John Barfield and Tana Barfield, Wife, Individually, and John Barfield and Tana Barfield as Next Friends of C. B. and K. B., Minor Children v. SandRidge Energy, Inc. and Jose Pepe Saenz ( 2020 )

  •                                       COURT OF APPEALS
    JOHN BARFIELD AND TANA                              §
    BARFIELD, WIFE, INDIVIDUALLY,                                     No. 08-17-00059-CV
    AND JOHN BARFIELD AND TANA                          §
    BARFIELD AS NEXT FRIENDS OF C.                                      Appeal from the
    B. AND K. B., MINOR CHILDREN,                       §
    109th District Court
    Appellants,                      §
    of Andrews County, Texas
    v.                                                  §
    (TC# 19145)
    SANDRIDGE ENERGY, INC., AND                         §
    Finding myself in partial disagreement with my colleagues, I respectfully dissent. There
    is no need to restate the facts of the case that are ably set forth in the majority opinion. We also
    agree that Chapter 95 controls this dispute, and dictates that SandRidge is not liable for John
    Barfield’s horrific injury unless (1) it exercised or retained “some control over the manner in which
    [his work was] performed, other than the right to order the work to start or stop or to inspect
    progress or receive reports[,]” (2) it had “actual knowledge of the danger or condition” that resulted
    in the injury, and (3) it “failed to adequately warn.” See TEX.CIV.PRAC.&REM.CODE ANN. §
    As to the first two elements, I agree with the majority’s ultimate conclusions. Chapter 95
    incorporates the classic formulation for control articulated in Redinger v. Living, Inc., 
    689 S.W.2d 415
    , 418 (Tex. 1985), citing Restatement (Second) of Torts § 414 (1965) (“One who entrusts work
    to an independent contractor, but who retains the control of any part of the work, is subject to
    liability for physical harm to others for whose safety the employer owes a duty to exercise
    reasonable care, which is caused by his failure to exercise his control with reasonable care.”). And
    on this record, SandRidge’s own safety policy required that its transmission lines should be de-
    energized for this kind of work. But on at least one occasion, its on-site supervisor instructed
    Barfield’s employer that it needed the supervisor’s permission to do so, and at other times the
    supervisor expressed the view that it would take longer to de-energize the lines than finish the job.
    While the details of how these statements impacted Barfield’s work on the day in question are
    sparse, we are hearing this case from a granted summary judgment. As such, we review the
    evidence in the light most favorable to Barfield. See City of Keller v. Wilson, 
    168 S.W.3d 802
    827 (Tex. 2005); Johnson v. Brewer & Pritchard, P. C., 
    73 S.W.3d 193
    , 208 (Tex. 2002). At the
    barest minimum, that testimony suggests that SandRidge retained the right to control that aspect
    of the job. And that aspect of the job directly relates to injury causing event. See Painter v.
    Sandridge Energy, Inc., 
    511 S.W.3d 713
    , 720 (Tex.App.--El Paso 2015, pet. denied) (collecting
    cases for the proposition that “the right to control must extend to the specific activity from which
    the injury arose”).
    Nor does SandRidge take serious issue with its actual knowledge of the risk. It owned the
    transmission lines. It knew the lines carried high voltage current that presented a serious risk of
    injury on contact. At this stage, Barfield could establish a genuine issue of material fact by
    producing more than a scintilla of evidence regarding any challenged element. King Ranch, Inc.
    v. Chapman, 
    118 S.W.3d 742
    , 751 (Tex. 2003). He did so on this element as well.
