Christopher Ryan Hatton v. State ( 2019 )

  •                                       In The
    Court of Appeals
    Ninth District of Texas at Beaumont
    No. 09-17-00202-CR
    THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee
    _______________________________________________________           ______________
    On Appeal from the 9th District Court
    Montgomery County, Texas
    Trial Cause No. 16-01-00068-CR
    ________________________________________________________           _____________
    Christopher Ryan Hatton appeals from a jury’s verdict that resulted in his
    conviction for committing an aggravated assault against a public servant.1 Hatton
    presents three issues for our consideration in his appeal. In his first two issues,
    See Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 22.02(a)(2) (West 2011) (defining the elements
    for the crime of aggravated assault), § 22.02(b)(2) (West 2011) (elevating
    aggravated assault a first-degree felony when the person assaulted is known by the
    defendant to be a public servant discharging his or her official duties).
    Hatton argues the trial court erred by denying his motion for continuance and by
    denying the request he made to the trial court asking that it instruct the jury on the
    lesser-included offense of misdemeanor deadly conduct. 2 In a third issue, Hatton
    argues the evidence cannot support the jury’s decision convicting him of committing
    the aggravated assault. We overrule Hatton’s issues and affirm the judgment.
    One night in January 2016, Tyson Sutton, a patrol officer with the Conroe
    Police Department, saw someone driving an SUV without a front license plate.
    Officer Sutton used the equipment on his patrol car to signal the SUV’s driver to
    stop. The officer followed the SUV into a parking lot, where the individual stopped.
    The man driving the SUV got out and fled into the woods nearby. While Officer
    Sutton and another officer chased the man on foot, they lost track of him in the
    Officer Gregory Vradenburg heard over his police radio that Officer Sutton
    was chasing a man on foot. Officer Vradenburg drove to the area being searched.
    Shortly after he arrived, he saw a man that matched the description of the man the
    police chased into the woods.
    id. § 22.05(a)
    (West 2011).
    According to Officer Vradenburg, upon spotting Hatton, he identified himself
    as a police officer and ordered Hatton to stop. Hatton responded by fleeing, and
    Officer Vradenburg followed on foot. A short time later, Hatton tripped and fell.
    Officer Vradenburg came upon Hatton, while he was lying on the ground, and he
    put his foot on Hatton’s back to keep him down. Next, the officer ordered Hatton to
    show his hands, but Hatton refused. In response, Officer Vradenburg threatened to
    shoot Hatton with his taser. At that point, Hatton rolled over onto his right side, and
    Officer Vradenburg noticed that Hatton had a handgun in his right hand. Hatton fired
    the gun over his left shoulder in Officer Vradenburg’s general direction. Vradenburg
    discharged his taser but was not sure if he hit Hatton; the officer then turned and ran
    toward a nearby tree. Standing near the tree, Vradenburg noticed that Hatton was
    running away. A short time later, other officers at the scene caught and arrested
    Denial of Motion to Continue
    In his first issue, Hatton complains that the trial court erred by denying his
    motion to continue. According to the motion, filed two weeks before Hatton’s trial,
    Hatton’s attorney needed more time to review documents produced during discovery
    because she had not had time to do so, claiming she had been tied up with personal
    family issues. Also, the motion alleges that Hatton’s attorney had not yet reviewed
    documents produced in discovery or had an expert evaluate them because the
    attorney was ill. On the date Hatton’s trial began, which was two weeks after the
    trial court denied Hatton’s motion to continue, Hatton’s attorney never complained
    that she still had not reviewed the discovery the State produced. In the brief Hatton
    filed to support his appeal, he claims the trial court’s ruling on the motion to continue
    his case deprived his trial attorney of the ability to call any witnesses on his behalf
    during the guilt-innocence phase of his trial.
    On appeal, we review rulings on motions for continuance using an abuse-of-
    discretion standard.3 To establish that an abuse of discretion occurred, the defendant
    must establish that the ruling on the defendant’s motion prejudiced the defendant’s
    ability to present his defense.4 According to the Court of Criminal Appeals, an abuse
    of discretion does not occur unless the record shows specifically how the denial of
    the motion harmed the defendant’s ability to present his case at trial. 5
    Usually, the evidence that is necessary to establish that the trial court’s denial
    of a motion to continue resulted in harm is presented in a hearing on a motion for
    See Gallo v. State, 
    239 S.W.3d 757
    , 764 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007).
    See Gonzales v. State, 
    304 S.W.3d 838
    , 843 (Tex. Crim. App. 2010).
    Id. at 842.
    new trial.6 Yet, the record in Hatton’s case reveals that Hatton never filed a motion
    for new trial. Thus, we cannot determine what witnesses Hatton might have called
    had the trial court granted his motion or what these witnesses might have said. On
    this record, we cannot conclude that the trial court’s ruling on the motion is the
    reason that no witnesses were called on Hatton’s behalf in the guilt-innocence phase
    of the trial.7 We overrule Hatton’s first issue.
