in the Interest of A.B., G.B., L.B., S.B., and K.B., Children ( 2020 )

  •                                 NUMBER 13-19-00539-CV
    On appeal from the County Court at Law
    of Aransas County, Texas.
    Before Chief Justice Contreras and Justices Longoria and Perkes
    Memorandum Opinion by Justice Perkes
    Appellants E.B. (Father) and B.B. (Mother) challenge the termination of their
    parental rights to their five children, A.B., G.B., L.B., S.B., and K.B.1 See TEX. FAM. CODE
    1To protect the identity of minor children, we utilize aliases for the children and related parties.
    See TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 109.002(d); TEX. R. APP. P. 9.8(b)(2).
    Mother and Father have six children, however, only five children are parties to this suit. The parents
    voluntarily and informally relinquished their rights to their sixth child. The child has lived with his paternal
    grandmother out-of-state since he was one month old; he is now five years old. At the time of the termination
    hearing, A.B. was eight years old, G.B. was seven, L.B. was four, S.B. was three, and K.B. was one.
    ANN. §§ 161.001(b)(1)(D), (E), (b)(2). By what we construe as two issues, Father and
    Mother argue: (1) the trial court erred in its denial of a requested six-month extension of
    the dismissal deadline; and (2) the evidence is legally and factually insufficient to support
    findings that Father and Mother committed one or more statutory predicate acts or
    omissions under family code § 161.001(b)(1) or that termination is in the children’s best
    interest. See 
    id. We affirm.
    I.      BACKGROUND
    On October 15, 2019, the trial court presided over the termination hearing. Prior to
    the hearing, the court heard arguments on Mother and Father’s joint motion for extension,
    before ultimately denying the motion.
    Sandra Lopez, an investigator with appellee, the Department of Family and
    Protective Services (the Department), first intervened on November 2, 2018, after
    receiving a priority referral in reference to S.B. “The report indicated that [Father] had
    notified [the] daycare that [S.B.’s] arm was broken,” said Lopez. Later that same day,
    Lopez visited Father and Mother’s residence accompanied by law enforcement.2 Mother
    claimed S.B. had injured herself at daycare and she planned on taking S.B. to the doctor
    the following day. Because Father and Mother had not sought medical intervention in the
    three days since the alleged injury, the Department initiated emergency removal of all five
    children, citing medical neglect and neglectful supervision. The Department transported
    S.B. to a nearby hospital, and S.B. was initially diagnosed with having a fractured
    2 According to Lopez, Father had a “history of acting out,” and the Department was familiar with
    Father and Mother, having just closed out a case one-month prior in October 2018. The Department initially
    intervened in March 2018 after K.B. was born, when the child tested positive for marijuana. Father and
    Mother also have a history with child protective services in Florida due to drug use and homelessness.
    humerus by the emergency room physician and received a temporary cast. However, it
    was later determined that she had a “nursemaid’s elbow,”3 and physical abuse was ruled
    out. After the initial basis for removal, medical neglect, was found to be unsubstantiated,
    the Department modified the family’s service plan to address the children’s unsuitable
    living conditions and parents’ continued substance abuse issues. Both parents
    participated during the family plan service meeting; however, Father participated via
    telephone conference because he was in jail in Florida for cashing a fraudulent check.4
    Lopez testified that the family resided in a one-bedroom R.V. trailer in Rockport,
    Texas. A.B. and G.B. shared bunk beds situated below a collapsing rooftop; L.B. and S.B.
    shared a futon; and the youngest child, K.B., who was nine months old at the time, slept
    on the floor underneath a table. Lopez described the residence as “musty,” smelling of
    “urine,” “feces,” and “cigarette smoke.” The trailer had sustained roof damage, the “[air
    conditioning unit] had fallen in and created a hole,” and the residence lacked running
    water. Father and Mother were instructed to rectify the safety hazards and improve the
    children’s living conditions.
    Valerie Moretish, a Department caseworker, testified that both parents were also
    required to participate in random drug testing and attend substance abuse counseling,
    which was held at their home because neither parent owned nor had access to a vehicle.
    In February 2019, Father and Mother began substance abuse counseling. They stopped
    3  “Nursemaid’s elbow is a dislocation of a bone in the elbow. . . . Dislocation means the bone slips
    out of its normal position. Nursemaid’s elbow is a common condition in young children, especially under
    age 5. The injury occurs when a child is pulled up too hard by their hand or wrist.” MedlinePlus, Nursemaid’s
    elbow, U.S. NAT’L LIBR. OF MED., (last visited Feb. 6, 2020).
    4  Father was in jail pursuant to an outstanding warrant. The parties did not discuss how long Father
    was incarcerated and what impact, if any, his incarceration had on his ability to complete services. Father
    is currently on probation for eighteen months.
    counseling services in April 2019 and resumed two weeks before the termination hearing
    in October 2019. According to Moretish, Mother tested positive for marijuana in November
    2018, negative for marijuana in December 2018, positive for marijuana between January
    and May 2019, and negative for marijuana in June and August 2019. Mother did not
    submit to drug testing in July 2019, and the Department did not ask Mother submit to drug
    testing in September or October 2019. Meanwhile, Father continued to test positive for
    marijuana from November 2018 until July 2019; Father also tested positive for cocaine in
    November 2018 and again in late-December 2018. Father tested negative for drugs in
    July 2019, September 2019, and October 2019; Father did not submit to testing in August
    Linda Escobedo, a Department assistant caseworker, testified that Father’s
    unstable mental condition and history of belligerent outbursts are additional causes for
    concern. Escobedo claimed she had witnessed Father publicly berate Mother on several
    occasions. In one instance, Mother had brought little toys for the children during a
    visitation, and “apparently [Father] didn’t like that, . . . [a]nd he got really upset, and they
    started cussing at each other.” Moretish testified to a separate incident in April 2019,
    wherein Moretish was transporting Mother and Father to a visitation. Moretish said she
    was forced to pull over after Father began “yelling at [her] in the car and [] threaten[ing]
    to blow up buildings and kill himself.” Father’s statements, according to Moretish, were in
    response to Moretish telling Father that the Department would be changing the service
    plan goal to unrelated adoption if the parents continued to test positive for drugs and fail
    to make the necessary improvements to the home.
