in the Interest of K. N. C. ( 2018 )

  • Opinion issued August 2, 2018.
    In The
    Court of Appeals
    For The
    First District of Texas
    NO. 01-17-00520-CV
    JASON W. CLINE, Appellee
    On Appeal from the 22nd District Court
    Comal County, Texas1
    Trial Court Case No. C2012-0499A
    After a hearing on appellee Jason Cline’s motion to enforce child support, the
    trial court granted the motion and entered a judgment finding appellant Adelina
    The Texas Supreme Court transferred this appeal from the Court of Appeals for the
    Third District of Texas. See TEX. GOV’T CODE ANN. § 73.001 (West 2013)
    (authorizing transfer of cases).
    Michelle Cline $519.50 in arrears on her child support obligation and $3,469.75 in
    arrears on her medical support obligation. The trial court also found Adelina in
    criminal contempt on four counts of failure to pay child support and ordered her
    confined in jail for 180 days on each count, to run concurrently. In this appeal, this
    Court considers whether (1) we have jurisdiction to address Adelina’s claims about
    criminal contempt, and (2) the trial court erred in determining the amount of the
    arrears judgment. We dismiss the issues relating to criminal contempt for lack of
    jurisdiction and affirm.
    Jason and Adelina Cline were divorced in 2012, and Adlina was ordered to
    pay Jason $195.33 in child support and $133.00 in medical support each month.
    Adelina soon fell behind on her support obligations, and, in 2013, Jason filed a
    motion to enforce. Thereafter, the parties entered into a Rule 11 Agreement
    regarding Adelina’s past due child and medical support, and Adelina made a
    $4,019.96 payment that was disbursed to Jason.
    In 2017, Jason filed another motion to enforce, and, after a hearing, the trial
    court signed an Order Enforcing Child Support Obligation that included a Judgment
    on Arrears against Adelina for $519.50 in child support and $3,469.75 in medical
    support. The Order Enforcing Child Support Obligation also included four counts of
    punitive contempt for failing to pay child support and ordered Adelina committed to
    county jail for 180 days on each count, to run concurrently.
    This appeal followed.
    In her first issue, Adelina contends the trial court abused its discretion in
    holding her in contempt because evidence of her affirmative defense, i.e., inability
    to pay,2 was uncontroverted. We have no jurisdiction to consider the portion of the
    judgment holding Adelina in contempt.
    A contempt judgment is reviewable only via a petition for writ of habeas
    corpus (if the contemnor is confined) or a petition for writ of mandamus (if no
    confinement is involved). Cadle Co. v. Lobingier, 
    50 S.W.3d 662
    , 671 (Tex. App —
    Fort Worth 2001, pet. denied) (op. on reh’g) (citing In re Long, 
    984 S.W.2d 623
    625 (Tex. 1999) (op. on reh’g)). Decisions in contempt proceedings cannot be
    reviewed on direct appeal because contempt orders are not appealable, even when
    appealed along with a judgment that is appealable, as here. 
    Id. (citing Metzger
    892 S.W.2d 20
    , 55 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1994, writ denied)); see
    also In re Office of Att’y Gen. of Tex., 
    215 S.W.3d 913
    , 915 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth
    See TEX. FAM. CODE. § 157.008(c)(1) (West 2014) (“An obligor may plead as an
    affirmative defense to an allegation of contempt . . . that the obligor . . . lacked the
    ability to provide support in the amount ordered[.]”).
    2007, orig. proceeding) (explaining why contempt judgments are not appealable and
    must be attacked by petition for writ of habeas corpus or for writ of mandamus).
    “[I]n an appropriate case, we may treat an appeal as a petition for writ of
    mandamus,” see Jones v. Brelsford, 
    390 S.W.3d 486
    , 486 n.7 (Tex. App.—Houston
    [1st Dist.] 2012, no pet.), but there is no authority for treating a case as both an
    original proceeding and an appeal. Thus, we will consider the appellate issues raised
    in Adelina’s brief and, as a majority of the courts addressing the issue have done,3
    dismiss the contempt issue that must be brought by an original proceeding.
    Because we cannot reach Adelina’s contempt-based complaints in this direct
    appeal, we dismiss her first issue for want of jurisdiction. See 
    Metzger, 892 S.W.2d at 55
    (holding that when appellate court has jurisdiction over only part of appeal,
    proper remedy is to dismiss, not to overrule, that portion).
    In her second issue on appeal, Adelina contends the trial court abused its
    discretion “when it applied monies paid through the State Disbursement Unit to a
    debt other than the obligor’s child support obligation[.]” Specifically, Adelina
    contends that she would not be in default if the $4,019.00 payment that she made to
    See In re B.A.C., 
    144 S.W.3d 8
    , 11 (Tex. App.—Waco 2004, no pet.) (overruling its
    previous holding that contempt order is final, appealable order, citing 20 appellate
    court decisions, and bringing its prior opinions on the issue “back into accord with
    the Texas Supreme Court and the other courts of appeals”).
    Jason on September 11, 2013 had been applied entirely to child support, rather than
    to other debts that she owed to him. As such, Adelina contends that the arrearages
    portions of the trial court’s order are incorrect.
    Because this issue addresses the arrearages portion of the judgment, not the
    contempt, it is appropriate to consider our jurisdiction. Courts have allowed appeals
    of rulings regarding unrelated issues that occur in contempt proceedings. See, e.g.,
    In re E.H.G., No. 04-08-00579-CV, 
    2009 WL 1406246
    , at *5 (Tex. App.—San
    Antonio May 20, 2009, no pet.) (mem. op.) (“If a motion to enforce includes a
    request for both a contempt finding and a money judgment for child support
    arrearage, an appellate court has jurisdiction to address the arrearage judgment
    because it is unrelated to the contempt order.”); Chambers v. Rosenberg, 
    916 S.W.2d 633
    , 634 (Tex. App.—Austin 1996, writ denied) (finding no jurisdiction to consider
    contempt ruling but considering legal conclusion that agreed temporary injunction,
    the alleged violation of which was the basis for the contempt request, was void). As
    Adelina’s second issue addresses the propriety of the arrearage portion of the trial
    court’s order, we have jurisdiction to consider that issue.