    Sufficiency of Evidence
    We address issue three next, since reviewing the arguments Hatton advances
    in this issue serve to shorten the discussion needed to dispose of issue two. In issue
    three, Hatton argues the evidence before the jury is insufficient to support his
    conviction for committing an aggravated assault against a public servant. Under the
    language that is used in Hatton’s indictment, the State needed to prove during
    Hatton’s trial that (1) Hatton (2) intentionally or knowingly threatened Officer
    Vradenburg with imminent bodily injury (3) while using or exhibiting a deadly
    Id. at 842-43.
    Id. 5 weapon,
    a firearm, when committing the assault, and (4) that he knew Officer
    Vradenburg was a public servant acting to discharge his official duties.8
    On appeal, Hatton argues the evidence before the jury failed to establish that
    he acted knowingly or intentionally when he discharged the gun. According to
    Hatton, the evidence the jury considered, at most, established that he acted
    recklessly. Given that Hatton’s argument focuses on the mens rea required to prove
    he committed the aggravated assault, we focus our review on whether a reasonable
    jury could have concluded from the evidence that Hatton intentionally or knowingly
    threatened Officer Vradenburg with imminent bodily injury.
    In reviewing the evidence the jury was asked to consider in Hatton’s trial, we
    must decide “‘whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the
    crime beyond a reasonable doubt.’” 9 In a case tried to a jury, the jury decides which
    witnesses are credible and determines the weight to afford any testimony. 10 In
    See Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 22.01(a)(2) (West Supp. 2018), § 22.02(a)(2),
    (b)(2)(B) (West 2011), § 1.07(a)(17)(A) (West Supp. 2018).
    Johnson v. State, 
    364 S.W.3d 292
    , 293-94 (Tex. Crim. App. 2012) (quoting
    Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 319 (1979)).
    Montgomery v. State, 
    369 S.W.3d 188
    , 192 (Tex. Crim. App. 2012).
    deciding a defendant’s guilt, the jury can consider both direct and circumstantial
    evidence as probative about whether the defendant committed the crime, as
    “‘circumstantial evidence alone can be sufficient to establish guilt.’” 11 When a
    defendant’s conviction rests on circumstantial evidence, the facts need not point
    directly to the defendant’s guilt if the jury’s conclusion is warranted by the combined
    and cumulative force of the incriminating circumstances.12 Our task in reviewing
    whether the evidence supports the jury’s verdict is to decide whether the inferences
    the jury made from the evidence were reasonable after viewing the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the verdict. 13 The jury’s verdict will be affirmed unless a
    rational factfinder must have had reasonable doubt about an element the State needs
    to prove to establish that the defendant committed the crime. 14
    Hatton concedes that the evidence supports the inference that he recklessly
    discharged the gun, but he argues it is insufficient to show that he did so knowingly
    Temple v. State, 
    390 S.W.3d 341
    , 359 (Tex. Crim. App. 2013) (quoting
    Hooper v. State, 
    214 S.W.3d 9
    , 13 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007)).
    Id. (quoting Johnson
    v. State, 
    871 S.W.2d 183
    , 186 (Tex. Crim. App.
    1993)); see also 
    Hooper, 214 S.W.3d at 13
    See Bohannan v. State, 
    546 S.W.3d 166
    , 178 (Tex. Crim. App. 2017) (citing
    Hooper, 214 S.W.3d at 16-17
    See Laster v. State, 
    275 S.W.3d 512
    , 518 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009).
    or intentionally. Under Texas law, whether the defendant acted with the required
    mental state necessary to show that he acted knowingly or intentionally is a matter
    that is generally treated as a question of fact. 15 Whether the defendant acted with the
    requisite intent is a question that juries are generally required to infer from the
    evidence describing the circumstances of the crime, which includes evidence
    relevant to the defendant’s actions, words, and conduct. 16 Hatton did not testify in
    his trial, so proving whether he acted intentionally or knowingly, as those terms are
    defined in the Penal Code, 17 was a matter the jury was required to infer from the
    circumstances showing why Hatton fired his gun. 18
    In our opinion, the circumstances that led up to Hatton’s firing his gun allowed
    the jury to infer that he intentionally or knowingly pulled the gun’s trigger. The
    testimony and exhibits in Hatton’s trial show that just before Hatton fired, Officer
    Vradenburg threatened him with his taser. Hatton had also refused Officer
    See Nisbett v. State, 
    552 S.W.3d 244
    , 267 (Tex. Crim. App. 2018).
    Id. 17 See
    Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 6.03(a), (b) (West 2011).
    In contrast, when the State is required to show the defendant acted
    recklessly, the evidence must show the defendant knew of a substantial and
    unjustifiable risk created by his conduct, which he then consciously disregarded. 
    Id. § 6.03(c)
    (West 2011).