    According to Laura Morales, a licensed professional counselor, Father suffers from
    “[b]ipolar disorder, major depression, intermittent explosive disorder, [and] ADHD.” Father
    was referred to her in 2018, and again in 2019 for an “[u]ntreated mental illness, anger,
    [and] poor communication between him and [Mother].” Morales testified that she saw the
    couple for five or six sessions in 2018, before the couple “kind of disappeared.” Father
    returned for treatment in July 2019. When asked by the Department whether Father
    “seem[ed] willing to learn any skills to manage his anger,” Morales opined, “I think in time
    he is probably capable, but did he say, [‘]Yeah, I want to learn?[’] No.” During cross-
    examination, Morales maintained she felt her sessions with Father were unproductive.
    “[I]t’s really hard to work with someone to get them calm and use better coping skills when
    they are volatile and every little thing triggers that. You’ve got to stabilize them,” explained
    Morales, emphasizing Father’s need for pharmaceutical intervention, which he repeatedly
    Morales also testified to the developmental effect on a child’s emotional well-being
    when a child “witness[es] a lot of anger and negative interactions between parents.”
    Morales testified, for example, that G.B. was referred to counseling at six years old after
    being expelled from elementary school for threatening to take “a gun to school, [and]
    sa[ying] he was going to kill everybody there.”
    Morales expressed apprehension over Mother’s mental health as well, describing
    Mother as overwhelmed and depressed. Although Morales suspected domestic violence
    in the home, both parents denied any history of physical abuse. Morales said she based
    her suspicions on Mother’s “demeanor and how afraid [sic] to speak up and say anything.”
    Mother vocalized her emotional dependence on Father and her struggle to independently
    parent her children, said Morales. “[S]he would say, ‘I just can’t do this without [Father].
    They don’t listen to me. They only listen to him.’” Escobedo witnessed Mother’s
    frustrations first-hand. “[T]here are times when I was taking her [to visitations] on her own
    without him and she was very, very frustrated. She couldn’t give everybody the attention.”
    Escobedo said Mother would have a “melt down in the restaurant and be yelling and
    screaming that she can’t do this.” Moretish testified that Mother teetered between “just
    sit[ing] there and not really engag[ing]” with her children and “leav[ing] [Moretish] to watch
    her children” for her. “And so we’re trying to keep the kids in line [during visitations], and
    we would provide the discipline for them,” said Moretish. Father echoed sentiments
    shared by Moretish and the counselor at trial. Father described Mother as “depressed”
    and voiced concerns about Mother managing the children on her own. Mother, although
    present in the courtroom, did not testify.5
    Father testified that he made significant strides in the last “four weeks” before trial
    to address his mental health, become more fiscally responsible, and make the necessary
    improvements to his home, such as completing the roof repair and fixing the leak in
    plumbing so water could be turned on.6 Construction to repair the hole in the wall left by
    a collapsing air conditioning unit remains on-going, however. Father testified that he now
    has money to “purchase new mattresses for the kids”—including a temporary play pen
    for the youngest child so that she no longer has to sleep on the floor—but he had not yet
    made any purchases. Father said he was working on getting a 40-foot R.V., which would
    5 Father explained that Mother had been taken to the emergency room the day before trial due to
    a “serious mouth infection” and was unable to speak. Father said, “[Y]ou can see her front lip upper nose
    area or lower nose area is very swollen.” Father testified Mother had “broken” her teeth trying to “pull the
    zipper” on a tent, and her mouth had “got[ten] infected.” Father denied physically abusing Mother.
    6The Department confirmed that Father had replaced the roof panels, and the residence now had
    running water.
    provide ten feet of additional living space for the family so “everybody would have a place
    to sleep,” but “[i]t’s not guaranteed” and contingent on the landlord “kicking people out of”
    it first. Regarding the couple’s finances, Mother has been continuously employed since
    the Department first intervened and remains the primary breadwinner.7 Father testified
    he is starting his own bike repair service shop, work has been “steady for a bike shop,”
    and he is in talks with the Rockport Police Department to work as a contracted bicycle
    Father addressed the Department’s depictions of him as an unstable aggressor:
    I mean, excuse my language, I’m an a**hole, I know that. I’m very firm with
    my kids. I don’t know why everybody says I’m always angry, maybe it’s just
    my face, I don’t know, but I’m not always angry. I’m angry with the
    situation . . . . I mean, I’m not the best husband, I’m not the best father, but
    I darn sure try.
    Father, thirty years old at the time of the hearing, acknowledged he has struggled
    with mental illness since he was a teenager. “When I was 15 years old[,] I would wake up
    in the morning and have to take 16 pills right when I woke up, and the rest were throughout
    the day.” Father said he stopped taking medication in his late teens after a seizure left
    him in a coma for four days. However, Father acquiesced that failure to control his anger
    could “[i]n the long-term” negatively affect his children. Father claimed he would continue
    counseling and begin taking prescribed medication again if it meant his children would
    return home.