    Standard of Review
    We review a trial court’s confirmation of an arrearage amount for an abuse of
    discretion. Worford v. Stamper, 
    801 S.W.2d 108
    , 109 (Tex. 1990); Att’y Gen. of Tex
    v. Stevens, 84 S.W.3d, 720, 722 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2002, no pet.). A
    trial court abuses its discretion when it acts in an arbitrary or unreasonable manner,
    without reference to any guiding rules or principles. See 
    Worford, 801 S.W.2d at 109
    . Under the abuse-of-discretion standard, legal and factual sufficiency are not
    independent grounds of error, but are merely factors to be considered in determining
    whether the trial court abused its discretion. See London v. London, 
    94 S.W.3d 139
    143–44 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2002, pet. denied). Consequently, we
    engage in a two-pronged inquiry: (1) whether the trial court had sufficient
    information upon which to exercise its discretion and (2) whether the trial court erred
    in its application of that discretion. Echols v. Olivarez, 
    85 S.W.3d 475
    , 478 (Tex.
    App.—Austin 2002, no pet.). The focus of the first inquiry is the sufficiency of the
    evidence. Zeifman v. Michels, 
    212 S.W.3d 582
    , 588 (Tex. App.—Austin 2006, pet.
    denied). Under the second inquiry, we must decide whether, based on the evidence
    before it, the trial court made a reasonable decision. 
    Id. Analysis 6
          The record shows that in 2013, almost four years before trial, Adelina made a
    $4,019.96 payment to Jason, and Jason’s child support records show that, on August
    15, 2013, he credited $1,319 of that amount toward Adelina’s child support
    obligation. On appeal, Adelina contends that, according to Family Code section
    157.268,4 any money paid through the child support disbursement unit shall first be
    applied to child support before it is applied to any other obligations between the
    former spouses. Thus, Adelina contends that the entire amount of $4,019.96 should
    be credited to her child support arrears, and that such amount, when coupled with a
    $3800.00 payment she made shortly before trial, would have brought her support
    obligations current.
    While we agree that section 157.268(1) provides that child support collected
    shall be applied first to current child support, we disagree with Adelina’s assertion
    that this procedure was not followed in this case. The record shows that on April 8,
    2013, Adelina and Jason entered a Rule 11 Agreement to settle a previous motion
    for enforcement by Jason. This Rule 11 Agreement provides, in part, as follows:
    Adelina Cline agrees that she owes $3842.00 as of April 8, 2013 to
    Jason Cline representing the following: $500.00 for certificates and
    training documents, $1200 for the 9 mm Smith and Wesson and multi
    cam AK-47, $1000 in attorney’s fees for the enforcement proceeding
    to date, $452 in medical support, $690 in child support.
    Adelina Cline agrees to pay the balance of $3842.00 as follows:
    See TEX. FAM. CODE §157.268(1) (West 2014) (providing that child support
    collected shall be applied first to current child support).
    a.    $1000 paid on or before May 15, 2013
    b.    $1000 paid on or before June 15, 2013
    c.    $1000 paid on or before July 15, 2013
    d.    $842 on or before August 15, 2013
    Jason’s support records, which were admitted at trial, show a credit to Adeline
    on August 15, 2013, the date the last payment was due, for $1,319. On September
    11, 2013, the trial court disbursed a total of $4,019.96 to Jason from funds that
    Adelina had deposited in the registry of the court in compliance with the Rule 11
    agreement ($3,842.00 as required by the Rule 11 Agreement + an additional
    We find this evidence significant for several reasons. First, Adelina agreed to
    the allocation of her payments as set forth in the Rule 11 Agreement. She cannot
    now complain that the trial court allocated them incorrectly. See In re Dep’t of
    Family and Protective Servs., 
    273 S.W.3d 637
    , 646–47 (Tex. 2009) (holding party
    cannot request specific action from trial court then complain of it on appeal).
    Second, and more importantly, the record shows that in 2013, when the
    $4,019.96 payment was made, Adelina only owed $452.00 in medical support and
    $690.00 in child support. She received credit for those amounts, plus $177.96 that
    she paid over and above that required by the Rule 11 Agreement. The remainder of
    the $4019.96 that she paid could not go toward child support because it was not then
    owed. As such, the record supports the conclusion that the remainder of the
    $4,019.96 Adelina paid in 2013 was properly paid to Jason for the other debts owed
    at the time, i.e., certificates and training documents, two guns, and attorney’s fees.
    The arrearages Adelina owed were for defaults occurring after the disputed 2013
    payment.5 As such, there is sufficient evidence to support the trial court’s finding
    that “ADELINA MICHELLE CLINE is not entitled to any further credits or offsets
    towards her arrears under the terms of the RULE 11 AGREEMENT ON PETITION
    FOR ENFORCEMENT dated April 8, 2013.”
    Because the trial court had evidence upon which to base its ruling and did so
    reasonably, we overrule Adelina’s second issue on appeal.
    In fact, the contempt portion of the order shows that Adelina failed to make child
    support payments in 2014 and 2015.
    We dismiss Adelina’s claims regarding being held in contempt for want of
    jurisdiction; we affirm the judgment.
    Sherry Radack
    Chief Justice
    Panel consists of Chief Justice Radack and Justices Massengale and Brown.
    Massengale, J., dissenting