    Vradenburg’s command asking Hatton to show his hands. The transcript from the
    trial shows that Officer Vradenburg testified, without objection, that Hatton “pointed
    [the gun] right at me…pulled the trigger and got up and ran.” Hatton’s flight from
    police after firing his gun is additional circumstantial evidence that supports the
    conclusion that Hatton was not merely reckless in firing the gun. 19 Finally, the jury
    viewed a video recording, captured by a camera in Officer Vradenburg’s patrol car
    and his body camera, and this evidence supports Officer Vradenburg’s account of
    the circumstances surrounding Hatton’s discharge of his weapon. From the
    cumulative weight of the direct and circumstantial evidence admitted in Hatton’s
    trial, we hold the record contains enough evidence to support the jury’s conclusion
    that Hatton acted intentionally or knowingly in firing his gun. We overrule Hatton’s
    third issue.
    Lesser-Included Offense—Misdemeanor Deadly Conduct
    In his second issue, Hatton argues that the trial court abused its discretion by
    denying his request for an instruction on misdemeanor deadly conduct, which he
    See Hemphill v. State, 
    505 S.W.2d 560
    , 562-63 (Tex. Crim. App. 1974)
    (concluding that the evidence the defendant fled the scene after the shooting and
    sought to conceal himself from police were “circumstances to be considered along
    with the other evidence in determining [the defendant’s] intent”).
    argues is a lesser-included offense of aggravated assault.20 In its brief, the State
    concedes that deadly conduct is a lesser-included offense of aggravated assault by
    threat, as alleged in the indictment used in Hatton’s case. Nevertheless, the State
    argues that the evidence before the jury about the circumstances in which Hatton
    fired his gun would not have allowed the jury to infer that he was guilty only of the
    crime of misdemeanor deadly conduct. According to the State, because the evidence
    did not support submitting an instruction on misdemeanor deadly conduct, the trial
    court did not err by refusing Hatton’s instruction on the lesser-included offense.
    On appeal, we must affirm the trial court’s ruling if the ruling is correct under
    any theory of law. 21 Determining whether a defendant is entitled to have the jury
    instructed on a lesser-included offense required the trial court to engage in a two-
    step process.22 Step one required the trial court to determine if proof of the requested
    lesser-included offense “‘is included within the proof necessary to establish the
    See Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 22.05(a).
    Leming v. State, 
    493 S.W.3d 552
    , 562 (Tex. Crim. App. 2016) (“An
    appellate court should affirm a trial court’s ruling so long as it is correct under any
    theory of law applicable to the case, even if the trial court did not rely on that
    See Safian v. State, 
    543 S.W.3d 216
    , 219-20 (Tex. Crim. App. 2018).
    offense charged.’” 23 Step two required the trial court to determine whether there is
    some evidence in the record that would allow the jury “to rationally find that, if the
    defendant is guilty, he is guilty only of the lesser-included offense.”24
    To establish the trial court erred, Hatton must show the jury could have
    rationally returned a verdict finding him guilty only of misdemeanor deadly conduct.
    A finding of misdemeanor deadly conduct would have required the jury to find that
    Hatton acted recklessly. 25 Hatton did not testify in his trial, so nothing in the record
    describes his thought process that led him to fire his gun. On the other hand, the
    circumstantial evidence in the record tends to show that Hatton made several
    conscious movements so that he could place himself into a position to fire his gun.
    The circumstantial evidence also shows that Hatton knew before Officer Vradenburg
    caught up with him that he was being chased by the police, and that Officer
    Vradenburg was a police officer. Hatton fired the gun after refusing Officer
    Vradenburg’s command to show his hands, and he then positioned himself in a way
    Id. (quoting Rice
    v. State, 
    333 S.W.3d 140
    , 144 (Tex. Crim. App. 2011));
    see also Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 37.09 (West 2006) (listing four elements
    to consider in determining whether an offense is a lesser-included offense of another
    Safian, 543 S.W.3d at 220
    (emphasis added).
    Rice, 333 S.W.3d at 145
    that allowed him to use his right hand to fire his gun. Under the circumstances, we
    conclude that no rational jury could have returned a verdict finding that Hatton fired
    the gun recklessly.
    We conclude the trial court did not err by denying Hatton’s requested
    instruction on misdemeanor deadly conduct. 26 We overrule Hatton’s second issue.
    Having overruled Hatton’s issues, the trial court’s judgment is affirmed.
    Submitted on August 13, 2018
    Opinion Delivered February 6, 2019
    Do Not Publish
    Before Kreger, Horton and Johnson, JJ.
    Cavazos v. State, 
    382 S.W.3d 377
    , 385 (Tex. Crim. App. 2012) (explaining
    that under the second step of the analysis the evidence relevant to the lesser-included
    offense “must rise to a level that a rational jury could find that if [the defendant] is
    guilty, he is guilty only of the lesser-included offense” and that “[m]eeting this
    threshold requires more than mere speculation—it requires affirmative evidence that
    both raises the lesser-included offense and rebuts or negates an element of the greater