    The children were jointly placed in a foster home in Louise, Texas, after the
    Department was unable to find suitable relative placement. Moretish reported that the
    7Moretish testified that Father had been employed at a restaurant several months prior, but “his
    manager was doing something he didn’t like, so that started an argument and [Father] left that job.”
    children were “doing very well” in their current placement.8 All five children are meeting
    their developmental milestones and doing well in school, with the exception of G.B., who
    had to repeat the first grade. Moretish noted the most prominent change was in A.B., who
    no longer appears withdrawn and sad. Moretish said A.B. expressed that “she wanted to
    stay where she was with her siblings” in foster care. “[A.B.] said that she didn’t want to go
    back [with her parents] and she didn’t want to be treated the way she had been treated.”
    Chris Yackle, the children’s foster father, testified that A.B. witnessed her parents
    “scream and hit each other.” On one occasion, A.B. reportedly saw her Father “punch[]
    her mom in the nose,” and the child described “a lot of blood coming out of [Mother’s]
    nose.” A.B. told Yackle she knew her parents did drugs, she described what the drugs
    looked like, and knew they would hide them whenever “C.P.S. came.” A.B. also
    complained of their prior living conditions; because the home lacked running water, the
    children never brushed their teeth and bath time occurred once a week at a neighbor’s
    house. A.B. had also seen her parents “making babies.”
    Yackle stated that he and his wife had bonded with all five children and were open
    to adopting. Although G.B. currently resides in Florida, Yackle said they “would be willing
    to travel maybe twice a year for face-to-face visits, and letters, anything like that” to
    maintain the sibling relationships if G.B. were to remain in Florida.9
    The trial court determined by clear and convincing evidence that appellants
    committed predicate acts and omissions under Texas Family Code § 161.001(b)(1)(D)
    8 One week prior to the termination hearing, G.B. was removed from his foster placement and
    placed with his paternal grandmother in Florida, joining his sixth sibling, who is not a part of this suit. Neither
    party elaborated on the reason for the child’s transfer.
    9  Moretish testified that the paternal grandmother was seeking to adopt G.B., initiating proceedings
    and (E), and that termination was in best interest of all five children. See 
    id. §§ 161.001(b)(1)(D),
    (E), (b)(2). This appeal followed.
    Father and Mother first argue that the trial court abused its discretion in denying
    their motion to extend the dismissal deadline. See 
    id. § 263.401.
    In a parental termination suit,
    [u]nless the court has commenced the trial on the merits or granted an
    extension under Subsection (b) or (b-1), on the first Monday after the first
    anniversary of the date the court rendered a temporary order appointing the
    department as temporary managing conservator, the court’s jurisdiction
    over the suit . . . is terminated and the suit is automatically dismissed
    without a court order.
    id. The trial
    court may extend the dismissal deadline only if the movant shows that
    “extraordinary circumstances necessitate the child remaining in the temporary managing
    conservatorship of the department and that continuing the appointment of the department
    as temporary managing conservator is in the best interest of the child.” 
    Id. § 263.401(b).
    The focus in an extension hearing is on the needs of the child. In re A.J.M., 
    375 S.W.3d 599
    , 604 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2012, pet. denied) (en banc). Actions that are
    “considered to be the parent’s fault” will generally not constitute an extraordinary
    circumstance. In re O.R.F., 
    417 S.W.3d 24
    , 42 (Tex. App.—Texarkana 2013, pet. denied).
    We review a trial court’s decision to grant or deny an extension of the dismissal
    deadline under the abuse of discretion standard. In re T.T.F., 
    331 S.W.3d 461
    , 476 (Tex.
    App.—Fort Worth 2010, no pet.). Under an abuse of discretion standard, an appellate
    court may reverse the trial court’s ruling only if the trial court acted without reference to
    any guiding rules and principles, such that its ruling is arbitrary and unreasonable. 
    Id. 9 Here,
    on the evening before the termination hearing, Father and Mother filed a
    “Motion to Retain Suit on Court’s Docket and Set New Dismissal Date.” The written motion
    argued summarily, without reference to any specific facts, that “[e]xtraordinary
    circumstances necessitate the children remaining in the temporary managing
    conservatorship of the Department.” The trial court considered the motion on the morning
    of the termination hearing. Father and Mother’s counsel argued that they (1) completed
    their initial service plan of service, but (2) needed more time to complete additional
    services that were requested of them three months prior.10 The trial court denied Father
    and Mother’s motion.
    We cannot find that the trial court abused its discretion. Based on this record,
    Father and Mother requested an extension because they needed more time to comply
    with service plan requirements, but no reason for their delay was provided, and there was
    no evidence of extraordinary circumstances that would necessitate an extension of the
    dismissal deadline. See In re D.W., 
    249 S.W.3d 625
    , 648 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2008,
    pet. denied) (holding that because mother presented no evidence when she presented
    her motion to extend the dismissal deadline, the trial court did not abuse its discretion by
    denying her motion); see also In re B.M., No. 13-17-00467-CV, 
    2017 WL 5953098
    , at *10
    (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi–Edinburg Nov. 30, 2017, pet. denied) (mem. op.) (holding
    10 In July 2019, Mother was instructed to attend domestic violence counseling, and Father was
    asked to complete a mental health evaluation through MH-MR. Mother initiated her services on October
    2019, one week before the termination hearing. Father completed the MH-MR assessment, but he did not
    return for recommended services. Morales stated Father’s actions were deliberate, and he had expressed
    to her that he did not intend on “follow[ing] through any further than completing the assessment.” At an
    unspecified “recent” point prior to the termination hearing, Father scheduled a follow-up appointment with
    MH-MR for the day after the hearing.
    that “lack of communication with the Department case worker” is not evidence of
    “extraordinary circumstances” to justify an extension of her case).
