche].” Larson then left the scene.
    Police arrived shortly thereafter.
    At trial, appellant’s defense was that her conduct was justified, as she believed
    that she needed to protect Laiche from Larson.2 Laiche was the first witness called by
    the defense. At a bench conference while Laiche was on the stand, appellant’s counsel
    requested a hearing outside the presence of the jury. She asked to make an offer of proof
    and get a ruling on the admissibility of evidence of Larson’s prior bad acts. Appellant’s
    counsel argued that, “the core of our defense is whether or not [appellant] had a
    reasonable belief that the force was necessary” to defend Laiche from Larson. She stated
    that Larson’s prior acts of violence were relevant to show appellant’s state of mind at the
    time of the incident.
    The trial court heard testimony from Laiche regarding specific acts of violence by
    Larson which Laiche had discussed with appellant. Appellant’s counsel then questioned
    Laiche about Larson’s gang affiliation:
    Q: This isn’t acts of violence, but what did Brian say about being in prison
    and being in the Aryan Brotherhood?
    A: He always talks about his years in Huntsville, San Quentin. He talks
    about how when he was in there he had to join a gang, so he joined the
    White Pride. And he talks about all of his tattoos he got in there, about
    being racist against other people and about the gay guys that were in there.
    They always got beat up in the bathrooms and stuff like that. How he
    enjoyed making new friends that were in the gangs, how he was affiliated
    with Aryan Brotherhood. And all he had to do was make one phone call if
    something happened and he could get rid of someone just like that.
    Q: Do you know if any of that’s true?
    A: I have no idea.
    2 See TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 9.33 (West 2011) (person is justified in using force or deadly force
    to protect a third person if she reasonably believes the third person would be justified in using force or
    deadly force to protect herself and if she reasonably believes her intervention is immediately necessary to
    protect the third person).
    Q: Did he say these things more than once?
    A: He says it all the time.
    Appellant’s counsel argued that this testimony was “absolutely relevant if he is
    talking about homosexuals always being beaten in prisons, and him being part of an
    organization that did that” and “absolutely relevant as to [appellant’s] state of mind and
    whether or not her fear was reasonable.” The trial court sustained the State’s objection
    to this testimony.
    When Larson was on the witness stand, appellant’s counsel asked him if appellant
    had ever seen him wearing short sleeves. In response to the State’s objection that the
    evidence was not relevant, appellant’s counsel stated, “I was told he has a [s]wastika
    tattoo. If she has seen those, it goes to her state of mind.” Upon further prompting
    regarding the effect on appellant’s state of mind, appellant’s counsel explained, “He is a
    bad guy.” The trial court sustained the State’s objection and advised appellant’s counsel
    that she could make an offer of proof.
    Appellant also testified at trial. She testified that she believed Larson “was a very
    dangerous person” and that she had heard stories about him being violent toward multiple
    women and children. In the context of questioning about Larson’s history of violence,
    appellant was asked, “What kinds of things did you hear him brag about?” Counsel for
    the State, apparently anticipating that appellant was going to talk about Larson’s prison
    gang affiliation and related tattoos, objected to the testimony insofar as it was “anything
    outside of acts of violence.” Appellant’s counsel again argued that the evidence of gang
    connections went to appellant’s beliefs about Larson, asserting, “Belief goes in to much
    more than just bad acts, judge. If you see somebody have a swastika tattoo, and they
    brag about that, the jury needs to hear about that.” The trial judge disagreed, and
    sustained the State’s objection. Consequently, the jury did not hear testimony regarding
    Larson’s alleged gang affiliation or tattoo.
    Standard of Review
    When error has been properly preserved, we review a trial court’s decision to admit
    or exclude evidence under an abuse of discretion standard. Henley v. State, 
    493 S.W.3d 77
    , 82-83 (Tex. Crim. App. 2016). A trial judge abuses his discretion when his decision
    falls outside the zone of reasonable disagreement. 
    Id. at 83.
    That is, we may reverse a
    trial court’s ruling only if we find it “was so clearly wrong as to lie outside the zone within
    which reasonable people might disagree.” 
    Id. (quoting Taylor
    v. State, 
    268 S.W.3d 571
    579 (Tex. Crim. App. 2008)).