    Instead, my disagreement turns on the third predicate element found in Chapter 95--the
    duty to adequately warn of the hazard. SandRidge provided evidence that Barfield was aware that
    the top lines on the pole were energized, as did his employer. They had previously done similar
    work around energized lines for SandRidge. A job hazard analysis worksheet from Barfield’s
    employer, completed prior to the work at issue, noted the “hot lines” around the overhead work
    being done. These facts were conceded. Their import to the issue of warning takes us down three
    First, Barfield urges that SandRidge’s motion for summary judgment is limited to its claim
    that it owed “no duty” to warn. He urges, however, that Chapter 95 belies that argument because
    the statute itself imposes a duty to warn when the landowner controls the details of the work and
    has actual knowledge of the hazard. According to Barfield, the Texas Supreme Court’s “no duty”
    analysis in Austin v. Kroger Texas, L.P., 
    465 S.W.3d 193
    (Tex. 2015), upon which SandRidge
    relies, must therefore take a backseat to the statutory analysis of Chapter 95. Under that view,
    Barfield’s knowledge of the risk does not become relevant until the jury addresses contributory
    SandRidge’s motion, however, not only asserted a “no duty” ground, but in a separately
    headed section, it also claimed that “SandRidge’s warning was adequate as a matter of law.” It
    argued: “Conversely, even if the Court erroneously concluded that SandRidge owed a duty to warn
    Barfield about the energized poles, SandRidge would be entitled to judgment as a matter of law
    because the evidence conclusively establishes that SandRidge did not fail to adequately warn
    Barfield of this condition.” To be sure, SandRidge does not point to any particular warning that it
    gave. Rather, it essentially claims that because Barfield was fully aware of the condition, even a
    silent-nothing-said warning is adequate as a matter of law. Or, not saying anything can be an
    adequate warning when the other person is fully aware of the risk. Whether stated as a “no duty”
    claim, or as a “we fulfilled our duty” argument, I view the motion as sufficient to raise the core
    issue presented here: under Chapter 95, must a landowner affirmatively warn an invitee of a hazard
    of which the invitee is fully aware? Subject to some exceptions, the answer to that question in my
    mind is no.
    Under common law principles, Austin v. Kroger answers that question for an employee
    complaining of the employer’s failure to provide a safe workplace. In that case the court held that
    an employee generally cannot recover against a non-subscribing employer for an injury caused by
    a premises defect of which the employee was fully aware but that his job duties required him to
    remedy. 465 S.W.3d at 217
    . More specific to this situation, the court in General Elec. Co. v.
    Moritz, held that a loading ramp at a warehouse which lacked railings was an open and obvious
    condition, for which the independent contractor, and not the landowner needed to warn or make
    257 S.W.3d 211
    , 215-16 (Tex. 2008).1 And as the court stated in Wilhelm v. Flores, “Nor
    would Wilhelm, as occupier of the premises where the beehives were kept, have owed an
    independent contractor’s employees a duty to warn them about being stung, since that danger was
    195 S.W.3d 96
    , 98 (Tex. 2006).
    Barfield argues, however, that Chapter 95 would have us put blinders on as to what the
    invitee might know. In applying the statute as written, he urges that we must look only at what
    Moritz opens with this question: “Must a landowner warn an independent contractor’s employees of obvious hazards
    they already know about? Four times in the last ten years this Court has said the answer is ‘No.’”
    Id. at 213
    n.1, citing
    Cent. Ready Mix Concrete Co. v. Islas, 
    228 S.W.3d 649
    , 651 (Tex. 2007); Wilhelm v. Flores, 
    195 S.W.3d 96
    , 98 (Tex.
    2006) ; Shell Oil Co. v. Khan, 
    138 S.W.3d 288
    , 295 (Tex. 2004); Coastal Marine Serv. of Tex., Inc. v. Lawrence, 
    988 S.W.2d 223
    , 225 (Tex. 1999).
    warnings the landowner gave, and here it said nothing. If that were true, however, a landowner
    would be required to mechanically issue warnings about every conceivable hazard governed by
    Chapter 95, even those that skilled workers or people of ordinary common-sense would already
    know. If Barfield was hired to work atop of a tall crane, would SandRidge really have to
    affirmatively say, “if you fall several hundred feet, you might die?” Moreover, because the
    legislature used the term “adequate warning,” the knowledge of the recipient of the warning must
    enter into the equation. What might be an adequate warning for a master electrician might not be
    for an apprentice helper.