    Thus, we hold that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by denying Father and
    Mother’s motion to extend the dismissal deadline. We overrule Father and Mother’s first
    Father and Mother next contend that the evidence is legally and factually
    insufficient to support a predicate finding under either subsection (D) or (E) of family code
    § 161.001(b)(1). See TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 161.001(b)(1)(D), (E).
    A.       Standard of Review and Applicable Law
    “Termination of parental rights, the total and irrevocable dissolution of the parent-
    child relationship, constitutes the ‘death penalty’ of civil cases.” In re K.M.L., 
    443 S.W.3d 101
    , 121 (Tex. 2014) (Lehrmann, J., concurring). Accordingly, termination proceedings
    must be strictly scrutinized. In re 
    K.M.L., 443 S.W.3d at 112
    ; see In re A.C., 
    560 S.W.3d 624
    , 630 (Tex. 2018); but see In re A.V., 
    113 S.W.3d 355
    , 361 (Tex. 2003) (“[T]he rights
    of natural parents are not absolute; protection of the child is paramount . . . . The rights
    of parenthood are accorded only to those fit to accept the accompanying responsibilities.”
    (quoting In re J.W.T., 
    872 S.W.2d 189
    , 195 (Tex. 1994))).
    To terminate parental rights, the movant must prove by clear and convincing
    evidence that (1) the parent committed one or more statutory predicate acts or omissions,
    and (2) termination is in the child’s best interest. See TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. §§ 101.007,
    161.001(b); see also In re N.G., 
    577 S.W.3d 230
    , 234 (Tex. 2019) (per curiam). “Clear
    and convincing evidence” means “the measure or degree of proof that will produce in the
    mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or conviction as to the truth of the allegations sought
    to be established.” TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 101.007. “This heightened proof standard
    carries the weight and gravity due process requires to protect the fundamental rights at
    stake.” In re 
    A.C., 560 S.W.3d at 630
    “Evidence is legally sufficient if, viewing all the evidence in the light most favorable
    to the [fact finder] and considering undisputed contrary evidence, a reasonable [fact
    finder] could form a firm belief or conviction that the finding was true.” 
    Id. (citing In
    96 S.W.3d 256
    , 266 (Tex. 2002)). We must also consider undisputed evidence, if
    any, that does not support the finding. In re 
    K.M.L., 443 S.W.3d at 113
    ; see In re 
    J.F.C., 96 S.W.3d at 266
    (“Disregarding undisputed facts that do not support the finding could
    skew the analysis of whether there is clear and convincing evidence.”).
    In conducting a factual sufficiency review, we consider whether the disputed
    evidence is such that a reasonable finder of fact could not have resolved the disputed
    evidence in favor of its finding. In re 
    J.F.C., 96 S.W.3d at 266
    . Evidence is factually
    sufficient if “the evidence is such that a factfinder could reasonably form a firm belief or
    conviction about the truth of the [Department]’s allegations.” In re C.H., 
    89 S.W.3d 17
    , 25
    (Tex. 2002).
    B.     Termination Under § 161.001(b)(1)(D) and (E)
    While both subsections (D) and (E) focus on endangerment, they differ regarding
    the source and proof of endangerment. See In re M.M., 
    584 S.W.3d 885
    , 889 (Tex. App.—
    Amarillo 2019, pet. denied). Subsection (D) requires a showing that each parent
    “knowingly placed or knowingly allowed the child to remain in conditions or surroundings
    which endanger the physical or emotional well-being of the child.” TEX. FAM. CODE ANN.
    § 161.001(b)(1)(D). Endanger “means to expose to loss or injury, to jeopardize.” In re
    575 S.W.3d 822
    , 831 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2018, pet. denied) (citing In
    re M.C., 
    917 S.W.2d 268
    , 269 (Tex. 1996) (per curiam)). “Knowingly” requires that “the
    parent be aware of but disregard” the potentially endangering environment at issue. See
    In re E.R.W., 
    528 S.W.3d 251
    , 264 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2017, no pet.). It is
    not necessary, however, that the Department show the child’s environment directly
    threatened or injured the child. See In re 
    M.M., 584 S.W.3d at 889
    . Further, termination
    under subsection (D) is permitted on the basis of a single act or omission. See 
    id. at 889–
    90; In re E.M., 
    494 S.W.3d 209
    , 221–22 (Tex. App.—Waco 2015, pet. denied).
    Under subsection (E), the relevant inquiry is whether evidence exists that the
    parent has “engaged in conduct or knowingly placed the child with persons who engaged
    in conduct which endangers the physical or emotional well-being of the child.” 
    Id. § 161.001(b)(1)(E).
    Unlike subsection (D), a finding under subsection (E) cannot be
    based on a single act or omission. See In re P.W., 
    579 S.W.3d 713
    , 726 (Tex. App.—
    Houston [14th Dist.] 2019, no pet.). Subsection (E) “requires a voluntary, deliberate, and
    conscious course of conduct by the parent.” 