    Appellant contends that the excluded evidence provided “Larson’s motive,” stating,
    “Larson’s gang membership was relevant because it made the existence of the motive
    for the imminent assault that Appellant perceived and stopped.” In her only issue on
    appeal, appellant argues that she was denied her fundamental right to a fair trial because
    the exclusion of this evidence denied her ability to present a meaningful defense.
    “Whether rooted directly in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment or in
    the Compulsory Process or Confrontation Clauses of the Sixth Amendment, the
    Constitution guarantees criminal defendants ‘a meaningful opportunity to present a
    complete defense.’” Holmes v. South Carolina, 
    547 U.S. 319
    , 324, 
    126 S. Ct. 1727
    , 164
    5 L. Ed. 2d 503
    (2006) (quoting Crane v. Kentucky, 
    476 U.S. 683
    , 690, 
    106 S. Ct. 2142
    90 L. Ed. 2d 636
    The State responds that appellant did not raise her Sixth Amendment right to a fair
    trial argument with the trial court and that it has not been properly preserved. We agree.
    At trial, appellant contended that the evidence of Larson’s alleged affiliation with a gang
    was relevant to explain appellant’s apprehensiveness and to show that Larson was “a
    bad guy.” She made no complaint that the trial court’s rulings denied her constitutional
    right “to present a meaningful defense.” Additionally, appellant did not specify to the trial
    court that evidence of Larson’s alleged connection to gangs had some bearing on her
    state of mind that was distinct from the defensive theory that she did present—i.e., that
    Larson had a propensity for violence and that appellant’s conduct was reasonable under
    the circumstances given Larson’s actions. The record clearly reveals that other evidence
    supporting appellant’s defense was before the jury, such as testimony regarding Larson’s
    history of violence against women and children and his use of homophobic slurs toward
    appellant and Laiche. Appellant did not apprise the trial court that by excluding evidence
    of Larson’s gang affiliation and related tattoos, she was denied the opportunity to present
    her defensive theory.
    To preserve a complaint for appellate review, the record must show a specific and
    timely complaint was made to the trial judge and the trial judge ruled on the complaint.
    TEX. R. APP. P. 33.1(a). The point of error on appeal must comport with the objection
    made at trial. Thomas v. State, 
    723 S.W.2d 696
    , 700 (Tex. Crim. App. 1986) (en banc).
    Appellant does not direct us to, nor have we found, a place in the record where she
    brought her complaint based upon a constitutional violation to the attention of the trial
    court and obtained an adverse ruling.
    Appellant’s constitutional right to a meaningful opportunity to present a complete
    defense stems from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and the
    Compulsory Process and Confrontation Clauses of the Sixth Amendment, and is a right
    subject to procedural default. Anderson v. State, 
    301 S.W.3d 276
    , 280 (Tex. Crim. App.
    2009); Broxton v. State, 
    909 S.W.2d 912
    , 918 (Tex. Crim. App. 1995) (holding appellant
    failed to preserve his claim that he was denied the right to present a defense and the right
    to due process and due course of law because he did not make that objection at trial).
    Because appellant did not make this objection at trial, she has failed to preserve the issue
    for our review.
    Moreover, even if appellant had preserved error regarding the excluded evidence,
    we conclude that the trial court’s rulings were not so clearly wrong as to constitute an
    abuse of discretion. Appellant’s offer of proof contained no clear evidence showing that
    appellant was privy to the conversations in which Larson discussed his gang affiliation,
    or that Laiche ever relayed that information to appellant. There is, therefore, no evidence
    that Larson’s alleged gang membership affected appellant’s state of mind or had any
    bearing on the confrontation involving Larson, Laiche, and appellant.         Under these
    circumstances, we are not convinced that the excluded evidence was probative of the
    reasonableness of appellant’s belief that her use of force was necessary. Therefore, we
    conclude that the trial court acted within its discretion in excluding testimony regarding
    Larson’s alleged affiliation with a gang.
    Appellant did not apprise the trial court that its rulings sustaining the State’s
    objections to evidence of Larson’s alleged gang affiliation prevented her from presenting
    a meaningful defense. Accordingly, appellant’s complaint has not been preserved for
    appellate review. Even assuming appellant had preserved her complaint, we conclude
    the trial court did not abuse its discretion in excluding the evidence. Therefore, we affirm
    the judgment of the trial court.
    Judy C. Parker
    Do not publish.
    Pirtle, J., concurring.