    It is of course “the Legislature’s prerogative to enact statutes” and our “responsibility to
    interpret those statutes according to the language the Legislature used[.]” Molinet v. Kimbrell, 
    356 S.W.3d 407
    , 414-15 (Tex. 2011). But we do so unless the “result of the plain meaning of the
    language yield[s] absurd or nonsensical results.”
    Id. Requiring a
    landowner to warn about risks
    the invitee is well aware, and perhaps more aware of by virtue of his or her expertise, hits the
    absurd or nonsensical button for me. Barfield correctly suggests that a jury might later terminate
    this case in SandRidge’s favor with a favorable comparative causation finding. But that would be
    well after the parties expend considerable resources discovering and trying the case.
    Barfield alternatively argues that if we consider common law jurisprudence, then the
    “necessary-use” exception found in those cases applies here. But that doctrine is, after all, an
    exception. As such, it would be incumbent on Barfield to show its application (once SandRidge
    first met an initial burden to show an adequate warning). In Kroger, the court states that the
    necessary use exception applies when “(1) it was necessary that the invitee use the unreasonably
    dangerous premises and (2) the landowner should have anticipated that the invitee was unable to
    avoid the unreasonable risks despite the invitee’s awareness of 
    them.” 465 S.W.3d at 207
    , citing
    Parker v. Highland Park, Inc., 
    565 S.W.2d 512
    (Tex. 1978). Here, Barfield did not show that an
    electrical contractor would be unable to avoid an unreasonable risk in working around energized
    power lines.2 Additionally, Moritz explicitly rejected a Parker necessary-use exception in a case
    analogous to this one. 
    Moritz, 257 S.W.3d at 216
    The third issue for me is that the adequacy of the warning is not truly at issue. Barfield is
    not claiming that he believed the current was at one voltage, when it was actually another. Nor
    does he claim that he was told that only one line was energized, when in fact two were hot. The
    parties treat the voltage and amperage as dangerous, ascribing no significance to whatever
    differences in information that they may have had. The majority weaves into this question,
    however, SandRidge’s work requirements that the contractors should have a pre-job meeting to
    discuss work hazards. The majority implicitly suggests that had such a meeting been held, a more
    robust warning might have been given, or plan devised to avoid the hazard. But those meetings,
    at least on this record, suggest nothing more than a means to communicate about the hazards on
    the job. Because the hazard was already known, the absence of the meeting does not impair the
    adequacy of the warning. Alternatively, if the purpose of the meeting was to devise the safest
    work practices, that duty already fell on Barfield’s employer, and not the SandRidge. A general
    contractor does not owe a duty to ensure that an independent contractor performs its work in a safe
    manner. Lee Lewis Const., Inc. v. Harrison, 
    70 S.W.3d 778
    , 783 (Tex. 2001), citing Elliott-
    Williams Co. v. Diaz, 
    9 S.W.3d 801
    , 803 (Tex. 1999) and Hoechst-Celanese Corp. v. Mendez, 
    967 S.W.2d 354
    , 356 (Tex. 1998).
    The federal regulations that Barfield cites contemplate that there might be times when the power lines cannot be de-
    energized, and that workers must then work around hot lines. This suggests that there must be some appropriate
    procedure for doing so.
    I acknowledge the difficulty in deciding which of the many common-law-premises-liability
    precedents should inform our application of Chapter 95, and which do not. See Abutahoun v. Dow
    Chem. Co., 
    463 S.W.3d 42
    , 51 (Tex. 2015) (discussing whether Chapter 95 was intended to modify
    or abrogate common law rules). Abutahoun itself states that cases like Moritz “will continue to
    apply to cases when the applicability provision of section 95.002 cannot be met.”
    Id. at 52.
    language might suggest that Moritz does not apply to a Chapter 95 claim when section 95.002 is
    met. Nonetheless, for the reasons noted above, I respectfully dissent to my colleagues’ thoughtful
    JEFF ALLEY, Chief Justice
    March 27, 2020