    Id. Like subsection
    (D), however, it is not
    necessary that the parent’s conduct be directed at the child or that the child actually suffer
    injury. Tex. Dep’t of Human Servs. v. Boyd, 
    727 S.W.2d 531
    , 533 (Tex. 1987); 
    P.W., 579 S.W.3d at 726
    . A fact finder is also not limited to consideration of the parent’s actions
    before the child has been removed by the Department; any actions or inactions occurring
    before and after a child was born may be considered, including evidence of a parent’s
    drug use or proclivity for violence. See In re J.O.A., 
    283 S.W.3d 336
    , 345 (Tex. 2009).
    Evidence of the children’s environment before the Department obtained custody,
    including the acceptability of the children’s living conditions and parental conduct in the
    home, is subsumed in the (D) and (E) endangerment analysis. See In re J.E.M.M., 
    532 S.W.3d 874
    , 880–81 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2017, no pet.). Likewise,
    “[i]nappropriate, abusive, or unlawful conduct by persons who live in the child’s home or
    with whom the child is compelled to associate on a regular basis in the home is a part of
    the ‘conditions or surroundings’ of the child’s home” under subsection (D) and (E). In re
    579 S.W.3d 744
    , 764 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2019, no pet.) (quoting
    Jordan v. Dossey, 
    325 S.W.3d 700
    , 721 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2010, pet.
    denied)); see also In re 
    E.M., 494 S.W.3d at 222
    (“Abusive or violent conduct by a parent
    or other resident of a child’s home may produce an environment that endangers the
    physical or emotional well-being of a child.”).
    Father and Mother generally contend that no evidence was introduced to
    demonstrate that they had ever endangered or neglected their children, or that their
    behavior was likely to ever endanger or neglect the children. The Department counters
    that the trailer’s unlivable conditions, A.B.’s outcries of witnessing domestic violence, the
    parent’s substance abuse history, Father’s untreated mental illnesses, and the parent’s
    service initiation delays are all sufficient evidence to support the trial court’s finding of
    The record contains evidence that the children were living in an unsafe, unstable
    home environment prior to their removal from Father and Mother’s care. The children’s
    residence was (1) without adequate access to running water; (2) dirty and smelled of
    feces, urine, and cigarette smoke; (3) lacked insulation from the outdoors due to a hole
    in the wall from where the air conditioning unit had fallen in; and (4) did not provide for
    safe sleeping arrangements as two children slept under a collapsing roof while their nine-
    month-old sibling slept several feet away on the floor. See In re A.L., 
    545 S.W.3d 138
    146 (Tex. App.—El Paso 2017, no pet.) (providing that evidence of extremely unsanitary
    conditions, such as pet feces and urine found throughout the home, insects seen on dirty
    dishes, and unflushed toilets, supported finding of endangerment); Phillips v. Tex. Dep’t
    of Protective & Reg. Servs., 
    25 S.W.3d 348
    , 352, 354–55 (Tex. App.—Austin 2000, no
    pet.) (finding sufficient evidence of endangerment where home was “filthy,” contained
    rodents, and had clothes and trash everywhere); see also In re M.B., No. 13-19-00411-
    2019 WL 5997509
    , at *5 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi–Edinburg Nov. 14, 2019, no pet.
    h.) (mem. op.) (finding endangerment due to lack of electricity or running water in the
    trailer); In re E.C.S., No. 14-19-00039-CV, 
    2019 WL 2589943
    , at *14 (Tex. App.—
    Houston [14th Dist.] June 25, 2019, no pet.) (mem. op.) (affirming endangerment finding
    where home was “unsanitary, contained exposed wiring, had no running water, and had
    an odor attributable to dog feces and urine found throughout the home”).
    Evidence of violent conduct in the home between parents is also evidence of an
    environment that endangers the physical or emotional well-being of a child. See In re
    121 S.W.3d 117
    , 125 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2003, no pet.). According to Yackle,
    A.B. witnessed physical violence in the home. See In re 
    P.W., 579 S.W.3d at 727
    ; In re
    452 S.W.3d 351
    , 361 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2014, pet. denied)
    (“Domestic violence, want of self-control, and propensity for violence may be considered
    as evidence of endangerment.”) (citations omitted). Yackle’s depictions of physical
    violence between Father and Mother were consistent with suspicions raised by the
    Department caseworker and Father’s counselor, who testified to witnessing extensive
    verbal abuse. Despite reports of Father’s volatility or aggression towards Mother, Mother
    never removed herself or her children from the situation, denies she has ever been
    subjected to domestic violence, and relies wholly on Father to parent their children. See
    In re I.G., 
    383 S.W.3d 763
    , 770 (Tex. App.—Amarillo 2012, no pet.) (“A parent’s failure to
    remove himself and his children from a violent relationship endangers the physical or
    emotional well-being of the children.”); cf. In re M.G.P., No. 02-11-00038-CV, 
    2011 WL 6415168
    , at *11 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth Dec. 22, 2011, pet. denied) (mem. op.) (finding
    endangerment evidence insufficient where Mother, following recurrent issues of domestic
    violence, sought shelter for herself and her children and there was no evidence that at
    the time of trial, she was still living with Father or in an ongoing relationship with him).
    Evidence of narcotics use and its effect on a parent’s life and his or her ability to
    parent may also establish that the parent has engaged in an “endangering course of
    conduct.” See In re B.M.S., 
    581 S.W.3d 911
    , 917 (Tex. App.—El Paso 2019, no pet.); In
    re R.W., 
    129 S.W.3d 732
    , 739 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2004, pet. denied). The evidence
    concerning the parents’ substance abuse here reflected “more than just ‘remote and
    isolated incidents’” and indicated Mother and Father’s improper prioritizations. Despite
    the family’s dire financial state and Father and Mother’s obligation to provide a safe,
    livable environment for their children, Father and Mother instead used money to purchase
    marijuana and cocaine. See In re D.M., 
    58 S.W.3d 801
    , 813 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2001,
    no pet.) (considering a parent’s choice to spend money on drugs despite other financial
    obligations). One month before the children were removed, the Department had just
    closed out its prior case involving Father and Mother—a case opened only after K.B. was
    born testing positive for marijuana. At the time of removal, Father and Mother tested
    positive for marijuana, and Mother confessed to using marijuana daily. Additionally,
    Father and Mother were unable to hide their drug use from their children. A.B., although
    only eight years old, was privy to her parents’ drug use and articulated to Yackle what the
    drugs looked like, where her parents kept their drugs, and how they would hide the drugs
    when “C.P.S. came.” See In re 
    B.M.S., 581 S.W.3d at 917
    ; Walker v. Tex. Dep’t of Family
    & Protective Servs., 
    312 S.W.3d 608
    , 617 (Tex. App—Houston [1st Dist.] 2009, pet.
    denied) (reasoning that a parent’s illegal drug use may support termination under
    subsection (E) because “it exposes the child to the possibility that the parent may be
    impaired or imprisoned”). Moreover, drug use persisted after the children were removed
    from the home. See In re 
    S.R., 452 S.W.3d at 361
    –62 (“Continued illegal drug use after
    a [child is] remov[ed] is conduct that jeopardizes parental rights and may be considered
    as establishing an endangering course of conduct.”).
    The Department provided evidence that Father and Mother’s drug use
    exacerbated their mental illnesses, which went largely untreated due to noncooperation.
    See In re A.L.H., 
    515 S.W.3d 60
    , 91 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2017, pet. denied)
    (providing that untreated mental illness may also expose a child to endangerment).
    Though Father and Mother began counseling prior to the Department’s removal of their
    children, Morales testified that Father and Mother only attended “five or six sessions” and
    then “kind of disappeared.” Father returned to counseling in July 2019, and he continued
    to refuse to take medication and was unwilling to learn any skills to manage his volatility,
    said Morales. As a consequence, Morales stated her sessions with Father have been
    fruitless. See In re P.H., 
    544 S.W.3d 850
    , 858 (Tex. App.—El Paso 2017, no pet.)
    (considering a parent’s refusal to treat their mental health as a factor in the endangerment
    analysis); In re 
    S.R., 452 S.W.3d at 363
    . Although Mother did not testify and her mental
    health issues were not as debilitating as Father’s, Mother was present during many of the
    counseling sessions with Father. The trial court could have inferred that Mother knew
    Father had serious untreated mental health issues that put their children at risk and
    nonetheless, she did not seek to remove her children from the environment. See In re
    A.C., 560 S.W.3d at 632
    (allowing inferences arising from evidence to support the trial
    court’s finding). Finally, Morales testified to the effects that witnessing unstable parents
    can have on a child’s emotional well-being, stating that several months prior to the
    children’s removal, G.B., a first grader, was expelled from school after threatening to take
    a gun to school to “kill everybody.”
    The Department also presented evidence to support a finding that Father and
    Mother’s delay in their initiation of court ordered services was deliberate and indicative of
    their lack of protective capabilities towards their children. See In re 
    S.R., 452 S.W.3d at 362
    (“A parent’s efforts to improve or enhance parenting skills are relevant in determining
    whether a parent’s conduct results in endangerment under subsection E.” (citing In re
    34 S.W.3d 625
    , 640 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2000, pet. denied)). At the time of
    Father’s belligerent outburst in April 2019, the children had been in their foster placement
    for six months, yet: (1) Father and Mother had not begun attending counseling; (2) Father
    and Mother had begun attending substance abuse counselling sessions at their home
    two months prior but had already discontinued services; (3) Father and Mother were still
    testing positive for drugs; (4) Father and Mother continued to deny domestic violence in
    the home despite contrary reports; and (5) Father and Mother had not remedied any of
    the residence’s safety hazards. See In re 
    J.O.A., 283 S.W.3d at 345
    Though the parents completed many of the services and requirements in the
    weeks leading up to the termination hearing, the trial court was privy to evidence of
    serious unresolved issues affecting Father and Mother’s ability to create and maintain a
    safe environment for their children. Such issues were contested at trial—namely, Father
    and Mother continued to deny domestic violence in the home and disputed the degree of
    Father’s mental health advancements. See In re N.H.N., 
    580 S.W.3d 440
    , 446 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2019, no pet.) (according due deference to the trial court’s
    credibility determinations); see also In re R.S.-T., 
    522 S.W.3d 92
    , 109–10 (Tex. App.—
    San Antonio 2017, no pet.) (“Domestic violence, want of self-control, and propensity for
    violence may be considered as evidence of endangerment.”).
    We observe that the evidence in this case does not show that these children
    suffered any physical injury due to Father and Mother’s conduct or neglect. 11 However,
    such a showing is not necessary to support endangerment findings. In re M.J.M.L., 
    31 S.W.3d 347
    , 350 (Tex. App.—San Antonio 2000, pet. denied) (“[E]ndangerment must be
    a direct result of a parental course of conduct, the conduct described does not have to be
    specifically directed at the child; nor does it have to cause an actual injury to the child or
    even constitute a concrete threat of injury to the child.”).
    11   We note, however, that Father and Mother’s treatment of S.B. after believing her to have
    sustained a broken arm was indicative of their propensity for medical neglect. Despite conceding they
    believed her condition warranted medical intervention, they failed to timely seek appropriate medical care
    for their child. See In re J.D.G., 
    570 S.W.3d 839
    , 852 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2018, pet. denied).
    From the foregoing evidence, a rational finder of fact could have formed a firm
    belief or conviction that both appellants knowingly placed or knowingly allowed the
    children to remain in conditions or surroundings which endangered their physical or
    emotional well-being. See TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 161.001(b)(1)(D), (E). Moreover, to the
    extent the facts were disputed, the trial court could have reasonably resolved those
    disputes in favor of the challenged finding. See In re J.J.L., 
    578 S.W.3d 601
    , 609 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2019, no pet.) (“We may not second-guess the fact finder’s
    resolution of actual dispute by relying on disputed evidence or evidence the fact finder
    ‘could easily have rejected as not credible.’” (quoting In re L.M.I., 
    119 S.W.3d 707
    , 712
    (Tex. 2003))). Accordingly, we conclude that the evidence was legally and factually
    sufficient to support termination under subsection (D) and (E). See TEX. FAM. CODE ANN.
    § 161.001(b)(1)(D), (E).
    C.     Best Interest of the Children
    Father and Mother also challenge the legal and factual sufficiency of the evidence
    to support the trial court’s finding that termination of their parental rights is in the best
    interest of the children. See 
    id. § 161.001(b)(2).
    As previously established, in addition to a predicate violation, the Department must
    prove by clear and convincing evidence that termination is in the children’s best interest.
    See id.; see also 
    id. § 153.002
    (“The best interest of the child shall always be the primary
    consideration of the court in determining the issues of conservatorship and possession of
    and access to the child.”). There is a strong presumption that the best interest of the
    children is served by keeping the children with their natural parents. In re R.R., 
    209 S.W.3d 112
    , 116 (Tex. 2006) (per curiam) (citing TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 153.131(b)).
    A fact finder may consider a number of factors to determine the child’s best
    interest, including the child’s desires, the child’s present and future physical and
    emotional needs, the present and future emotional and physical danger to the child, the
    parental abilities of the people seeking custody, programs available to assist those people
    in promoting the child’s best interest, plans for the child by those people or by the agency
    seeking custody, the acts or omissions of the parent that may indicate that the existing
    parent-child relationship is not appropriate, and any excuse for the acts or omissions of
    the parent. See Holley v. Adams, 
    544 S.W.2d 367
    , 371–72 (Tex. 1976); see also In re
    384 S.W.3d 796
    , 807–08 (Tex. 2012) (reciting the Holley factors). Our “best
    interest” analysis is not limited to these Holley factors, and the absence of evidence
    regarding some of the factors does not preclude a fact finder from reasonably forming a
    strong conviction or belief that termination is in the child’s best interest. See In re 
    C.H., 89 S.W.3d at 27
    1.     Children’s Desires
    As to the first Holley factor, Moretish informed the court of the eldest daughter’s
    wishes to remain living with her siblings in foster care. See 
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    72. Moretish and Yackle testified to the bond that has been established in the last eleven
    months between the children and their foster family.
    2.     Children’s Emotional and Physical Needs Now and in the Future;
    Available Programs; and the Parenting Abilities of the Parents
    The record here is replete with evidence indicating that Father and Mother were
    unable to meet their children’s needs, lacked parenting abilities, and failed to make use
    of available programs at the outset when they exposed their children to unsuitable living
    conditions, drug use, and domestic violence.12 See 
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    –72; see
    also D.O. v. Tex. Dep’t of Human Servs., 
    851 S.W.2d 351
    , 356 (Tex. App.—Austin 1993,
    no writ) (providing that factfinder may infer that a parent’s past inability to meet a child’s
    physical and emotional needs at the time the child was in the parent’s custody may be
    indicative of the parent’s future inability to meet the child’s physical and emotional needs
    if the child is returned to the parent); Garza v. Tex. Dep’t of Human Servs., 
    794 S.W.2d 521
    , 525 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi–Edinburg 1990, no writ) (holding that a parent’s lack
    of judgment and parenting skills are factors to consider in a parental termination analysis).
    The Department contends that severe problems persist, affecting the parents’
    ability to meet their children’s needs now and in the future because any adherence to the
    Department’s requirements for program participation is too superficial to effectuate any
    real change. See 
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    –72; In re G.M.G., 
    444 S.W.3d 46
    , 60 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2014, no pet.) (considering a parent’s willingness to effect
    positive changes to improve their situation for the benefit of their children); see also In re
    582 S.W.3d 421
    , 432–33 (Tex. App.—Amarillo 2018, pet. ref’d) (noting that a
    parent’s delay in beginning services is a consideration in the best interest determination).
    Father and Mother were required, in part, to participate in therapy and substance abuse
    classes. Though Father and Mother returned to therapy three months before the
    termination hearing, their counselor opined that they remained uncooperative, no
    advancements had occurred to treat either parent’s mental health problems, and the
    12   Moreover, Father and Mother’s inability to meet their children’s needs extends far beyond the
    Department’s second 2018 case. Four years prior, the parents voluntarily and informally relinquished their
    rights to their third child because they were homeless, struggling with substance abuse, and already having
    difficulty raising A.B. and G.B. One year later, L.B. was born, followed by S.B. and K.B.
    parents continue to deny domestic violence in the home in the face of divergent evidence.
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    –72; In re O.N.H., 
    401 S.W.3d 681
    , 684–85 (Tex. App.—
    San Antonio 2013, no pet.) (stating that simply exposing a child to the other parent’s
    violence is a relevant consideration in determining a child’s best interest); see also In re
    579 S.W.3d 97
    , 118 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2019, no pet.) (“While mental
    illness is not a ground for parental termination, the impact of a parent’s mental illness on
    his ability to parent and the stability of the home are relevant factors in the best interest
    of the child analysis.”). Similarly, though Father and Mother began substance abuse
    counseling in February, they continued to test positive for drugs throughout the pendency
    of this case; only Father tested negative for drugs for more than a two-month period.
    There has been no evidence presented that either parent has learned how to cope with
    their mental health, substance abuse, or Father’s violent propensities. See In re J.H.G.,
    313 S.W.3d 894
    , 899 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2010, no pet.) (providing that where a parent
    attended services, but “did not take full advantage of them nor show that she would use
    them to care for [her child],” this factor weighs in favor of termination).
    3.     Plans for the Children; Stability of Home or Proposed Placement
    The stability of the children’s proposed home environment is a significant
    consideration in determining whether termination of parental rights is in their best interest.
    In re J.G.S., 
    574 S.W.3d 101
    , 126 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2019, no pet.); In re
    436 S.W.3d 105
    , 120 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2014, no pet.) (“Stability and
    permanence are paramount in the upbringing of children.”). According to Moretish, the
    children are doing exceedingly well in their current placement, meeting their
    developmental milestones and, with the exception of G.B., they are excelling in school.
    The Department also presented evidence that the foster family is open to adoption. See
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    –72; In re W.E.C., 
    110 S.W.3d 231
    , 245 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth
    2003, no pet.).
    Conversely, the trial court reasonably could have determined that Father and
    Mother’s stability remains just as precarious as it has always been. Father’s articulated
    plans for stability—which included possibly securing contracted employment with local
    law enforcement, inheriting a larger trailer conditioned on the landlord “kicking people out
    of” it first, and promising to continue therapy in addition to taking his required medication—
    were, as Father acquiesced, “not guaranteed” or unlikely to come to fruition based on
    Father and Mother’s prior inability to prioritize their children’s needs, as discussed at
    length above. See 
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    –72; In re 
    N.J.H., 575 S.W.3d at 832
    (“[E]vidence of improved conduct, especially of short[]duration, does not conclusively
    negate the probative value of a long history of . . . irresponsible choices.” (quoting In re
    J.O.A., 283 S.W.3d at 346
    )); In re M.R., 
    243 S.W.3d 807
    , 821 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth
    2007, no pet.) (“Evidence of a parent’s unstable lifestyle can . . . support a factfinder’s
    conclusion that termination is in the child’s best interest.”).
    4.     Remaining Factors
    Based on witness depictions of the visitations and interactions between the parents
    and their children, Father and Mother’s acts and omissions, at minimum, continue to
    suggest an undervalued parent-child relationship. See 
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    –72; In
    J.H.G., 313 S.W.3d at 900
    (where a parent engaged very little with her child, had a “flat
    affect and did not seem excited to see [her child] when she arrived for her visits and
    showed no emotion when she left,” the parent’s acts and omissions weighed in favor of
    termination); see also In re D.W., 
    445 S.W.3d 913
    , 932 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2014, pet.
    denied) (providing that evidence considered in other Holley factors may be relevant in
    analyzing the final two factors).
    We observe that Father and Mother have taken several steps to improve their lives
    so that they may be equipped to better provide for themselves and by extension, their
    children—including becoming sober and attending therapy. However, Father and Mother
    have found sobriety and attended therapy in the past, only to relapse shortly thereafter to
    the detriment and neglect of their six children. 13 While it is “our obligation to strictly
    scrutinize termination proceedings and strictly construe the statute in favor of the parent,”
    In re L.J.N., 
    329 S.W.3d 667
    , 673 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi–Edinburg 2010, no pet.),
    we remain mindful that the critical inquiry remains what is in the best interest of the child,
    not what is in the parent’s best interest. In re C.L.C., 
    119 S.W.3d 382
    , 399 (Tex. App.—
    Tyler 2003, no pet.).
    Having analyzed the evidence under the applicable law and appropriate standards
    of review, we conclude that a reasonable trier of fact could have formed a firm belief or
    conviction that termination of both appellants’ parental rights was in the best interest of
    A.B., G.B., L.B., S.B., and K.B. See 
    Holley, 544 S.W.2d at 371
    –72; In re 
    J.O.A., 283 S.W.3d at 346
    ; cf. In re 
    J.E.M.M., 532 S.W.3d at 891
    (holding that the “record evidence
    falls short of the requisite legal standard and cannot support termination of [a parent’s]
    13   The trial court noted as much in an explanation of its findings:
    The incompletion of services[,] particular[ly] pertaining to drug use, counseling[,] and
    mental health and anger management is disturbing, particularly in light of the fact they had
    already been through services once to some degree, and yet when it came to this time it
    was—well, just wasn’t pursued in a manner that left one feeling that it was going to get
    done, and in fact it didn’t get done. . . .
    parental rights” where the parent failed to complete the Department’s services but the
    parent “has no prior history with the Department, no history of drug abuse or committing
    family violence, no criminal history, . . . [and] no mental-health diagnosis” and there was
    “no legally sufficient evidence of endangerment or abandonment”). We overrule Father
    and Mother’s last issue on appeal.
    We affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    Delivered and filed the
    27th day of February, 2020.